Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 107: Dyeing your head red with the blood of your colleagues

Chapter 107: Dyeing your head red with the blood of your colleagues
[The author's chapter is a bit big, please bear with me. 】

Too many things happened today, and Huang Tongpian's CPU was not enough.

Li Yu slowly drank a cup of tea before he opened his eyes.

"Brother Xian, what you said makes sense. We are grasshoppers on the same rope now, and we cannot tear each other down."

"I, Mr. Li, swear to God that I will push Brother Huang to take the position of prefect."

"I, Mr. Huang, may make a promise. After the matter is completed, as long as you don't go against the government, the other matters will not be visible to the government."

"Thank you, Sir, I will have you at Xujiang Pier then."

"Let's not talk about these mundane things for now. Business is important. What should we do next?"

"Make the case bigger and thicker. At least 100 subordinates, squires, and salt dealers will be arrested. Also, immediately secretly arrest the Fuan Salt Course Ambassador."

"You want to fall out with Yu Bashi?"

"I don't want to. But I think this person might fall out with us, so we have to have a sword in our hands and not panic in our hearts."

Huang Tongpan thought about it for a while, and this is the truth.

Immediately go out and call your confidants and whisper a few words.

Above the officialdom,

Kindness is a childish quality, and you must not put yourself in an awkward position for which you are unprepared.

For potential "malicious competitors",
You must have the confidence to counterattack at any time and win the battle.


Li Yu continued:

"There are handwritten letters, there are salt field ambassadors, and there are both witnesses and physical evidence. If Yuba Shi, the salt transport envoy between the Huaihe River and Huaihe River, wants to fall out, we will slap him hard in front of the emperor."

"I would like to add that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We can also unite with Yangzhou salt merchants, cooperate internally and externally, and work together to copy his old tricks."

"Master is wise."

The two laughed, the fear and anxiety of the day dissipating.

"I suddenly feel hungry. Is there anything to eat in the castle?"

"It's humble food in the countryside, I hope you won't dislike it."

"I am not from a noble family, and I know the sufferings of the people best. When I was a young student, I ate pickles to satisfy my hunger, and I was surrounded by cynicism. When I was studying in the middle of the night, I couldn't bear the hunger. I could only tighten my belt and silently recite that God will send great responsibilities to this people. also."

"I feel the same way if I am a late student."

"Do you know what is the only belief that supports me to study hard?"

"The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu."

"My good brother knows me."

Both are scholars from Tianya, and for a moment they both had tears in their eyes.

During this time,

It can be said that this was the period of friendship between Li Yu and the Suzhou government.

The officials brought by Huang Tongpan also ate in the fort, and they had enough food and wine.

Fortunately, all the industries in the fort were transferred.

There are no secrets here.


A small boat docked and a veiled woman disembarked.

He was helped to Huang Tongpian's room.

"Master, according to your order, it has been sent in."

Li Yu waved his hand,

The men retreated quietly without saying another word.

High-end interpersonal relationships often only require the most primitive methods.


The next day, the sun rose three poles,

Huang Tongpan then left leisurely, in a good mood.

It was clear he had a great night.

Although, he is very grateful and respectful to his wife.

He rarely flirts with women, and he only has one concubine, who is the wife's maid from her natal family who became a regular servant.

However, in this kind of psychological pressure, career choices are at a crossroads.

And far away from the capital city,
My will still collapsed a little, just for a moment.



"Trust is a luxury."

Last night, Li Yu temporarily sent a clipper to Xishan Island.

Lan Yingying was inconvenient, so her maid Xiao Taohong did the job for her.

Thousands of female swallows,

I don't really care about this kind of thing.

Li Yu didn't care even more. They were just a few cute pets in captivity.

Eight Banners pure blood, rare goods to live in.

In recent years, Lan Yingying traveled all over the country, making the victims afraid to speak out. Isn't it because of the "crime of polluting the noble bloodline".

Although it's a bit shameless,
But for the great cause of resisting the Qing Dynasty, this moral stain is nothing.

After all, I have done too many immoral things.

If you enter the church, the scene will be like this.

"Father, I want to repent."

"You lost lamb, just speak, speak loudly."

"Ahem, I, Li Yu, will just say a few words to waste everyone's time. The confession contains a total of 5 major points and 28 minor points, which will probably waste everyone's 5 hours."

"Devil, Satan, shut up."

The illusion was broken,
"Sir, this is the poem Master Huang composed last night."

"it is good."

Xiao Taohong followed her instructions and asked Huang Tongpan to write a poem when he was in the highest mood.

In return,

The living conditions of their master and servant on the island can be slightly improved.

At the same time, the scope of activities can be expanded.


This practice of not giving money but giving a poem afterwards is not uncommon in the literary circle.

It was especially popular during the Tang and Song Dynasties.

"Pipa Xing" is probably the product of similar circumstances.

Elegant thing!

I don’t know why, but the ruler used by the literati circle to measure moral standards is different from the ruler used by the common people.

One is extra short and the other is extra long.

Qin Shihuang unified weights and measures, but it seemed to have no effect.

So in that case,
Xiao Taohong's request for a poem was reasonable, but even more elegant.

Without even thinking about it, Huang Tongpan made an impromptu move and successfully fell into the trap.

The title of the poem is "Qijue. A gift to Lijiabao's beautiful maid, Xiao Taohong".

"A good poem. Huang Tongpan deserves to be a talented man from a poor family. Such crooked poems can also create a good artistic conception."

There is a private seal and a sufficient chain of evidence.

Li Yu carefully folded the paper, put it in the cabinet, and locked it.

Xiao Taohong also dictated his special characteristics, which are usually invisible.

Very distinctive,

Once you see it, you won't forget it.

Throw it out at critical moments and it will be more effective than three censors.

Li Yu also recorded it to prevent his memory from being forgotten.

When dealing with officials of the Qing Dynasty, you must always be cautious.

After this is done,

Huang Tongpuan led a large group of people to finish breakfast and prepare to leave.

Before leaving, the two discussed it again.

It was up to Li Yu to destroy the Salt Gang stronghold in Huzhou Prefecture.

This is an inter-provincial operation and there are many taboos.

It is not convenient for the government to come forward.

Li Yu didn't care, just treat it as a feud between Jianghu and Jianghu.

After all, how could a person who runs a coal mine not have someone capable of doing dirty work at his disposal?

Now the two of them are grasshoppers on a rope,

There is no need to be hypocritical and cover up.

The Salt Gang stronghold in Zhenze County,

It was Huang Tongpuan who personally led people to destroy and arrest people.

Moreover, he plans to clean up the Zhenze County government office as well.

He couldn't move the magistrate, the backstage was very hard.

However, it is still feasible to kill chickens to scare monkeys and get rid of a few chief clerks and scribes.

By then,

Together they serve as a protective umbrella for the rebels.

As long as the imperial court approves, he, the yellow butcher, can stand.

If he acts as the prefect again, no one will dare to confront him.


A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Huang Tongpan's rebellious behavior attracted the attention of all parties.

There was an endless stream of people interceding and asking for information.

He had already made up his mind and walked all the way to the dark side.

People in officialdom should avoid jumping sideways repeatedly.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolute disloyalty.

The Fuan Salt Class Ambassador of the Lianghuai Salt Farm has been thrown into jail.

Just letting him observe the detailed process of torture, this guy's psychological defense collapsed.

He was entrusted by his superiors to personally escort a batch of illegal salt.

It's funny to say,

You Bashi's smuggling of salt turned out to be a solo act that bypassed several major merchants.

The purpose is to make money for oneself.

Float the official salt produced in the Lianghuai Salt Fields.

For various reasons such as floods, tornadoes, and tides, they reported production cuts, and then sold them to neighboring provinces.

If these things were written into the book, Qianlong would definitely go crazy after reading it.

Because none of the salt transport envoys between the Huaihe and Huaihe Rivers has been clean.

I thought You Bashi was a good slave, a lonely minister who served his master loyally.

As a result, this lonely minister,
They are also trying their best to dig into the Qing Dynasty.

The Lianghuai Salt Industry was the only flexible source of wealth for the Qing Dynasty.

Qianlong's every conquest,
Behind this are the salt taxes from Lianghuai and the military expenditures supported by donations from salt merchants.

Also, his four trips to Jiangnan.

Most of the money spent was contributed by the salt merchants.

Huang Tongpan thought about it and broke into a cold sweat on his back.

With this discount, he didn't worry that You Bashi could take revenge on him.

You Bashi will definitely be doomed,

The only difference is whether to cut it into two pieces or cut it into a thousand pieces, and whether to pickle it with salt or sugar.

He was just worried about what might happen if the old emperor was angry.

After all, Qianlong was already over 60, and he was really decrepit.

A light and fluffy book,
I wrote it five times, but I still feel it’s not right.

at this time,

He just regretted it. He shouldn't have been bewitched by Li Yu. He was too radical and too crazy.


Someone is coming from Jiangbei.

A master from the Lianghuai Salt Transportation Department sent a greeting card.

Huang Tongpuan refused on the excuse of being ill.

Later, I don't know who prompted this master to find Master Hu again.

As both Shaoxing masters, the two of them can naturally communicate.

Being from the same hometown, same age, and classmates were natural reasons for making friends in ancient times.

Mr. Hu had been working as a sideline in the government office for more than half a year, and he had already thought about leaving.

As a result, the two reached a willingness to help each other.

Master Hu rode a donkey and came to Lijiabao.

"Brother Li, you are fine."

"Master Hu, I guess you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything."

"You are right, there is a good thing, I want to get involved."

After Yang Yunjiao served the tea, she left the room.

He cursed, an old fox and a little fox.

Seeing the two of them smiling so brightly, all the calculations behind their backs were about to fly.

After half an hour,
Master Hu left Lijiabao with a smile, and Li Yu insisted on seeing him off.

Riding on horseback, he actually delivered a journey of 5 miles, and also gave Cheng Yi a copy.

Because Master Hu is about to change jobs.

Go to the Water Transport Governor's Office in Huai'an Prefecture and continue to work as a staff member.

Water transportation, first-class Feiqi Yamen.

Li Yu was very interested, not mainly for money, but for the great significance of water transportation.

He never dreamed of getting involved.

after come back,
Yang Yunjiao immediately came up and asked:
"problem occurs?"

"Well, great news."

Master Hu, as the middleman, told the truth about the intentions of the people from Jiangbei.

As long as the Lianghuai Salt Transportation Bureau is not involved, there will be generous rewards in the future.


Li Yu asked Master Hu to inquire.
In the future, how long will it take?

Thick report, how thick is it?
If these things are not specific, we will not be able to continue the conversation.

But he still couldn't understand one thing.

Why is that letter in the hands of the Salt Gang?

How could a cunning bureaucrat like You Bashi let a mere salt gang take control of him?

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to let the Salt Gang transfer it in the middle.

Perhaps the Salt Gang stole it through abnormal means?Robbed?

If this is the case, I really underestimated these people.

He truly deserves to be Huang Chao’s younger disciple.

"Send someone to Xishan Island and tell Lin Huaisheng to kill the Salt Gang's Huzhou Prefecture stronghold."

"Quick victory, no need to be greedy for money, as long as the seizure can be deducted from the cost of sending troops."

"If possible, bring back two alive."

It happens to be an opportunity to train troops.

Lin Huaisheng immediately mobilized 100 people and set off on three ships.

By water, it’s about a hundred miles.

This stronghold of Caobang is surrounded by deserted areas.

The shore is surrounded by rolling hills and lush vegetation.

Lin Huaisheng held the simple map in his hand,
There are also some who are not sure about the specific location.

However, a fork of the river caught his attention.

"Let the smallest boat lead the way."

There are many tributaries near Taihu Lake, and this is one of them.

The helmsman held an iron scale and lowered it into the river to test the water depth.

"The water is 1 feet deep and can be passed through."

Lin Huaisheng breathed a sigh of relief. The water depth for inland shipping is not bad.


Drive a few hundred meters into the fork of the river.

There was a thatched hut on the shore, and two men looked at it in astonishment.

Surprise soon turned to horror.

The two of them ran away and struck violently with gongs.

With this knock, any fool will know that he has found the right place.

"All but the sailors are ready to fight."

"The gunners are in position and the musketeers disembark and form formation."

2 boats, quickly ashore.

A springboard was put down for people to land on.

The man holding the musket quickly stepped onto the land.

This time,
No one accidentally fell into the water, and everyone got used to the swaying springboard.

Lin Huaisheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

The recent boarding and landing training has worked.

Every day, let this group of people step on the swaying springboard to board the ship quickly and disembark quickly.

There is also transfer from big ship to small boat.

Because Li Yu told him that the use of troops in Jiangnan was inseparable from shipping.

Don’t ask for excellent water properties.

At least you won't get seasick and you can maintain your balance on the deck and gangplank.


"Lin Tou, I saw it. There is a wooden village."

a few hundred meters away,

A wooden village blocked the valley, and the walls of the village were filled with people.

It seems that the Salt Gang has quite a lot of power here.

This should be under the jurisdiction of Changxing County, Huzhou Prefecture.

Dozens of tough salt gang men were observing the fleet coldly.

The leading man said:
"Dare to go to the Valley of the King of Hell and ask where the brothers are from."

"Brother, it seems to me that you are evil."

"If you're afraid of a prank, hold on to the stronghold and then send someone to Master Zhen's house to ask for help."

On the wall of the village, there are bows and arrows, spears, and spears.

Well, there are also more than a dozen jars of lime powder.

In terms of shamelessness, Yan Gang and Weigtang are the same thing, specializing in Xia San Road.

A Salt Gang man opened his arms to indicate that he was not armed.

Slowly walked towards the people who were lining up.

"What kind of heroes are you? Give me your number?"

Two gunshots were fired, and he rushed to the street.

"Those who ride horses don't follow the moral principles of the world."

"Brother, I don't see something right. These guys are all carrying shotguns. Maybe they are guest soldiers."

"Damn, that ship has cannons on it."

The voice has not fallen,

Everyone saw two black spots pulling white smoke and falling to the ground dozens of meters in front of the village.

Then it bounced twice,
Boom, it hit the wall of the village.

The leader of the salt gang stuck his head out to observe the shells.

A black and round iron ball,

The grass blades were stained with dirt and stuck under the wall of the wooden village.



Another cannonball with a higher trajectory came over.Strangely enough, in the eyes of the people on the wall, the speed of the iron ball seemed to be very slow.

The trajectory of the projectile can be seen with the naked eye.

However, I want to hide but don’t have time.

On the wall of the village,
The dust is flying, wolves are running and pigs are rushing.

"They are officers and soldiers, they must be officers and soldiers."

The men from the Salt Gang shouted and ran away in all directions.

Big brother has disappeared long ago,
He fell under the wall of the village. Although he did not fall to death, he was unconscious.

Lin Huaisheng looked calm as he watched the shells roaring out of the ship.

Smashed around the wooden village,

Secretly sighing, the power of the artillery is so terrifying.

No matter how brave the army is, it cannot stand being beaten passively like this.

"Stop, don't accidentally hurt one of your own."

The artillery stopped roaring,

The musketeers, who advanced to the beat of drums, fired volleys at the wall.

After finishing, stop where you are and reload.

The second row took a few steps forward and fired a volley.

The people from the Salt Gang collapsed.

Escape toward the mountains. As long as you escape into the dense forest, you will be fine.


A battle without any suspense,

More than [-] people were killed and all of them were beheaded.

Three people were captured, and several hundred taels of gold and silver were seized.

A fire burned the village to the ground.

Then, board the boat and sail away.

However, something unexpected happened.

For some reason, I encountered officers and soldiers from Changxing County walking along the river bank.

Judging by the clothing, it’s Green Camp.

Twenty or thirty people lazily carried spears and drove the peasants' carts.

What was stacked on the car seemed to be grain.

Separated by dozens of meters, both sides were stunned.

Lin Huaisheng wasn't sure whether this was the reinforcements called by the Salt Gang, and he couldn't care less.

"Fire and blast them."

Several 3-pound cannons on one side emitted fire and white smoke from their muzzles.

The green camp soldiers dozens of meters away on the shore threw their spears and ran away.

The mules and horses were frightened and ran away with the grain.

"Lin Tou, let me lead a group of people ashore and kill them all."

"Quickly retreat, don't cause trouble."

"As ordered."

"Also, from now on, call me battalion captain. Don't act like a gang."

My subordinates dare not say anything.

I thought to myself, we are a gang to begin with.

After entering Taihu Lake, the sails were fully hoisted and we took advantage of the wind to head northeast.

This is the closest point to Xishan Island, less than a hundred miles away.


The green battalion soldier who luckily escaped the death bombardment turned pale.

Looking at the corpses all over the place,

"Go back to the county seat quickly and tell the adults that the officers and soldiers have rebelled."

The news quickly spread throughout Changxing County.

The magistrate and the Green Camp guerrillas unanimously concluded that
It was the officers and soldiers in a certain place who rebelled.

The reason is simple, they have more than one cannon.

Looking around,

Except for separatist forces like Junggar and Jinchuan, which other group of thieves has artillery?

According to the simple understanding of the Qing army,
Enemies with cannons must be elite and need to be treated with caution.

Of course, those imitation tiger squatting cannons or pine tree cannons don't count.

The green battalion soldier who reported the news also brought back an iron ball cannonball.

Changxing camp guerrillas could tell that quality at a glance.

It's elite!
This kind of precision-cast artillery shells can only be equipped by the elites of the Green Camp.

For a time,

Several counties in Huzhou Prefecture fell into panic, and soldiers went to the city one after another to defend themselves against the enemy.

And the one who started the figurines,
With Li Yu's instigation, Huang Tongpan finally sent the urgent report, and it cost 800 Liga to rush directly to the Ministry of War.

The urgent report from Huzhou Prefecture was also sent to the capital.

These two urgent reports caused an uproar in the capital.

Triggered an earthquake at the military aircraft.

A group of people headed by veteran Yu Minzhong believed that the Suzhou government was lying about military information and fabricating military achievements in an attempt to win rewards.

The Eight Banners Young Masters faction believed that there was a big problem in the Jiangnan (Han official) officialdom.

Qianlong did not express his attitude.

Just watching these ministers perform silently.

There was no wave in his heart,

These people talk about the Qing Dynasty, but their hearts are all about business.

I keep talking about the Qing Dynasty, but I really don’t want to point out what the Qing Dynasty has to do with your stupid studies.

Most of the Han officials headed by Yu Minzhong were originally from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

He was afraid that the imperial court would take advantage of this matter to increase the proportion of Manchu officials in Jiangnan.

Deprive local Han officials of their power.

Their hometown, fields, children and nephews are all in the south of the Yangtze River, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

The last thing they wanted was Manchu bureaucrats getting involved in Jiangnan.


And the Eight Banners' gang of military planes walking around are not entirely public-minded.

They are eager to take this opportunity,
It made the court suspect that Jiangnan officialdom was unreliable and Han officials were unreliable.

Who is the most reliable in the court?

Of course, we, the authentic Eight Banners disciples, support the Qing Dynasty the most.

Jiangnan, the blessed land,
Who wouldn’t want to get involved in the past and become a people-friendly official?

Even the several mature and prudent bannermen and military aircraft ministers in the Military Aircraft Department would help relatives rather than help with this issue.

The reason is simple,
Who doesn't have a few unemployed nephews, relatives and friends?

The yamen in the capital have long been overcrowded, leaving every carrot in a hole.

There are even two radishes squatting in some pits, pretending to be new varieties.

It's very difficult to be a bad guy.

Moreover, these people cannot carry it on their shoulders or lift it with their hands.

It is impossible to go to the frontier and rely on military merit to gain a position.

Go to those prefectures and counties that are complicated and tired, such as Gaitu Guiliu areas.

If it can achieve results, it will be solid.

But do these young men have this material?
If subjects such as "raising birds", "playing eagles", "fighting crickets", "acting as an uncle", and "operating" were added to the imperial examination, these people would definitely be in the top three.

My family knows my own affairs,

Try to go to those safe and wealthy places and work as an official.

Do less and make more money.


The two groups were seen arguing and even began to speak rudely.

Only then did Qianlong intervene.

He raised his right hand and pressed it in the air.

As if by magic, the palace suddenly became quiet.

The ministers all knelt down obediently and looked at themselves piously.

This feeling is wonderful.

The fragrance of power is the most difficult to describe sense of accomplishment in the world.

Once you taste it, you will go crazy for it.

Qianlong had been emperor for 40 years, so he knew how it felt.

"Yu Aiqing, do you dare to guarantee that all the Han ministers in Jiangnan will be loyal to the Qing Dynasty?"

"I don't dare, but I expect most of them to be loyal."

Looking at this old minister with gray beard and gray hair,

Qianlong cursed secretly in his heart, he is so cunning.

You said that just to silence me on purpose.

Can I still say that there are not so many loyal ministers?
He Shen on the side finally spoke:

"Master Yu, is the White Lotus Religion Plan always true?"

"Of course, I feel that the White Lotus Sect cannot be tolerated. Regardless of master or slave, once found out, they should all be beheaded."

Qianlong nodded and signaled He Shen to continue.

"After the White Lotus Religion Incident, there were pirate ships besieging the Taihu Navy Division and shelling the Huzhou grain collection officers. What do you think, Mr. Yu?"

"I feel that there must be something fishy about this matter."

Everyone laughed.

He Shen also asked with a smile:

"I dare to ask, sir, where is the strange thing?"

"I dare to ask all your lords, if there is really such a sharp gun that can kill a battalion of giant thieves, can Jiangnan still be so peaceful?"


There was silence in the hall,
Those who have mixed up to this level are all human beings, and they immediately figured out the meaning of the old guy's words.

"Yu Minzhong, do you mean internal strife? Someone secretly used the imperial army to retaliate?"

"I don't dare to judge, but I have such a guess."

Qianlong's expression changed,

To be honest, what Yu Minzhong said was consistent with the suspicion in his heart.

This is the last thing he wants to face.

Qianlong tapped his fingers on the table a few times and made up his mind:

"What rank is Huang Wenyun, the general judge of Suzhou Prefecture?"

"Back to the emperor, he is in the sixth rank."

"Upgraded one level, from fifth grade, to still serve as the official magistrate."

"There are many vacancies in Suzhou Prefecture. Can the Ministry of Civil Affairs prepare candidates for the Emperor's judgment?"

"I don't think it's necessary, just leave it empty for now. Oh, by the way, before the governor takes office, the Suzhou City garrison is temporarily under the control of Huang Wenyun."

Qianlong flicked his sleeves,
Prepare to leave the military aircraft office and go to pay your respects to the Queen Mother.

As soon as one foot stepped out of the threshold of the military aircraft office, he said again:

"If order in Jiangnan cannot be restored for a long time, I plan to build a city in Suzhou and give it a unified name as the vice-capital."

"As soon as the heavenly soldiers arrive, the demons and monsters will disappear."


Inside the military aircraft department,

Everyone was stunned and silent, digesting the emperor's words.

"My lords, it's raining."

Several young eunuchs came in carrying copper basins.

They placed copper basins in the leaky areas to catch the water from the roof.

The majestic military aircraft office of the Qing Dynasty, such an important government office, was actually a wooden house. It was hot in summer and cold in winter, and it leaked from time to time.

Tell it, who will believe it.

People who didn't know the truth must have thought that this was an honest and self-denying court.

Members of the Military Aircraft Division,

With a look of normalcy, accompanied by the sound of rain hitting the copper basin, he began to work at his desk.

The highest ideal of the elites of the Qing Dynasty was to enter this row of dilapidated wooden houses and have a desk of their own.


Kneeling every day to record the emperor's dictation and witness every major event in the empire.

The famous qingchui, the conscience of Europe, the best poet in France, the king of French thought, will enter heaven in three years.
If Mr. Voltaire witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he would probably burst into tears.

Once again, we call on European emperors to learn more from their Eastern counterparts.

Such a funny misunderstanding,
That is the cultural difference.

It is also caused by incomplete information.

A glimpse of something reveals the whole thing, which may lead to misleading people.

It is right that without a full investigation, there will be no say.

Many times, the information you see and hear is one-sided.

Even, it was deliberately modified by others.


Li Yu knows this truth well,

So he has been working hard to collect information, trying to see the essence through the fog.

What the Qing Dynasty was like is not a matter of TV series or Qing history manuscripts.

Liu Qian came and handed over a draft of his plan for establishing an intelligence system.

Set a fixed point,

Use shops such as rice shops, cloth shops, and carriage shops as cover.

Choose a location close to a government office or in a downtown area.

A man with a strange face who had been working in the fort before was appointed as the shopkeeper.

Each point is assigned two or three escorts.

Then select a group of people with the same conditions as mobile intelligence personnel, and appear as street slickers and green-skinned people to the outside world.

They have money in their hands,

When developing informants, the focus is on servants of officials and gentry, coolies on docks, boys in brothels, and sailors on ships.

The standard is,
People in the service industry who are at the bottom of society but have a lot of contact with other classes.

Intelligence information obtained from informants is aggregated to a fixed point.

Each contact point corresponds to no more than 10 mobile intelligence personnel.

There is no horizontal connection between points except in extreme cases.

And Lijiabao,

An intelligence team is set up to come to collect information every few days.

If urgent and important information is encountered, the shopkeeper will personally deliver it to the fort.

in addition,

If force support is needed, it will be carried out by the guards in the fort.

Li Yu didn't want the intelligence organization to have too much force capital, otherwise it would be too big to lose.

There is another implicit rule,
The shopkeeper of a fixed point must have a family (must have children).


"Liu Qian, your idea is very good. I will allocate you 8000 taels first, which will be used as start-up capital to set up the structure as soon as possible. As for the manpower, you can choose as you like, up to 90 people."

"Thank you sir."

"The 9 counties and 1 scattered hall in Suzhou Prefecture will be arranged first. When the operation is mature, Jiangning Prefecture, Taicang Zhili Prefecture, and Songjiang Prefecture will be considered."

"As ordered."

The imperial decree arrived at Suzhou Mansion seven days later.

One is happy and one is sad.

What is worrying is that Shi Linglun, the deputy general of the Taihu Association, was demoted to the rank of general, but he still acted as the deputy general of the Taihu Association.

At the same time, he will be fined for 6 months.

He was very crazy in Dongshan Water Village.

Unless he can redeem himself and perform meritorious service, his career will be in jeopardy.

However, there is no goal in how to achieve meritorious service.

He repeatedly asked Bing Yong who had escaped, but the more he listened, the more confused he became.

The warships equipped with artillery and the musketeers wearing official uniforms looked like they were made by our own people.

He has been in a bad mood recently,
You must wear armor when you go out, and you must put a knife under your pillow.

He couldn't guess who was going to attack him, but it was definitely a big shot.

The biggest suspect points to the Lianghuai Salt Transportation Bureau.


He mobilized his cronies to help transport the salt, and helped clear obstacles many times.

Just this one item,
He made an extra 6000 taels, which is not a huge profit.


"Master Shi, someone is coming from Jiangbei."

"Bring it in quickly."

Shi Linglun closed the door tightly and asked with wide eyes:

"Are you trying to kill the donkey?"

The visitor looked anxious and explained:

"Master You also wants to ask you, are you betraying me?"

"Put p."

"Is that the Salt Gang's rebellion?"

"It's even more impossible. What reason do they have to rebel?"

Silence, thinking.

Since it is neither, it can only be Huang Tongpan's personal behavior.


Shi Linglun still didn't believe it.

"I just don't understand, why is he planning such a big deal?"

"To achieve meritorious service and get promoted."

The visitor said gloomily:
"Master Shi, you don't know. Huang Wenyun has been promoted to a level. I'm afraid Jian is in the emperor's heart."

"Did he report our illegal salt trafficking to the court?"

"Probably not, otherwise would we still be standing here?"

The two were silent,

The current situation is difficult.

After a long while, Shi Linglun asked:
"How are you going to deal with the aftermath, Mr. You?"

"Give him a piece of the pie and bring him in."

"it's OK?"

"How can a cat not eat fish? It has already eaten a big fish."


The visitor told some more inside information before leaving in a hurry.

Shi Linglun's face was uncertain, and he drew his sword and looked at it for a long time.

Then he shouted:
"Come on."

"The mark is on."

"Get rid of several petty officials who have cooperated with Zhenze County and pretend to be bandits to rob."

"My lord, I'm afraid it's too late."

"What do you mean?"

"They have been captured by the government officials."

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big deal earlier?"

"Our Green Camp and the local government offices are on separate lines. If they want to hide it, there is nothing we can do."

Shi Linglun felt the murderous intention,
There seemed to be a net covering his head.

He felt that the sinister Huang Tongpan wanted to dye the crown red with his own blood.

(End of this chapter)

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