Chapter 25 Massacre

Pushing open the window, Ding Chunqiu, who was dressed, stretched out in the sunshine outside. Looking at the sun that was approaching noon, he couldn't help but sigh: "I had a good sleep last night."

Ding Chunqiu did not take the secret manuals of Splitting Stone and Breaking Jade.

Because last night in the bamboo forest outside the town, Ding Chunqiu once again showed his master Yue Buqun the characteristic of a genius - photographic memory.

With the help of the moonlight and the tongue of fire carried by his master, Ding Chunqiu directly memorized the two boxing secret books.

It's a pity that because they were in the bamboo forest, and Yue Buqun was dressed in night clothes and covered with a black scarf, Ding Chunqiu didn't see the look on his face under the black scarf in the end.

I could only feel a slight change in Master Yue Buqun's aura, and he looked inexplicably haggard and sad.

After returning to the inn and quietly returning to his room, Ding Chunqiu briefly introduced the two martial arts through praise and then ignored them.

Then he lay on the bed and began to fall asleep.

I slept very comfortably until dawn.

As for practicing the Zixia magic skill, which requires drawing a trace of purple energy into the body to practice at the moment the sun rises in the sky, Ding Chunqiu has simply forgotten it.

If he were still in Huashan, as long as his master's wife was there, he would definitely be urged to get up early and practice martial arts.

You should never sleep when you are lazy or something like that.

Today, Ding Chunqiu felt that lazy feeling again.

Sure enough, people all like to be lazy.

After washing up, Ding Chunqiu opened the door of his room.

Outside the door, second senior brother Laudno had been waiting for a long time, but his face was not that good-looking at this time.

In front of the second senior brother Laudnuo, there is the young senior sister Yue Lingshan. Judging from her posture, she is just right in front of Laudnuo.

"Good morning, little senior sister and second senior brother." Ding Chunqiu greeted happily.

Laudno: "Junior brother..."

"Are you up? The second senior brother has asked the waiter to prepare the food. After we have eaten, let's get ready to leave." Before Lao Denuo could speak, Yue Lingshan chirped out a series of arrangements, and directly told Lao Denuo What Deno wanted to say was stuck in his throat.

Lauderno opened his mouth when he heard this, looked at Yue Lingshan for a long time, and finally closed his mouth and remained silent.

Lauderno remembered the discussion and arrangement the three of them had last night, which was to get up early, have breakfast, and then set off southward.In the process of going to Fuzhou, I also did some heroic deeds to earn some money to pay for my expenses.

As a result, he woke up early the next day and had everything ready.

Then he met junior sister Yue Lingshan at the door.

Needless to say what happened next, Yue Lingshan forcibly blocked Lauderno at the door for two hours and directly changed the arrangements for last night. The reason was just to let her junior brother have a good sleep.

After all, I must have been tired from riding down from Huashan Mountain and riding to this town yesterday.

To this day, Laudno still doesn't understand.

The younger junior sister was not like this before. What kind of magical power did the younger junior brother have that made Yue Lingshan become like this?And it seems that it is too far away from the relationship between lovers.

Laudeno, who is in his 40s and still single, analyzed it for a long time but failed to come up with any useful ideas.

For Lauderno, breakfast (lunch) was a dull affair.

Ding Chunqiu and Yue Lingshan ate very happily.

After finishing eating, the three of them drank the last mouthful of soup in the inn and asked the waiter to lead the horses and donkeys out.

The three of them got into their respective cars and started to set off as planned last night.

During this process, Ding Chunqiu did not take out the silver coins given by his master last night.This piece of silver needs a suitable time to appear in Laudnor's eyes.


under the sunset.

A fork in the mountain road. .

This is within the scope of Chuhua Mountain, and there is a bandit village on the adjacent hilltop.

These mountain bandits are constantly suppressed, like weeds that cannot be burned away by wildfire.Originally it was all a matter for the government, but the government found a good solution.A list was used to outsource this matter to martial arts people, especially Jianghu sects.

As long as they are wiped out, nothing seized from the village will be taken away. The government only needs the heads of the bandits.For this, the government will also pay a corresponding amount of silver as a reward. When the merit is great, the government will also give an official position as a reward.

But the latter requires more than just merit.

This move made the relationship between Jianghu sects and the government closer than imagined.

Ding Chunqiu and the others took the order from the government and followed the map to the village called Qingfeng Village.

"This Qingfeng Village is a very famous village within these dozens of miles. It likes to block the roads and rob passing merchants, especially escorts."

"Because there are many good players in the village, ordinary people in the world cannot deal with them."

"We are here just for a brief investigation this time." Laudno flipped through the booklet in his hand and seriously told his experience of traveling in the world: "Only our three brothers and sisters are definitely no match for them." "So we Be careful, if you encounter danger, you can move out of the division."

"I think they will give Master Junzijian face."

Regarding Qingfeng Village, Laudno knew its true face deep down in his heart.

This village was originally a nail placed here by the leader of the Left Alliance.

The order was obtained from the county government office in the town this time because the three of them were clean and needed some silver to cover their expenses.

When necessary, Laudno felt that he could quietly notify the person in charge of the cottage and ask him to use some of the money stolen from the robbery for the three of him.


Ding Chunqiu and Yue Lingshan listened very carefully.

Just at the fork in the road at the foot of the mountain, when the second senior brother Laudeno was eloquently telling about his corresponding experiences in the world, Laudeno suddenly stopped.


Ding Chunqiu and Yue Lingshan also raised their heads and looked toward the mountain with sniffles.

"It smells bloody."

As a girl, Yue Lingshan had the sharpest nose and could directly analyze the fishy and disgusting smell in the air.

After the words fell, the three of them looked at each other and immediately stood up and rushed towards the mountain.

Obviously, the smell of blood meant that something was wrong with the Qingfeng Village on the mountain.


With the three people performing Qinggong, they got closer and closer to the village.

The smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger, making the three of them move slower and slower.

The pungent smell of blood filled the air, and the surroundings became increasingly silent.

Only the chirping of cicadas sounded occasionally.

The entire village was silent.

The eerie silence made all three of them feel an inexplicable pressure on their bodies.

A moment of silence.

Facing the looks of Ding Chunqiu and Yue Lingshan, it was Luo Denuo, the second senior brother, who made the decision: "Let's go up and take a look, but we must be very careful."

In his heart, Laudno was very anxious. He wanted to know what happened in this village.

After seeing his junior brother and junior sister nodding, Laudno showed the courage that a second senior brother should have, pulled out his long sword, walked in front, and started walking towards the village step by step.

Ding Chunqiu and Yue Lingshan, who followed closely behind, looked at each other, also drew their swords and followed cautiously.

The distance of less than a hundred meters actually took the three of them a lot of time.

The quieter this village is, the greater the pressure it puts on people.

When the three people used Qinggong to cross the wall, they all froze on the spot and stared blankly in front of them.

Everything you see is corpses everywhere.

These corpses were scattered everywhere, and many of them were lying in corners, where the hidden sentries were supposed to be.

It can be said that such a scene had a big impact on both Ding Chunqiu and Yue Lingshan.

Even though Ding Chunqiu was a time traveler, he had never seen such a scene with his own eyes.Originally, Ding Chunqiu thought that when he came out of the mountain, he might kill someone for the first time and see dead people, but he never expected that when he saw them, there would be corpses everywhere.

One and a bunch are two completely different concepts.

After forcing down the irritable emotions in his heart, Ding Chunqiu took the young senior sister who was still in the same place to check the surroundings.

After the three people checked around, they discovered that all the dozens of bandits in Qingfeng Village had died here and were massacred in the village.

After searching around and finding no trace of living people, the three of them began to examine the wounds on the corpse.

This inspection revealed something strange.

What Laudno saw was that one man and one sword had wiped out Qingfeng Village.

What Yue Lingshan discovered was that there were ink stains in the wounds of the corpse.

Ding Chunqiu became more and more familiar with it.

ps: There is another update that has been pushed to noon during the day. I was originally planning to do it at night, but my mother told me to go to bed first.

(End of this chapter)

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