Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 107 Miscellaneous Fish Miscellaneous Fish

Chapter 107 Miscellaneous Fish ~ Miscellaneous Fish ~
Putting the free attributes on Charm, Ji Ming made enough mental preparations before mustering up the courage to open his current panel.

[Name: Ji Ming]

【Level: 8 (0/170)】

[Race: pure blood human]

[Talent: Wood element affinity·Excellent]

[Occupation: Pharmacist Apprentice]

[Vigor and blood: 8]

[Agility: 6]

【Wisdom: 15】

【Charm: 15】

【Combat skills】

[Martial skill: Knocking on the sap Lv.2]

[Magic: ignition, magic]

[Spells: fart spell, cramp spell]

[Passive: Accurate Throwing]

【life skill】

[Potion: Making Spirit Gathering Liquid·Basic, Making Rejuvenation Liquid·Proficient, Making Blood Coagulation Powder·Proficient, Making Poison Gas Bomb·Perfect]

[Scroll: Making of Calming Talisman·Excellent, Making of Calming Talisman·Excellent, Making of Breathing Talisman·Excellent]

[Unable to evaluate: Sewing Corpse, Grave Digging, Farewell Technique]

Ji Ming laughed angrily to himself when he saw it halfway.

Not to mention in the Yangyue World, even if this panel is placed in the space of the Lord God of All Heavens and Worlds, it can be said to be quite explosive.

Those who knew about it said he was a doctor who saved lives and healed the wounded, but those who didn't know thought he was a tomb robber who was ruthless and evil, and could fight ghosts with heavenly masters.

I can only say that luckily there is a system to help disguise, otherwise if this abstract thing was exposed, I would have to be put on a red nose and sent to be a court jester.

After complaining to himself, Ji Ming turned off the panel.

Although I really want to experience the effect of the spirit-gathering liquid now, without making an appointment in advance, it is not appropriate to bother Ms. Blois in the middle of the night.

But tonight's time couldn't be wasted like this, so he took out the treatment plan he had prepared and studied it.

Although other things are still lacking materials, the extra calming charms and evil-suppressing charms can be arranged now.

So he set up a table behind the curtain and opened the liver directly with a swipe of his pen.

But after writing and drawing for a while, a message suddenly came from the system.

Ji Ming took a look at the time first and clasped his hands together.

"I hope it's not the Aurora Dance..."

Then he looked at the blue box in the lower right corner of his field of vision.

[No way, I'm addicted to cheating, please log in! 】


[The nurse is not here, let’s play for a while]

[Get up quickly, don’t be an Internet master! 】

[You haven’t responded to me for a second. It’s boring. Forget it if you don’t love me. Really, there is no need to be cold and violent.]

Ji Ming scratched his head as he looked at the Fetion messages that popped up from time to time.

Although the way he and Aurora Dance usually get along is very pig-nosed, they often have abstract stream-of-consciousness conversations.

But he suddenly realized that since the game was launched, her state of being with him had changed.

Is she just a little bit...

Not excited, not excited, to be precise, too excited.

The specific manifestation is that every time I go offline, I have to do some extra work, which severely raises my blood pressure.

When the next time I go online, I will try again and beg myself to sign up for free.

Such behavior is like that of a rebellious child.

No, you can't just spoil her like this.

[(Doubtful) Who are you? 】

【It’s me, your dad! 】

Aurora Dance uttered these four words almost instantly, and then quickly withdrew.

[I won’t dare to do it next time. Please go online as soon as possible. I don’t have much time to play games (crying loudly)]

[The following is my sincerity]

A lot of compressed files flashed in front of his eyes like a crucian carp crossing a river, but Ji Ming saw the slime of a beautiful boy at a glance.

【(screenshot)? 】

[It went smoothly, brother! 】


[I hope you can remember what you just said! 】

After throwing a few stacks of talismans back into the warehouse, Ji Ming put on a standard leather armor and waited in the temple.

Not long after, the figure of Aurora Dance appeared on the bench not far away.

She looked around and saw Ji Ming behind her, and asked doubtfully.

"Is the internet speed where you are there so fast? Why can I get online so much faster than me?"

"Haha, can I be unhappy if I use a quantum computer to play games?"

After a casual conversation, Ji Ming took her to the Dog Village on a familiar road.

Maybe because it's the prime time in the first half of the night, there are fewer players in the village than yesterday.

However, on the bulletin board, there were many notices that were obviously made by players.

[A fishing group with no requirements, brothers and sisters can come in and chat about home affairs]

[This is Miss Samoyed’s fan group, Samen]

[Thank you for the invitation, please learn about Goblin Slayer]

[Ouch, we want to fight for the land that belongs to Furuicon! 】

[Boys and girls post group, current number of boys and girls: 0]

[Resource exchange, please join the group for details...]

Pulling off the last one completely, Ji Ming felt like he was back in college in September, when various clubs were recruiting new students.

The so-called game guilds, teams, etc. are actually divided into two categories: professional and entertainment.

There are various types of entertainment teams.

Some gathered to go crazy with the villagers, some were looking for friends to hang out with and chat with, and some just wanted to play games.

There are many, many types, to name a few.

But there are probably only two truly professional teams in the closed beta stage.

One is "Gunblade" which centers on "Guns have no weapons" and "Flowers bloom and bring wealth".

Their main idea is to make the gun array that shined on the first day of the game larger and more professional, which can be regarded as a collective combat route.

The other is the "Justice Heroes" centered on "The Lost One" and "Firebolite".

High-level players who don't want to be restrained gather here. Although the overall strength is not as good as Gunblade, it probably feels like a heroic team in superhero comics.

In addition, there is actually a team that can be considered semi-professional.

Unfortunately, Ji Ming clenched his fist and "kicked" them out.

[The boss of Novice Village has neither talent nor virtue, so he must be strangled, no matter how hard he is! 】

[The mysterious businessman is clearly exploiting us, players unite! 】

[Join our "Rebel Alliance" with determination, perseverance and strength! 】

Team members: [I just want to die], [Big Spraying Mushroom], [Oli], [You are the best in society]...

Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?

Ji Ming blacklisted all the members and prepared a thoughtful special price list.

Bai Yesheng looked at what he posted on the bulletin board for a long time.

"What, are you ready to join the team?"

"No, there is no such thing in the current version. I just took a look."

After accepting a hunting commission with similar difficulty as yesterday, the two quickly arrived at the mission area on the map.

But before work started, they saw a female player waving to them from a distance, holding a sign in her arms.

Upon closer inspection, the name of several teams including Gunblade and Justice Heroes was written on the sign.

Turtle, which one is this?
Ji Ming had no choice but to walk over.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

The round-faced girl looks a bit dull and does not match the ID of "Miss Xihe is a legend" at all.

"We are preparing to launch a general attack on Sacred Tree Lake. Are you interested in joining us?"

total what?
Ji Ming's heart tightened, and he quickly asked more carefully, only to find out how much work these players wanted to do.

Although Uncle Hua is a member of the Gunblade, he must have become familiar with all the players if he can become a team member.

So during the day, he made an initiative in the group, meaning that since everyone is so familiar with each other, let’s make it a lively day while it’s still a day off.

Lively and lively, how else can it be lively?

One person is a middle schooler, two people are crazy, and three people are crazy. But when a group of people get together, it's exciting.

So under the heated discussion among the players, a "huge campaign idea" against slimes was proposed. "Niu Wow, why don't you go help out?"

Although he couldn't even stand firmly, Bai Yesheng, who had just reached the second level, was immediately eager to try.

If you take too long a step, it's easy to pull your balls. I always feel like something might happen...

Just keep an eye on it.

Ji Ming had no choice but to nod.

"Okay, at most it's just a level drop. The excitement is the most important thing."

"Well, let's go then!"

Seeing that both of them expressed their agreement, Chang Xi led them towards the gathering point.

Holding the sign makes me feel good, even walking among the dark ruins is a pleasure.

Ever since she turned down the filming appointment that night, Chang Xi had developed the habit of entering the game every night.

Take off the makeup, adjust the face and lower the appearance a little, and you can become a "stranger" who is similar but completely different.

Not to mention the netizens in the game, even relatives and friends in reality cannot recognize who they are.

The rare freedom and randomness are fascinating, as if it's like a different life.

After a moment of silence, she quietly looked at the two people beside her.

Although the girl looked beautiful, for some reason, she always felt that the boy on the other side was more eye-catching.

Such a strange feeling made her gossip heart suddenly burn, and she asked tentatively.

"It may be a little abrupt, but what is your relationship?"

almost simultaneously.

"I'm his father."


"Conjugate father and son, each has its own discussion, do you understand?"

Chang Xi was too frightened to say anything.

After walking for a while, among the ruins that should have been a sentry post, players were indeed gathering.

Chang Xi is a member of the Heroes of Justice, so he took them to the station of his team first.

"Brother Tu, I've brought someone here again."

The lost man was pointing out the martial arts postures of other players. Hearing this, he turned around and nodded to the three of them.

"Well, there is strength in numbers!"

Then I got back to work.

Ji Ming looked around and found some excited faces.

Speaking of which, after having played the game for so many days, it seems like this is the first time I can get along with the players normally...

However, he is a familiar master himself, so he naturally became psychologically close to the players very quickly.

"Okay, okay, I'll contact you online more in the future."

"No problem. I'll definitely take you with me later."

"Don't worry, slimes are easy to fight. It's a game anyway, so what are you afraid of?"

After laughing and joking for a while, I turned around and realized that Aurora Dance had disappeared at some point.

After searching around quickly, I found Aurora Dance alone nearby.

She kicked a stone on the ground here and there, like a primary school student standing at the school gate waiting for her parents to pick her up.

"What's going on with my dear son? Is he suffering from jade syndrome?"

Bai Yesheng gave him a cold look.

"I just don't like crowds, it's very annoying."

Hearing this, Ji Ming seemed to notice something, and there was some confusion on his face.

She is always inexplicably excited, and she also likes conflicts with herself. Could it be because...

After careful consideration, it suddenly dawned on me.

He took a few steps closer and whispered.

"I said that Aurora, you are not afraid of society, are you?"

Bai Yesheng didn't speak, but her breathing seemed to stop for a moment.

So Ji Ming slowed down his speaking speed.

"There's no one who doesn't have friends in real life, right?"

Start surround sound.

"No way? No way? No way? Could it be..."

Finally, he suddenly stopped behind her.

"This person must be you!"


Bai Yesheng's eyes immediately widened, and he was about to become anxious, but calmed down at the last moment.

She took a breath and raised an eyebrow.

"Is liking silence a sign of social anxiety?"


Ji Ming smiled directly.

"It's hard for me to say. After all, I'm not the one who is so scared that I run away three thousand miles away when I see someone."

Bai Yesheng looked disdainful.

"Do you think everyone is automatically attracted to someone like you, miss social butterfly?"

Ji Ming shook his head calmly.

"It's useless to have a nickname that goes against the sky. You're just jealous that I'm more popular than you."

"I don't want useless friends."

"How do you know who is useful?"


"It's just my experience as a social expert."

Bai Yesheng was silent.

She turned around and stared into Ji Ming's eyes expressionlessly.

The distance was less than half a meter, and now it was Ji Ming's turn to be embarrassed.

"Well, actually these can all be learned. I..."

Just as I was about to find an excuse to take a few steps back, I felt myself being grabbed by the collar, and then...

"Ji Ming, you little bitch!!!"


Holding his stomach where he had been punched, Ji Ming stepped back.

Dodging Bai Yesheng's kick, he quickly retreated to the ruins.

"Your quality is very poor. Why do you hit someone in a hurry?"

"Damn it, you're the one I'm going to hit!"

Bai Yesheng was rude and started to curse the country.

"I'm telling you, don't be arrogant. I will start to explode from tomorrow and I will kill you within three days!"

Seeing that they were really anxious, Ji Ming had no choice but to put out the fire.

"Okay, okay, don't mention this again."

He jumped off the wall with a serious look on his face.

"Actually, I'm also afraid of society."


When the two returned to the gathering place, almost all the players had gathered here.

Resisting the desire to destroy the rebel alliance with a poison gas bomb, Ji Ming took a look at his position allocation.

In fact, the strategy and tactics of the so-called decisive battle are very simple, that is, the players form a fist and smash all the way to the direction of the Holy Tree Lake.

First break through the center, then widen both sides, gradually expanding the results and forming a passage corridor.

In the real world, no one usually uses this tactic. After all, not everyone is Huo Qubing or Li Jing. With destiny and luck, there is no taboo in killing two thousand miles in a row.

If they penetrate deep into the enemy's lines and are blocked, they can only be wiped out.

But this is a game, it’s up to you to enjoy it.

So as the war drums were beaten by the howling lynx classmates, the players' first official expedition began.

However, the expedition failed after only 10 minutes.

Kou can go, so can I.

You players can stick together, can’t we slimes?

After sensing that a huge threat was brewing, countless slimes merged with each other.

So when the players left the gathering point and walked towards the Holy Tree Lake, they saw a super slime that controlled two major elements.

The wind was strong and the thunder roared.

"Hey, there are slimes flying in the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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