Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 63 The Dark Day of Silence

Chapter 63 The Dark Day of Silence
It just so happens that the old article lacks deep understanding.

Bai Yue felt that this decision was interesting enough. He had been fighting life and death in the deep apocalypse to finally create such a good market for black marketeers. He had to make a small 'show'.

Starship materials aside, he always has the construction resources to develop the city-state, right?
One piece of 'cognition' and one piece of goods. In short, as much as you need, reveal them all to him... ahem, let him trade them.

"I will try my best to find a way to repair the starship. As for the city-state's resource problem, I will help you through the 'Lao Wen Grocery Store'."

After thinking about this, Bai Yue nodded simply: "I happen to know a mysterious and powerful businessman."

"Lao Wen Grocery Store...a mysterious and powerful businessman..."

Bourne was stunned, and a look of understanding gradually appeared in the old man's eyes: "You mean, you plan to send your angels to rescue us?"

"It doesn't matter how you understand him, as long as you have an impression of him."

Bai Yue smiled, glanced at the old bishop, and the hunter said softly: "It's time for me to leave, Bourne."

"According to your will."

The archbishop responded respectfully and quickly prepared a quill and paper for the god who brought salvation.

Under the respectful gaze of the old man, Bai Yue looked at the bright walls around him, and the hunter vaguely realized that during the long night before, this technologically advanced bridge was nothing more than a narrow cage.

He calmed down and began to create his own works in the apocalypse.

Although there are many ways to create works, Bai Yue is still accustomed to using words to record his past.

He wrote about the Council Chamber, about the Holy Shrine, about the long night, about the Last Messenger, about people's despair, perseverance and faith.

Bai Yue carefully outlines the characteristics of each character.

The sacrificed Jay, the crazy Griffith, the tired Veronica, the steady Ron, the strong and cute little Molly, Claire who was swallowed by the end, and Bishop Bourne who deceived the world and carried the truth alone .

The story and civilization extend forward with the footsteps of the protagonists, until dawn arrives and the long night is opened.

But at the end of writing, Bai Yue still got stuck.

He turned his head and asked the old man curiously: "By the way, what does 'Praise for Wheat Juice' mean?"


At this moment, Bourne suddenly fell into deep thought.

Cold sweat gradually broke out on the Archbishop's back, and his excited words finally attracted God's questioning...

The old man rubbed his hands and hesitated: "Well... praising wheat juice is actually an important tradition in the city-state..."

"Is it true?" Bai Yue said with a smile in his eyes, "How come I haven't heard of this strange tradition before?"

But when the bishop lowered his head in fear and said nothing, the old man suddenly smelled a strong aroma of wine. Bourne raised his head in shock, only to find that the hunter had taken out two bottles of wheat juice from the inside of his coat at some point.

"I dug it out of Congressman Morris' office."

The hunter smiled and handed over a bottle of juice. Bourne took the bottle at a loss. He looked into the gentle eyes of the god. In an instant, the fear in the old man's heart disappeared.

"I knew how could that smelly old man in the council chamber, who was always stubborn and serious, refuse such a delicious juice?"

The wine bottles in the hands of the two people collided heavily.

Ignorant gods and false believers are just laughing in the apocalypse.

Bai Yue wrote the last few words on the paper, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

The bookstore owner opened his eyes, and the night outside the window was still full of neon.

A fluffy cat head came over instantly.

"Quickly tell me, Kangkang, what did you bring back this time?"

Bai Shu sat on the counter, the white cat wagging its tail and urging the boy.

"Aren't you accompanying Ning Xiaoyao..."

Bai Yue reluctantly handed over the work. Under Bai Shu's nose, his naming of the work would probably be ruthlessly rejected and criticized. "She's sleeping soundly, don't worry about her."

The white cat turned over the paper with a meat pad and said disdainfully: "Children are easy to trick. If I just let her touch me twice, she will be so happy that she can't find the north and fall asleep quickly."

Bai Yue: "..."

After a moment, Bai Shu showed a satisfied look.

"The story is readable, but the writing style needs to be improved. Overall, it's just passable."

The white cat stretched out his paw and pressed the paper: "Well, since you have put in so much effort, I will just listen to your opinion on naming."

Bai Yue was overjoyed when he heard this. He held his chin and began to think hard.
After a moment, he slapped his thigh and his eyes lit up: "Yes! It's called 'A Series of Thrilling Past Events Caused by Wheat Juice'. How about it?"

Bai Shu: "..."

Life is not easy, Maomao sighed.

"Admit it, you're hopelessly illiterate when it comes to naming."

Bai Shu reluctantly picked up the pen and wrote the real name of the story at the top of the paper.

——"Killing the Long Night"

The boy's face had already turned red and he argued: "How can you describe the artist's affairs as illiterate?"

There were words that were difficult to understand one after another, such as "It's because you don't understand art" and "My level is actually very high", etc. It's a pity that the white cat didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The small bookstore at night still shines with warm light and is filled with happy air.

The drunken Shangcheng suddenly became windy for some reason.

Someone stood on the top of a tall building, looking down coldly at the bustling flow of people below.

The sound of footsteps came from behind him. The man turned his head and found a decadent old man with unshaven beard standing not far from him.

The uncle flicked his arm, and the dead head rolled down to the man's feet.

"I'm obviously not on duty today, Zuo Canguang."

The leader of the mountain and sea heavy cavalry shook his blood-stained palms. He took out the cigarette case from his pocket, lit one and put it in his mouth. He issued an indifferent warning: "You have influenced me to read cool novels, you guys." These crazy stowaways have no regard for human life."

"You say we don't care about human life? Then who do you think you are? Chen Guyue? What's the difference between you aloof officials and those companies that gnaw at mortals?"

The man also gave a cold sneer: "The company took away our last piece of bread, but when we were hungry and had no way out and stepped into the depths, your officials called us 'stowaways' and came to hunt us down... …”

He said ferociously: "You are just a group of colluding evil ghosts in human skin."

"...So you joined the Black Sun of Silence,"

Chen Guyue was silent for a moment, and the decadent uncle exhaled the smoke. He looked directly into the other person's eyes and asked lightly: "Then you personally killed the teacher who once trusted you the most? Captain [-]?"

"This is a necessary sacrifice, Chen Guyue."

The man's eyes were filled with fine bloodshot eyes: "His death was valuable."

"You say...does a native like me, who is born in the lower city, deserve to have ideals and ambitions? Chen Guyue?"

The man laughed miserably.

"The sun rises and sets."

Zuo Canguang took out the pistol from his arms and pulled the trigger without hesitation at his former compatriots: "No matter where I stand, in your eyes I will always be that humble wild dog!"

The big black star suddenly replaced the moon over the city, and the black moon crown burned silently in the night wind.

 Thank you very much to Xia Yufeng for the tip!
  Thanks to all book friends who voted!

(End of this chapter)

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