Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 12 The Angler's Tricky House

Chapter 12 The Angler's Tricky House
Bai Yue pinched the black figure's shoulder with one hand and lifted him up.

"It feels weightless..."

The young man asked curiously, raising his other hand slightly, and the candlelight illuminated more details of the exhibit.

Its body is not three-dimensional, but slender and flat, like a piece of paper standing upright.

Although the monster was rudely pulled up by Bai Yue, it did not make any resistance and looked at the young man with cautious eyes full of surrender.

Immediately afterwards, before Bai Yue could ask anything, the figure in oil paint began to melt rapidly.

The dark color shrank and collapsed in front of the two of them, and finally turned into a key mark the size of a pinky finger, which was branded on the palm of Bai Yue's hand.

The young man suddenly had a clear understanding of the mark in his heart.

"The key to memory..."

Bai Yue subconsciously murmured: "Using it, you can open the door to other people's memories and step into the past deep in their hearts."

"It's actually a 'setting'!"

Lin Wannan came forward. The girl looked at the pattern of the key in the young man's palm in surprise. She sighed: "This is the first time I have seen someone get the settings with my own eyes..."

"Setting?" Bai Yue turned his head and asked subconsciously: "What is setting?"

"Setting is the underlying logic of the deep world, and it is also the cornerstone that supports the 'work'."

Lin Wannan looked matter-of-factly: "People's extraordinary powers and deep-seated technologies in this world are all manifested under the support of 'settings'."

"Any 'work' has a 'setting'?"

Bai Yue was stunned and asked quickly.

"Of course, any work born from the deep contains at least one setting that suits itself, and the deep-seated works painted by great artists contain multiple magical settings, which are resources that governments of various countries focus on exploiting... …”

Lin Wannan looked at the young man's face with a complex and yearning look on his face: "Bai Yue, you have also become a transcendent."

Am I now...becoming extraordinary?

Bai Yue couldn't help but be a little stunned. He looked at his palm.

The young man could feel that the key was waiting for his thoughts at this moment, and its mysterious power was like a natural bone and blood.

In this world, idealism and materialism have long been indistinguishable from each other.

The world longs for art, art sinks into the deep, the deep nurtures the work, the work is born and set, the setting achieves the extraordinary, the extraordinary casts the world...

They are like the head and tail of an ouroboros, creating infinite possibilities in the long river of time.


Bai Yue seemed to have thought of something. The young man turned to look where he came from and found that the coat mirror had disappeared without a trace due to the change in scene.

At this moment, "The Stray Path of the Soul", "Never End", "The Mirror of Pain", and the strangely changed "Revelation of the Kingdom of Heaven" all left him.


At least four settings...

Bai Yue opened his mouth, looked at the girl, and in her clear eyes, he swallowed the words "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

It hurts, it hurts too much.

The young man really wanted to hit the other person's forehead hard again, so that she could also feel the pain in her heart at this moment.

This silly girl has all the common sense, but never paid attention to the dangers and opportunities deep down...

“The exhibits in this art gallery can all be regarded as one work.”

Bai Yue sighed and explained: "We have missed several settings."

"Eh?" Lin Wannan suddenly said: "Yes!"

"...Forget it, let's not worry about gains and losses." Bai Yue shook his head and tried to lower his blood pressure. He took a deep breath and said, "We have more important things to do now."

The young man opened his palms, and dark colors quickly gathered in the air.

The 'Key of Memory' hangs in Bai Yue's hand.

'Setting' is originally an interpretation of the unknown. After obtaining the setting, Bai Yue naturally mastered the use of the key.

——He wants to use this key to open the deeper parts of this deep building.

Because this art exhibition hall is alive in itself...

Bai Yue realized this from the beginning.

The art museum does not belong to the original owner's story. Even if the original owner's narrative is quite immature, its appearance is too abrupt.

This Western-style exhibition hall that is incompatible with the surrounding scenery is obviously a living creature that Teacher Gu arranged in the boy's works.

It is the work of Teacher Gu.

The living architecture deliberately creates madness and chaos, and then uses false "heaven and faith" as bait, luring young girls into the abyss painted by the painter at all times.

"I know you are always watching us."

Bai Yue sneered. He held the key and announced into the darkness under the girl's astonished gaze.

"From the moment we entered your body, you were desperately trying to cover up the upward stairs, trying to trap us with the exhibits inside."

"Is the white lead in the bottle your accomplice?"

The young man decisively threw down the candle in his hand. The orange faded and darkness came in. The next moment, Bai Yue thrust the key in his hand into the darkness in front of him.

"Hand it! Hand it over!"

Bai Yue twisted his palm without hesitation. At this moment, the walls, floor, and the darkness everywhere all screamed like crazy!
Like countless innocent souls howling in the young man's ears, the surrounding scene began to spiral and twist, and the key turned very slowly. It was obviously not an easy task to pry the memory of this behemoth away.

It is resisting, it is struggling, but it is heading towards an irreversible ending under the set rules.

Gradually, densely packed fangs and one-eyed outlines were outlined in the darkness beside the young man. Whispering prayers and murmurs penetrated into the minds of the two of them. The tiny prayers were filled with greed and malice.

Lin Wannan's face turned pale instantly, but there was still no trace of fear in Bai Yue's eyes.

"Isn't this a cover-up? Is this the result of praying to heaven?"

He actually laughed out loud: "You are a bunch of slugs who have given up their will and are willing to perish, are you worthy enough to thwart my will?"

The humble prayer was shattered by the mocking laughter, the one-eyed people in the darkness dispersed hastily, and the painter's black brushstrokes melted like ice and snow.

Vaguely, Bai Yue heard the painter sigh.

"Son, you let me down."

The feminine man sitting behind the desk raised his head and stared at the boy in front of him indifferently.

"As an art teacher, you have to be more tolerant of students' rebellion."

The corners of the boy's mouth curled up: "And to be honest, I really have no interest in your stinky and long teachings."

A weak soul is no more than a slave to inspiration; only an unwavering will is the only beacon for mankind to challenge the depths.

The key was turned all the way.

The characters in the book no longer hesitate.

In the gap between memories, Bai Yue also saw the real names of the painter's works.

——"Ankou's Creepy House"

(End of this chapter)

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