Chapter 56 Master
Tokyo Metropolitan Special Care Ward!
As the leading top hospital in Tokyo, this hospital has received countless dignitaries. It can be said that both doctors and nurses are used to seeing big scenes.

But this formation in front of us?
Anyway, Aunt Sato, who has been working as a cleaner in this hospital for 40 years, said that this was the first time she had seen it in all her years.

The Prime Minister of the Cabinet, the Minister of Defense and a bunch of guys she didn't know but who looked like big shots crowded the corridor. The dean who used to have his eyes high and seemed to be the biggest in the world could only stand outside the corridor. !
"How is the patient's condition?"

Inukaisaburo asked the attending doctor.

"This! The patient's condition is very unstable, and this kind of injury has never been seen before!"

The attending doctor felt extremely nervous. Looking at the situation, wouldn't he be buried with him if he couldn't be cured?

"Say the point!"

Saburo Inukai wants to shoot this guy right in front of him. I have to decide so many military and national affairs in one minute, how can I have time to listen to your nonsense?

"All his internal organs are failing rapidly, and his skin and bones are also aging rapidly. There is no precedent for this disease in the world! So there is currently no effective treatment plan!"

Seeing that he had a bad look on his face, as if he wanted to kill someone, the attending doctor immediately replied quickly.

It can be seen that doctors do not just talk nonsense. In some cases, their efficiency and speed of speaking are quite impressive.

"Is this a curse?"

Saburo Inukai looked through the glass at Yagyu Doku, whose body was covered with various tubes, and felt a wave of fear in his heart.

Originally, they all thought that the Tengu curse encountered by Yagyu Du was caused by the Big Tengu coming directly to take revenge. To this end, they all secretly mobilized the special agent team. But who would have thought that this demon did not dare to act normally!

You said that you, a tengu from the old era, actually asked Sadako from the new era to help you take revenge. Isn't this a bit too much?

Yagyu and Fazou belong to the older generation who don't like to watch the latest horror movies, so they are not familiar with Yamamura Sadako. However, when Yagyu was sent to the emergency room, the accompanying staff learned about the attack from them. Ghost name.

Dressed in white, with long hair covering his face, he crawled out of the ancient well inside the TV.

With such iconic movements and character, people instantly know her origin,

Everyone who had watched that horror movie suddenly felt horrified. Anyone who suddenly discovered that the life-threatening evil spirit in the movie suddenly appeared in reality would be frightened to death.

"How long can he live now?"

"With the current rate of decay of his internal organs, it is estimated that he can only last for three days at most!"

The attending doctor answered immediately.

Inukaisaburo frowned and walked out. It was obvious that Yagyu Du had lost his role, so there was no need to spend more energy on him.

"What did Master Fazang say?"

Two people collided with ghosts, but only one of them suffered the curse. If it happened to others, it would definitely be due to good luck. But if the person who was fine was a great monk, then everyone would think it was a curse. The eminent monk protected himself with Buddha's light.As for why Fazang didn't subdue demons and even let his companions be injured by ghosts?

Maybe he's not good at studying?

"The master is currently recuperating in a quiet room. It is said that the evil ghost is a thousand-year-old demon. Master Fazang said that his roots were injured when he fought with the opponent. He will need to be in seclusion for at least three to five years to recover!"

Ichiro Watanabe replied immediately.

Ichiro Watanabe is now in pain and happiness. He never thought that his promotion speed could be so fast!

In the last battle to kill the Crow Tengu, he was used as a bait and did not need to participate in the battle. Anyway, just drawing the Crow Tengu out was a great achievement, so a lot of other investigators died, and even the minister Yagyu Du was cursed. As a result, he The instigator was actually unscathed!
This time Ichiro Watanabe was ordered to lead a special operations team to wait for orders outside the Yagyu residence. He originally thought that if the Tengu clan came for revenge, his unlucky team leader would definitely become the first batch of cannon fodder. Unexpectedly, Minister Yagyu was actually raped. The child crawled out of the TV and was cursed!

This man!
When one becomes prosperous, one will stumble over gold even while walking.

On this side, Yagyu fell into a coma due to the curse. On the other side, as the nominal supreme commander, Ichiro Watanabe immediately took over all affairs, so the task of following the Prime Minister and answering the question naturally fell on him.

"Master Fazang is injured? Are there any experts here in Tokyo?"

After hearing Ichiro Watanabe's report, Saburo Inukai asked in a depressed mood.

"Well, I heard that Master Guangzhi of Dade Temple has profound Buddhist teachings. How about inviting him to give it a try?"

Ichiro Watanabe said bravely.

There was no way, he had never dealt with this group of monks before, so he didn't know which scapegoat to use when trying to catch a duck.

"Hurry up and do it!"

Inukai Saburo is also a little panicked now. If the Tengu attacks him with open swords and guns as before, he will not panic at all, but what if the Tengu crawls out of the TV and curses him like this time?
Inukai Saburo suddenly felt a chill in his heart!
"Send someone to ask Master Fazang immediately!"

Master Guangzhi still doesn’t know when he will arrive. As the only one who can stand in front of the female ghost, Master Guangzhi has instantly become a hot topic. Not only Inukai Saburo, but everyone else who has the ability to know all this is going to King Kong. I ran away from the temple, planning to ask a master to help me exorcise the devil and bring light to the world.

As for what the much-anticipated master is doing now?
Fazang is currently hiding in his room alone, kowtowing to the Buddha statue to apologize!
Others thought he was an eminent monk, but how could Fazang himself not know how much he had?
Apart from being the illegitimate son of the old abbot, the more important reason why he was able to grow from a young novice monk to the eminent monk known throughout Tokyo is that he knows how to advance and retreat.

Otherwise, if the old host has three sons, how could he let his illegitimate son take the position?

I don't know why the female ghost didn't hurt herself just now but cursed Yagyu Du. Anyway, Fazang said that he would never deal with him again in this life.

So when Ichiro Watanabe sent Yagyu to the hospital, he bit his own tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood, indicating that he had suffered serious internal injuries during the exorcism and needed to retreat!
It is true that he has a clear idea of ​​whether he has the ability to subdue demons and eliminate magic, but no matter how he says it, Buddha should be effective, right?

Anyway, I have never heard of that evil spirit daring to hurt people in a temple that is full of incense. In recent years, he has definitely been hiding in the Vajra Temple and never left the house!

(End of this chapter)

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