Chapter 95 Epilogue
Everyone is waiting for the result of Dongguo.

Utopia, Mountain and Sea Alliance, Parliament of Truth, Royal Ministers...

Although the gourmets armed with knives and forks were already ready to carve up the flock, the mysterious spider shadows cast by the deep cracks already made them hesitate.

"God...what the hell is that..."

The gentleman with a face like a deep spiral stared intently at the reflection of the god, while beside him, the charming woman wearing a fiery red 'twelve singles' looked extremely painful.

"My desire setting... is being taken away..."

She collapsed on the ground, her face flushed, and her breathing was rapid. As the 'cognition of happiness' dissipated, the gravity from the depths had already climbed onto the snake's soul.

"Relax, Ms. Yaqi, we're going home right now."

The Congressman of Truth from Colombia laughed: "Soon, the glow of freedom will soothe your hollow soul..."

He let go of the delicate short cane, and miraculously, the gentleman's cane turned into a radiant distance formula. He stretched out his hand and flicked the symbol of the formula.

The distance between Dongguo and Colombia was so 'changed' that it became just one step away.

"Lady first."

The gentleman is always polite. The charming woman gritted her teeth. She took a step towards the wrong formula, and Yamata no Orochi disappeared from the spot.

But the gentleman still stayed there. He turned around and glanced at the bustling Takamagahara again.

"It's really a pity. It seems that the beacon of human rights cannot shine on this dim land for the time being..."

He let out a heartfelt sigh.

However, the Parliament of Truth did not gain nothing.

Yamata no Orochi will soon understand that the so-called 'freedom' has already been marked with a corresponding price in the empire built by capital.

Masako Asakawa sat obediently in the center of the spider web.

She quietly stared at the distant sky, waiting for the ending of the evil ghost and the hero.

Not far below the spider web, someone was standing in the shadow at the top of the Kabukicho Building, looking up at the girl's back.

Sanji Asakawa said nothing, with dark flames burning in the depths of his pupils.

The black sun priest on the side was concentrating on wiping his ordinary-looking pistol. Zuo Canguang glanced at Sanji's complicated expression and asked casually:
"Aren't you going to say hello to her?"

"No need." Asakawa Sanji slowly shook his head: "A meaningless meeting will only make people more troubled."

"On the night when she was taken away by the gendarmerie, I wanted to pick up the long knife at home again and again, and then fight to the death with those sanctimonious scum."

Asakawa Sanji continued speaking on his own: "But in the end I chose to use alcohol to numb my nerves..."

He murmured softly: "How can I, who is so cowardly, have the face to face Masako?"

"Then what counts as a meaningful meeting?"

Zuo Canguang put away his pistol and curled his lips disdainfully: "Don't bring me any painful literature from the Eastern Kingdom."

"At least I don't want to be a burden for Masako in the future."

Sanji's expression became serious: "She has already left me behind."

"Huh, I'm pretty self-aware."

Zuo Canguang smiled: "So what are you going to do?"

"As I said, remorse and apology are meaningless. What I can do now..."

At this moment, Sanji Asakawa showed a relieved smile, and his eyes became determined: "The only way to open up a way forward for her is to go deep."

The silent black fire instantly ignited Sanji's body.

He smiled and waved to the girl in the sky. Asakawa Sanji closed his eyes. The man's body was quickly burned in the black fire, and his soul fell into the ideal heaven forever.

At this moment, Masako Asakawa seemed to notice something. She lowered her head as if feeling something, but saw nothing.Everyone has their own way to go.

The big white spider smacked its mouth, but couldn't taste anything.

He didn't eat the bloody corpse in front of him, which was ready to be buried at the sight. Chaos just swallowed the ten-fist sword that Susana Teteru exploded.

The god calmed down his mind and once again suppressed the howling wind and snow. In the final and unwilling roar, the god closed his eyes and began to digest the brush of the painter Susana.

Bai Yue's consciousness of humanity began to rise rapidly.

While his consciousness drifted to the present situation, he fell into deep thought.

Bai Yue suddenly realized that the 'fear cognition' provided by the people of the Eastern Kingdom had reached its limit of help.

Although 'fear' is indeed the most easily triggered emotion in human beings, for the Lord of Chaos, the perception of 'fear' is still too one-sided and single.

To put it bluntly, what the Lord of Chaos needs is all human cognition and emotion.

It's just that under the premise that all countries are competing for cognitive anchoring territory, this is not a simple task.

Fortunately, the Chaos Gods have found their fulcrum in this world.

Bai Yue has completely occupied Gao Tianyuan, the upper city of the East Kingdom. Although Gao Tianyuan is indeed too small compared to the huge current situation, Bai Yue is already quite satisfied.

You can't become a big fat man in one bite, just take it step by step slowly...

The evil ghost has successfully taken away people's happiness. In the test questions given by the Human Balance and the Musician of Destiny, Bai Yue has already presented the most perfect answer sheet.

He will not protect or redeem some happy slug that is willing to fall for itself.

Simply overturning the table and then re-establishing a new order on the ruins is Bai Yue's way of doing things.

However, Bai Yue will not be a cruel and unkind dictator. In order to harvest more different types of emotional cognition, after the big stick is passed, he should also give them some sweet dates...

Just as Bai Yue promised to Masako.

God allows people to create their own future with their own hands.

Therefore, Bai Yue will never allow any official or group to put their hands into his current spider nest.

As Susanataru's consciousness dissipated, the deep cracks torn apart by the Hell Legion began to gradually close.

The weird dark shadows gathered together again, and in everyone's dumb eyes, a white hand suddenly grasped the edge of the spider shadow.

The hero bathed in glory has disappeared, and the evil ghost devouring happiness has crawled out from the shadows little by little.

Bai Yue didn't care what the world thought of him.

He came to the believer who had been waiting for him, smiled and extended his palm towards him.

Bai Yue finally returned to his Ming Palace Palace, and Masako Asakawa followed him obediently, never leaving.

The Musician of Destiny has disappeared,

In Bai Yue's surprised eyes, he saw Lao Wen sitting there with a bruised nose and face, and Hitomi Hanyu was carefully applying ointment to Lao Wen's face.

Bai Yue: "..."

The moment their eyes met, Lao Wen rushed over with an aggrieved look on his face.

"Boss! You must make the decision for me!"

 Thanks to [Maple Blue] for the tip!

  Thank you [book friend 20220617231335932] for your reward!

  Thank you [book friend 150811225630563] for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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