Chapter 59 Fun
Raise the flag high.

Loudly encourage each other.

Under the leadership of Bodyguard Liu, and with the mentality of following the herd, all the bodyguards and servants shouted enthusiastically for half a stick of incense.

Ding Chunqiu was satisfied with this, but not so satisfied.

He felt that just shouting slogans was not enough. Corresponding actions and rituals were also needed to strengthen this point.


This will be left to the little senior sister when the time comes. Prepare the corresponding rituals and carry them out once a day to make them believe in themselves!
At least we can't be like the Changle Gang who exploits and perfuses it - independent martial arts, contented ones, the Changle Gang, hey, hey, hey!

With a slight glance, Ding Chunqiu could see the sincerity of the people inside from the dense numbers.The most fanatical person was Escort Liu. Ding Chunqiu decided to promote this person and place him under the hands of the young senior sister to become a person in charge.

The most perfunctory ones are those who have no extra thoughts in their hearts.

The blue numbers on their bodies are particularly eye-catching among the golden numbers.

His eyes stayed on those people for a long time, and he thought that these people's hearts were still quite tough and needed time to transform. Only then did Ding Chunqiu withdrew his gaze.


Zhao Sihai noticed Ding Chunqiu's glance.

Seeing this, he looked at the three people thoughtfully and already had an idea in his mind.

Seeing Ding Chunqiu waving again, Zhao Sihai immediately walked back and discussed with Zhang Jingchao and Sima De, preparing to start the plan that Mr. Ding had made in the inn.

Of course, the three of them will also add a little something unplanned.

Add a little boost to the leader's unity of the Five Sacred Mountains.

Time passed.

The Lins, who were originally thoughtful, wanted to take time to call their son back, but found that in the following time, the couple could not find the opportunity at all.

Lin Pingzhi, who was inspired by a long sword to be chivalrous in his heart, didn't have much time to pay attention to his parents.

Lin Pingzhi burst out with unimaginable passion.

With the help of Yue Lingshan and Laudno, the whole person reorganized what he had learned.

In the eyes of Yue Lingshan and Lauderno, Lin Pingzhi's level of strength was not bad, and he seemed to be just a little better than ordinary people.

In terms of true level, it is a complete mess.

However, because of the Huashan sect rules, Lauderno abides by these strict rules, and he does not dare to teach Lin Pingzhi any martial arts.

But Yue Lingshan dared.

Therefore, the important task of teaching fell entirely on Yue Lingshan.

If Yue Lingshan in the original work still showed her status as a member of the good-looking party in the end, but now she has a younger junior brother who is even more beautiful, she has no other thoughts at all when facing Lin Pingzhi.

She has one and only one idea.

Since the junior brother temporarily left Lin Pingzhi to his training, she, Yue Lingshan, needed to lay a decent foundation for Lin Pingzhi.

It would have been okay if he didn't teach her, but after being taught, Yue Lingshan felt desperate.

Not good.

Junior Brother's hero plan may be aborted before it even gets started.

Because Lin Pingzhi's qualifications seemed really inadequate.

Especially with his senior brother Linghu Chong and his junior brother who can create Zhen Sect swordsmanship on his own, Lin Pingzhi's aptitude is simply unsightly.

Because he practices the sword technique passed down from his family to ward off evil, he has a little foundation in martial arts, but overall his foundation is very poor.Especially in terms of internal strength, there is almost none.

Are the Lin couple playing?
After learning this, Yue Lingshan was choked up.

Even Laudno was very surprised.

You must know that this is the young escort head of Fuwei Escort Agency!
On the other hand, this makes people even more confused as to how the Fuwei Escort Agency dared to confront the Qingcheng Sect like that?That's not how the world works.

Those people are really unlucky.

So Laudno became more and more interested in the real evil-repelling sword manual.

"Second brother."

"Teach this kid first."

"Go out and take a breath." Holding her head high, Yue Lingshan took a deep breath, and the veil on her face continued to float. After she temporarily entrusted Lin Pingzhi to Lauderno, she went directly to I went looking for my junior brother.


Lin Pingzhi didn't speak, he just pursed his lips and practiced each move.From Yue Lingshan's gesture just now, Lin Pingzhi also realized that his qualifications might not be as good as imagined.

Although I couldn't help feeling sad in my heart, what I showed on my body was only more diligence and seriousness.

Laudno couldn't help but sigh as he watched this scene.

Because from Lin Pingzhi, Laudno actually saw the reflection of himself when he was young, and his unworthy qualifications... created the mediocre version of himself.

Yue Lingshan walked quickly.

When she found her junior brother, Ding Chunqiu was carefully exploring the Lin family garden with her hands folded.

"Little Junior Brother."

When he saw Ding Chunqiu, he was standing by the pond, leaning over and looking at the goldfish inside, playing with the bait in his hand.That gesture already regarded Fuwei Escort Agency as his own.

Stepping forward, Yue Lingshan sighed helplessly, with a rather pessimistic expression.In a voice that only the two of them could hear, he said: "Your plan is about to fall by the wayside."


Ding Chunqiu gently threw out the bait and watched the goldfish competing for the bait one after another.Apparently in the past few days, no one had cared about the life and death of the goldfish in the pond because of the Qingcheng Sect's pressure.

He looked at the fish seriously and didn't look back. He just replied casually.

"Then Lin Pingzhi's qualifications are very mediocre."

"I'm afraid that when I get old enough, I will be at the level of my second senior brother."

The second senior brother is over fifty years old. If he does not encounter special circumstances, his martial arts level in his lifetime can be considered to be at its peak.

Yue Lingshan was able to use Lauderno as a metaphor, which was considered a great honor.

"In that case, once I meet a slightly stronger person, I am afraid that Daxia Lin will be gone in a hurry."

"Unless...junior brother can create martial arts specifically for 'stupid' people to learn."

"Then Lin Pingzhi can still be saved."

A junior who can create the Thirteen Qingfeng Styles at the age of 16 is an omnipotent existence in Yue Lingshan's eyes.

"To me, temperament is the most important thing."

"Practice a little more and let Pingzhi realize the preciousness of martial arts."

"How could I give up halfway? This is one of the only pleasures I have now."

Another pleasure is that Ding Chunqiu wants to see how the three Songshan Taibao will use the characteristics of Songshan in his random plan.

I also want to see who will lift the curtain.

Hearing this, Yue Lingshan was satisfied.

She has got the answer she wants.

Yue Lingshan even made a decision in her heart. If Lin Pingzhi's training failed, she would be the first to kill him.

The sun rose in the east and set in the west. For almost the whole day, Mr. and Mrs. Lin could not find any free time for their son.

Although the couple used to pay attention to their own worldliness, they also knew that when the sect was teaching things, outsiders were not allowed to pry into them.Otherwise, there would be nothing to say even if you were killed.

In addition to the discovery of something strange in the escort agency, in two days there was no sign that Ding Shaoxia had any intention of suing for peace and negotiation.This makes people more and more worried.

Because of the Qingcheng sect as an example, the couple did not dare to make the Huashan sect their rival and speak carelessly.

For a time, the couple, trapped internally and externally, could only run around anxiously.

Finally, when the couple saw that it was getting late, they decided on a plan while having dinner prepared, and the two of them separated to explore the problem.

After settling her mind, Mrs. Wang walked towards Sima De who was wandering around, while Lin Zhennan went to find the man named Zhao Sihai.

As the daughter of a wealthy businessman, Mrs. Wang decided it was time to once again display the ability of a businessman to observe what is happening.

At this moment, someone has already opened the curtain.

It's just that she doesn't know yet whether what's waiting for her behind the scenes is sadness or joy.

(End of this chapter)

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