Chapter 45 Mediator

The sound of crying reached my ears.

The entire Fuwei Escort Agency fell into the dullest low-pressure atmosphere.

in the courtyard.

Arranged in rows were corpses covered with white cloth. They were bodyguards killed by the Qingcheng faction.

Some died because their hearts were broken by the Heart-Destroying Palm, while others died from sword wounds, or died from the 72-way Evil-Repelling Sword Technique.The sword wounds were complex and varied in depth, as if they had been cut out after being tortured.

in the lobby.

As the owners of the escort agency, Lin Zhennan and his wife were sitting there, staring seriously at the corpse in front of them.

For a moment, the entire atmosphere was extremely depressed.

Beside the couple, their beloved son Lin Pingzhi stood there blankly. At this moment, the beautiful young man had lost all the arrogance he had in the past.

The aura of wealth and courage that existed in the young man in the past had dissipated at this moment, and was replaced by a feeling of panic.

The beautiful boy pursed his lips, like a wronged woman, staring intently at the corpses placed side by side in front of him.

Lin Pingzhi was very familiar with the owners of those corpses.

It was the escorts who had been accompanying him in the past. They were the ones who went hunting that day. They were also witnesses of what happened in the wine shop.

It is clear.

In Lin Pingzhi's opinion, this scene was actually aimed at him.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi still didn't realize that the Qingcheng faction was targeting the entire Fuwei Escort Agency.

Because he had seen Ding Chunqiu, a disciple of the Huashan Sect, act bravely on the street and kill 13 people with one sword, Lin Pingzhi did not hide it after he came back from the accident, but told his parents about his courageous act. Instead, he imagined himself You can also become famous in the world.However, they did not bury the body on the spot as fearfully as in the original work, and hid it for several days. In the end, Fuwei Escort was directly at a disadvantage and did not react at all.

Instead, he happily told what he had done for justice.

After some understanding, this time Fuwei Escorts came to their senses, especially Mrs. Wang, a mother, who started a public opinion war arrogantly.

Wanting to use public opinion to make this matter a sure thing, they acted bravely and made the Qingcheng sect, a well-known and upright sect, bow its head under the reputation.

But... the upper hand was gained, and the result seemed to be even worse.

The Qingcheng faction became angry and took action directly.

It's not like they haven't been to the wine shop before, and they wanted to pick up the other two parties, but when Lin Zhennan went there with a group of escorts, Wan'er and the old man had already disappeared without a trace.

Lin Zhennan was not surprised by this.

This kind of thing is really terrible for ordinary people who are just trying to make a living.

The father and daughter had no ability to resist and could only escape.

Leaving quietly to avoid trouble is the right choice.

Since we couldn't find another party involved, we had no choice but to give up.

As a result, after a final discussion between Lin Zhennan and his wife, they came to a conclusion about acting bravely.

Originally, in the minds of the couple, they thought that their Fuwei Escort Agency was, after all, the best in the world, and they would not give themselves a face or two wherever they went.

Even if the Qingcheng faction wants to bully the escort agency, they have to think carefully.

But I never expected it...

"There has been no information from other sub-helms for several days."

Lin Zhennan took his eyes away from the corpses. In the past few days, he was no longer in the mood to smoke, but said thoughtfully: "Madam, what's the result there?"

"I have sent three messages asking for help to Luoyang."

"Even normal hours are not enough."

"What I'm more worried about is whether there will be problems with this information midway."

Currently, there are only a few methods for transmitting information. It is no longer possible for normal personnel to do so, so the only choice is carrier pigeons.

Trusted pigeons are not much safer in the eyes of martial arts masters.

"The Qingcheng faction has surrounded this place and turned it into an isolated island."

She has stayed in Fuzhou City for more than ten years, but there has never been a moment when Mrs. Wang felt that Fuzhou City was so small.

All the escorts who went out were killed.

Then the Qingcheng faction would place these corpses at the entrance of Fuwei Escort Agency.

At this moment, the government and some small gangs in Fuzhou City were completely ineffective and did not even dare to say a loud word.

That kind of pressing pressure will continue to increase when it falls on people, and eventually they lose control and turn into fear, and they fall into final despair.

On the first day, the couple was quite conceited.

The next day, Lin Zhennan began to hesitate, but Mrs. Wang still did not change her domineering style.The third day...

The fourth day, until today.

The domineering personality developed in the family also disappeared a lot from Mrs. Wang at this moment.

The confidence accumulated by more than ten years of traveling in the escort agency, with the continuous actions of the Qingcheng faction, began to weaken under the force of the corpses.

After all the bodyguards who had accompanied their son Lin Pingzhi died, the famous saying that "the world is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships" that the couple had accumulated over the decades had almost completely collapsed at this moment.

To some extent, this couple is more naive than Lin Pingzhi.

I glanced at Lin Pingzhi, who looked calm on the outside but was actually very frightened inside. As a parent, even though he was very frightened in his heart, he could only remain calm.

At night, the couple actually wanted to fight with the visitor.

It's a pity that the golden knife in Mrs. Wang's hand was hit with a stone last night when she was cursing, which also made Lin Zhennan's evil sword skills useless.

It was only today that the couple truly understood that the Fuwei Escort Agency's success in the world was probably due to the face given to it by its sect.

Instead of the knife and sword in your hand.

What's even more embarrassing is that the couple realized that the 72-way evil-repelling sword technique and the golden sword didn't seem to be that powerful... In the past, I'm afraid it was just the so-called support.

How can adults be shameless?

The couple just didn't agree with this answer.

Today, the Qingcheng sect is so aggressive that they have pushed them to the extreme. They even drew six big words with a bloody line outside the door: "He who takes ten steps outside the door will die."

It's a pity that even at this point, neither husband nor wife realized the true purpose of the Qingcheng faction's operation.

Standing aside, Lin Pingzhi saw his parents fell into silence, but he also knew that the impact of his brave act this time was beyond his imagination.

In particular, there is no trace of the invitations and other things distributed by the parents. If this continues, I am afraid that by the time those people come to Fuzhou, my family will not be able to hold on.

In a flash of inspiration, a person appeared in Lin Pingzhi's heart: "Father, mother."

"Can we ask for help from Ding Shaoxia, a disciple of the Huashan School? He should still be playing in Fuzhou City!"

"That Young Master Ding is a chivalrous and warm-hearted person."

"The incident at Qingfeng Village, and the killing of thirteen enemies with one sword on the street a few days ago, thus saving two men."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Zhennan and his wife fell silent.

The couple naturally thought of this method.

It's just that Ding Chunqiu didn't accept the gift after dinner, so there was no human connection.In addition, a few days ago, the couple was quite conceited. They thought that Fuwei Escort Agency, the best in the world, could have a try with the Qingcheng Sect, so they did not invite Ding Chunqiu.

And to be honest, Ding Chunqiu is too young and looks to be about the same age as his own son. Such a young man does not have much face in the eyes of outsiders.

What's more, the couple also understand the current situation of the Huashan sect. In the entire sect, only the Fuwei Escort Agency has more people at the helm.

The reason why it still has such a great reputation is because of the wealth of Huashan's ancestors and the reputation of Jun Zijian and his wife.

It is said to be one of the Five Sacred Mountains, but in the minds of many people, the Huashan Sect no longer lives up to its name.

Take Mrs. Wang's natal family, they have this kind of thinking, and even Mrs. Wang also has this view (the issue of the Wang family forcing Linghu Chong to score music is an example).

But now...

"Then try it!" X2.

The couple looked at each other and said in unison.

Then he called the close accountant and a bodyguard who stayed here, and asked Huashan to send students to coordinate the situation with great fanfare.

And he still had to shout, like the number one scholar in the street, shouting to invite people, hoping to use the face of the Huashan sect to prevent himself from being killed by the Qingcheng sect.


at the same time.

in the inn.

After making arrangements, Ding Chunqiu took Yue Lingshan back to his room directly in front of everyone. The reason given was that he wanted to teach the young senior sister advanced martial arts so that she could protect herself in the next action.

"When we were on the mountain, it was actually the senior brother and junior sister who taught the swordsmanship to all the junior brothers."

Faced with this situation, Laudno just gave a hint, which made the three eunuchs suddenly realize.



we understand.

Then Zhang Jingchao and Lauderno walked out of the inn, hoping to mediate with the Huashan Sect's reputation.

PS: Thank you again for finally having time for the children’s shoes tip today!
(End of this chapter)

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