Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 110 If there is no accident, there will be an accident

Chapter 110 If there is no accident, there will be an accident

After the news was released,
Loafers, green-skinned men, gangsters, thugs, bad boys,

Like sharks that smelled blood, they gathered at the yamen gate.

The subordinate officials selected people from among them, issued uniforms and put them on on the spot.

Then arrest people according to the list.

Taihu Association generals and above, their family members, relatives, and property, as long as they were in Suzhou Prefecture, all were confiscated.

Ridiculously efficient,

The list of bandits' family members was made in the morning, the people were arrested at noon, and the homes were searched in the afternoon.

The body was taken out at night~
The magistrate of the broken family and the magistrate of the exterminated family are definitely not a joke.

The superintendent, the cell boss, and the prisoners stayed up all night and worked overtime for the interrogation.

Confessions stamped with red handprints were freshly released one after another, and corpses were carried out one by one.

Li Yu is also in the government office.

After witnessing this cruel scene, I couldn't bear to look away.

Song Yasi from the Fuya Prison saw him and hurriedly came over to say hello.

"Ahem, aren't your interrogation techniques a little too rough?"

"Li Guanren clearly knows that the higher-ups are urging us too hastily. If it were normal times, we would have dozens of water grinding skills, and we would not be able to die even if we wanted to."

"Come over here."

After whispering in a low voice, Song Yasi was shocked.

"Is this what Mr. Huang means?"

"Trust me and just do it."

"You must believe it. Everyone in the city doesn't know that Li Guanren is the most loyal person."

late at night,
Some "bandit relatives" who had not received much punishment and paid sufficient money were released from prison.

If nothing else,

These people will leave the city early in the morning and go to Dongshan Water Village to report the news.

Then, something unexpected happens.


Li Yu didn't believe that Qiu Ba, the gang from the Taihu Association, could endure such humiliation.

However, Shi Linglun's family members were not there.

This is a pity.

A Qingpi from Wu County provided a piece of information. Shi Linglun had a lover who was considered a foreigner and gave birth to a son.

However, the specific address is unclear.

I only know that they are raised in Xukou Town.

As soon as Huang Tongpan heard this, he sent people to Xukou Town to find people.

The whole Suzhou Prefecture was in a tremble,
Rich people are busy moving and hiding in the city.

They all understand the principle of avoiding the city in case of minor disasters.

With the government's tacit approval, rumors spread widely.

Everyone in the common people knew that the Taihu Xielu camp soldiers had rebelled.

Lieutenant General Shi Linglun actually had a bright future.

After staying incognito for generations, he finally succeeded in stealing power.

What a perseverance this is, it deceived the emperor and his colleagues.

All the previous rebellions against bandits in Suzhou Prefecture were caused by him.

Now, this big rebel is about to lead his troops to attack the city.

It is said that if you leave your head, you will not leave your hair, and if you leave your hair, you will not leave your head.

In order to avenge the Qing soldiers who entered the Pass and massacred Jiangyin, he prepared to massacre Suzhou City!


Fortunately, Mr. Huang, who is both civil and military and good-looking, is in charge of Fucheng.

Businessmen and gentry naturally want to shed some blood.

In this case, no one will say no.

As a result, Huang Tongpian had another amount of money on hand.

Regarding the fact that Mr. Huang is very handsome,

This is by no means a flattery.

If he had grown too poor and was a poor scholar studying hard in a thatched cottage, Mrs. Huang would never have accepted this marriage.

After all, marriage is a reality;

Power, money and sex always have the same picture.


"My lord, I suggest you use it first and manage it with your lord."

"No, no, this is military pay donated by the enthusiastic gentry in the city to reward meritorious soldiers."

"When the battle is won, the silver reward will come from another source. Don't worry, sir."

"Okay, it's up to you."


Li Yu approached Wang Shenxian.

This guy has been very active recently, which shows that he and the adults are short of money.

To the west of the city, there is a house with four entrances.
This place originally belonged to the Fan family, but was later given to Mr. He, and was finally destroyed by Wang Shenxian.

"Brother Li, this is a tricky matter."

"If it's not troublesome, why don't I need to find you, the Immortal Wang?"

"Hey, to be honest, the atmosphere in the capital is very bad now. If you want to do something, all you have to do is use money to spearhead it."

"2 million taels."

"Too little."

"Just helping out with the drumming, it's a lot."

"Nowadays, prices in Beijing are skyrocketing, and prices are rising in all industries."

"No, no, brother Wang, listen to me. If you want to buy a Suzhou prefect with 2 taels, it will definitely be less. But Mr. Huang already has strong military exploits. Even without Mr. Huang's recommendation, the chance of winning is still [-]%."

Only then did Wang Shenxian become tempted.

He asked quietly: "Seriously, the Taihu Association is going to rebel?"

"Correction, it's already the other way around."

Li Yu said very firmly and looked at the fat man in front of him quietly.

"Sure. I'll take this job."

"Brother Wang, I have a bold suggestion."


Wang Shenxian followed his good deeds and went to Huangtong to judge the house late at night.

Received 2 taels in silver notes.

Then, Li Yu was given 3 taels, and he himself begged 3 taels.

In the end, 1 taels were handed over to He Shen.

There is no middleman to make the difference, after all, it is just a good wish.

If you don’t eat the price difference, who has the motivation to do practical things?
After this,

Wang Shenxian no longer put on airs in front of Li Yu, put down his godliness and became approachable.

Instead, actively introduce business.

Tell him what things can be settled and what the approximate charges are.

Li Yu can raise the price slightly.

Just leave him some profit margin.

Everyone says that circles are important and connections are important.

It’s because of things that seem out of reach and sacrosanct.

In fact, for some people,

Just a simple transaction.

With this relationship, Li Yu's reputation in Suzhou officialdom couldn't be better.

Everyone knows this,

If you encounter difficulties, you can visit Li Guanren.

He will tell you frankly whether it can be done and how much sincerity is required.

Moreover, it has unique credibility.

How could such a wonderful person be related to the rebels?

Say it, who will believe it?

Taihu Xiedong Shanshui Village,
The atmosphere has been suppressed to the extreme.

Several thousand bosses and general bosses were red-eyed and demanded revenge.

Bad news also came from a shop in which Shi Linglun had a stake.

It was taken over by Suzhou Prefecture and confiscated.

The captain of the soldiers knelt down and cried loudly,

He was a local and his family members were all imprisoned.

My wife was also beaten in court.

You know, this is a great shame in feudal society.

The female family members playing the board is not as simple as the literal meaning.

"General, I want revenge. Kill those dog officers."

Bad news comes one after another.
"General, those bastards from the city guard camp have evacuated all the people from the nearby villages."

"General, the food that was supposed to arrive today did not arrive on time."

The military rations for the Green Camp are provided by the local government offices where they are stationed.

Huang Tongpuan had already sent people to cut off the food channels.

"How long will the army have enough food?"

The quartermaster said with a gray face:

"According to normal supply, it will not exceed 7 days."

Shi Linglun held the handle of the knife and said:
"If there is no good news by sunset tomorrow, I will take you out and go to the Admiral's Mansion to demand justice."

"I don't believe those cowards in the city guard camp dare to use a knife against us?"

"I believe that the Admiral's Mansion will uphold justice and will not let the Suzhou Mansion bully us like this."

The outraged military attachés,
He threw the knife to the ground angrily and went to drink wine.

This night was very uneventful.

Various rumors and pressure shrouded Bing Yong's heart.

They couldn't understand why they had become a "rebellious bandit"?

Obviously wearing official clothes and receiving official salary.


the next morning,

Someone came from the Jiangnan Admiral's Mansion and brought an ambiguous military order.

The Taihu Association is asked not to be impulsive, to exercise restraint, and to wait for the joint investigation by the Governor's Office and the Admiral's Office.

The imperial court will never wrongly accuse a loyal minister, and will never let go of a rebel.

If he is really wronged, the Suzhou government office will be held seriously accountable afterwards.

"Sir, can you please release the family members in prison first? Also, can you help me collect this month's military rations first?"

The person responsible for delivering the order was a clerk from the Admiral's Office.
After thinking about it for a while, he agreed, and then went to the Suzhou government office with the hope of hundreds of people to coordinate.

When he arrived at the prison, no one cared about him at all.

A Song Yasi squinted his eyes and handed over a piece of paper with a smile:

"You can release them. As long as you guarantee that the Taihu Association will not rebel, and these bandit relatives will not abscond privately. Sign your name here."

"By the way, brother, can you represent the Admiral's Office?"


All of a sudden, the clerk became timid.

He is not a rookie and knows the meaning of Song Yasi's words.

If you don't do anything, it doesn't matter whether Suzhou Government Office or Taihu Association is unlucky in the end, it's none of your business.

If you want to do something, you have to take huge risks.

just in case,

If Taihu Xie is convicted by the court, he will be imprisoned.

The words of the guarantee are ironclad proof.

"This matter is so important that a mere clerk can't take care of it."

"That's right. In our Qing Dynasty, if we do more, we will make more mistakes. If we do less, we will make more mistakes. If we do less, it will be better. Do you think you are right?"

"That's the truth. This is what an old man says when he plans for a country."

Seeing that the clerk of the Jiangnan Admiral's Office had given up, the Admiral was no longer arrogant.

But roll up your sleeves,
"Coming from afar, I must be tired and exhausted, so I'll have some food and wine in our prison."

"Song Yasi, thank you very much."

"Hey, that's right. Although it's not the same yamen, they are all working for the imperial court after all. Make friends?"



The thick-browed clerk, at the invitation of Chief Song, went to the prison's signature room for a meal.

Although the environment is not great, the quality of the food is still good.

"I didn't expect that the food in this prison is so delicious?"

"We have locked up two chefs here. It is said that they used to be famous chefs in Beijing restaurants."

"No wonder."

The clerk put down his chopsticks and looked at the woman in prison uniform serving the food with confusion:
"This is again?"

"Of course he is a prisoner who committed a crime and was brought in."

"Why is she a woman?"

"What's wrong with a woman? She won't commit any crime?"

The clerk quickly explained:
"I mean, is it illegal to have a female prisoner serve you?"

"Hahahaha, brother, you are too pedantic. What do we call this? We rely on the mountains and rivers to rely on the water. If we rely on the prisoners, we will naturally eat the prisoners."

Oshi suddenly wanted to show off his authority.
Point with chopsticks:
"Ms. Zhang, come here."

The timid Zhang Wangshi in prison uniform knelt on the ground obediently.

"Who is the god here?"

"Ashi, you are the god here."

"As usual, wait and wait. I'll reward you with this plate of whitebait scrambled eggs later. Look at you, you're all hungry and thin."


The clerk was stunned and looked at the scene in front of him.

Mrs. Zhang Wang has finished serving her.
He left with a plate of food on the table.

"How's it going, man?"

"My eyes are opened, I admire you."

Oshi rolled up his sleeves proudly and tightened his belt.

"Let's keep eating."

"We are all on errands. There is no need to offend others for errands. Maybe we will still have opportunities to deal with each other in the future. Multiple friends, multiple paths."

In the afternoon,

The drunken clerk left the city.

Originally, I wanted to go to the Taihu Association station to ventilate my energy and tell them that I have worked hard.

On second thought,
If those Qiu Bala vent their anger on themselves, they will be beaten severely.

Why bother, Song Yasi said it better.

When serving as an official in the Qing Dynasty, there was no need to offend colleagues for the sake of official business.

"Let's go back to the Admiral's Mansion."

Another day has passed,

Taihu Xie was eager and did not wait for any Qingtian master.

200 people were separated from the city guard camp.
Under Lao Hu's order, we advanced another 5 miles.The camp was built under the eyes of Shuizhai.

The two sides are only 2 miles apart.

The louder the yelling and cursing, the louder it is, it can still pass through.

Lao Hu received Li Yu's instruction,

Cannons and guns were fired from time to time, but of course they were all empty cannons.

Only gunpowder is used, not lead.

This made Shi Linglun upset.
His mentality gradually changed, from an official appointed by the imperial court to a rebel.


Li Yu's famous saying:

When everyone thinks you're an asshole, you just have to be an asshole.

No matter how gentlemanly you are, others will think you are pretending.


You exploded, like a true asshole.


Everyone hugged their heads and ran away, exclaiming that he finally stopped pretending.

before sunset,

The last straw broke Shi Linglun's loyalty to the emperor.

His sweetheart in Xukou Town was found by a green man.

Qingpi took her to see the official, saying that she was his unmarried daughter-in-law, and sued her for running away from home and not abiding by maternal ethics.

At the government office,
Huang Tongpan beat the woman 20 times in court and announced that they were reunited.

Even people and property belong to Qingpi.

News came,

Shi Linglun spurted out a mouthful of blood and was filled with rage.

When he woke up again, he no longer looked like a human being.

To hell with those who are loyal to the emperor, have a good career, and have the coercion of the Eight Banners.

"Reverse, reverse."

He held up a sword and shouted loudly throughout the camp.

The cronies also shouted:

"It's reversed."

The shouts gradually formed a wave, and the birds returning to their nests flew up one after another, hovering and not daring to land.


2 miles away,

The forward camp of the city guard camp also heard the "rebellion" movement.

some of,
Most of them are "dissident elements" identified by Lao Hu.

What do you mean, he is a self-contained general who defends the original city and is not easy to win over.

These people are as if they are stuck in their throats.

We couldn't go too far, so we simply used them as vanguards and sent them under the eyes of the Taihu Association.

Before leaving,
Lao Hu issued a strict order. If someone escapes from battle, military law will be enforced.

However, who among the Green Camp soldiers would believe this.

As soon as he heard the thunderous roar of the Taihu Association, he immediately ran away.

Behind the scenes, the gate of Taihu Association opened wide.

A group of people chased him, shouting that he was in trouble.

The funny thing is, they are wearing the same green battalion uniform.

Nanshe Village,
In the city guard camp, on the sentry tower.

A warning gong sounded, and everyone quickly entered the position.

Lao Hu has no confidence in the Green Camp’s combat effectiveness.
Therefore, people were fixed at certain points, such as behind the fence, behind the cart, and behind the trench.

Archers and musketeers are all placed in front.

The hand-to-hand sword, shield and spear soldiers were gathered together and on standby in the camp.

If a certain place is breached, he will take these people to attack it.


The 100 men supported by Li Yu were equipped with 5 mountain-splitting cannons.

They were in a corner of the camp, keeping a distance from everyone.

Someone shouted:

"It seems like we are in front of you?"

It was dark in the evening, so Lao Hu took a look with his hands and cursed:
"It's so dark, anyone who comes near the camp will be killed without mercy."



The mountain-splitting cannons equipped with shotgun blasted one after another.

The green camp soldiers running in front suddenly fell to pieces.

Muskets also sounded chaotically, as well as sparse arrows.


It's enough to repel the Taihu Association's pursuers.

The second round of bombardment from the mountain-splitting cannon woke them up.

Abandoned dozens of corpses and fled.

Old Hu breathed a sigh of relief, this was the Green Camp soldier he was familiar with.

After a while, defeated soldiers gathered outside the camp.

They were all on their own, shouting one by one to open the door and let them in.

Old Hu was heartbroken.
Simply give the order to shoot and kill these dissidents.

Guns and artillery fired, and the fighting was active.

"Escape from battle and almost kill everyone. Cutting off their heads is considered your military merit."


The morale of the army was greatly boosted.

The first level is silver, there is no doubt about this.

The Qing court had a pretty good reputation in terms of rewards for military merit.

This battle,
Under the joint attack of Taihu Union City garrison, 200 people from the city garrison were killed.

Taihu Association casualties were dozens smaller.

Dongshan Water Village,

Shi Linglun also regained his senses and began to plan an escape route.

"Bury the pot to make rice, and make more dry food."

"Distribute arrows, swords, gunpowder, and lead."

"Eat and drink enough, give the brothers some wine. If the court doesn't give us a way to survive, we will find a way to survive on our own."


But that's it!
All the pigs, chickens, and ducks raised in captivity were slaughtered, and the delicious food was released.

Each person also drank half a bowl of wine.

Half an hour later, all members of the Taihu Association set off.

Shi Linglun looked back at the burning water village.

The gears of fate are turning.

"Have the ships been moved?"

"Don't worry, General Shi, we've all been pulled to the reed swamp." Chen Maokun, the captain of the personal soldiers, said in a low voice.

"You bring 50 people to keep an eye on the ship. If something goes wrong, this is our last resort."

It turned out that the cunning Shi Linglun was preparing to make a false shot.

First, they burned and killed on land, and assumed the posture of attacking the capital city of Suzhou.

Then, board the ship and escape south.

Since you want to be a gangster, you have to choose a good place.

Not so in Jiangsu, which is all plains.

Zhejiang is different, with many mountainous areas.

If you want to be a bandit, you must either go into the mountains or go to the sea.

The large group of people headed north with torches.

At this time, the fast horse reporting the news arrived in Suzhou Fucheng.

Shout to the city wall:
"The Taihu Association has launched a rebellion. Please pull me up quickly."

The soldiers on duty at the city wall did not dare to neglect and lowered the drawbridge.

Huang Wenyun was just about to take a rest,
I heard footsteps outside the door.

The butler said in a low voice:

"Sir, please report urgently. Shi Linglun has rebelled."

Huang Tongpuan put down the official document in his hand and exclaimed happily:


"General Shi is bloody and has finally helped me complete the last link in the evidence chain."


Inside the government office, the lights are brightly lit.

The news has spread, not only among the officials and gentry, but also among ordinary people.

This was deliberately condoned by Huang Tongpuan.
The more people who know, the tighter the blame will be placed on Shi Linglun.

"Have all the officers and soldiers gone up to the city wall?"

"Come back, sir, everyone is in place."

"If it's not enough, recruit 800 more young men to go to the city to help defend."

"As ordered."

After finishing the arrangement, he quickly wrote an urgent report.

There are still two copies, one for the Ministry of War and one for the Governor's Mansion.

These are all records of his contribution to Huang.

dark night,
There is no moonlight tonight, adding a chilling atmosphere to the city.

And Dongshan,
Mr. Hu Qian was also jumping to his feet and yelling.

Because Shi Linglun led a large group of troops around his camp and across the hills.

1 miles away,

The torches that were lined up neatly and stretched for miles were all extinguished.

One holding the other, they marched silently in the night.

Lao Hu was stunned for a moment. The enemy didn't play according to the routine.

Marching in the dark is a taboo.

Still walking on bumpy hills and through the woods.


"How to do?"

"If you can't hold on, fire blindly."

As a result, the five mountain-splitting cannons in the camp spouted flames from time to time, tearing open the night.

However, the effect is minimal.

Except for a few unlucky ones, they were hit by shotguns and fell to the ground.

The sound of the cannon is more like a send-off.

"Otherwise, we'll go out to pursue him."


Lao Hu flatly refused, what a joke.

To fight at night, only the best of the best are qualified.

Green camp soldiers are not qualified to be idle.

If he orders a pursuit out of camp,
The 600 people tomorrow morning may not be able to gather together for a flood.

"For God's sake, hurry up and get up."


in fact,

Shi Linglun also took risks.

Normally, he would never dare.

But because it was a rebellion, all the soldiers were angry.

Talent can barely support the night march, which is a taboo for military strategists.

At dawn, after some light barely appeared,
Shi Linglun ordered to light torches and assemble.

Torches were lit, dispelling the darkness.

"Count the number of people."

"General Shi, there are more than 400 people left."

He sighed, this was already an excellent performance.

Those who are lost, wish themselves well.

"You are all my old subordinates who have been with me for many years. You know that I, Mr. Shi, am loyal to the court, but these evil-hearted officials are trying to kill us and not give us a way to survive."

"How to do?"

"It's against, it's against, it's against."

The fanatical roar spread far away.

The dogs in the village a few miles away were barking alertly.

"Take Xukou Town first. This time, there is no military discipline. Brothers can do whatever they want."

Shi Linglun added:
"However, you must remember the military order to assemble, and you must move as soon as the bronze drum is beaten. Otherwise, if it falls into the hands of the government, you know what will happen."


the sky is bright,

Xukou Town was still asleep when it was awakened by the noise.

Before anyone could understand what was going on, the door was broken into by the rebels.

A sharp steel knife that kills anyone on sight.

The rebels, who had been suppressed for too long, finally found an outlet for release.

Killing everyone on sight and setting fires everywhere.

Not to mention the fate of women, the streets are littered with corpses.

There is blood under the military boots.

Shi Linglun was also venting his rage.
The long knife was swung away, and a fat man who looked like a gentleman fell to the ground.

"Light up the house."

On this trip, the rioters looting property was not a positive move.

I just rummaged through it casually and came up with several carts of gold and silver.

That's because everyone understands that life may not be saved and money will no longer be valuable.

Shi Linglun asked a few soldiers to drive a cart of gold and silver to the lake and hide it in the reeds.

1 hour later,

He beat the drum of assembly and gathered the little devils from hell.

All of them had ferocious expressions and blood dripping from the tips of their knives.

Some even had no clothes left, only wearing boots and carrying knives, with expressions of indifference.

He looked around at the soldiers, satisfied with their murderous intent.

The purpose of Tuxukou Town is to unite the morale of the army.

Killing can drive away the fear and anxiety in the hearts of Green Camp soldiers.

It can also increase their combat effectiveness and make them bloodthirsty.

Just like what the Qing troops did in Jiangnan more than 100 years ago.


(End of this chapter)

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