Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 99 Black Swan Theater Company

Chapter 99 Black Swan Theater Company

Beihe City, Dayan Policy Branch.

"Are all the test results here?"

The woman sitting behind the desk and wearing a red suit took the document report from her subordinate. She was already tall and almost blocked the sunlight from the window behind her.

"Nothing left out."

The subordinate standing in the shadow responded respectfully: "According to your request, we conducted the ability test in accordance with the standards for evaluating Shanhaiwei."

Di Jiang nodded and began to carefully read through Ning Caiying's ability test data. She looked calm and composed, but the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became.

The extraordinary setting originating from Doomsday Frontier is indeed extraordinary.

Although the girl from the lower city had a fighting background, in just one day, her combat power was already comparable to those of the fourth-level Shanhai Guards who had been tempered for a long time...

The skill of swordsmanship at close range is superb, the power of guns and spears at mid-range is impressive, the bright lantern stabilizes the will, and can even subjectively delay the passage of time, allowing the setting holder to deal with ever-changing battle situations more calmly.

This is not a showmanship performed by those movie stars, but a real life-fighting skill that emerges from the apocalypse.

The most outrageous thing is that shopkeeper Bai’s method is not to encourage others!

"Hunting Manual" is not an evil work that consumes the life of the host and pollutes the current situation. According to Ning Caiying's description, she experienced unimaginable cruelty in Bai Dianzhu's work, and then gradually absorbed it from the overlapping timelines. Extraordinary setting.

And after a period of isolation and observation, Ning Caiying's psychology is still very healthy, and there is no hidden dark personality.

The only thing that changed was her appetite.

Ever since she came to the Bureau of Statistics and Surveying, that little girl has been really fierce when it comes to cooking, and she is quite determined to eat up the canteen of the unit...

If this is the price of power, the little girl from the lower town is undoubtedly lucky. At this moment, Di Jiang admitted that he was attracted by Shopkeeper Bai's work.

"Is there any new news from Chen Guyue?"

Thinking of this, Di Jiang put the report aside and continued to ask.

"The new Emperor Naruhito has successfully ascended to the throne, and the shogunate has officially been torn apart."

A subordinate reported: "Captain Chen took this opportunity to ascend to a high position and successfully opened the trade channel between the Dongguo border and Dayan."

"Then start making arrangements immediately. Dayan cannot let go of this opportunity to occupy the Dongguo market."

Di Jiang said calmly: "In addition, all the action records of Chen Guyue's trip are classified as top-level top-secret files, and no one has the right to inspect them."


The subordinate followed the order and left in a hurry, the door was closed, and Dijiang breathed a sigh of relief. She leaned on the back of the chair, her thoughts turning.

Fortunately, I tricked that old monster into going to the East Kingdom...

I suggested that he open a branch and he could just become the emperor in one step. He could really bring disaster...

Although Shopkeeper Bai is currently Dayan's nominal censor, Di Jiang is not stupid enough to make a big fuss about it and then ask Shopkeeper Bai to do something for Dayan.

Test first, then make good friends, and exchange interests in a way that satisfies both parties on the basis of maintaining Dayan's principles. This is how Di Jiang behaves.

At least she won't be like those old-fashioned people in Tianjing, who always offend others with a condescending and strong attitude.

While Di Jiang was thinking, the office door was knocked again.

"Master Di Jiang!"

The breathless young female staff reported: "The daughter of the Zhulong family is here to visit you!"

"The daughter of the Zhulong family?"

Hearing this, Di Jiang frowned: "Which daughter?"

"That's the most dazzling pearl of the popular Black Swan Troupe in Tianjing, the star dancer Miss Zhu Yesi!"

The female staff member’s eyes were full of sparkle.

An elite member of a wealthy family... Heh, that's really strange...

Di Jiang's expression did not change. She thought about it carefully and said with a smile, "Then let her come with Ning Caiying."

Ning Caiying was browsing her personal terminal out of boredom.

The girl's face was slightly red at the moment. She had just finished testing her extraordinary ability. What happened to eating two more mouthfuls of rice?Why is everyone looking at me strangely?

Isn’t it just that we have eaten out of rice?But what can we do? She is hungry!Ning Caiying touched her belly in distress.

Ever since she mastered the hunter setting given to her by Shopkeeper Bai, she could no longer control her food intake, as if she wanted to make up for all the power she had lost.

But at this moment, the personal terminal in Ning Caiying's hand rang again. She pressed the answer button, and Xiaoyao's cute round face immediately occupied the entire terminal screen.

"Sister, sister, I'm going to Dongguo to play!"

The young employee in the wheelchair proudly made two scissor cuts at the corners of his eyes, showing off his experience to his sister.

"But you are obviously in a bookstore?"

Ning Caiying looked at the familiar store scene next to her sister, feeling a little confused.

"It's Lord Bai Shu's magical ability!" Ning Xiaoyao immediately picked up the big white cat lying on her lap: "Whoosh, the entire Bai Bookstore came to the East Kingdom!"

Bai Shu breathed lazily and let the little employee rub his body. Masako Asakawa next to him clearly showed envious eyes.

"Who is this next to you?" Ning Caiying asked curiously.

"Her name is Masako, she is a new employee of the bookstore."

Ning Xiaoyao took Masako's hand and looked proud: "She is also my new subordinate!"

"She's obviously older than you, call her sister!" Ning Caiying immediately frowned: "You have to be polite when going out, but I think you just need to clean up your skin!"

"Oh..." Ning Xiaoyao shrank her neck and immediately calmed down: "I know..."

The two sisters had a simple exchange for a while. Ning Caiying had a tense face the whole time. She gave her sister a few words of education in a serious tone to prevent her from being pampered by Shopkeeper Bai.

But the moment she hung up the call, a soft smile still appeared on Ning Caiying's face.

She suddenly remembered the time when she was still fighting.

Whenever I open the door of my house tiredly and with scars, I always see Xiaoyao sitting in front of the window without saying a word.

Due to the hidden disease in her legs, Xiaoyao has never had any friends.

The little girl will stretch out her little hands and try to reach the afterglow of the sunset.

But no matter how hard she reached, she couldn't reach it. The sunset would always set, night would fall, and the afterglow in the little girl's hands would slowly dissipate, just like the light spots in her eyes.

Xiaoyao at that time always made people feel distressed.

Fortunately... everything is over...

Ning Caiying smiled and put down the terminal in her hand, but at this moment, she heard the noise of the staff again.

She subconsciously turned her head and saw the dazzling dancer at the entrance of the corridor.

Candle night thoughts.

The name flashed through Ning Caiying's mind instantly.

No need for too much introduction, as long as people have heard a little bit about Dayan's high-end entertainment industry, people can recognize this rising entertainment star.

Rumor has it that her dancing skills are worth a fortune.

Every year, countless high-ranking officials and rich people fight tooth and nail just to buy a ticket for the Black Swan Theater Company. Even so, the rich may not be able to see Zhu Yesi's moving dance.

When Ning Caiying came to her senses, Zhu Yesi, who was wearing a simple black dress, was already nearby.

The two looked at each other.

"Uh... hello..."

Ning Caiying wiped the rice grains from her face in embarrassment and quickly reached out her hand.

However, Zhu Yesi completely ignored Ning Caiying who was standing aside. She withdrew her gaze without stopping.

On the surface, the daughter of the Zhu family is polite and decent, but underneath she is arrogant and indifferent.

Ning Caiying retracted her hand angrily, and the two passed by each other.

The maid who followed Zhu Yesi and held Klein's Box turned back to look at Ning Caiying.

The contempt in his eyes is self-evident.

 Thanks to [Qixiayi] for the reward~
  Thank you [Book Friends 20220612134546712] for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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