The old immortal of the stars, the Dharma controls the heavens

Chapter 38 Zixia Magical Skill is not like Internal Skills

Chapter 38 Zixia Magical Skill is not like Internal Skills


What a brilliant idea.

The three brothers reviewed the strategies and arrangements, and had to admit that the master brother was very good at manipulating people's hearts when he made arrangements for the plan in the hands of senior brother Da Yin Yang Handle Hou.

Although the three brothers were not direct descendants, they were absorbed into the Thirteen Taibao from outside.The three of them are not actually the junior disciples of the leader Zuo Lengchan, but because they were recruited to join the Thirteen Taibao, they still refer to each other as senior brothers to show the close relationship between them.

The three of them naturally knew the capabilities of the head senior brother.

Looking at the entire Five Mountains Sword Sect, Hengshan has a small temple and Taishan is in trouble. Hengshan can just sing sad little songs, but Huashan is either on the road to internal fighting or on the road to internal fighting.

Only the Songshan Sect is the true son of destiny.

The five mountains are integrated into one.

This is the expectation of the entire Songshan Sect.

Right now, destiny is on the left.

Although senior brother Lehou came up with the plan, the basic information was revealed by his nephew Lao Denuo.

The senior brother in charge did not worry too much, nor did he investigate the authenticity of the intelligence. Instead, after Lehou put forward the proposal, he received the support of the senior senior brother in charge.

As the three brothers who are not directly related to the Thirteen Taibao, what we can see here, apart from the problem of Ding Chunqiu of the Huashan Sect, is the trust that the head brother has in the nephew of Lao Denuo.

This trust is beyond imagination.

During the time they spent together, the three of them felt that they had roughly discovered the problem of the young man Ding Chunqiu.As a seasoned veteran in the martial arts world, how can he be matched by a newcomer in the martial arts world?

It seemed to the three of them that they were indeed able to figure out Ding Chunqiu during this process.

What can lead to such a conclusion is actually not only the plan of the head brother and the intelligence of the nephew Laudno.

The gentleman Jian Yue Buqun and his wife protected their disciples very well.

This makes the current Huashan Sect look less like a sect and more like a family.

What's more important is that the three of them discovered at the dinner table that the extreme pursuit of fame hidden in Ding Chunqiu's heart has become a kind of pathology and obsession.

It is comparable to the Qingcheng Party's pursuit of evil-repelling sword manuals.

"Then this time the Qingfeng Village incident will be bragged with great fanfare."

"I want to spread the reputation of Huashan Immortal throughout the Five Mountains Sword Sect and throughout the Central Plains within a month."

"Let's see if we can bring out the real master behind it."

"As long as Ding Chunqiu's reputation grows, the master behind him will not be able to help his reputation being replaced if he has a little temper."

Killing several birds with one stone is the norm for planning purposes.

Regardless of whether the person behind the scenes can be brought out, the Songshan Sect already has the answer.

Just bring it out, but if you don't come out...

It will make people narrow down their scope and determine their goals.

Currently, the Songshan Sect has only one guess, and that is that the person who really made the move is probably a master of the Huashan Sect Sword Sect.

As for Yue Buqun...

Gentleman's Sword is simply impossible.

"The third child." Zhao Sihai pondered for a moment, then added to the plan, and said to Simade: "You will take the time to send the information to Junior Brother Bu Chen and tell the plan to be launched."

"There is no need for the disciples to make a big show of it, just give it a little boost in terms of the reputation it spreads."

"Second brother, think of a time to pull out our secret man, find the right time, and join that boy's door."

"From today on, we are disciples of the Huashan Sect."

There was no need to wait for Ding Chunqiu to agree, Zhao Sihai had already implemented the plan thoroughly and transferred his sect attributes to the Huashan Sect without any grudges.

From today on, he, Zhao Sihai, Zhang Jingchao and Sima De are the Thirteen Taibao of Huashan, and Tian is the young disciple of Huashan Sect, Ding Chunqiu.


Ding Chunqiu naturally didn't want to know what the three Songshan Thirteen Taibao were thinking after joining his sect.If he analyzes it carefully, he can analyze it, but the problem is that it is not necessary.

People have sincerely praised themselves, which is more important than anything else.

At this moment, he had already returned to his room under the influence of alcohol. After meditating on the bed, he combined all the bragging points he had accumulated over this period of time and invested them all in the Zixia Magic Art.

Even though there is a strong connection between the evil-fighting sword manual and the Zixia magic skill, Ding Chunqiu has no plans to combine the two skills at the moment.

Instead, he started to move forward directly with his own Zixia magical skill. He did not deduce the Zixia magical skill in his imagination for the time being, but prepared to advance this martial arts to the stage of perfection.

The amount of bragging points accumulated during this period is not small, and it can be said to be a great harvest.

First sight praise and fantasy praise, this is the source of the greatest praise value during this period.

After staying in Huashan for too long, there were very few people on the mountain and he was too familiar with them, which made Ding Chunqiu's praise points accumulate very slowly. The reason why he was able to create the Thirteenth Style of Qingfeng in one leap was because he relied on those kids at the foot of the mountain. .

The bed curtains were constantly fluttering, and Ding Chunqiu, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, was smeared with purple energy, and his whole body was filled with purple.

The top of the head is filled with green smoke.

The whole person's energy and blood were steaming, and the whole body was involuntarily emitting high temperatures.

This is the scene where the true energy impacts the blood vessels of the whole body, and it is the middle stage of Zixia's magical power.The steaming high temperature means that Ding Chunqiu has entered the next stage and has the effect of restraining the cold internal energy.


The Zixia magic power operating at full power made Ding Chunqiu's eyesight and ears sharp at this moment, reaching a strange state with the help of Zixia's true energy.

In an instant, Ding Chunqiu heard the discussion between Zhao Sihai, Zhang Jingchao and Sima De who were several rooms away.

Although I only heard part of the conversation clearly, it confirmed Ding Chunqiu's previous guesses.

Ding Chunqiu had no objection to this. He was worried about how to expand his reputation, so he focused on Fuwei Escort Agency.

But now it seems that with the help of Songshan Sect, his idea will be easier to achieve.

Everyone is going to each other in both directions.

Exhale, open your eyes, and stop the exercise.

The bed curtains floating around fell back down.

As the power came to an end, the heat and heat all over my body, like a steam engine, also dissipated and disappeared.

Ding Chunqiu's ability to practice martial arts in a downtown inn like him can only be regarded as his own.

But at this moment, Ding Chunqiu's expression was very strange, and he said in surprise: "That's not right."

"Whose internal strength is an active skill?"

"This Zixia magical skill is indeed incomplete!"

Thinking of this, Ding Chunqiu used the Zixia magic skill again, and it immediately had the previous effects.As he stops exercising, the effect disappears.

This seems to be basically an active skill.

A comprehensive active skill that integrates energy storage, control control, dissolving alien energy and healing injuries.

It is only useful if it is carried out, otherwise it will not be effective. The normal operation of internal energy is still the same as the rejuvenation method among the nine exercises of Huashan.

It's just that the internal energy of the Rejuvenation Kung Fu has transformed into Zixia Zhenqi.

Just think about other sects of martial arts, the inner strength will automatically operate after practice.

Take the Nine-Yang Divine Skill as an example. After mastering it, it can make the ears and eyesight clear. It can also automatically protect the body, rebound external attacks, and become indestructible. It is immune to all diseases and poisons. These are all passive skills and can be attacked by others. It can also automatically defend against counterattacks.

Even Zuo Lengchan's ice energy can coexist between passive and active.

But Zixia Magic is different.

An internal skill looks like a pure active skill, without such a thing as passive, and this also explains why Master Yue Buqun doesn't look very strong on the surface, which is far from his actual combat effectiveness.

Sure enough, the Zixia Magic Skill is just a part of a certain skill.

PS: In the original work, Yue Buqun's Zixia Magic Skill is all active skills... Without the passive thing, it doesn't behave like an internal skill.

(End of this chapter)

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