Chapter 97 Take refuge in my Buddha
"What kind of compensation does the holy monk want?"

Although Zen Master Baiyun seemed very angry now, Yagyu Piaoxue was not afraid anymore.

Based on the other party's strength, people like myself probably already knew about it as soon as they went up the mountain. If the other party hadn't intentionally let their group in, it would be impossible for anyone to find this hidden temple.

"Amitabha, if I really wanted something, wouldn't I go and get it myself? Why should I accept the remnants of others' favors?"

It really is a holy monk!
Originally, Yagyu Piaoxue was still thinking about what price the cabinet government would pay to win over the other party, but now after hearing the other party's speech, he suddenly felt enlightened.


Why should he ask others to send it to him? He can just grab whatever he likes.

Look at that mountain ghost last time, wasn't it someone who took the initiative and subdued it?

Although such a violent and plundering style may seem like banditry in other countries, in Japan, this is the real eminent monk!

"The Holy Monk is merciful, but the little girl sees that the Holy Monk's life is quite poor. Why don't the little girl find some novice monks who devote themselves to the Buddha to serve the Holy Monk?"

"Fuck! I—"

"Bah! What do I want from the novice monk? Don't you know how to find some pretty girls to serve me?"

When Li Qingyuan saw Liu Shengpiaoxue being so dishonest, he suddenly became depressed and stopped pretending. He looked at the long-legged lady in front of him with burning eyes.

There was no way, he didn't know a single sentence from the Buddhist scriptures except Amitabha. It was obvious that the girl in front of him must have a better understanding of the Buddhist scriptures than he did, so he should just stop pretending to be a virtuous monk in front of her.

Anyway, I just fabricated this vest for the sake of enjoying happiness. If I really did something outrageous, I could just tear off the vest and transform into Cihang for purification. Why do I have to wrong myself so much?
"Little girl understands, little girl will go find you, the holy monk, now -"

Hearing what Li Qingyuan said, Liu Shengpiaoxue suddenly felt happy. The holy monk actually asked him to find a woman, which shows that he already regards himself as one of his own!

What do you most like to do as a subordinate?
Naturally, the boss asked you to help him with personal matters!

If you are willing to let you do such personal matters, it shows that the leader has regarded you as one of his own!

"No, you're fine!"

Since I don't want to pretend anymore, let's just be thorough. Master Baiyun looked up and down at the long-legged lady kneeling in front of him and said.

"I'm still in need of a girl who can play the flute here. Seeing that you have a beautiful body, you're perfect for her. How about it? Are you interested?"


Yagyu Piaoxue was a little confused by the great monk in front of her. Although she knew that this so-called holy monk was actually a flower monk, she was still a little uncomfortable with the opponent being so direct.

She had no choice but to castrate the man her father brought to marry her at the age of 13. She had never suffered any so-called sexual harassment in the past few years, and she had forgotten how to deal with it for a while.

"What? Do you have an opinion?"

"No! No! It's a little girl's blessing to be cared for by a holy monk. It's just that I'm not good at studying, so I'm afraid I'll offend you!"

Liu Sheng Piaoxue immediately realized that the flower monk was interested in him.

She actually doesn't have any resistance to this. After all, she just thinks that no man can catch her eye, and she is not a special lover of strange things.

Although the holy monk in front of me is a little older, but for a man, what does it matter if he is older?
"Buying relationships, I am proficient in various Buddhist principles, and there is always one that can convince you!"

Zen Master Baiyun smiled, then signaled Yagyu Piaoxue to crawl over directly. "Master! This little girl is willing to take refuge in my Buddha, and she also asks the master to help her consecrate her!"

"Good talk! Good talk!"

Looking at this devout believer kneeling in front of him, Master Baiyun said that he was an eminent monk and that he had definitely mastered the necessary skill of consecration.

Besides, Yagyu Piaoxue has always been upset about the fact that she is pregnant with a demon sword in her body. After all, she is just like those people who borrow the power of demons to benefit themselves in ghost stories, no matter how much they enjoy the power brought to them. There are benefits, but I still feel worried.

Originally, she was worried that the other party would not be willing to take action, but now?
The most powerful weapon a woman has these days is indeed her own body!
Ichiro Watanabe led a group of people to kneel outside for six hours. The group of people all felt that their knees were going to give out.

It's just that even though everyone is a little unable to hold up, no one dares to move without authorization.

This was not because they were of high quality or pious to the Buddha, but mainly because those hares, squirrels and the like unknowingly saw such a group of people kneeling here motionless, so they all came over.

Surrounded by such a group of wild animals, everyone would have thought it was a harmonious episode between man and nature before, but now the people kneeling on the ground were almost scared to death.

God knows what kind of vicious monsters are hidden under the cute appearance of these animals. It would be really depressing if they were swallowed by a rabbit like the unlucky guy just now.

But even with the threat to their lives, everyone felt like they couldn't hold on any longer.

After all, even if Japanese people are used to kneeling and sitting, their knees can hold up after kneeling for such a long time, but their stomachs and bladders can’t stand it!

"I-I can't bear it anymore-"

Finally, a guy cried and shouted. If he had known he would suffer this, he would not have drank so much at noon.

Listening to the noise coming from behind, Watanabe Ichiro suddenly felt that these people really had no qualifications to do big things.

I don't know how they became members of the Countermeasures Department if they couldn't even pass the most basic test.


Yagyu Piaoxue slowly walked out of the temple, and then saw the disgusting scene in front of her.

"Throw him out and insult the Holy Land of Buddhism here!"


The others stood up quickly, grabbed the guy who peed his pants with one hand and ran out.

There was no way, in fact, everyone couldn't hold it in anymore, so it was only right to take the opportunity to get out.

"Minister? Have you already met the holy monk?"

Ichiro Watanabe felt that he could still bear it, so he did not retreat with the group of people, but asked Yagyu Piaoxue.

"Holy Monk Baiyun is unwilling to see outsiders for the time being. Go back and tell the cabinet that the holy monk's mountain gate does not want too many people to disturb you. If they come, they must stop their activities and don't make too much noise!"


After receiving the order, Ichiro Watanabe immediately prepared to turn around and leave, but halfway through he realized that it seemed that Yagyu Piaoxue had not followed?

Thinking that the minister was a little flustered when he walked out just now, Watanabe Ichiro suddenly understood.

It seems that the minister is embracing the golden thigh!
(End of this chapter)

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