Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 92 I will tolerate everything about you

Chapter 92 I will tolerate everything about you
The legions of hell from the depths tore apart the current sky.

A huge deep crack stood in the center of people's sight. The edge of the crack was burning with raging Susano's flames. The brilliant divine light shone on the earth. Susano Destiny's mountain-like body stood indifferently behind the crack.

He drew his bow like the moon.

Whether it was Yamata-no-Orochi's defection to the Council of Truth or Bai Yue's harvest of knowledge from the people of the Eastern Kingdom, they obviously touched the bottom line of Izanagi's control of the Eastern Kingdom.

"Look, here we come. That person is none other than Izanagi's most skilled legion commander, Susano'o who governs the deep sea of ​​the Eastern Kingdom."

The musician put down the wine cup, pointed at the crack and laughed: "He is the closest master to the 'historical monarch' among the Hell Legion of the Eastern Kingdom."

"Historical monarch?"

Bai Yue chewed on this term, and his expression at this time was inexplicably weird: "What does that mean?"

"To put it simply, 'historical monarchs' are existences at a higher level than the 'great masters'. They are the seedbed of art and the root of national borders."

The musician glanced at Bai Yue with deep meaning: "Just like Izanagi and Izanami, as the historical monarchs who created the culture of the East, they are the 'ontology' of the East, and their 'experience itself' is the national border. A historical work with a long history."

As long as civilization continues to be passed down, they will never be forgotten by the world.

In this idealistic world, there is no work more famous than "The Country".

"Is that so..."

Bai Yue murmured in response. During the conversation, he had been staring at the towering Susano Tenmei on the horizon, looking uneasy.

"Are you stressed about this? Shopkeeper Bai?"

The long-awaited musician quickly seized the opportunity. He came over and patted Bai Yue on the shoulder with a smile: "Do you want to consider joining the Ideal Kingdom?
He vowed: "As long as you open your mouth, I can sound the trumpet of the Kingdom of Heaven now, and I will personally open the curtain of war for you to crush the Eastern Army!"

"No need, I don't have any pressure at the moment, I just..."

At this moment, Bai Yue interrupted the musician's solicitation, and his tone became more and more erratic: "I'm just a little hungry suddenly..."

Musician:? ?

Would you like to listen to what you are saying?
The dark cloud of desire created by Baqi completely dissipated.

The dim Takamagahara has been dyed with purple-gold flames, and the bustling city is becoming more and more bizarre.

Standing on the spider web, Masako Asakawa stared up at the majestic figure. With its majestic power, the son of the god in the history of the Eastern Kingdom made a solemn sentence towards the lamb that had escaped its fate.

"By using your untouchable body to offend the royal family blessed by destiny, you have committed the crime of regicide."

At this moment, Susano'o's voice echoed in everyone's ears: "You will fall into the underworld and suffer eternal punishment in the three hells!"

The people of the Eastern Kingdom who had been kneeling before Spider Web just now became stunned again. For a moment, a mountain roar and tsunami of admiration swept across, and the lamb-like people prostrated themselves in Susan's figure.

But facing the mighty power of God, Masako's expression was still so calm. She held down the hem of her skirt and slowly sat on the spider silk. The girl hugged her knees, and the breeze blew the girl's hair.

"My father once told me your story when I was very young."

She lowered her head sadly and murmured softly: "He told me that we never have to be afraid of monsters, because the legendary hero Susano'o will always come to save us."

What a beautiful day it was.

Under the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard, an ordinary middle-aged man held two young children in his arms. He told the scary and interesting legends vividly.

Susano Demyou once used wine as bait to attract demons. The righteous hero pulled out the ten-fist sword given to him by the gods and killed the terrible evil demon who was devouring the villagers at that time.

The little boy listened with fascination. He waved his fists and wanted to be the hero who saves the world. But the little girl trembled in the man's arms. She was afraid of the man-eating monster in her father's story.The mother on the side looked at his father and immediately blamed him.

So the father hurriedly began to remedy the situation. He hugged the little girl tightly and told her that the hero had stayed forever. Susana Destiny had been guarding the people of the Eastern Kingdom from generation to generation. From then on, the people's lives became happy and there were no more terrible evil spirits in the world. .

The beautiful memories gradually became blurred, and the little girl's lively laughter was thrown into the past along with the cherry blossoms.

Yes, father, the little girl who grew up really saw the legendary hero.

——The moment I personally avenge you.

Masako chuckled suddenly with relief.

"It turns out that father lied to us for a long, long time..."

She raised her head, and the girl's eyes no longer had the fear she had when she was young. Masako's voice became firmer than ever before: "You hypocritical heroes should be killed by evil spirits."

At this moment, Susano Tenmei let go of the full moon in his hand.

In an instant, the world lost its voice.

The arrow turned into purple fire cut through the sky and fell like a shining meteor. Masako Asakawa felt that the world around her had turned into pure black, and the only thing left in front of her was the brilliant light of the hero.

Masako hugged her knees tightly, she closed her eyes subconsciously, and waited quietly for the pain to come.

For a long time.

The world was still so quiet, so quiet that the breeze became gentle. Masako opened his eyes blankly, only to see Lord Baiyue wearing a ronin robe standing in front of him.

The huge purple rocket arrow had sunk into the bottomless black spider shadow behind him.

Amaterasu's glow quickly dimmed, as if it had been swallowed.

"You've done a great job, Masako."

Bai Yue stretched out his hand and rubbed the believer's hair. His eyes were as gentle as ever: "Leave the next trivial matters to me."

Masako stared blankly at the other person's face. Gradually, the girl felt her eyes become warm. She quickly lowered her head and hurriedly tried to cover up her embarrassment.

I am afraid of being I cannot be I cannot be cowardly...

Masako's body trembled, but even though she gritted her teeth, she still couldn't control the hot emotions bursting out of her heart.

"It's okay, Masako."

In the girl's tearful eyes, Bai Yue smiled and gave his answer: "I already agree with you. My protagonist has never been a cold machine who can only be brave and strong."

The god in charge of chaos loosened his hand and said seriously: "So, I will tolerate everything about you."

But in the next moment, Bai Yue's hand hanging in the air was tightly held again. The girl raised her head and put the other person's palm on her cheek.

She was obviously smiling, but Bai Yue couldn't wipe away the tears on the girl's cheeks.

 Thanks to [I’ve been thinking about a bad name for a long time] for the tip!

  Thank you [Looking Back at the Long River of Time] for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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