Chapter 48 King Kong Temple

"Baga! What are you doing!"

After receiving Yagyu Du's report, Inukai Saburo was so angry that he almost had a heart attack on the spot, and threw the documents on the table at him.

The empire finally discovered the shadow of the extraordinary creature, but now it comes to report that the tengu has disappeared. Isn't this a joke!

It is disappearing, not disappearing!
If it disappears, there is still a little bit of hope, and maybe we can continue to track it down.

But disappear?
Yagyu Duchi has reported truthfully what happened when the Crow Tengu finally turned into spots of light all over the sky. Although everyone doesn’t know what it means, at any rate Japan is a country with a strong two-dimensional culture, and it has been filmed in so many Hollywood blockbusters. Similar scenes, as long as you are not stupid, you can naturally understand what it is.

"I'm so sorry!"

Yagyu could only bow at ninety degrees to express his apology, although no one expected that Crow Tengu could have this trick, because it had never been mentioned in those myths and stories before!

But it was obvious that it was absolutely stupid to argue with his boss at this time. As long as he was not mentally retarded, he would not go to popularize this kind of knowledge with the angry Saburo Inukai.

"Damn it! What do you think we should do now?"

After venting his anger, Inukaisaburo angrily sat down and asked Yagyu alone.

"Well, before the Crow Tengu died, he released a red light similar to an organization at the subordinate. The subordinate thought that it should be a revenge-type mark!"

"Uh? It doesn't matter to you, right?"

In fact, someone had reported this news to Inukai Saburo a long time ago, but the other party must take the initiative to say this kind of thing to be sincere, right?

"Excuse me, Your Excellency, for worrying about it. This subordinate has already committed a crime for not completing his mission. If he can contribute to the empire with this broken body, he will be considered a worthy death!"

"Yagyu-kun! You are indeed the pillar of the country!"

The two of them immediately started chatting in a pretense manner, and it was impossible to tell that the office was filled with tense smoke just now.

"Do you have any specific plans for the next step?"

After a few polite words, Inukaisaburo asked.

He is under a lot of pressure now. It is true that the American father was temporarily deceived, but as a good boy, Inukai Saburo knows the temper of the American father.

Once their father found out that he had deceived them, he would definitely not run away if he gave them a beating.

If he can't show his value before his father gets angry, Saburo Inukai will suddenly feel a phantom pain in his face!
There's nothing I can do about it. I've been whipped so many times that I've developed a conditioned reflex. "This failure was due to a lack of understanding of the Tengu's abilities, and at the same time, too much trust in the research of the guys from the Scientific Research Department. My subordinates felt that since mythical creatures like Tengu exist, the gods and monks from ancient legends may have Some special means! After all, when it comes to professionalism, they are more reliable!"

In fact, Yagyu had already undergone a full-body examination in the medical room before he came to report, but those guys kept saying that there was nothing wrong with him and that he could go directly to the Olympics if he was healthy. This made him angry. !
I was hit directly in the face with a curse from the Crow Tengu, and you guys actually said that there was nothing wrong with me. Isn't this nonsense?
Originally, Yagyu was planning to go to Izumo Grand Shrine and Kongo Temple to have a look, but considering that the cabinet was still waiting for him to report the situation, Yagyu had to come immediately to perform his work.

It is true that even if he doesn't come, there will be other people who will deliver news to the cabinet, but as the person in charge of this operation, if he even pretends to report personally to others, then does he still want his position?
"There is some truth in what you said!"

Inukai Saburo nodded. The failure of this operation also exposed many problems. It was obvious that they had despised the enemy before the operation!
The Crow Tengu's combat effectiveness is actually not strong. For special operations forces equipped with modern thermal weapons, if the cabinet government had not insisted on keeping it alive, Yagyu said that he had at least a hundred ways to kill it.

However, extraordinary creatures cannot be inferred using common sense. The Crow Tengu actually has an almost insoluble resistance to anesthetics and electric shockers. This is really incomprehensible.

If the Crow Tengu can be captured alive, or even if the body can be brought back, we can at least study why its body structure is so strange.

Following their two sides' decision, the two largest and most prestigious institutions in Tokyo, Izumo Taisha Shrine and Kongoji Temple, were suddenly confused!

"Master, the cabinet invited us to participate in the exorcism ceremony, and we also want to discuss how to conquer the Tengu!"

In the Vajra Temple, the acting abbot Fuhai said excitedly to his master, the current abbot Fazang.

As the largest temple in Tokyo, Kongoji Temple monopolizes one-third of Tokyo's cemeteries. Its daily income from selling coffins exceeds nine figures, which is much higher than the profits of those listed groups.

It’s just as the saying goes, the troubles of being poor are the worries of being rich, and the worries of being rich are.

Master Fazang said that he has never pursued money at all in his life. What he pursues now is completely spiritual needs that transcend worldly material things. That is, he wants to turn Kongoji Temple into the number one temple in Japan. For this, he does not care how much money he spends. All are happy.

After all, money has no real role for him, but if Kongo Temple can be made the number one in Japan, then his reputation will be passed down even after a thousand years.

But money can indeed solve 90.00% of the worries in this world, but there is always one percent of the worries that money cannot solve.

The rise of Kongoji Temple occurred in the past hundred years. It can be said that it became rich while Tokyo's development caught up with it. Its historical heritage and cultural heritage are far different from those thousand-year-old temples such as Sensoji Temple and Daitokuji Temple.

Even though Master Fuzang spent a lot of money over the years to have TV stations and newspapers praise Kongo Temple, and also found a few novelists to make up a bunch of stories based on Kongo Temple, so far he has only become famous in Tokyo. , few people outside the Tokyo area know about it.

There is no way, if you can really use a pen to darken a thousand-year-old temple or improve your status, even a great literary master needs the right time, place and people to do it. Most people simply don't have that ability.

It is precisely because he knows his father's wish that Zen Master Fuhai is very excited now.

If we can build a good relationship with the cabinet government this time, and the Kongang Temple will be the host regardless of whether it is New Year's Day or National Day, then even if it cannot keep up with those thousand-year-old temples, it will still have the capital to be on an equal footing, right?
(End of this chapter)

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