Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 2 The Golden Kingdom That Never Sleeps

Chapter 2 The Golden Kingdom That Never Sleeps
"Hmm... never heard of it."

Bai Yue's tone was still neither salty nor cool: "Old Wen, the funds on hand are a bit tight for me, so I won't consider the 'new goods' you mentioned."

"That's it." Old Wen's tone seemed a little regretful: "Then I won't bother you with this matter."

Bai Yue took the initiative to hang up the call.

The bookstore became silent again, and the boy once again clicked on the news interface of his personal terminal. He reread the official information released by Yan Kingdom, thoughtfully.

"The Golden Kingdom that never that the so-called 'deep world'..."

Bai Yue murmured to himself: "But the official will announce the specific information of this world in a month, right? Where did Lao Wen get this name?"

Is it information he made up at random to sell goods, or does he have special channels for obtaining information?
But no matter what the possibility is, Bai Yue has no intention of going into this muddy water. As a time traveler, it is obviously unreasonable to rashly come into contact with some strange and strange things. He is not forced to do anything, so he has to rush to join in the fun. .

For now, it seems that I can live a pretty good life by selling third-rate trash novels and using my glib tongue to deceive the wrongdoers.

In short, it is absolutely right to start sleeping first.

The young bookstore owner leaned lazily on his chair. He turned his head and found that due to the rainy weather, there were fewer pedestrians outside the glass door.

The raindrops gradually became heavier, and the crowds speeded up their pace to go home. However, the bumpy and disrepaired roads in Xiacheng District were not easy to walk on, and the remaining pedestrians who were rushing on their way with their hands outstretched to block the rain looked quite embarrassed.

"What a beautiful day..."

The stranger smiled silently, stood up, turned over the sign hanging at the door of the bookstore, and displayed the words 'closed store' outside.

It was raining heavily at night, and puddles of all sizes had gathered on the quiet and rugged remote alleys.

One after another, heavy boots made ripples on the ground, and some strange pedestrians walked silently in the rain. They carried exquisite boxes, wore light-colored robes, and wore light-colored hoods. Also covered with a strange respirator-like mask.

They stood at the end of the road, and someone was waiting for them at the end.

"Welcome to Laowen Grocery Store ~ ​​Thank you for your hard work!"

Under the dim light of the street lamp, a young man wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses opened his arms enthusiastically: "I wonder if your trip to the deep level went well?"

"Thanks to Mr. Toven, we only killed three people this time." A low and hoarse voice came from under the mask. The leader of the man in gray robe took a step forward and placed the box in his hand in front of the young man.

"Oh, what a shame, what a shame..."

Lao Wen suddenly showed a regretful look: "If you had purchased the entire set of deep world information at that time, nothing would have happened to your men."

"The whole set of information is not cheap for you. The lives of us stowaways are not that expensive." The man in gray robe sneered. He turned around and gestured. After a while, the boxes were neatly placed on the second floor. in front of people.

"We don't have much time left in this world, so we ask Mr. Wen to inspect the goods as soon as possible."

"Then please wait a moment." Lao Wen stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. A girl with silver hair reaching her waist, a delicate face, and wearing an Eastern uniform stepped out from the shadows. She leaned over and opened the largest box on the ground. After taking out the goods inside, a pair of silver eyes were full of seriousness and concentration.

The moment the girl appeared, the turbid rain curtain stayed above everyone's heads, the flowing wind became extremely gentle, and the accumulated water on the roadside seemed to come alive and slowly escaped towards the surroundings.

The gray-robed man's eyes shrank slightly, his eyes showing a bit of surprise and fear.

Although he knew that the kind-looking black market dealer in front of him was actually a dangerous lunatic who flouted the law, what he didn't expect was that this guy would dare to breed humanoid natural disasters in the densely populated urban area under the eyes of the authorities. !
——Fuck, he is indeed as crazy as the rumors say.

"Hmm... looks like a good and interesting inspiration."

Lao Wen didn't seem to notice the other party's astonishment. He leaned against the rusty street lamp and looked at the materialized fantasy in the girl's hand. Although it was night, there was a blue glow and the sound of waves coming from the crowd.The businessman exclaimed with satisfaction: "It's so beautiful... Where did it come from? What is it called again?"

"The 'Dream of Kanagawa Oki' in the land of Ukiyo-e in the depths of the east coast."

The tone of the man in gray robe seemed to be much more honest: "This is our biggest gain in that ghost place. In order to get it, the three of us stayed in the dream of the sea forever."

"Did they become greedy themselves, or did you instruct them to die?" Lao Wen showed a half-smiling expression.

"I ordered it." Even though his subordinates were behind him, the man in gray robe answered frankly: "I promised those three sick ghosts in advance that I would pay their families a large reward, so they had no complaints before they died. "

"That's it... it is indeed a good thing to die with value." Hearing this, Lao Wen actually nodded seriously, looking very much in agreement.

The man in gray robe stopped answering, and the atmosphere condensed in the rain. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the silver-haired girl to finish her work.

"These inspirations are genuine products from deep inside, not fakes manufactured by the company." A cold voice sounded in everyone's ears, and the girl stood up straight and retreated behind the young man.

Lao Wen then took out his personal terminal. He swiped it a few times and smiled at the seller in front of him: "The money has been transferred to your account."

The man in gray robe nodded. He didn't waste time checking the account. After all, the name 'Wen Zaiyan' was recognized as a golden sign in the underground world.

“Happy cooperation~”

After a transaction was completed, Old Wen's tone became much lighter. Then, the young man raised his head and looked at the man in gray robe who was still waiting silently with some doubts: "Besides delivery, does the customer have other needs?" What?"

"That's right. I'd like to ask Mr. Wen for a price."

The man in gray robe stared into the young man's eyes, and his tone became solemn: "——About the new country discovered by Yanguo officials in the deep layers."

"The name of the country is 50 Chinese dollars, the country's surface route information is 100 Chinese dollars, and the members of the survey team have recorded [-] million Chinese dollars."

Lao Wen quoted the price without hesitation: "No counter-offer."

"Please also ask Mr. Wen to give me two days to think about it."

After receiving the reply, the hoarse voices of the men in gray robes gradually disappeared into the rain, and their figures seemed to be erased out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, only the shadows cast by street lamps were left in the narrow alley.

"Tsk, tsk, these stowaways are really elusive..." Lao Wen sighed and looked behind him: "Then let's pack them up too?"

"BOSS, there's something I can't figure out."

The girl picked up the box and a cold voice sounded faintly: "Since the news about the Golden Kingdom is so expensive, why did you just tell the bookstore owner its name casually?"

"It's just a simple test."

Lao Wen responded, and then he took out half a stick of bald chalk from his coat pocket and casually sketched lines on the damp wall.

"Try what?"

"Test whether he is him or not, test whether he is something crawling out from the deep." The young man who was bending over to paint narrowed his eyes. After a while, Lao Wen completed his painting, a crooked fan. Door.

"After all... that young man was Gu Tianzong's chosen drawing board in this world." The young man put the chalk into his pocket and opened the door in front of him.

The black marketeer said softly: "So he shouldn't and can't be alive now..."

(End of this chapter)

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