Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 58 Everyone will be defeated

Chapter 58 Everyone will be defeated

[Huanyu Think Tank has been activated and is matching identification codes...]

[Identification successful, fully connected to the signal hub, interpreting the computing medium...]

[Lock the target and chase after the angel! 】

[High-dimensional data information attacks are being released, the invasion begins...]


After quickly moving from the original research room, Lu Yuan, Victor and Professor Eureka arrived at a secret monitoring room in the underground base.

Through the original monitoring system in the research room and the dynamic monitoring perspectives of the "martial soldiers", Lu Yuan quickly grasped the situation on the battlefield.

After all, it was on his own territory. Lu Yuan had complete control over the entire underground base. He kept issuing orders to dispatch more intelligent mechanical units to the research room for support.

Seeing that the angel chase was gradually exhausted by the constant consumption of the "martial soldiers".

Lu Yuan showed a satisfied smile.

The power of the second generation of angels is vividly demonstrated in Angel Chase.

Even if you are a trapped beast still fighting, even if you are in a dangerous situation, even if you are unable to display your full combat power due to terrain restrictions, there is still a burden around you.

But the angel chased them forward and backward, relying on a flaming sword to defend one place and directly wiped out nearly two hundred "martial soldiers".

If she were allowed to fight outdoors without restrictions, the reimbursement amount of the "martial soldiers" might increase five or six times.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for Lu Yuan to let her get her wish.

If the loss of more than 200 intelligent mechanical units can be replaced by a second-generation Angel, this will be a sure-profit deal.

Even if this amount is increased five or six times, it will still be a steady profit for the company.

It would even be an exaggeration to say that even if the underground secrets where they were located and the company headquarters on the ground were involved because of their bad relationship with Angel Chase, it would still be worth it if they could severely injure and capture the other party.

In order to prevent the duck that was almost cooked to the mouth from flying away, Lu Yuan made all necessary sacrifice preparations and coping methods.

In order to prevent the angels from using micro-wormholes to transport them and run away alone, Lu Yuan had already mobilized the "Global Think Tank" to suppress them.

Although the technology of microwormhole transportation is very advanced and difficult to defend against for most backward civilizations that have not reached god-level standards.

But that's not the case for Lu Yuan.

Those warriors of god-level civilizations who are like angels can certainly rely on micro-wormhole transportation to come and go without a trace, quickly interspersing in the battlefield, in order to achieve the purpose of precise sniping and even decapitation of the enemy.

But scientifically speaking, the prerequisite for the use of micro-wormhole transportation technology is to master the micro-wormhole algorithm. God-level civilization warriors who use micro-wormhole transportation first solve the problem for themselves, and then use the micro-wormhole algorithm when using it. The introduction of the hole algorithm drives dark energy to achieve the effect of instantly breaking through the space medium barrier, thereby realizing the transfer from one point to another in the spatial orientation.

In general, the core of microwormhole transport technology mainly focuses on its algorithm.

Theoretically, as long as it affects the normal introduction of its algorithm, it can prevent the other party from realizing object transportation through micro-wormhole transportation.

For a qualified angel warrior, the genetic engine in their body is like a miniature supercomputer, which can help them quickly process a lot of information and export and import micro-wormhole algorithms.

And they themselves are like an "organic intelligent machine" equipped with a micro-supercomputer in their body. They can import genetic engines through micro-wormhole algorithms, thereby driving the angel wings to quickly break through the barriers of space.

Lu Yuan is well aware of the characteristics of microwormhole transport technology.

Therefore, in order to prevent the introduction of the opponent's micro-wormhole algorithm, it is necessary to directly carry out information attacks on the "supercomputer" in their bodies.

To achieve this, it is obviously impossible to rely solely on the existing technology of Gray Goo Company.

After all, the super genes on angels use dark matter encoding and decryption technology.

With most of Gray Goo Company's existing information technology means, it is simply unrealistic to conduct information attacks on them.

The two are just like on earth, if a company wants to hold a World War II radio and want to use information means to compete with a touch-screen mobile phone with a 5G network, it is simply not advisable.

But the "Universal Think Tank" in Lu Yuan's hands is an exception.

The Universal Think Tank is a super celestial database with nearly infinite computing power, but it is set up in a certain high-latitude space, and uses some of its own high-dimensional technology to conduct unilateral docking with Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan controls the "Universal Think Tank" and can connect this super celestial database that exists in a certain high-dimensional space to reality by allowing it to access identification codes, and can use some real-life equipment as a medium to Use its power fully in reality.

Just like now, Lu Yuan has connected the "Universal Think Tank" to the information hub of the company headquarters, allowing a huge torrent of high-dimensional data to break through the barriers of dimensions and act in reality.

The information hub is an instruction transmission transfer station and a signal tower. It is connected to the "Global Think Tank" in real time.

It is through this connection between the "Global Think Tank" and the information hub that Lu Yuan can issue orders to all the omnic units on Aier Star at will.

However, the previous connection between the information hub and the "Universal Think Tank" was like a water pipe grafted between a small fish pond and a vast ocean. In fact, this method of use did not fully demonstrate the true role of the "Universal Think Tank", and even It can be said that it is overkill.

After all, it is extremely unrealistic to mobilize the entire water volume of a vast ocean to supply it based on the consumption of just one small fish pond.But this time, in order to deal with Angel Chase, Lu Yuan strengthened the connection between the "Universal Think Tank" and the information hub, and directly caused the "Universal Think Tank" to release a torrent of high-dimensional data. This torrent of high-dimensional data carried The huge data is like launching a tsunami...

The information hub, a command transfer station used as a real media, was almost directly submerged.

The information hub's own processing system simply cannot handle such a huge data torrent, and can only quickly open the floodgates to release the flood.

The direction of the flood discharge has been locked for a long time. In a certain research room of the underground base, Angel Chase is fighting to the death with hundreds of "war soldiers".


[Intrusion of information from unknown sources has been detected, the information identification code has been deciphered, and the genetic system is working hard to prevent it...]

[Failed to prevent, data paralysis, abort all ongoing operations...]

[It has been detected that the connection with the treasure house of sacred knowledge is disappearing, and the transmission of known data back to the Angel Nebula has failed...]

[The gene engine is losing some genetic data, alert, alert...]

Angel Chase, who originally planned to escape from the battle through a microwormhole, opened her eyes wide. She suddenly lost the support of the genetic engine, and all the strength in her body seemed to have been taken away and disappeared in an instant.

Angel Chase felt that the flaming sword in her hand was getting heavier and heavier, and the silver armor on her body also brought an unimaginable burden to her.

"How is this going?"

Her snow-white face showed disbelief.

Seeing a "martial soldier" attack her, Angel Chase wanted to raise his sword to block it, but her reaction and movements were frighteningly slow. She felt an unprecedented "weakness".

Her chest was hit by a high-energy particle ray, and she was protected by the angel's silver armor. She was not penetrated, but her whole body was hit by a strong inertial force. She flew directly up and fell to the ground. On the wall, when she fell to the ground, her consciousness could not hold on after all, and she fainted.

From beginning to end, she didn't understand what kind of attack she had encountered.


Kalena, who had been chased and protected by angels since the battle, couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this scene.

She witnessed with her own eyes the whole process of the angel who was fighting majestically and fighting to the death being chased away and finally passed out.

Karina was stunned.

She didn't understand what was happening either.

But seeing that after losing Angel Chase, the main force blocking the front, those "martial soldiers" pressed towards her step by step, Kalina gritted her teeth without any flinching.

Unfortunately, she was already in poor condition, and she had been captured once before by the company's omnic unit.

Once alive, twice familiar, this time she was naturally captured again after desperately resisting, and once again became the company's trophy.

At this point, a farce-like conflict has subsided, but a bigger "farce" is about to begin.


[Hidden Event: Angel’s Judgment! 】

[Radicality of the current situation: 125.6%]

[Event stage description: In the end, you chose to provoke a powerful enemy. They are called angels, they establish the order of justice, and are the "Kings of Gods" in the known universe. From them, your civilization will see that this is A universe ruled by a so-called god-level civilization, gods?In the eyes of true materialists, there is nothing in the world that can be called sacred, except themselves. 】

[What will be the cost of offending "gods" and "angels", and the cost of violating the justice they preach?A demise?A war?Or...a destruction? 】

[It may be nothing more than these possibilities, but it doesn’t matter. Your civilization doesn’t seem to care about these at all. I just hope that in the end your civilization will not regret its actions, and in the end, it can boldly preach to all enemies in the world——]

["She/they will all fall at our hands!"]


[Obtain bonus reward: Angel enemies, Angel civilization favorability -1000! 】


After handling the conflict, Lu Yuan exhaled and turned around to see that Victor was seriously injured and one of his arms was broken. He was being treated by several emergency medical robots and several medical staff.

He was affected to a certain extent by Kalina's sudden attack.

After all, he was just a flesh and blood body of an ordinary person, too weak. Even though he had the cover of more than a dozen "martial soldiers", the thing happened too suddenly and too directly. In the rush, Victor still suffered such heavy injuries. .

Not only Victor, because the distance was too close, Lu Yuan himself also suffered some injuries. Among the three, only Professor Eureka was unharmed.

However, these small sacrifices and injuries are worth the current gains.

(End of this chapter)

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