Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 141 I’m really going to get slapped

Chapter 141 I’m really going to get slapped (Great Sadness)

After sporadic counterattacks, the players whose lines and morale were shattered by the killings unsurprisingly began to flee.

Each one of them ran faster than charging, not forgetting to make amends for themselves.

"Three bells before the formation to salute Mr. Huang, then call it a day!"

"I managed to kill two of them, so I can be considered worthy of the big green brother."

"Where did I escape? This is a strategic retreat!"

"Reverse attack! Reverse attack!"

"I have always been French."

And just like before, the first batch of players who were the first to squat on the urinal began to analyze it on the public screen.

[Don’t be afraid, brothers, I just thought about it, this should be a new mechanism of the game! 】

[Yes, maybe we stood at the door for too long, which triggered the level's difficulty increasing mechanism, so a large group of goblins counterattacked]

[Goblin zombie tide, two-color slime, kobold position...and now another legion counterattack]

[This official website is actually quite bad sometimes, and I like to make things right at the beginning of a new version! 】

[Does that mean we’ll be fine if we escape to the armory? 】

They finally came to a specious conclusion, encouraging the surviving players to run outside quickly.


No matter how many dog-headed military advisers there are, they will only be the dog-headed military divisions, and they will not be able to match Zhuge Liang!

"It's really Left 2 Dead [-], right? Why are the protagonists so unlucky wherever they go!?"

When the survivors fled into the armory in embarrassment, thinking that they could finally take a rest.

What ushered in was not "We are safe, for the time being", but the army of goblins still chasing behind them.

Qiangzi was panting, lying on the ground cowering like a minion.

"No, brother? I just sat down!"

But how could the violent Goblin warrior, who was as terrifying as a green tower, understand this? The stone ax in his hand was already roaring down in the strong wind.

Poof (the sound of the head being sliced ​​off)

Ji (the sound of the head falling to the ground)
Pah (the sound of the head finally coming to a stop after rolling out)
The barrage in the live broadcast room: [Ahhhhh! 】

The pursuit was endless, so the players who could not be judged to be out of the battle had no choice but to continue running and dashing towards the north in order to maintain their poor levels.

But at this time, Ji Ming and Bai Yesheng had already escaped from the battle and teleported back to the Dog Village.

While a kidney-deficient monster began to lie on the ground panting again, Ji Ming quietly opened the dungeon map and gradually frowned.

Sylvia's message was sent at this time.

[My lord, the violent goblin tribe suddenly launched an attack and started chasing the players with the goblins in the armory. Do we need to take action? 】

Ji Ming zoomed in on the screen. The dense red dots were like a wave, swallowing up the blue dots in front one by one.

He opened the player list again and looked at it. Although the death method was not normal, the dead players still entered the resurrection state normally.

After thinking for a moment, he started typing.

[The recent public opinion surrounding "Code Name: Yangyue" has been a bit too relaxed. Many players have even given up leveling in order to make money and focus on living in the live broadcast room]

[I am not opposed to this kind of behavior, but what the "Fourth Natural Disaster Plan" needs is more order-side players with decision-making power, imagination and action ability]

[This may not be an opportunity, an opportunity to alert paddling players and let more hardcore players pay attention to and choose us]

Sylvia: [I understand, my lord, so we just need to wait and see what happens? 】

Looking at the goblin army that had chased down half of the armory but still showed no intention of stopping, Ji Ming sighed.

[First, capture all the villagers outside. I’m afraid there will be a tough battle in Novice Village.]

...[By the way, do you know earth magic? 】

[Let’s lower the difficulty somewhat. The slope of the high platform is too gentle. Let’s add a three-meter-high wall to the dog village first! 】

Ji Ming's guess was correct. The goblins led by the Mad King were chasing the players like a group of bloodhounds.

Even after thinking about it, they didn't want to bring trouble to the dog village, so they chose other escape directions.

But the dungeon was only that big in total. After a brief trial, the goblins slowly came to the martial arts arena.

At this time, the first batch of dead players have been resurrected and teleported to the Dog Village.

The first thing he did when he landed was yelling like crazy.

"Everyone, run! There's a bug in the game, and the goblins are coming!"

"Elder Dahuang, the goblins in the barracks have gone crazy. I'll quit the game while I can and bid you farewell."

"Xiaomei, I will never watch you die again this time. Let's go, I will take you to escape!"

However, the panic was temporary. After seeing the inexplicably raised city wall outside the village, the players slowly calmed down.

[Is there a possibility that this is not a bug, and that the gameplay of the fourth version is not offensive, but defensive? 】

[So... Harm, is it the second wave of enhancements for the crossbow profession and long-range weapons?Smiling]

[Please, this is internal hatred, why are you always trying to allocate resources to bows and crossbows]

[It’s time to test the player’s ability to withstand pressure, right? Then I’ll be the first to surrender (white flag)]

[I think it was because the kobolds collectively skipped class last time and gave it to the authorities. I was afraid that the fourth phase would end on the same day, and I didn’t want to give the players any chance anymore]

Gongpingli was busy analyzing, and the villagers who were busy outside were also targeted by Sylvia and asked Ji Ming to teleport back one by one.

Seeing the confused dogmen flashing around him, Joey scratched his head and his eyes widened suddenly.

But Qi Yi died: [Everyone, please stop arguing, I’m afraid the officials have really learned something bad! 】

After letting the public screen calm down, he gave his analysis.

[Our players can be resurrected if they die. If we lose, we will retreat to the Holy See. But what about the dogs in the village? 】

[I have a hunch that they can't run away, and they won't be resurrected if they die. This is an official conspiracy]

[We have to hold on. If we can’t hold on, Novice Village will be gone! 】


[Fuck, you’re really going to get slapped! 】

Now the players no longer gossiped on the public screen, they all chased each other up to the newly built wall of the village.

Although he couldn't see clearly, he could vaguely see more and more shadows wandering in the darkness.

It is only a matter of time before the Goblin tribe discovers the Dog Village, and by then there will definitely be a bloody attack.

If it is as analyzed by the God of Death, this is definitely the most important battle in the closed beta phase, which is related to the survival and life and death of important NPCs.

And as if in response to their doubts, new boxes popped up in the field of vision of all players at the same time.

[Final Trial: Defense of Dog Village]

[The pioneers from other worlds are not despicable colonists. They will use their actions to prove that they bring civilization instead of barbarism! 】

[Stick to the dog village before the end of the closed beta, and rewards will be distributed based on the number of surviving villagers]

[Current survivors: 234/234]

[All survival rewards: one invitation code per person]


(End of this chapter)

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