Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 113: In the initial stage of capital accumulation, people will inevitably use some despicabl

Chapter 113: In the initial stage of capital accumulation, people will inevitably use some despicable and shameful methods.

And Li Yu,
Standing outside the town, you can hear cheers and screams one after another.

He suddenly remembered a sentence:

"In the initial stage of capital accumulation, people will inevitably use some despicable and shameful methods!"

The common people and gentry in Xukou Town and Hengtang Town were not killed by him.

However, it is inseparable from myself.

Because it was he and Huang Tongpuan who forced the Taihu Association to rebel.

The so-called I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

After a few years,

When writing "Memoirs of Emperor Li Yu", this should be deleted and polished.

It is taboo for the venerable, and the imperial literati must understand it.

When the emperor was alive, he must have been wise, mighty, and the best in the universe.

Every gossip he said was recorded and compiled into a booklet.

The booklet is called: Yu Yan Yu Yu.

If there is a change of dynasty, it will be difficult to say.

Overnight, the reputation may turn upside down, and the emperor will become Yisi.

Imagine it looks like this:

299 years later,

The Li empire fell, and a new empire rose.

A book called "Interviews with Emperor Yuhuang" has appeared on the market.

Written by Ikuko Namishima.

Question: Great Emperor, how did you get your first pot of gold?

Answer: Shihua.

(Voiceover: The emperor painted hundreds of astringent paintings in his life, and his heart was as yellow as a lemon.)
Ask, where did the second pot of gold come from? "

Answer: Hit someone.

(Voiceover, when the emperor was young, he was either beating people or on the way to beat them every day. In his later years, he suffered from insomnia and had to listen to the screams of prisoners to fall asleep.)
Question: Where is the third pot of gold? "

Answer: Digging coal.

(Voiceover: The Emperor has been digging coal for five years, and his heart has long been as black as coal.)

Lin Huaisheng,
He kept standing next to him, pressing the hilt of the knife.

"Military advisor, where is Xiao Wu? He can't leave you casually."

"I arranged for him to go back to Xishan Island early in the morning."

Seeing that Lin Huaisheng was puzzled, he said again:

"Money and silk move people's hearts, but I'm afraid of trouble. Adjust people, boats, and boys' camps."

"Are military advisors afraid that some people will forget about gold and silver?"


Lin Huaisheng nodded, took out a handful of sugar-salted peanuts and threw them into his mouth.

Chewing crunchily,

It was extremely inconsistent with the surrounding ruins and charred corpses.

The gold and silver jewelry taken out of the house,
They were all piled up on the street.

Every time it is poured, it makes a pleasant sound.

More breathtaking than the most beautiful symphony in the world.

In the sun, precious metals sparkle.

Li Yu's personal guard stood beside Yinshan. Although he was childish, he was filled with murderous intent.

They are all his adopted sons, transferred from the children's camp.

Swords are more of a decoration for their thin bodies.

But the shrunken version (youth version) of the flintlock gun is stress-free.

Anyone who wants to make up his mind is afraid that he will be sprayed with iron sand.


Li Yu has thought deeply about human nature.

From collection, to loading, and finally to shipping, it is transported back to Xishan Island.

It's inevitable that you won't be able to think about yourself along the way.
Therefore, he can rest assured once the second wave of reinforcements from Xishan Island arrives.

"I hope I can cut off a few fewer heads today."

at noon,

Many people were stuffing cakes randomly while looking for gold and silver.

just like,
It's like forgetting about fatigue.

Over in Fucheng, Huang Tongpuan once again sent his steward with his personal letter.

"Hello Mr. Li, please don't be offended if I ask a few more questions for you."

"The housekeeper is polite."

"Has the rebel leader Shi Linglun been executed?"

"Look, the head is in the box. You can take it back later."

"How much did our people lose?"

"The losses were considerable. The city guard camp suffered a loss of 7%, and my men suffered a loss of 5%."

"The master said that he will report the victory to the Ministry of War first. We will discuss the specific matters with you in the evening and then write a detailed battle report."

"Lord Huang is wise."

The two were chatting outside the town. Li Yu said that the town was not like the human world and there were no single people.

The housekeeper didn't dare to go in for fear of having nightmares at night.

But before leaving, Li Yusai gave him two heavy things.

The outside is wrapped in cloth.

The butler smiled happily and declined hastily:

"That's not good?"

"The saddle horse is tired, running back and forth, leaving a cup of tea on the way."

Take someone's soft tongue,
After returning home, the housekeeper praised Li Yu.

Huang Tongpan was in a good mood and immediately started writing documents.

Report victory!

The Taihu Association rebels were completely wiped out, and Shi Linglun was the leader.


In the afternoon,

The second wave of the Xishan Island fleet finally arrived.

They brought cloth, carts, and more people.

In order to avoid suspicion, the people responsible for the transportation were shirtless and only wore a pair of straw sandals.

along the way,
There are guards watching.

Li Yu stood on a car and shouted loudly:

"When you return, you will be rewarded based on your merits. Everyone will be rewarded."

"However, if anyone hides gold and silver secretly, he will be severely punished."

There was a commotion and murmurs in the ranks.

Li Yu continued to shout:
"There is a house in front of you. It is dark inside. Go through it one by one. If you have something to hide, throw it to the ground and forget about it. I can understand the brothers' thoughts when they see the gold and silver, but if everyone hides it, it is ignorant. The other companions’ share.”

"let's start."

A big house with blocked windows.

The light inside is barely enough for walking.

A person walks in through the back door and comes out from the front.

When they came out, the expressions on many people's faces were also relaxed.

After everyone has passed by,
More than 500 taels of gold, more than 2000 taels of silver, and some jewelry were cleared out of the house.

"Father, you are still the best."

Xiao Wu said excitedly on the side.

At his age, he is not very interested in gold and silver.

Adults are different and understand the importance of money.

Lin Huaisheng also returned to the team and directed the musketeers to board the ship.

This time,
The property was concentrated on the two ships;
One was supervised by Li Yu personally, and the other was supervised by Li Xiaowu.

The cabin door is guarded by four people from the boy camp.

The specific amount is unclear, but it is still 20 taels.

The prosperity of the small town in Jiangnan is far beyond the imagination of the world.

This was only physical gold and silver. The banknotes and title deeds were either taken away by the owner or burned.

If you search carefully and dig three feet into the ground,
I'm afraid the harvest will be doubled.


Xukou Town,
Liu Wu also returned home with a full load of people.

With the guidance of Li Inspection, it is not difficult to find.

Compared with Hengtang Town, Xukou Town was even more tragic.

Because he was surrounded by the rebels in his sleep, there were few survivors.

Liu Wu fell down several times, all because of the blood on the ground.

He also understood that this was a test.

With so much gold and silver, if he is greedy and ignorant, maybe Li Yu will know about it.

who dares to say,
Not a single pair of eyes among the men and horses he led were staring at him.

Even Inspector Li might sell himself out in order to please Li Yu.

He was very disciplined on this trip, collecting gold and silver to load into cars and ships.

Midway, several shots were fired outside the town.

The sentry said yes, someone approached sneakily, and they shot and wounded one person before running away.

Liu Wu didn't want to cause trouble, so he speculated that Taihu Association's defeated troops had slipped through the net.

If he can't make any big waves, let him be.

Until we drove away and entered Taihu Lake.

Xukou is originally a small town near the lake. There is a river in the town that leads directly to Taihu Lake.


among the reeds,

A group of people lay down in the mud and peered quietly.

The leader is Shi Linglun's personal soldier captain, Chen Maokun.

"Captain, will something happen to General Shi?"

"Don't be crowed."

"Old Chen, please wake up. If nothing happens to General Shi, how dare these people clean up the battlefield so brazenly?"

"I'll go find out personally."

Because Chen Maokun had received Shi's kindness, he must find out whether he was dead or alive.

He changed into common people's clothes and quietly took a detour to Fucheng.

Sneak all the way and arrive outside the city.

When he saw the head hanging on the wall, he immediately fainted.

There are also firecrackers.

After waking up, I stumbled back to the reed swamp. It was already a day later.

On the way,

He chopped down a commoner riding a donkey to save some leg strength.

"General Shi is dead."

"What shall we do?"

Someone suggested: "Either divide the money and break up."

Others said: "If we separate, we will be wanted by the government. It is better to get together and go to the mountains of northern Zhejiang to drop grass."

After Chen Maokun recovered from his grief,

Just stared at everyone without saying a word.

"Old Chen, you are the captain, come and make an idea."

"It's easy to get together and disperse. Those who want to break up and go home take the money and leave the weapons. Those who want to leave the group, we have a boat and money, and go to northern Zhejiang."

Soon, the 50 people divided into two groups.

More than a dozen of them wanted to go home, and no longer wanted to eat blood.

With these dozens of taels of silver, I can live on.

Chen Maokun looked at the backs of these people leaving,

He turned to the remaining people and said:

"They have become traitors. If they fall into the hands of the government, they will definitely betray us."

"What would the government do if they knew that the people from the Taihu Association were still alive?"

Everyone was silent,

Someone tightened his grip on the knife in his hand.

“Catch them and kill them.”…

In the night,
The three sampans carrying the remaining 30 people disappeared into the depths of Taihu Lake.

In order to cover up the traces, a fire was set in the reeds.

The raging fire made the people fleeing panic.

It was not until three days later that they returned to their respective villages one after another.

In the government office,
Li Yu and Huang Tongpan stayed up all night.

Consider the details of the victory report and how to write it.

First of all,

The role of leadership must be highlighted. Huang Tongpan strategizes and makes plans for an empty city.

Inspire the soldiers in the city to fight the enemy bravely,
The people of the whole city came to the city enthusiastically, but the rebels were too timid to attack the city.

Afterwards, General Hu Qian led his troops out of the city and fought several fierce battles with the rebels.

Shi Linglun's hand-blade was a great achievement.

The inspections at Shihu, the inspections at Xukou, the flood troops at Hengtang, and the flood troops at Jinji were all responsible for guarding the territory. Under Huang Tongpan's influence, they all killed the enemy.

The first-level merits were divided into twenty or thirty pieces each.

Li Yu was also included in the battle report as a righteous citizen of the government.

Even Zhang Youdao, the magistrate of Yuanhe County, also shared some of the credit.


Stay up until early morning, the chickens crow.

Huang Tongpan just had the battle report sent out, and the next step was to wait.

According to the speed of the inn,

This urgent battle report will be delivered to the Forbidden City in 7 days.

In other words, Huang Tongpan needs to wait patiently for half a month before he can be promoted to prefect.

"Come on, stay up all night and drink some lotus seed soup."

Mrs. Huang herself came with a tray containing two bowls of exquisite soup.

Li Yu thanked him and took it, drinking it in one gulp.

This left a good impression on Mrs. Huang, and she felt that this young man was not hypocritical.

She comes from a family of subordinate officials.

It pays more attention to practical content and mutual benefits, but there are some plans for red tape.

"Your Excellency, madam, you must not refuse this generous gift."

"Hey, you can't be like this. The court's decree has not yet arrived."

"With such military exploits, and the mediation with the Lord, the prefect is not a problem."

Li Yu smiled and took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

It says 10 taels!

Huang Tongpuan was stunned, and then his wife came over to take a look.

"This is?"

"The rebels burned and killed them all the way and collected money violently. After being defeated by the city guard camp, some were captured."


Huang Wenyun immediately understood what was going on.

He came from a literary background, and although he was passionate about fame, he was still a bit reserved.

"Thinking about the deaths of those innocent people, I feel a little bit~"

Mrs. Huang was more open-minded than him, and she received the note with a smile:
"Brother Li is not an outsider."

"What Madam said is that after the gold and silver are sorted and cleaned, they can be delivered in the next two days."

Li Yu also suppressed his smile and suddenly said:

"Master Huang can't bear the suffering of the people, so I have an immature idea to invite eminent monks to perform rituals in the name of the government office."

"Okay, okay. It's rare that you have such thoughts."

"Brother Li is kind-hearted and shrewd. He has a bright future." Mrs. Huang said with a smile.

out of the government office,

Li Yu found Lao Hu again and got together in a teahouse.

"Lao Hu, prepare to be promoted."

"So fast?"

"Sir Huang signed up for you as a guerrilla, which is quite interesting."

"What about the rest?"

"Everyone needs to be promoted to the top. Only when you have a higher position can you do things more easily."

Lao Hu nodded and asked:

"After the battle at the city guard camp, there are only 1000 people left out of 200. How are we going to deal with the aftermath?"

"The imperial court will pay for the pension."

"I mean, will the number of troops be replenished?"

Li Yu was stunned and immediately understood what Lao Hu meant.

Use the brothers from Lijiabao to enter the city to guard the camp and serve as food errands.

As a result,
Eating money from the imperial court and raising his own soldiers.

These people can openly carry guns and train without anyone being suspicious.

"That's a good idea, let me think about it again."

Because even if you want to occupy the magpie's nest, you still need to go through some official procedures.


Chengshou Camp is currently under the control of Huang Wenyun.

To replenish the number of troops, he needs to nod.

Officialdom has its own set of rules of the game.

Unless you're flipping the table the next moment, you still have to follow the rules.

Li Yu felt deeply about this,

Although he often breaks the rules of the game and leaves the opponent at a loss.

But that was all carefully considered.

Anyone who lifts a table will not end well.

Suddenly, he thought of the crow, since his sister-in-law disappeared.

Li Yu gave him travel expenses.
Send away all the brothers from Cunju Hall and send them to Chaozhou Prefecture.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolute disloyalty.

Since they chose to follow their sister-in-law in the first place, it was not appropriate for them to be included in their own forces.

Let them continue to engage in their old business in the local area, beating and killing people.

There are sworn brothers in Chaozhou Prefecture, and they are protected by Fucheng.

They can be safe and sound.

The most important thing is that it will not become Li Yu's weakness.

Taking the rebel route, Li Yu doesn't want to have any weaknesses in himself, whether it's a brother, a woman, or a soft-hearted person.

Otherwise, the enemy will stab hard at the weak point.


He couldn't take the initiative to mention the city garrison's replenishment of troops.

Huang Wenyun is very alert, to a certain extent, as much as Ma Zhongyi.

Humans have weaknesses.

Huang Wenyun came from a poor family and relied on studying and marriage to survive. His desire for worldly success was his biggest weakness.

As long as Li Yu always grasps his thoughts and keeps giving him hope.

Huang didn't dare and would not fall out with himself.

Otherwise, once the person calms down and thinks about it, he will find that he has too many secrets.

Within two days, someone came looking for trouble.

Yan Jiansheng, a gentry in Hengtang Town.

Strictly speaking, in fact, his family had moved to Zhenze County long ago.

Only the ancestral graves and two small shops are still in Hengtang Town.

This military disaster,
He lost hundreds of bolts of cloth and two of his own men.

This man was very eager for money and went to the Yamen to complain.

He said that Cheng Shouying had blackmailed the savings of the deceased father in Hengtang Town and demanded their return.

If there are survivors in the family, they should be returned to the family.

This is naturally a matter of following the good.

If a whole family is martyred, donations should be made to the town for reconstruction.

This is impossible.


The thief Yan Jiansheng immediately revealed the most important secret.

Li Yu stayed behind closed doors. Anyway, I'm not an official.

Huang Tongpuan had a headache. He was in a critical period.

If someone slips up during this period and causes a scandal, and the censors find out about it, they will be impeached.

He didn't even dare to think about it,
Will he go crazy and take a knife to duel Yan Jiansheng?

Mr. Tongzhi is gone,
Two boats, one carrying people and the other carrying eunuchs.


The old guy had been ill for half a year, and even the Governor-General couldn't bear it anymore and approved his application to return home.

at least,

We should also let a handful of old bones be buried in the land of our hometown.

Huang Tongpan has been in the limelight recently and has almost become the top spot in Suzhou City.

Because of this,

Many people gloated over his misfortune and hoped that he would suffer.

Yan Jiansheng recruited a group of survivors from Hengtang Town and went to the government office every day.

If he were an ordinary citizen, Huang Tongpuan would have ordered him to be beaten with water and fire sticks.

They are all distinguished gentry, so it's not easy to be rude.

Even framing someone is a bit difficult to do because public anger is hard to offend.

Li Yu pretended not to know.

Busy cleaning up the interior, there are two things that must be done after the war.

One is to provide compensation for the casualties, bury them generously, support their families, and organize their children into children's camps.

The second is to sum up experience and make up for loopholes.


In this battle, Shi Linglun led dozens of armored remnants.

After dodging a salvo of gunfire, he broke into formation.

It caused great losses to the Musketeers.

"Huaisheng, what do you think?"

"The skills are not as good as others, and the swords are not as good as others. Our people have never been trained to fight with swords, and the narrow-edged knives they use are also at a disadvantage when cutting."

Li Yu had such a knife in his hand.

Li's army was equipped with muskets, but no bayonets.

They all carry a narrow-bladed long knife on their waist.

"How can you avoid this?"

"Wearing armor and arrayed with spears."

Li Yu shook his head, he didn't think it was suitable.

Armor requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and he has no intention of doing so.

Would rather give up protection and produce more firearms.

"Small-scale equipment. If you don't have enough, use a shield first. If you are rich, then wear armor."

Mixing hot and cold weapons is also a solution.

"Military advisor, I think this narrow knife is worthless. It's better not to be worthy of it."

"What do you think."

"If the enemy can break through and fire volleys of muskets and fight with our army, he must be a remnant and without a military formation."

"Well, you go on."

"If the enemy is wearing armor and holding a sword, shield or spear. Our people throw away their muskets and draw their long knives to fight. They are very weak. Even the unarmored Green Battalion can crush us."


Li Yu was silent, thinking about the battle process.

"The musketeers are simply not equipped with swords. When the enemy gets close, retreat, and the sword and shield soldiers move forward to top the line."

"That's what I think too, five teams of musketeers, and one team of spearmen, or sword and shield soldiers."


The project was formally established, manpower was selected, and a few armors, shields, and swords were made.

(End of this chapter)

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