Chapter 65 Curse
Because he had not slept all night, Li Qingyuan returned to the room and fell asleep quickly. It was not until Anri Maruyama came to say goodbye that he opened his eyes drowsily.

"nice shot!"

Looking at the basket so close, Li Qingyuan subconsciously dunked.

"Li Sang!"

Anri Maruyama blushed with embarrassment. Although she was used to someone taking advantage of her when they met, there were still outsiders here!

"Uh? Sister An, you are here too!"

Only then did Li Qingyuan see that An Xiaoli was here, and he said hello casually.

As a basketball lover, of course the only thing left when you open your eyes is basketball. Naturally, you can’t see anything else, right?
"Did I disturb something good last night? Do you want me to go out and move your seats now?"

An Xiaoli said a little narrowly.

"Li Sang, I'm leaving. Thank you very much for taking me in!"

Anri Maruyama ignored An Xiaoli's sarcasm and said goodbye to Li Qingyuan.

She rarely had a peaceful sleep last night. Although An Xiaoli was a bit annoying, compared to the evil spirits lurking in her mansion, she was definitely a good person.

"Come and play often when you have time. I will tidy up the room next time!"

With the [-] million yen sent by Anri Maruyama, Li Qingyuan finally had the capital to start major construction of the shrine.

Although the remaining money from last time was enough to renovate the shrine, it was a bit dwarfed by the flowers.

There is no way, the prices and labor here in Japan are quite expensive. Tens of millions is just enough to expand the house. It is really not enough to renovate the entire mountain.


Li Qingyuan thought for a while, and it seemed that he could have sex for free and let the government help him repair it?
After all, according to the current fermentation speed, I think it will be almost half a year before I can appear above board in the eyes of the government!

Anyway, it will take less than half a year to find a construction team to start the work. If the newly repaired house needs to be re-expanded by then, it will be a waste of effort.

This is not the government building a road, it’s built, dug and built!
"If you are so reluctant to let go, why don't you go? He is a wealthy man with a net worth of hundreds of billions!"

Looking at Li Qingyuan's reluctant eyes, An Xiaoli said with a hint of vinegar.

When she was chatting with Anri Maruyama last night, she had found out all the details about the other party.

But it’s also possible that Anri Maruyama exposed it on purpose?

An Xiaoli knew that Anri Maruyama owned a group with a market value of nearly one trillion, and her biggest wish at the moment was to recruit Li Qingyuan to the Maruyama family.

For this reason, Anri Maruyama also told An Xiaoli that as long as she could facilitate this matter, she would not only recognize An Xiaoli's identity, but also give her a large amount of wealth.

Originally, Anri Maruyama thought she was interesting enough, and An Xiaoli didn't say much at the time, but she didn't expect that An Xiaoli wanted much more than what she gave!
Even though we understand that the culture of having a son-in-law in Japan is different from that in other places, if Li Qingyuan really marries Anri Maruyama, wouldn't both she and her daughter become the mistress?

An Xiaoli will not pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon!

Although I don't know how much money Li Qingyuan actually has, from the way he spends money without blinking an eye, it is estimated that even if he is not as rich as Maruyama Anri, he is not far behind.

Besides, An Xiaoli is not stupid!

Although Anri Maruyama didn't tell An Xiaoli why she chose Li Qingyuan, but she, a CEO with a net worth of [-] billion, recommended herself to this extent. Doesn't it mean that this is definitely a diamond stock with potential?
"I think! Sister An was too busy last night!" Li Qingyuan said he didn't care at all about what An Xiaoli was thinking about. What he had to do now was to help her exercise.

"Stop making trouble! It's broad daylight!"

An Xiaoli, who was directly picked up by Li Qingyuan with his knees bent, was immediately frightened and turned pale. Although she was used to this method, An Qian was still here!

"Do you really think Sissi doesn't know what's going on between us?"

It's true that Anxi looks stupid, as if anyone can trick her back, but in fact, the little girl is smart at heart.

"No? No way?"

When An Xiaoli heard the news, her whole body was struck by lightning. She had always thought that she had hidden it well in front of her daughter!
"You will know after I take you to meet Sissi!"

"Don't! Put me down! Put me down!"

An Xiaoli struggled immediately. If her daughter saw her like this, she would be really embarrassed to live!

"Do you dare to mock me next time?"

Li Qingyuan was not prepared to make An Xiaoli look embarrassed so soon. Although there would definitely be opportunities in the future, it was still a bit early now.

All right!Mainly because the River Crab Master is watching, let’s talk about this kind of thing elsewhere!

After brutally killing An Xiaoli's arrogance, Li Qingyuan began to calm down alone, so he turned his attention to the demon sword.

The Countermeasures Department's work efficiency is quite high. In just a few hours from last night to now, they have dug out the demon knife from the soil in the garden, and it is now placed with a bunch of things of different shapes. .

"These were all found in that ruin?"

Liu Shengpiaoxue looked at the pile of rags in front of him and asked with a frown.

Because no one knew what things were useful, all the strange things were picked up, including broken statues, blooming flowers, intact wood, etc. It looked like a collection of junk.

Some people even didn't know whether they were crazy or just wanted to disgust the cold-faced minister, but they even collected bird droppings, making the room stink.

"Hai Yi, we have dug three feet into the entire ruins to ensure that no suspicious items are left behind!"

Ichiro Watanabe bowed respectfully to Yagyu Piaoxue.

Originally, Watanabe Ichiro was a little disapproving of Yagyu Piaoxue's torture of those people, thinking that the minister was just trying to vent his perverted hobbies, but he didn't expect that the minister actually interrogated him.

This made Ichiro Watanabe feel deeply self-blame. No wonder he could become a minister in his early twenties. It seems that besides status, ability is more important!
I was deceived by the enemy's false appearance, but I didn't expect that the other party actually hid a secret.

However, thinking of the tragic situation in which Suzuki Koji's whole body collapsed and died as soon as he finished telling the secret, Watanabe Ichiro couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No wonder that guy refused to tell him life and death at first. It turned out that he was going to die if he told him!
For such a useful tool man like Suzuki Koji, Li Qingyuan naturally has to give some preferential treatment.

So after the guy told the secret, Sadako directly cursed him.

Originally, it would take at least half a day for a normal person to activate the curse to cause death, but Suzuki Koji himself had been tortured to the point where he had only one breath left, so when he activated the curse here, he died immediately, and it looked like he had told a secret. It will be like death!
(Thanks to book friend zccharles for the [-] starting coins! I am the first master of this book, thank you very much!

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(End of this chapter)

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