Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 21 No one answered the record

Chapter 21 No one answered the record

Bai Yue leaned lazily on the chair. The young man stroked the white cat and observed the black marketeer on the other side of the screen.

Lao Wen always had a smile on his face, making it difficult for people to see his depth.

Bai Yue speculated on the other party's intentions, and he realized that since the time he traveled, Lao Wen had been paying inexplicable attention to himself, an ordinary person.

During the first contact, Lao Wen took the initiative to reveal the depth of Dayan’s official blockade to him.

In the ensuing color depth, Bai Yue learned about the former identity of the black market businessman. In the past, Mr. Gu called him the nine seats of the Utopia and "the balance of human nature", which also confirmed that he and Gu Tianzong are equally dangerous. exist.

It's just that Lao Wen seems to have betrayed the ideal paradise long ago, and is burdened with the ban that he will never set foot in the depths.

Now it was the second contact. Lao Wen took the initiative to release his "goodwill" towards him, and at the same time made a request for a transaction...

However, Bai Yue knows that the enemy of his enemy is not necessarily a friend who can be honest with each other, and he is not that naive yet.

Bai Yue glanced at the silver-haired girl beside him who was drinking tea obediently.

It's just a delivery. There's no need to send out extraordinary employees who were cursed by Yamata no Orochi, right?
The other party's intentions are naturally obvious.

Whether it's a test or a shock.

——From the very beginning, Wen Zaiyan was weighing the value of the 'reborn Bai Yue'.

From this point of view, there is essentially no difference between the friendly and kind trading methods of 'Libra' and the sinister and vicious whispers of 'Painter'.

As early as the moment Bai Yue met Lao Wen, the young man had already figured out his purpose.

No matter what he deals with the black market merchants, no matter how favorable the conditions are in the paper, there is only one price in Bai Yue's hands, and that is...

——Reborn in the depths, a soul from a foreign land.

Thinking of this, Bai Yue put down the cat in his hand and sat up straight.

The young man smiled and said, "Old Wen, before we officially discuss the deal, can I ask a question?"


Lao Wen was a little surprised: "You say it, you say it."

Bai Yue bluntly said: "In front of the scale of measuring human nature, how much is my soul worth?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the bookstore instantly solidified.

The napping white cat raised his head. The hand of the natural disaster witch holding the tea cup trembled. Hanyu Hitomi lowered his head, trying to reduce his sense of presence.

Lao Wen was also startled. He leaned forward and took off the sunglasses on his nose. His scarlet eyes looked carefully into the young man's eyes.

But there was no trace of fear in the young man's eyes.

Bai Yue's eyes were full of pure curiosity.

Ever since he traveled through time, there has always been a curiosity about the unknown deep in the stranger's heart.

This curiosity is like a flickering spark on the grassland. It spreads more and more with the emergence of depth and inspiration. As soon as fear and hesitation appear, they are completely engulfed by the flames of the prairie fire and turned into ashes.

"You are truly the most outspoken and fearless guest I have ever met."

Lao Wen sighed.

"No prizes, no prizes." Bai Yue responded: "But you haven't answered my doubts yet."

"I'm sorry I can't answer your question."

Lao Wen put on his sunglasses, and the young man shook his head: "Anyone's soul is priceless. I don't think I am qualified to evaluate the possibility of human will."

He sighed: "The only thing I can do is to dig out the value in people's souls as much as possible."

"Is this why you were kicked out of the Utopia?"

Bai Yue asked.

"Yes, those lunatics are all idiots and crazy people. One of their beliefs is that all souls are destined to be rich and poor."

Lao Wen sneered: "In the heaven they built, before you were born from your mother's womb, they had already helped you write your epitaph and life summary 80 years later." Bai Yue: "... …”

The black marketeer was obviously a bit guarded, and he even ignored the honorifics he said every day.

"Forget it, those grandsons are unlucky to mention. Let's talk about business."

Wen Zaiyan's expression calmed down, and he said word by word: "Boss Bai, I need a deep representative, and you are one of the excellent candidates."

"The agent of the deep..."

Bai Yue pondered for a moment: "What exactly are we going to do with this deal?"

"To put it simply, during your exploration of the deep, I will provide you with settings, special deep paths, required inspiration, Klein's box, and a complete set of sanity maintenance devices."

Lao Wen set out his own conditions: "When you create works and return to the world, I will also provide you with a platform for the exposure of your works, provide guests, and provide the popularity of Bai's Bookstore."

"Sounds quite tempting."

Bai Yue's eyes were calm: "What reward do you plan to get from me?"

Lao Wen smiled: "While you are exploring the deep world, just help me spread the awareness of 'Lao Wen Grocery Store' in the designated deep world."


"Yes, awareness."

The black marketeer pointed to the silver-haired girl who had moved to the corner of the counter: "My staff and I will explain to you the meaning of 'cognition' later."

Hitomi Hanyu noticed the gazes cast by the two big men, and the silver-haired girl immediately became excited and nodded quickly.

Bai Yue: "..."

I really don’t understand why this girl is so timid.

"Aren't you afraid that I might accidentally end up in the depths with the resources you provided?"

Bai Yue turned around and asked again.

"Businessmen have to invest boldly. I just showed my sincerity. It has never been my style to be cautious and cautious."

Lao Wen waved his hand: "Of course, you can also choose to reject this deal. The choice is always in your hands."

Bai Yue fell into deep thought.

The bookstore became quiet at this moment. The old man in the picture had a smile on his face, patiently waiting for the young man's decision.

After a moment, Bai Yue raised his head: "The deep layer you designated should be the 'Nightless Golden Kingdom'."

"Boss Bai, you are indeed a smart man."

The black marketeer showed a satisfied smile.

Dayan, Beihe City, Monitoring Bureau, empty office.

There was a harsh rustling sound from the communicator on the table.

"This is Great Yan... No. 90 No. [-] Survey Team... We are in the Golden Kingdom... We have dived too deep, too deep..."

No one heard.

"I am... team recorder Liang Qiuli..."

The signal seemed unstable, and the communicator's voice began to be intermittent. The survey member's voice was extremely hoarse, but his speaking speed was very fast.

As if a person in a desperate situation is chasing the little time left, he is wandering between madness and sanity at the moment.

"I know, I don't have much time left...because (the cacophony of harsh sounds) has already seen me..."

"No... no... that's not us... that's not us... don't believe it... don't believe it -"

The harsh voice sounded again, and the communication was terminated.

(End of this chapter)

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