Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 78 Investigation Action

Chapter 78 Investigation Action
Although the Danube Empire is only an aerospace-level civilization, they are extremely warlike. In their eyes, their civilization itself is a high and noble civilization, so they call themselves imperial civilization.

In the process of the space age of their empire, they have always regarded those lower civilizations that are weak and backward, like uncivilized beasts as the objects to be conquered. In the process of conquering those weak civilizations, their civilization naturally formed internal Some kind of superiority.

Although they understand that their civilization is not the most powerful in this vast universe, but in terms of the weak civilizations that their empire has encountered, they are indeed superior to other civilizations. .

It is not that they have not encountered civilizations that are more powerful than them. There was once an advanced civilization that called itself an angel and found them when their civilization was still weak and had just developed aerospace technology.

Those angels were like gods in fairy tales, wearing silver armor, carrying wings on their backs, and holding sharp swords. They were all beautiful women. Those angels asked them to submit to some righteous order and asked them to establish their faith in angels. Ask them to adhere to something akin to dogma.

It is a pity that their Danube Empire had just entered the space age at that time, and their knowledge of many things in the universe was limited.

Suddenly being approached by such an advanced and powerful civilization, out of caution, they conservatively rejected those angels' invitation to spread their faith and join some righteous order.

Later, after hundreds of years of interstellar expansion, their empire had expanded the territory of civilization to nearly fifty light-years and colonized more than 200 star systems, but they had never encountered the person they once wanted to invite. They join the angelic civilization of the righteous order.

But then they encountered some other civilizations that accepted the favor of angels and were willing to join the righteous order. They were also aerospace-level civilizations like their empire, and their strength was almost the same.

Those civilizations adhered to the concepts of peaceful development, safeguarding justice, and stability in all directions, but conflicts and contradictions occurred with their Danubian Empire.

Because their Danube Empire was too warlike and keen on interstellar expansion, the conflicts with the civilizations under the righteous order became increasingly intensified, and many large-scale wars and exchanges occurred.

Most of the wars were not initiated by the Danube Empire, but their constant provocations led to the final outbreak. The civilizations under the righteous order declared war on their empire in the name of trial, but the result of the war was that they won more than they lost. few.

However, those civilizations under the righteous order that suffered defeat were not protected and supported by those angels in the end.

But because of the strength that the angelic civilization had brought to them, even though the Danube Empire had won many wars, it no longer continued to actively provoke and attack the civilizations under the righteous order that it encountered. They chose to expand interstellar in directions that have not encountered other space civilizations.

Now, in the Toss galaxy, which their Danubian Empire has only developed for more than ten years and has been designated as the frontier, they seem to have encountered a civilization that is more advanced than their empire.

The scientific and technological strength of this civilization is obviously ahead of their Danube Empire, but it is not clear how compared to the angels who have come to their empire, this unknown civilization that has just encountered and is not even willing to actively communicate with them is better. Strong and weak...

After careful consideration, although Sir Corus felt angry, he did not make any extraordinary move.

They just helplessly allowed the intruder, who was an uninvited guest, to cruise around unimpeded in their Toss galaxy.

The gap in strength can only make them temporarily restrain themselves a little. The arrogance accumulated in the past towards those backward civilizations that can only live in the planet and are so primitive as to be uncivilized has to be hidden first.

"Report, we have deciphered the other party's ship data code and are stealing the other party's information database. The other party is indifferent and has no overreaction." On the scientific research ship, Professor Li and others finished exploring the Toss galaxy and were preparing to leave the star system. He also successfully cracked the opponent's ship's information database.

It wasn't that Professor Li meant to offend the Danube Empire's exploration fleet, but the other party's information technology was too low-level. They just deciphered it casually, and the other party's information was like a faucet that couldn't stop the water. It flowed in front of them, and the other ship must not have noticed it.

"The Danube Empire has entered the space age, and has developed aerospace technology for 370 five Kamigawa years. Its civilized territory reaches fifty light years, and it borders several aerospace civilizations under the righteous order..."

After carefully examining the information obtained from the Danube Empire's exploration fleet in the Toss galaxy, Professor Li immediately devised a bold plan after a burst of program analysis at the computing core. .

Unexpected joy.

Without this information, their subsequent mission would be nothing more than mechanically exploring unknown star systems one after another.

Originally, they thought that this so-called Danube Empire, like the previous Modo civilization, was just a backward ordinary aerospace-level civilization, but they did not expect that the civilization territory behind the other party could cover fifty light years.

Fifty light years may not sound like much, but it is a territory measured in light years.

Fifty light years away, even if their scientific research ship uses a hyperspace engine to cross galaxies at super-light speeds and cruise at sub-light speeds within the star system, and continues to explore, it will take less than half a year to complete the exploration.

Now that the Danube Empire's information is right in front of them, and there are several aerospace-level civilizations near the opponent's civilization territory, if they can continue to steal the opponent's civilization's information, then their scientific research ships can spend the shortest time to collect more The intelligence of the star system can be used to complete the tasks assigned to them by the company faster.

Originally, their mission was to ascertain the specific conditions of all star systems within two hundred light-years with the Aiur Galaxy as the center point for the company in the shortest possible time, and to collect resource data on related galaxies.

To complete such a task, five scientific research ships originally started exploring from five different directions, but it actually took them five to six years to complete the final goal.

But if this plan is implemented, their estimated time to complete the task will be greatly reduced.

As soon as this plan was generated in Professor Li's computing core, it was immediately communicated to other people on the ship through the public communication channel, and then a discussion was held to collectively analyze whether the plan was feasible.

In the end, this plan was unanimously approved by all personnel on the scientific research ship and implemented.

Therefore, after their scientific research ship left the Toss galaxy, they immediately began to head towards the core star field of the Danube Empire according to the information obtained from the fleet commanded by Sir Corus.

There, they will cause a sensational incident of civilized diplomacy.

(End of this chapter)

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