Chapter 62 Yagyu Piaoxue
"Minister, another suspect died today!"

Watanabe Ichiro looked at Yagyu Piaoxue, who was painting her fingernails with nail polish in front of him, and bravely said.


Yagyu Piaoxue looked at her nails intently and responded casually.

"Minister, can they be released?"

After several days and nights of non-stop interrogation, it can be basically concluded that these people had no knowledge at all, and they still don’t understand why they were arrested.


Yagyu Piaoxue asked without raising his head.

"After all, these people are somewhat famous. They disappeared for several days for no reason. Now they have aroused public suspicion. Besides, they really don't know what's going on!"


Liu Sheng Piaoxue slowly raised her head, looked at her capable subordinate, and then spoke softly:
"Can you guarantee that there will be no problem with them?"

"No! No!"

Being able to say a few nice words is already the limit, so let Ichiro Watanabe use his political career to vouch for those strangers?
Not even his own father!
"Continue the interrogation. If you are really dead, let the media report that there was a fire in the izakaya when the crew held a celebration party because the movie was a hit!"


Ichiro Watanabe silently mourned for those unlucky people for three seconds in his heart. Judging from the minister's tone, it seemed that those people had no chance of leaving the interrogation room alive.


Ichiro Watanabe was just about to leave when he saw a subordinate rushing in.


Liu Shengpiaoxue's willow eyebrows stood up, this subordinate actually dared to come in without knocking, he was simply looking for death!

She glanced at the sword on the table and thought about whether she should cut off the other person's arm!
"Minister! There was an urgent call from the hospital, saying that the old minister—the old minister—"

"do you died?"

Yagyu Piaoxue asked lightly.

"I also ask for your condolences, Minister!"

The subordinate immediately bowed.

"Go out and prepare the car first, I'll go to the hospital later!"


The subordinate who didn't know that he almost became a disabled person immediately withdrew respectfully.

Watanabe Ichiro glanced back curiously, only to see Yagyu Piaoxue picking up the nail polish and starting to work on her nails again. It was obvious that Yagyu Du's death had no impact on her.

Even Ichiro Watanabe suspected that if it weren't for the pressure of public opinion, the other party would probably not be bothered to send Yagyu alone on his last journey.

After about ten minutes, when Yagyu Piaoxue finally put the nail polish on her fingers, she Shi Shiran stood up and walked out of the countermeasures department built underground!

The base of the Countermeasures Department was transformed from an underground defense fortification. During the war, Tokyo dug many such underground air raid shelters. Most of them were later abandoned, but several of the larger ones were used for other purposes. .

Dozens of black Toyota cars were parked on the ground. The old minister passed away, and his subordinates wanted to go to the scene to express their condolences no matter what.Besides, the new minister is the daughter of the old minister. If you dare not go, do you still want to hang out in the future?

The body of Yagyu Shengdu was no longer recognizable. In the words of the doctor, his internal organs and skin were all rotten. That is to say, modern medical technology was too advanced and delayed him alive for these days. Otherwise, it would have been long ago. Bye.

I don’t know what Yagyu Dok was thinking while lying in bed in the ICU and being fucked like an experimental subject.

After all, he had lost all ability to express his thoughts at that time. Anyway, Li Qingyuan felt that if he were him, he would probably hate those who insisted on rescuing him, right?
At least it wasn't that painful if he died on the spot without resuscitation, but now he is dragging himself here to waste his life, which is really speechless!

Now he communicates with Sadako with his mind. As the first experimental subject to be cursed to death by Sadako, Li Qingyuan feels that he must come and see the user feedback.


In fact, he was going to see if there were any suitable candidates for the second curse, and he was going to give these Japanese high-level officials a little mental shock.

It's a pity that I haven't seen anyone who looks like a big shot so far. Is it possible that this guy is so unpopular?No one cares about him even if he dies?

Since Yagyu was the only one who died in the line of duty, normally even the Prime Minister would come to express his condolences in person.

But come on!
Yagyu Dudu died of a curse!

Especially when he died so miserably!
Therefore, in order to prevent being infected by the curse on him, many important officials expressed their wish to call him to express their condolences.

I can do whatever I want to do with Yagyu Du’s funeral, but I won’t be attending it!
After all, no one knows how the curse spreads, so it’s better to have as little contact as possible.

After waiting for half a minute, no one was seen. Seeing that Sadako's invisibility time was about to expire, Li Qingyuan was also ready to escape!
Although Sadako is intangible as a ghost, her form is visible to the naked eye.

If you want to be invisible, you can only use skills to make yourself invisible.

Speaking of which, when he heard this setting, Li Qingyuan really didn't know how to complain.

Aren't ghosts generally invisible?People can only see it when the ability is activated, so why did the one he summoned happen to be the other way around?

After spat at Yagyu Shengdu's body, Li Qingyuan controlled Sadako to prepare to retreat.


As a result, a row of people in black ran over from the corridor and quickly stood on both sides.

This is?

Big fish coming?

Li Qingyuan, who was about to escape, suddenly stopped with interest, wanting to see who was so lucky to be chosen as the second victim.

'Tap ta--'

The soles of high-heeled shoes hit the floor with a crisp sound, and a girl whose naked height was at least over 1.7 meters walked directly over on hot red high-heeled shoes that were close to ten centimeters.

Good guy!
You must know that the average height of Japanese men is only 1.6 meters. This girl is already tall, and with such a pair of high heels, she can be said to look down on more than [-]% of men!

Her face shape can be considered beautiful. According to Li Qingyuan's scoring standards, she would almost reach [-] points!
You must know that even if Anxi doesn't have the status bonus, she is actually only [-]%, so this girl's appearance is already quite capable!
Such a young and beautiful female executive?

How awesome must her father be?

As for making it through hard work on your own?
Even if this woman is the prime minister's mistress, the other party would not dare to take the risk of promoting such a young woman to this position.

The woman walked to the intensive care unit, opened the door and walked in without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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