Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 89 Enemy Ships Attack

Chapter 89 Enemy Ships Attack
On the outskirts of the Sakaban galaxy, in the clouds of dust and material.

Sir Carter is commanding the fleet. At the current sailing speed of their fleet, it will take about ten years to sail to the next closest galaxy to them.

In the past ten years, their ships will be like a lone boat heading to their destination.

Now they are flying away from the dust nebula at the outermost edge of the Sakaban galaxy. This dust nebula is about a light-year in diameter, wrapping the Sakaban galaxy where they originally were, and also connecting to other surrounding star systems.

The long interstellar voyage is a lonely and lonely journey for low-light-speed civilizations.

In order to survive this boring journey, most of the lower-level shipboard personnel on various ships in the fleet, such as soldiers, engineers, technicians and other basic personnel, must enter the freezing sleep cabin to sleep until they are needed. When the time comes, they will be collectively awakened and enter the working state.

While sleeping in the dormant cabin, those basic personnel only need to consume minimal material supplies to maintain their normal survival.

They are like robots, completely oblivious to the happenings and changes in external affairs. They only need to wait for the moment they are awakened and carry out the tasks assigned to them by the ship commander.

From birth to death, some of them may not be able to leave the ship they are on throughout their lives, but they have indeed devoted their humble lives to the ship they are on.

Sometimes they are lucky, and they may be woken up once after sleeping for a year or two to perform some tasks assigned to them by the ship's senior management. Others are unlucky. From the moment they lie down in the hibernation cabin, their lives begin to change. They are no longer under their control. It may not be more than ten years before they have a chance to be awakened. No one knows how much time will elapse between the next time they are ordered to be awakened and the time when the battleship they are on is destroyed.

Of course, these things are aimed at the basic personnel at the bottom.

On a Danube Empire ship, in addition to a large number of basic personnel at the bottom, it is naturally equipped with commanders and other senior generals who are high up, occupy important positions, and hold great power.

These people are the masterminds on the ship. Naturally, they do not need to accept orders from anyone to be awakened. If they want, they can independently control the time they spend in the dormant cabin, and they have control over most of the resources on the ship. , are qualified to allow themselves to enjoy a better and more elegant aristocratic life than those basic personnel during the endless interstellar journey.

Just like now, Sir Carter had a worried look on his face. He had just attended an elegant banquet organized by the same powerful officers as himself on the ship.

Ever since he decided to lead the fleet to rebel from the Danube Empire, among the ships in the fleet, the big and small dignitaries who served as officers and officers at all levels inevitably had their hearts wandering.

After all, not everyone would have the same valid reasons to betray the empire as he did.

Most of the generals who were composed of dignitaries at all levels in the other fleets came from different homes. The forces behind them in the Danube Empire were too complex. After being coerced into "rebellion" by him, the previous generals did not appear to have any What objections are there to him.

But now the fleet has to sail for more than ten years. In such a long time span, no one can guarantee that they will not have any accidents.

Therefore, Sir Carter knew that he could not lie down in the freezing hibernation cabin and undergo long-term hibernation to survive this long journey.

When people's hearts are fluctuating, he will buy them and appease them.

As long as they persist for more than ten years, they will be able to reach the territory of another aerospace civilization and regain a new life. During these ten years of navigation, he must keep his eyes open at all times and not let any accidents happen to him. Okay... Just when Sir Carter was thinking about how he should deal with the internal backlash against him as the commander in the next dozen years, a surprising piece of news came to him.

"Reporting to Sir Carter, the space monitor located in the Sakaban galaxy sent abnormal feedback. It is suspected that a large-scale fleet has broken into the Sakaban galaxy!" the technical staff suddenly exclaimed.

His voice also surprised Sir Carter.

"What? What happened? How could there be any abnormal feedback? Is the empire's fleet catching up? No, it's impossible. The empire's fleets are all in other frontier galaxies. If you want to reach the Sakaban galaxy, you need to at least Decades, decades... They can't possibly rush to the Sakaban galaxy now!" Sir Carter was shocked when he heard this, and said with a shocked expression:
"Even if they arrive, by that time, we will have already escaped. How could there be any large-scale fleet invading the Sakaban galaxy..."

"Continue to collect information. Are you sure the news is accurate? Is there really a large-scale fleet invading the Sakaban system?"

"Sir Sir, let me take another look. Maybe there is a signal failure in the monitoring system. I will look for the cause." The technical staff said quickly.

The current location of their fleet is, to be precise, still in the Sakaban galaxy, but far away from the range of the star's gravity well.

Before they left the Sakaban galaxy, there were still a large number of space facilities they had built inside the Sakaban galaxy. Those space facilities had space monitors that could accurately capture ship signals and other cosmic signals in any galaxy. Originally, They use it to predict in advance and prevent the invasion of other alien fleets.

But now that they have decided to "rebellion" from the Danube Empire, those things have become useless furnishings to them. Therefore, when they hurriedly wanted to leave the Sakaban galaxy, they did not destroy those space facilities.

On the contrary, they can also use the control over the space facilities in the Sakaban galaxy to provide a certain degree of signal cover and intelligence prediction for the "rebellion" of their own fleet.

But just now, a fleet of unknown origins suddenly broke into the Sakaban galaxy at a speed that they could not imagine. When the space monitor gave an alarm, Sir Carter and the technical staff all looked... Surprised and uncertain.

After an inspection, the technical staff member looked as if he had seen a ghost and said to Sir Carter:
"No, Sir, it's really a large-scale alien fleet that has arrived in the Sakaban system!"

"And the speed of this fleet... hiss, it's amazingly fast!"

"No, no, no, the information data returned by the space monitor shows that this fleet of ships invading the Sakaban galaxy is attacking our fleet at sub-light speed!"


Sir Carter was startled again. When several bad keywords fell into his ears, he only felt dizzy.

Sublight travel? !

Attack? !
(End of this chapter)

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