Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 65: Ji Ze’s Development

Chapter 65: Ji Ze’s Development
"The company's current reserves of third-grade alloys are quite sufficient, which can support the space engineering plan for the next year, and the energy can also maintain the stable progress of various projects in the long term." Professor Eureka reported.

"That's it..." Lu Yuan tapped his fingers on the table and made some calculations secretly.

As a collective leader, the characteristics that need to be possessed are planning and calculation.

Planning is the purpose of obtaining more resources and utilization for the group behind you in the form of planning, while calculation is settling accounts.

Calculate how many resources you have at your disposal so that you can decide what you should do and what you can do.

At present, if the company wants to develop space engineering, the most important resources it needs to pay attention to are tertiary alloys and energy reserves.

These two resources are a top priority.

Level [-] alloys are designated alloys used in the production of ships, and the company has planned to reserve them a long time ago.

The company currently has three levels of alloy indicators. Each level of alloy production requires different mineral resources.

The production of secondary alloys consumes more waste mineral resources than the first-level alloys, while the production of third-level alloys naturally requires more mineral resources than the production of the first two levels.

The company's current alloy consumption is mainly concentrated on the consumption of primary alloys and secondary alloys.

Primary Alloy is used to produce Gray Goo omnics that are used to replace the base workforce.

The company currently has nearly 30 billion Gray Goo omnics on Aiur. These Gray Goo omnics have replaced most of the current labor positions on the planet, but they are far from enough.

This is because the company plans to allow the omnic workforce to completely acquire the grassroots labor force. After all, the company currently supports 200 billion employees and 200 billion "living bodies". Such a huge population base can only be provided by 30 billion gray goo omnics. The labor force is far from being able to fully support them.

Therefore, the company still needs to continuously manufacture more gray goo intelligent machines. For this reason, the company's primary alloy resources are consumed very much.

Secondary alloys have a wider range of uses. In addition to being used to produce ordinary combat-type intelligent weapons, many regional constructions and the construction of some important projects also require the investment of a large amount of secondary alloys. Therefore, the company's resource consumption in this area is also Not small.

The company originally did not need to worry about the consumption of mineral resources that affected the alloy resource reserve. In the original development plan, in addition to the mineral resources in the company's hands being used for the production and consumption of primary and secondary alloys, a large part could be left for use. to plan the production of some accumulated inventory of tertiary alloys.

Of course, this is just the original development plan.

Now, Victor needs to implement the "Synthetic Era Plan", and Lu Yuan wants to speed up the space engineering plan, shortening the project that originally took five to ten years to one to two years.

As a result, the company has two more large consumers of alloy resources.

Victor's "Synthetic Era Project" requires the use of massive amounts of secondary alloys, and the resources of tertiary alloys needed to accelerate the space engineering program are also a considerable expense.

The company's current mineral resource income cannot meet such huge future demand. If this continues, the production rate of alloy resources will not be able to meet future demand.

Nowadays, the company has 38 industrial foundry areas and 44 resource mining areas. Once the mineral and alloy resources it can provide are in deficit, his plan for rapid development will be forced to stop...

That's a situation no one wants to see.

Originally, all resources were planned and just enough.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes. Because of the hostility with Angel, Lu Yuan can only speed up the already extremely fast development plan even more urgently. Therefore, there may be a shortage of resources in the future.

When problems arise, we must solve them, but problems arising from this kind of resources are not so easy to solve...

After all, resources do not appear out of thin air. The accumulation of any resources takes time, and Luyuan is all about squeezing time.

Lu Yuan thought carefully.

Since there is a lack of alloy resources, the scale of production must be expanded. The best way to expand the scale of production is to increase the industrial casting division. Not only the industrial casting division must be expanded, but the resource extraction division must also be expanded.

But now the various divisions of El Star have been arranged and divided. All the land in the six continents that can be divided into divisions has been divided into divisions. Now in a short period of time, where should he expand the divisions? ?

The ocean?
It is indeed a long-term and good idea. With the construction technology that the company currently possesses, it can completely build its large-scale urban clusters or mining areas on the sea, or even under the sea, to divide foundry areas and resource areas.

But that kind of idea is only suitable for long-term development and is not suitable for short-term cash out at all.

Furthermore, building cities on the sea and under the sea also requires the investment of a large amount of resources.

Therefore, the idea of ​​claiming more resources and development space from the ocean in a short period of time will not work.

Lu Yuan then thought again, if the ocean was not good enough, he could only focus on the land.

His eyes flashed.

Nowadays, the resources and spaces on land, on the surface and partially underground have been utilized or planned by companies, but what about the deeper underground?

Deeper underground, there are more resources and spaces that have not been explored by the company. However, the development of resources in the lower areas will inevitably cause some serious environmental problems to the planet. In serious cases, it may even cause some serious environmental problems. natural disaster.But there seems to be no better way to deal with the current problem.

Then we can only sacrifice the Aiir star that the company currently relies on for its survival.

The moral values ​​promoted by companies today do not include the concept of forcing themselves to protect the environment.

In the face of interests, everything must be compromised, not to mention the mere environment.

Normally, when seeking development, if the company can avoid actively damaging the environment, the company will try its best to avoid this situation.

After all, with the resource extraction technology in the hands of today's companies, if they really don't care about the damage to the planet's ecological environment, the damage they can cause to a planet is far beyond the industrial damage of the old era.

Furthermore, the company has not yet fully reached the point where it can survive and develop completely without the need for a suitable ecological environment.

But now that profit is the most important thing, the company has no choice but to take action on Al Star.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Yuan decided to add 40 underground resource mining zones and 20 underground industrial foundry zones.


[You have made an important decision, and your planet will receive the following rewards: exhaustive development! 】



In this way, there is no need to worry about the supply and demand of alloys and mineral resources in the future.

But energy problems arose again.

Originally, the company's energy supply and demand were just enough, with some surplus overflowing.

But now that active development must be accelerated, there will naturally be a shortage of energy.

First, the original development plan was for each of the company's zones to be self-sufficient in energy use.

But among the many energy sources currently used by the company, electric energy and nuclear energy still occupy the main positions.

Before the company unified the planet, the energy utilization technologies used by those superpowers were mainly focused on nuclear fusion technology and nuclear fission technology.

When the company opened up the production and manufacturing technology of Gray Goo intelligent machines to those extinct superpowers, one of the many technologies included was a controlled cold nuclear fusion technology.

After the planet was unified, the energy technology used by the company was unified and standardized, with fusion energy technology being the main supplier.

Fusion energy technology provides sufficient energy supply for the development and construction of the entire planet.

But if the company wants to develop rapidly so that it can realize its space engineering program within one or two years, it will need more powerful and advanced energy technology to support it.

Lu Yuan originally wanted to have the company gradually replace the original nuclear fusion energy technology with more advanced cold fusion energy technology in the subsequent development plan.

Development at the current stage must be done step by step. Although the original development plan was fast, it was done step by step steadily.

But taking it slow and steady will no longer work now.

Even if it switches to cold fusion energy technology, it is estimated that it will not be able to support the energy demand brought about by the company's rapid development in the next one or two years.

To develop a space engineering program, it is necessary to build ships, the energy required to build ships, and the energy required to drive ships for long-term navigation in deep space. Where is the energy needed...

Victor's "Synthetic Era Project" also requires a large amount of energy support...

Even cold fusion energy technology cannot supply such a huge energy demand in a short period of time.

Therefore, Lu Yuan decided to skip the application of cold fusion energy technology and use more powerful antimatter energy technology!
At present, the company has the basic industry to master anti-matter energy technology. It relies on standardized construction templates, the execution of gray goo intelligent machines, and some intelligent management. Using this dangerous technology will not make the company appear. Too big a hidden danger problem.

The use of any technology cannot be taken for granted, and it does not mean that as long as you master its technical theory and industrial foundation, you can casually let it exert its due effect.

A reasonable management system is also a necessary prerequisite to ensure technology upgrade and application.

Previously, the energy usage in the company's hands was all mobilized by the business department. However, with the technological upgrade, once anti-matter energy technology is used, the management, safety and mobilization of energy need to be more rigorous.

Lu Yuan decided to take the opportunity to establish a Ministry of Energy while promoting anti-matter energy technology upgrades, and at the same time establish new energy management divisions to establish a more complete and rigorous energy management system.

(End of this chapter)

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