Chapter 29

Within a day, dozens of cities fell.

When the news reached the leaders of the Siris government, everyone was shocked again.

They all knew the meaning of the fall of dozens of cities, which meant that in just one day, half of the southern continent had been captured by the Gray Goo Company.

How is this possible?
This reality has made the chief officials of the Siris government change their minds.

They never expected that the Gray Gu Company would be so ferocious.

It's only been a day.

In such a short period of time, the Siris government was able to complete the assembly and dispatch of armies from all over the country. The armies from all over the country had not yet had time to implement the order given to them by the government to conduct a strategic encirclement of Jin City, where the Gray Goo Company was located.

In the current situation, the Siris government is like a fisherman at sea who has just cast a big net and thought he could catch a big fish.

But who would have thought that before the net could be completely spread out, the fish caught in the net struggled violently, not only biting through the fisherman's net, but also swallowing the big net directly into its stomach.

The bloody reality told them that Gray Gu Company was not a big fish caught in a net, but a ferocious beast that had been lurking under the calm sea for a long time.

The opponent can not only swallow the fisherman's net, but also the fisherman himself and the boat carrying the fisherman...

The fall of dozens of cities not only means that half of the southern continent is occupied by the Gray Goo Company, but also means that millions of troops stationed in these cities are dispersed in these cities under the control of the Siris government. Defeated by the omnics of the Gray Goo Company.

In just one day, the superpower Seris was defeated thousands of miles away, and nearly half of its national defense force was destroyed by the Gray Goo Company.

Officials at all levels of the government had to be collectively touched by this.

How terrifying is such a result?
The Gray Goo Company spent a day's war to wake up all the senior leaders of the Siris government.

They were horrified to discover that since Gray Goo Company's omnic troops were able to achieve such horrific results in one day, what's next?

The omnic troops of Gray Goo Company will definitely not give the government any chance to breathe, and attack other cities in the southern continent that have not yet fallen, until they take over the entire continent!
At that time, the Siris government will cease to exist, and they, the leaders of the government, will also be reduced to existence at the mercy of the Gray Goo Company.

No one expected that everything would evolve so quickly.

Two days ago, Gray Gu Company was just an ordinary enterprise that was harmless to humans and animals and could only endure various sanctions and suppression.

In the blink of an eye, the other party became a behemoth capable of destroying the Seris government's position in the southern continent.

The reality did not leave much time for the leaders of the Serris government to lament.

At present, the omnic troops of Gray Goo Company are attacking frantically, and news of the city's fall will be passed to the leaders one after another.

For a time, people were panicked, and officials throughout the Serris government were under tremendous pressure.

Everyone panicked.

At this time, some officials realized that what Gray Goo Company was launching seemed to be more than a simple rebellion war.

Unfortunately, it is too late for them to realize this now.

In order to deal with the threat posed by the Gray Goo Company, an emergency military meeting was convened within the government.

After the unanimous decision of the leaders, the military department of the government was allowed to completely let go of their hands and feet, and they must truly suppress the rebellion launched by the Gray Goo Company at all costs.

They have even released the authority to use nuclear weapons to the military department of the Seris State. If it really comes to the point where nothing can be done, they plan to impose nuclear strikes and sanctions on the Gray Goo way.

The Gray Goo Company's actions were so fast and ferocious that they frightened the leaders.

The fall of dozens of cities in one day really frightened them.

The combat capabilities of Gray Goo Company's omnic troops are too amazing.

Judging from the combat data currently obtained, the government has judged that with the military combat capabilities they currently possess, there seems to be no way to cause any substantial countermeasures to Gray Goo Company's omnic forces.

The tens of millions of modern troops in the hands of the government cannot withstand the attack of the omnic troops of the Gray Goo Company, let alone suppress the rebellion.

It seemed ridiculous to be forced to relax restrictions on nuclear weapons just to suppress a rebellion, but the leaders of the Siris government made this decision, and other officials did not dare to dispute it.

Now the entire government faces the threat of Gray Goo Company and will enter a critical moment of life and death.

The word "dog jumping over the wall" is a perfect word to describe the Siris government at this moment.

The terrifyingly powerful armed force displayed by the Gray Goo Company directly forced the Siris government to this point.

The military department, which has relaxed its hands and feet, has adopted very precise and effective response methods.

Previously, the leaders were indeed frightened by the Gray Goo Company's terrorist offensive that captured half of the southern continent in one day, but the officials in the Siris government were not fools either.

Some knowledgeable people can see it at a glance.

Although Gray Goo Company's omnic troops are powerful and aggressive, they also have an extremely fatal problem.

That is, after the Gray Goo Company captured dozens of cities, the core base of its power is still located in the Golden City where its headquarters is located.

In other words, the gold market is the heart of Gray Goo Company.

If there is no gold market, that is, if the Siris government can take down the headquarters of Gray Goo Company, then all threats may be able to be solved.

Therefore, the military department of the Siris government directly set a strategic policy——

Desperately, destroy the gold market and destroy the headquarters of Gray Gu Company!

Eliminate this rebellion war at the cost of a city.

This strategic approach was immediately agreed upon by officials from all levels of the Siris government.

They were really frightened and driven into panic by the terrifying strength of Gray Gu Company.

Therefore, they have relaxed restrictions on nuclear weapons. This decision may have many adverse effects on the Siris government in the future, but they can't care about that much at the moment.

If the Gray Gu Company can be directly eliminated and the crisis of this rebellion can be suppressed, then no matter how much the cost is, it will be worth it.

After all, it's just a city.

As long as the Gray Gu Company can be destroyed, they can build dozens more cities like Gold Market at any time.

But if they fail to destroy the Gray Goo Company and really let the Gray Goo Company win the war against the Siris government, then they, the leaders and officials of the government, will never have a good life in the future. .

(End of this chapter)

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