Damn it, this boss really has no normal skills.

Chapter 247 I also want to be a Zhengqi crazy critic! ! !

Chapter 247 I also want to be a Zhengqi crazy critic! ! !

"If you want to practice "Zhengqi Health-nurturing Kung Fu", you have to constantly do good things to people and do good things to people like crazy!"

It sounds a bit outrageous at first, but "Tai Shang Induction Chapter" says:

The so-called good people are respected by everyone, God bless them, and blessings will follow.

All evils will be far away, and the gods will protect them. Whatever they do will be accomplished, and the gods can hope for it.

Those who desire heavenly immortals should do one thousand three hundred good deeds; those who desire earthly immortals should do three hundred good deeds.

So if we really talk about it, there is actually a certain "theoretical basis" for doing good deeds and cultivating immortals.

This is indeed the case. The reason why Tuntian was able to cultivate to the seventeenth level when he was just an adult is because he kept doing good people and good deeds while traveling around the world.

"So, what good things have you done?"

After hearing Ji Ming's question, Tuntian, who was still talking endlessly, suddenly became hesitant to speak, and Canglang Feiying's expression was also tense but not tense.

In the end, Lao Zhao coughed lightly.

"After all, you are also a member of our group, and now you have become the second player to practice "Zhengqi Health Kung Fu", so I can't tell you this secret..."


"I will keep it secret and promise not to reveal it."

"Well, very good. In fact, there are some anti-colonial activities going on in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and Tuntian provided some appropriate help when he happened to pass by."

"In short, I killed...a field team affiliated with a notorious mercenary regiment."

"Let me guess, the one in Gaul?"

"How could you know...right."

After asking supplementary questions about the precautions during practice, Ji Ming understood the method of calculating the merits of "Zhengqi Yangsheng Gong".

First of all, by doing good deeds subjectively, you can gain cultivation progress.

For example, if you help an old lady cross the road, even if the old lady says she doesn't really think about it, as long as you are sincere, you can still get some merit as encouragement.

Secondly, by doing good deeds objectively, you can also gain cultivation progress.

For example, if you kill evildoers, no matter how vicious the method used by the cultivator is, as long as no innocent people are harmed, you can still gain a lot of merit for punishing evildoers and eliminating evildoers.

——As the saying goes, a gentleman talks about his deeds but not his heart. Your merit calculation method is actually to talk about your deeds and not your heart. How dare you!

It's a pity to think about it this way. If I could have acquired this skill before, those assassins who couldn't find any excuse to survive would have destroyed my merit points.

This kind of thing that fully conforms to the production concept of this game must be strongly encouraged, so Ji Ming immediately put on the skin of the mysterious businessman and prepared to go out.

"I have something else to do. You can go to the mysterious businessman and do a trick in public. This is the simplest promotion method."

"Understood! Ah... isn't it? The mysterious merchant showed up just after Crooked Tree left? What a coincidence."

However, the mysterious merchant's appearance rate has indeed been relatively high recently, so the special team didn't have time to think too much and hurried to the center of the Pioneer Market.

After three consecutive days of group play and four-digit kills, this group of players who like to play games finally calmed down a bit.

At least there was no mysterious businessman who immediately started firing guns and cannons as soon as he appeared.

However, there are quite a few players waiting here for transactions, and they are all major guild customers who want to buy alchemy grenades.

Therefore, even if the special team moved quickly enough, it still took three minutes before it was their turn to talk to the businessman.

"What? Someone actually wants to challenge the mysterious businessman to a duel! I thought no one would dare to think like this since the defeat of the beta gunner."

"No, little brother, it's been half a month since the server started and you're only level one. How can you beat the mysterious businessman if you're so lazy?"

Players immediately stood up and tried to dissuade Tun Tian from seeking death. After all, this was really stupid.

But this challenge had nothing to do with victory or defeat, it was just about promoting the "Zheng Qi Health Kung Fu", so Tun Tian insisted.

"It's just a matter of taking two moves to feel the strength of a strong person. This is a game anyway, and you won't really die."

It was hard to persuade the damn ghost with words, so the players dispersed one after another, giving Tuntian a space to be beaten.

Putting away the stall with a wave of his hand, the mysterious businessman stretched out his hands.

"If you want to fight with me, do you want to fight with fists or weapons?"

In fact, for Tun Tian, ​​fighting against others in actual combat is not just once or twice.

But this was his first time fighting in a fantasy world, so he looked a little eager to try, but he was just talking boldly.

"up to you!"

Then I will just take out the gun and let you know what it means to be accurate and fast within seven steps?

But it was boring to play like this, so Ji Ming just nodded.

"In that case, let's do it."

Unexpectedly, Tuntian was a very ungrateful person. As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his right hand and concentrated all his energy there, turning it into a light golden blade.


Such a scene was so outrageous that the players who originally wanted to watch the joke were stunned.

Tun Tian, ​​on the other hand, used his fist skills to move his sword, exerting force from his waist, and stabbed directly at the upper body of the mysterious businessman.

An ordinary person would definitely be deceived by this move, because in the next second, his big arm suddenly shook, turning the attack from top to bottom to his waist and abdomen.

It's a pity that the old lady has used similar tricks many times. Ji Ming can gain some experience even if he is beaten.

So he lifted the ax up and then dropped it sharply.

It turned out that he was blocked, but amid the crisp knock on the door, he suddenly felt a lightness in his hand.

After a closer look, it turned out that the ax blade, which was just an ordinary tool, was cut off in half by the light blade in a direct fierce collision.


No, axe!

As the initial equipment that has been followed since Ji Ming's time travel, it has been used from guarding against people outside the door to countering ambushes in dark alleys.

Until [Grave Digging Technique] sent two indestructible shovels, these axes were Ji Ming's main weapon.

Although he later acquired a lot of messy equipment, the ax was always placed in the front of his backpack where it was easily accessible.

I didn't expect that in today's situation, it was broken!

But this is all in the eyes of the players.

"Holy crap, it's such a light blade, it was smashed to pieces by the mysterious businessman's axe!"

"Why do first-level players have this ability? Even if they get SSR from magic instructor Mo Shou, they must first change their profession to a mage, and they must be at least level five before they can learn magic."

"Brother, can you teach us this trick? We also want to be templars!"

Good news, the promotion works great. Bad news, the promotion was a little too good.

Although the next moment, Tuntian was forcibly controlled by the mysterious businessman using the cramping technique, and then killed with a shovel shot to the head.

But as the first man to defeat the mysterious businessman, young Tuntian became famous overnight.

If Ji Ming was given another chance to choose, he would rather release Dragon God Reynolds and let him fight as the BOSS than die in person.

Therefore, since the war, "challenging the mysterious businessman" has become the new internet celebrity check-in point, or in other words... the Cybertron Rod!

A large number of players began to challenge him one-on-one, and even those who used to like to play in groups have changed their strategic thinking.

If the challenger wins the bet, even if he only gains the upper hand for a moment in an extremely shameless and obscene way, he can become famous and become an internet sensation.

If the challenger loses the bet... isn't it natural that the player cannot defeat the mysterious businessman in a one-on-one battle? There's nothing to be ashamed of.

The gunman has no weapons: "I don't think it's right to think so. Shouldn't a truly strong man work hard... Well, why are you covering my mouth!"

Other high-level players who had been defeated said: "Shut up, Brother Gun, everyone's reputation has been restored by this theory."

As a result, a large number of players switched from studying how to defeat the mysterious businessman to studying how to defeat the mysterious businessman.

At first, Ji Ming wanted to save some face for these brave men without using any too terrifying moves, but after being violently confessed in public by an unshaven uncle.

"I see you really want to die."

The mysterious businessman was angry.

With a spell in hand and a gun raised in backhand, Ji Ming slaughtered the challengers all night long. Ji Ming created a new product called [Mysterious Merchant Challenge Coupon] and put it on the game store.

The items are not expensive, only 100 exchange points, but it is definitely a lot of money for ordinary players, and can dissuade most of the fun people.

But Ji Ming still underestimated the subjective initiative of these bastards. In order to get a chance to challenge, they actually seriously studied the economic system.

After discovering that the price for recycled "parchment" was the highest in the mall, he immediately started looking for sheep across the plains and asked various tribes to buy them.

However, this is either too troublesome or too costly, and the supply is so small that it is simply not enough to draw the card.

So a brother who made money in animal husbandry in real life took action. He took a few players to acquire a piece of land near Sacred Tree Lake and established a Pioneer Sheep Farm.

From mutton sheep breeding to lamb breeding, from live sheep slaughtering to finished product processing, the construction and establishment of a complete industrial chain was quickly completed.

Afterwards, Ji Ming looked at the piles of parchment in the warehouse and realized that the players had gone through so much work just to get beaten by him, and he could only sigh.

"It's really sick to ride a horse!"

But these are all things for later. Tuntian was still flapping around curiously in the glass jar of the Resurrection Pool, and his friend request had already been called by various players.

Just a rough calculation shows that there are already more than 300 students, and the number is still increasing.

It was so lively that Tuntian couldn't help shouting excitedly,

"Grandpa, look, there are many people who want to learn what our ancestors left behind. They are all friends!"

Through the live camera broadcast within the organization, the old man of the Wu family, who had been sitting in front of the computer and watching all night, nodded.

"The ancestors taught me that the "Zhengqi Health-nurturing Kung Fu" was left by the gods and is by no means a private property of the Wu family. If anyone wants to learn it, just teach it with all your heart. Whether you can learn it well depends on your character."

"So Dabao, since everyone is willing to learn it, you can just publish the technique. Anyway, even if those evil people get it, it will be in vain!"

The old man had already spoken, and Tuntian, the junior, naturally obeyed.

"Yes, Grandpa!"

But he was still posting the electronic version stored in his computer to the public screen one by one, when he suddenly felt the energy in his body stirring.

"Grandpa, I feel that my Zhengqi has begun to expand again...Grandpa, I have soared to twenty weights in one breath!"

"Stop talking, little thief, I actually... went to the toilet first... Oh, that's so exciting. I'm afraid your grandpa will live ten more years!"

Fortunately, there are not many people who simply pass on the skills and teach them back. Otherwise, if Yang Yue directly pastes the skills onto the retinas of people around the world, the old, young and old would have to ascend to the realm of Immortal Emperors.

And when they are so happy that they reach heaven, the players are like a group of friends when others post sexy pictures.

——Save, save, save them all!

After they eagerly watched the entire set of exercises, everyone from the game to the live broadcast room was shocked.

"Nine turns and ninety-nine levels. Each turn can obtain powerful effects. After the ninth turn, the difficulty increases crazily... Why does this system sound familiar to me?"

"Isn't this the power of a magnetic field? But people become more and more crazy the more they practice, and you become more and more holy the more you practice?"

"So the light blade used by this guy means he is a 1st turn? Is the blade turned into Zhengqi so cruel!"

[Can this technique be practiced in reality? I will go downstairs to help the old lady cross the road now! 】

[You put it this way, I just helped my aunt operate the flight signal, and my neck seems to be a little more comfortable after working all night]

[Hey, when will the open beta of this dog-crazy game happen? I’m going to be a Zhengqi crazy criticizer! 】

Driven by the shocking blow of swallowing the sky, from games to reality, a large number of people began to try to cultivate Zhengqi.

At first, some people felt that this thing sounded unreliable and that it might be some evil conspiracy.

But when I saw that this group of practitioners just go to bed early and get up early every day, eat meat and vegetables and exercise diligently, and at the same time, they do some good deeds for neighbors, passersby, and friends when they have nothing to do.

"Brother, remember to call me for your morning jog tomorrow."

"Son, the sun is out in the west, and your father actually decided to quit smoking with you."

"Who would drink when we are talking about business these days? Let's go to the gym. Today I will show you my Zhengqi power!"

The players are determined to live a new life in good health and everything goes well, and the entire dungeon is happy.

On the other side of the underground plain, the situation of the Fang tribe cannot be said to be precarious, it can only be said to be a mess.

A fire breaks out in the cave where food is stored, and all protective measures fail.

By the time General Joris and his men rushed to put out the fire, the place had been burned to the ground.

Although there was a lake not far away, by the time they brought it up bucket by bucket and poured it out, all the stored grain had been burned to ashes.

Not every place can be as spring-like all year round as the Holy Tree Lakeside, with its own greenhouse under the protection of magic and magic circles.

In order to survive this winter, the Fang Tribe even put aside the various conflicts that were undercurrent, and everyone worked together to find ways to collect food.

I originally thought that with such a large amount of food, even if everyone ate it with open stomachs, they would be able to survive until spring, but unexpectedly, the fire burned away the entire inventory.

In fact, because of the existence of Pioneers, this problem is not impossible to solve. Just buy it from them.

But when they were selling grain at the market two days ago, they said that this was the last batch of grain they had available for sale, and the next batch would have to wait at least another month to mature!

"It's broken, there's something wrong with the rations!"

(End of this chapter)

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