People become saints through meritorious deeds in Tokyo

Chapter 76 Whoever wants to go will go

Chapter 76 Whoever wants to go will go (will be updated tonight)

'You're lying on top of a nuclear reactor? '

Only then did Li Qingyuan understand why Zuojia had grown so big in an instant. He really ate up the gold with this thing!
Now the entire nuclear power plant is in chaos. Zoga directly smashed through the outer wall of the reactor. Even if most of the leaked radiation was absorbed by one of its beasts, the missing bit of radiation is not something that humans can contend with.

Therefore, the devils working in the nuclear power plant were all fleeing in all directions. Faced with such a high concentration of radiation, even wearing protective clothing had no effect.

Just like you are wearing a body armor and then being assassinated. If it is a small-caliber rifle or a pistol, there is no problem, but what if the opponent directly fires a rocket launcher?
The biggest function of a body armor is to protect a piece of the body, so that future generations will not use other people's torsos to show off when they are buried.

And because nuclear radiation directly interferes with the operation of electromagnetic waves, it is estimated that no one except Li Qingyuan knows what the problem is in the nuclear power plant.

Although there are landline telephones in the nuclear power plant, no one would even think about contacting the outside world now.

Everyone is not thinking enough about snatching protective clothing. Who cares about the ringing phone?

Don't look back. In my childhood, when I was making movies, there would always be a bunch of brave people who were not afraid of death, but in reality?

In such a situation, they would run faster than anyone else!
It is true that everyone knows that no one can survive the current radiation intensity in the nuclear power plant, but at least if you grab a protective suit, you can live a few more minutes!
While he was chatting with Zuo Jia, Li Qingyuan saw that his merit points were skyrocketing at the speed of a stopwatch.

It is obvious that under such high intensity radiation, the number of workers in the nuclear power plant is decreasing at a constant rate every second.

"This? Is this level three?"

Seeing the merit value instantly breaking through the third level, Li Qingyuan suddenly felt refreshed.

I had spent half of my time before upgrading, but Zuojia just turned around and made a breakthrough. It seems that luck is not something that can be forced!
Originally, Li Qingyuan was a little worried about how he should end it if Suga was discovered. After all, Ultraman is considered a national drama and has unparalleled popularity in Japan. Even Anxi is proficient in all kinds of little monsters in it. Configuration, if people find out that the monster absorbing nuclear energy is Zoga, it will definitely affect his grand plan of pretending to be a ghost.

If a Sadako appears, it can be solved, but if a Saga appears, someone with a little more intelligence must be able to sense that something is wrong!

But now!
He is no longer afraid!

Compared with the second level, there are many more monsters that can be summoned at the third level, especially now that the most suitable monster has appeared!
Mirage demon!
In the ancient oriental mythology system, monsters like mirage monsters do not appear frequently, but they are monsters with clear official records. It can be said that you can find traces of this guy in any monster chronicle.

Moreover, this guy's strength is almost non-existent. Apart from being able to create illusions, he has no other functions. His body does not even have the ability to move or attack. He is a real piece of trash.

Therefore, the third-level contemplation technique can completely manifest it, and it is not considered super at all.

It's just!

The body of this thing cannot be moved at all, so it is necessary to find a safe place to release it.

After all, mirage demons generally weigh more than several tons, and even with his current physique, he would never be able to carry it.

After telling An Xiaoli and the girls to stay at the shrine and not move around, Li Qingyuan immediately went down the mountain and rushed towards the seaside.The body of the mirage demon is a huge clam shell. Naturally, this thing must be placed in the sea to be safe.

Due to the power outage, the port was noisy now, but fortunately, he had money to clear the way, and Li Qingyuan quickly found a fishing boat.

Although I feel very puzzled that the guests would go fishing deep in the ocean at night, but who can’t get along with money?

The fishing boat went directly to the sea and came to a place about twenty or thirty nautical miles away from the shore. It felt that the depth of the ocean here had exceeded one thousand meters. Only then did Li Qingyuan pretend to pick up the fishing rod and start fishing.

The mirage demon is also an extraordinary creature after all. The super-large clam shell with a body length of more than four meters and a weight of several tons basically has no natural enemies in nature. Anyone who encounters its thick shell can only sigh in despair.

But to humans, this giant thing is just a large pearl collector. Didn’t you see that blue whales and great white sharks have become endangered protected animals?
Three hours later, the ship boss looked at Li Qingyuan with a smile on his face and was a little confused!

This customer spent a lot of money fishing on the sea for a long time, but only to catch a small eel. In the end, he seemed to be happy, which is really incomprehensible.

Is this fisherman out of his mind?

However, even though he felt that the other party was mentally ill, the boss of the boat still greeted him with a smile. After all, a wealthy man who was willing to spend 20 yuan just to charter a boat to go fishing, he wished he could meet such an easy target every day!

When Li Qingyuan returned to the port by boat, it was already starting to get dark. As a result, the power system still did not respond. There were already complaints on the dock. Many of the freshly salvaged seafood had begun to stink because they could not be put into cold storage.

As the main person in charge of this matter, Li Qingyuan just pretended not to hear, and left the large army towards the shrine.

Anyway, the pots are all from TEPCO, so what does it have to do with me?
Besides, if Zoja hadn’t helped deal with the pollution problem at the nuclear power plant, you guys would have tasted the most authentic radioactive seafood in a few years.

So to a certain extent, this wave of my own merits are immeasurable?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that he had more strength to walk, and his whole body began to feel refreshed.

Of course, in order to understand the progress of the matter, Li Qingyuan contacted Zuo Jia again and found that the other party was sleeping soundly on the reactor, and the surrounding silence was terrifying.

It seems that almost all the staff at the nuclear power plant have gone to see Amaterasu. It’s just that half a day has passed since they started working on the nuclear power plant. Are all the people at TEPCO doing it for a living?Still haven't sent anyone to check on the situation?
What he didn't know was that TEPCO's special team had actually arrived at Fukushima four hours ago, but before they even got close to the nuclear power plant, the special team was frightened away by the radiation index that hit the meter.

They are just paid staff, not those old Soviet fools!
Although judging from the radiation index, it is estimated that there is an accident at the nuclear power plant. If it is not solved, it may cause big trouble.


What does it have to do with us guys who get paid to do things?
Whoever Tama likes to go, I won’t go anyway!

(End of this chapter)

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