Chapter 125 Hanako

Bai Yue took the mask and observed its appearance with interest: "This statement is quite interesting."

The mask is silver in color and feels cold and delicate to the touch. It is unclear what material it is made of, but the surface is smooth and flat. Only the forehead is inlaid with a gold and gemstone with an 'IV' symbol, which shines brightly under the light.

"Almost all setting capabilities are inseparable from the works created by the artist, so the guests who choose the works are naturally called readers."

Lu Wenjin introduced: "The mask in our hands is the most common setting prop in the big trading area, called 'Thousand Faces of Confused Sound'."

He added: “In addition to hiding the identity of the reader, the level symbols on it also mean the transaction rights that the reader can enjoy.”

"That's it." Bai Yue put the mask on his face: "But why did you prepare two masks?"

As soon as he started speaking, he realized that his originally magnetic and gentle voice had become hoarse and hoarse, which was quite strange.

"The other one was originally prepared for that guy Yan Li. We originally agreed to work together, but in the end, the grandson had to go visit some elder. It's really not interesting."

Lu Wenjin also put on the mask, and his cheerful voice suddenly became deeper: "And Brother Bai, you can choose the sound of the mask by yourself."

He looked around for a moment and said in a mysterious tone: "You can also choose a soft and cute lolita sound!"

"Then forget it..." Bai Yue twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "Hurry up and lead the way, we don't have much time to begin with."

Lu Wenjin heyed twice without knowing why, then turned around and started to lead the way.

He reminded: "Only guests with level permission of 'II' can fly over the Grand Trading Area, but the shop I am familiar with is not far from here, so let's walk first."

Bai Yue nodded and followed the opponent's figure.

Since the 'Tower of Babel' leads straight into the interior of the planet, the sky on all levels of the tower is essentially an artist's canvas, and the Grand Exchange Area is no exception.

Painters affiliated with the National Council created a stunning sea of ​​stars and sea in the trading area.

The never-ending sea water beats the bright stars in the waves, and the sky is sparkling, reflecting the dreamy afterimage of the city. Countless company vehicles hurriedly shuttle through the gaps in the city, each performing their duties.

The prototype of the shelter created by the National Council is indeed extraordinary.

Bai Yue observed the surrounding scenery and couldn't help but think of his own Golden Kingdom, which was also a deep sanctuary. The gap between the two was worlds apart...

Apart from being protected by the gods themselves, the poor and old Golden Kingdom has no advantages at all...

Fortunately, Lao Wen is already in charge of the construction of the Golden Kingdom. The work of rebuilding the starship civilization has been put on the agenda. In addition to city-states, there is still a lot of room for development in the world outside the city...

While thinking, Lu Wenjin in front gradually slowed down, and he breathed softly: "Brother Bai, we are here."

Bai Yue raised his head and found that standing in front of him was a small Dongguo Shrine.

This shrine is squeezed into the small gap of the giant building, like weeds struggling to survive in the cracks of the rocks. A small mahogany torii gate as tall as a person stands at the entrance of the shrine, with some rusty wind chimes attached to it.

Bai Yue raised his eyebrows: "Is the shop owner from Dongguo?"

"That's right, but the shop owner has already settled in the Hope Star and doesn't plan to return to the current situation."

Lu Wenjin raised his hand to flick the wind chime, crossed the torii gate and opened the door of the main hall in front of him: "Although she does not have many channels for receiving goods, it is rich in variety and the prices are relatively reasonable. It is considered a good small shop. It’s—”

"Asshole! Give me your money back!!"

Just then, a roar interrupted his words.

Lu Wenjin was stunned for a moment, while Bai Yue showed an interested look. The two stepped inside the hall and found a well-dressed guest with the same mask standing there and furious:

"In order to participate in the Black Swan Theater Company's Black Dream performance, I spent a total of 200 million to buy this theater ticket from you!"

He shouted: "Just now, the Black Dream performance was suddenly canceled! This ticket has been invalidated!" Bai Yue noticed that the guest's hand was tightly holding a jade creation that was very similar to the train ticket, but That ticket is now covered in cracks and bleak.

"Unfortunately, according to the news I received, it was due to some problems with the Dream Theater itself that the Zhujia temporarily canceled the performance. This has nothing to do with our store."

The person who responded was a woman with a lazy look.

She was wearing a colorful and exquisite kimono, half-covered, and her long cloud-like hair almost covered the ground. She looked very beautiful, but her eyes were wrapped with bandages.

The shopkeeper was sitting lazily on the tatami. She was holding her face with one hand and holding a long cigarette rod in the other hand, with a charming smile on her face.

Her voice was extremely charming: "You can take this waste ticket and go to the theater troupe to get the full amount of compensation."

"The official selling price of the theater is only 160 million, so I lost a total of 40!"

"Black Swan Theater Company's tickets are inherently expensive and unmarketable. In addition to official channels, any other purchase channels will have certain risks. Isn't this common sense?"

The woman exhaled smoke and said word by word: "Besides, once the goods in our store are sold, they will not be returned. I reminded you of this before the transaction."

"You fucking bitch, do you know who I am?!"

The guest was immediately furious. He took a step forward, seemingly intending to grab the other person's throat.

"This guest."

The woman's voice was still smiling: "You should know better than me the consequences of making trouble in the big trading area, right?"

"The shopkeeper was right."

Lu Wenjin, who had been watching, also spoke at this time. He held up the camera and said coldly: "You are not going to challenge the laws set by the National Council, are you?"

The man froze immediately. He glared at the woman angrily, turned around and left the shrine without saying a word.

Bai Yue looked at the other person's back and scratched his head.

The temporary cancellation of Dreamland Theater probably has nothing to do with me...

He subconsciously looked at the ruins of the dream floating in the Kingdom of God.

Okay, it was really me.

"Sorry, let the two of you watch a joke."

The charming smile of the shop owner never changed. She knocked on her cigarette pole and carefully looked at the figures of the two customers: "Thank you two little brothers for helping me out."

"I just saved that idiot's life."

Lu Wenjin shook his head, put away the camera, turned to Bai Yue and introduced: "This is Hanako Hoshimi, one of the oldest shopkeepers in the trading area."

"Ah la la, how can you talk about a girl's age casually?"

Hanako chuckled and said, "What do you two want to buy? The store has everything you need!"

 Thanks for the reward Huanluo!

  Thanks for the elevenpence tip!
  Thanks to Collapsed Homo sapiens for the tip!

  Thanks to those who voted!

(End of this chapter)

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