China Entertainment: Starting from 07 Kuainan

Chapter 465 Infinite scenery on dangerous peaks

Chapter 465 Infinite scenery on dangerous peaks

Wanda Mandarin Hotel.

The celebration party for "Love Like a Bouquet" was held in a low-key manner. Apart from some relatively close collaborators and insiders, only twenty or thirty media were invited.

There is no big deal, mainly because I am afraid that others will be jealous.

Small-budget movies have repeatedly created box-office miracles. Who wouldn’t be jealous?

Although the investors behind "Bouquet" include China Film, Enlight, Wanda, etc., their shares are not large.

That proportion is equivalent to putting a name on it to make the company's performance look better.

This kind of behavior is very common in the post-capitalization film and television industry.

There are only a few investors, and the list of investors for some big hits can even include dozens.

Most of them are just names to facilitate bragging in the future.

Some things are not just what he wants.


Big background.

However, people in the arena cannot help themselves.

If he is just an actor or a singer, there is no need to ignore those people.

In fact, Lu Yuan also knew not to speak casually.

Such as 'How much is the box office of the XXX movies that our company participated in investing in'.

There are two or three similar organizations behind "Bouquet". One is Han Sanping's personal appearance, and the other two are initiated by Li Gang.

Even if he was very careful, certain things still couldn't be avoided.

The left and right are plated with names, and each family has a share of one to two points, and it is given as long as it is given.

Is this false?

But, really dig inside.

He doesn’t have to give other people’s face, but how can he not give it to South Korea and North Korea?

Not fake.

Flowers are not a hundred days of red.

It doesn't need to be peeled!

As long as the core issues are not touched upon, even giving some shares is not a problem.

One has two.

Leave some incense money in advance so that we can meet again in the future.

Money is earned endless.

However, he is the owner of a media company.

of course.

To buy shares, you have to exchange real money.

That approach of doing stocks will never work.

Lu Yuan never does anything that violates discipline.

eight pm.

Zeng Li took the stage in place of Lu Yuan and knocked out the ice sculpture together with Wang Changtian, Han Sanping, director Guo Fan, protagonists Lin Gengxin and Ishihara Rimi.

3.52 million. If nothing else happens, it can rank among the top ten box office in 2011.

New director Guo Fan became famous in one shot!
Lin Gengxin has made a magnificent turn, from a TV star and a variety show star to a movie star.

Star Media has once again created a box office dark horse.

China Film's report card has another highlight.

After the group photo ended, a group of people stepped off the stage one after another and returned to their own places.

"Xiao Zeng, why didn't you see Xiao Yuan today?"

After stepping down, Han Sanping, who had just arrived, asked casually.

Zeng Li explained apologetically: "Ayuan was planning to come over today, but Director Chen of Shanda made an appointment with him to discuss cooperation."


Han Sanping nodded slightly, and he just asked casually.

Whether you come or not is not that important.

Husband and wife are one, and it is the same when the real wife is present.

the other side.

The negotiation between Lu Yuan and Boss Chen had no swords and swords, only gentle breeze and drizzle. While talking and laughing, it was decided to invest in Shanda Literature.

4.5 million in exchange for 12.4% of Shanda Literature’s equity.

Shanda Literature's six major literary websites include Qidian, Hongxiu, Novel Reading, Under the Banyan Tree, Romance Novel Bar, and Xiaoxiang Academy.

In addition, Shanda Literature also has a 50% stake in Jinjiang.

This time, the main investor is Star Media, not Morningstar Fund.

Taking a stake in Shanda Literature will not only benefit Shanda, but also benefit Xingchen Media’s IPO road.

The sudden rise of Star Media has already led to a wave of IP adaptations, and the copyright fees for some online novels have followed the trend.

If it had not been planned in advance, Star Media would have spent at least three to four times the price to purchase the copyright now.

Fortunately, well-known IPs such as "Flower Thousand Bones", "Shanshan Is Coming", "Nirvana in Fire", "Dajiangdahe", "Three-Body Problem", "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", "Tomb Robbers", etc. have all been acquired by Xingchen Media .

Lu Yuan started buying copyrights very early, starting in 07, and has basically never stopped until now.

So far, the copyright purchase alone has cost hundreds of millions intermittently.

Even now that copyright fees are rising, he has not stopped.

However, the copyright owner is really open-minded, and he will not be obsessed with a certain drama.

After several years of development, Star Media has the ability to create original IP.

Adaptation is not random editing.

The company is filming so many TV series, how can Lu Yuan have time to follow every project?

He did not participate in several projects such as "Shan Shan Is Here", "Flower Thousand Bones", and "Want to See You".

As long as the producer + director + screenwriter don't get involved, the finished product will be enough to maintain the lower limit.

This is enough.

Industrialization is what Lu Yuan pursues.

As for artistry, wait for now, that is the direction that Bad Monkey Pictures is responsible for.


Two days later.

Lu Yuan took a half-day off with the crew, and then drove to the Hilton Hotel to attend the strategic cooperation press conference between Star Media and Shanda Literature.

The reporters present today all felt that it was quite sudden.

Yesterday afternoon, I received a temporary notice that Xingchen Media would become a shareholder of Shanda Literature?
Is it too sudden?
The film and television circles, Internet circles, and investment circles were all shocked.

Although I don’t know the specific details of the contract, given the size of Shanda Literature, if the term ‘strategic equity investment’ can be used, it is still a business of several hundred million, right?
Big news worth hundreds of millions, but there was no news at all before?

Even Brother Ma wanted to call and ask.

It was clearly agreed that everyone would set up an online literature website together, why did it suddenly change?


of course.

Brother Xiaoma is just curious, not really angry. Tengxun's current key project is 'prestige'.

This is the most important project of the group!
none of them!

The wave of mobile Internet is coming soon.

If Tencent wants to secure its position as the dominant social media company, it must let Weixin achieve the same status as QQ.

In December 2010, Rice Technology launched a communication software - MiLiao.

MiLiao was launched two months earlier than Weixin. If it were not for the help of QQ to complete reverse overtaking, MiLiao would probably have succeeded in breaking through.

At that time, the entire penguin felt like it was facing a formidable enemy.


Brother Xiao Ma has no intention of tinkering with online writing platforms for the time being.

At the same time, the hot searches on major platforms were also firmly dominated by Xingchen Media’s investment in Shanda.

Logically speaking, it is difficult for the business practices of the two companies to trigger such a large amount of discussion.

But Star Media is different.

There are advantages and disadvantages to having a big star boss.

Just about anything you do can be trending, let alone such major business events.

Especially those of Lu Yuan's fans who like to read online articles.

They had the most heated discussions.

Boss Lu, is he finally going to take action against Shanda?
After "Zhu Xian" and "Celebrating More Than Years", what will be the next web novel adaptation?
(End of this chapter)

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