Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 117 I love the Qing Dynasty, I confess, I confess

Chapter 117 I love the Qing Dynasty, I confess, I confess
It turned out that it was early in the morning.

The captain of the merchant ship "Irish Hound" discovered that sailor Smith was missing.

After searching, I found the cave.


The captain immediately reported the matter to the police in the hope of clearing himself of responsibility.

There was a reason for him to do this. Smith was a captured sailor, similar to a slave laborer.

There was no sense of honor in being a sailor of the British Empire.

Along the way, I was beaten three times in five days.

This person must have absconded with malicious intent.

And Guangzhou Mansion was the territory of the Qing court, and a red-haired ghost couldn't hide it.

In less than two days, he would be caught by Qing officers and soldiers and sentenced to severe punishment.

At that time, Guangdong Customs will cause trouble for itself.

The lightest case is disqualification from trade.

The heaviest one can even detain one's own ship.

It's not worth risking your Scots fate for an Irish sailor!


The captain only hesitated for a minute before he approached the patrolling soldiers.

"I love the Qing Dynasty, I confess, I confess."

half an hour,

This matter spread to the ears of the prefect of Guangzhou and even the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Governor Li Shiyao is a descendant of Li Yongfang.

They belong to the descendants of the most loyal, pure and ruthless heroes who grew up under the Eight Banners.

He knew very well the significance of this matter.

In the Qing Dynasty, nothing was trivial when it came to foreigners.

This point has been passed down very well.

Guangzhou Prefecture officers and green battalions were mobilized to block the city gate and search for this red-haired ghost.

Du Ren is alert,

He escaped before the policemen set up a traffic jam at the intersection outside the city.

Bought a small boat and hid the two of them in the cabin.

Before departure,
He sternly warned the two of them that if they fell into the hands of the government now, they would die in prison.

If you follow your own path honestly, you can still save your life.

Just to be on the safe side, I tied it up.

It wasn't until they left the Pearl River and away from Guangzhou that they were loosened.

Smith's face is so eye-catching.

We had to hire a carriage and were not allowed to show up.

I fled to Chaozhou Prefecture in one breath, and the newly opened shop breathed a sigh of relief.


"Mr. Du, what are you doing?" Lai Er was stunned. He had never seen a foreigner before.

"I made a mistake and almost lost my life in Guangzhou."


"Hurry up and find a way to send these two people to Suzhou Mansion."

"Then wait until the grandfathers have collected all the goods and return with the ship."

Zhang Xiaomei translated for Smith from time to time.

This red-haired guy nodded frequently.

It seemed that he was no longer afraid, but full of expectation.

Sailors in this era really have nothing to lose.

Changing the family and working for an Eastern noble sounds good.

At least, I don’t have to eat potatoes and sawdust bread every day.

Grandfathers walk very slowly, but they work extremely efficiently.


The goods were prepared, including copper, lead, silver, sucrose, and dozens of women.

Du Ren said awkwardly:

"There's no need for these girls, right?"

"Do you think Du Sheng doesn't look good?"

"No, no, I mean there is no shortage of women in Jiangnan."

The grandfather understood, stared at his cloudy eyes, and explained patiently:


"What's the difference?"

"Loyalty, whoever they follow will be loyal to them for the rest of their lives. They will never cheat on anyone."

Seeing that Du Ren still didn't quite understand, he could only continue to explain:
"They will be the most loyal maids, housekeepers, and concubines, working hard without complaint until death. Your boss also does big things, and the back house needs such housekeepers and maids."

Du Ren looked around at these silent women and seemed to understand.

These women can only be considered average in terms of appearance.


The grandfather sighed and looked at the white clouds in the sky:
"When I was young, there was a housekeeper named Axiu.

She was buck-toothed, short, unattractive, and taciturn. I never liked her.For more than ten years, I have never given her a smile.

When I was 50 years old, there were bandits in Guangfu, and they were very violent.

The village was also attacked by hundreds of bandits, but the tribesmen could not resist.

There is fire everywhere,

is her!

They brought a horse from the stable, let me sit on it, and protected me as I escaped.

The bandits found out and chased after him.

She held a matchlock gun and went to the rear, but was chopped into five pieces by the bandits.

To this day, I still regret it,

I never smiled at her before and left her a son and a half.

Ah Ren, only when you reach my age do you know what a good woman is. "


Taigong's speech was very emotional, his eyes were blurred with tears, and Du Ren listened very seriously.

Storytelling is, after all, a business tool.

The ultimate goal of a good ppt is to defraud investors of their real money.

No matter how good the product is, no matter how good the concept is, it will not be worth the price without a wonderful story.

Du Ren took a deep breath and asked:
"How can these women be discounted?"

"One person for four arquebuses."

"It's a bit expensive, two shots, right?"

"make a deal."

Taigong is Taigong, full of wisdom.

Du Ren secretly praised that ginger is still spicy when he is old.

Unless Li Yu came in person, the princes would be flustered, sweaty, heartbroken, and fall to the ground on the spot.

"Aren, my grandpa has lived so long, and this is the first time that I admire someone. When you go back, tell your boss that you must come to Chaozhou to drink tea when you have time. I have collected 1 kilogram of the mother tree Dahongpao, and I don't want to take it into the coffin."

"Grandpa, you haven't seen my boss, have you?"

"With such an outstanding subordinate like you, you can imagine the style of the boss."

Du Ren nodded, Grandpa was right.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but ask in a low voice:
"Axiu's story, is it true?"



"Aren, Grandpa cannot guarantee that he will live to be 100 years old. But Grandpa can guarantee that none of these women's thoughts are about him. Your boss will understand."


Du Ren felt that this trip went smoothly.

After boarding the ship, he regretted that he had spoken too early.

Vomit, vomit, the shark follows.

Du Ren's face turned sallow and his steps were floating.

Holding the rope, he stretched his head out of the side of the ship from time to time.

The same goes for Huang Dasheng,
Vomiting, cursing, cursing Poseidon, cursing God.

This arrogant behavior was severely stopped by the sailors.

He was warned that if he dared to disrespect the gods again, he would be thrown down to feed the sharks.

Even 500 years later, sailors will still believe it.

If you dare to eat fish and turn over on the boat, you may be beaten by a group of people.

Not to mention cursing the patron saint.

After staying up like this for 7 days, we finally arrived at Zhoushan Islands.

After secretly replenishing supplies, they immediately left the coastline.

"The imperial court has banned the sea, so we cannot stay for a long time."

Until it reaches Chongming Sea Area and enters the Yangtze River Estuary.

The seasickness was relieved.

Wash your face, drink porridge, and blow dry.

Du Ren looked at Huang Dasheng lying on the deck:
"Who gave you the nickname of the Great Sage?"

"Friends in the world, I like to cause trouble, I am not afraid of anything, and I am good at climbing trees."

"I don't think you are like Monkey Sun. You lie on the deck every day and look wilted."

"I am a child of a caravan and am not good at sailing."


in the Yangtze River,
They encountered naval patrol boats twice and dealt with them easily.

Because there are official documents stamped by Suzhou Prefecture and the flag of Guangdong Customs.

After randomly stuffing two ingots of silver, the soldiers left happily.

When working as an errand in the Qing Dynasty, there were not so serious people.

Those who love to be too serious usually don't end well.

From the Yangtze River into the Jiangnan Canal section, there are more and more ships.

"The Golden Waterway is well-deserved."

Huang Dasheng, who came from the southern border, also widened his eyes.

The Great Plains are extremely rare in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan.

He firmly believed that he would be able to make a comeback in Jiangnan and rebuild the caravan.


Many wooden rafts appeared in front of them, slowly.

It was a long journey, led by two sail boats at the front.

Each set of 10 rafts.

There was a person standing on each raft.

Hold the long pole in hand and adjust the direction from time to time.

Du Ren suddenly understood such a big battle.

Is this your own business?

He stood on the bow of the boat and shouted to the people on the raft:

"But it's Li Daguan's wood?"


He smiled, this gesture was quite arrogant.

The endless wooden rafts aroused the admiration of the onlookers.

Li Yu’s external statement is,
When you become developed, you need to build a large number of houses.

This reason is very reasonable and everyone in the city believes it.

Because people make money,

Isn't that just a few things?

Buy land, build a big house, and have a group of beautiful maids.

It would be unreasonable for you not to do this.

And build a big house,
Of course, a lot of wood is needed.


Every step Li Yu took was calculated.

After passing Xushuguan, I paid the tax.

Finally arrived at Lijiabao.

Those wooden rafts will continue to drift until they reach Xishan Island.

"Aren, you have worked hard."

"Military advisor, fortunately you have fulfilled your duty. Let me report it."

"No rush, go wash up and change clothes first, and I'll take care of you later."

at the banquet,
Lao Hu was also there, joining in the fun to look at the wood.

"I heard that Magistrate Huang is coming to Beijing?"

"Yes, we will leave in 10 days."

Recently, Li Yu has much more freedom in his work on the ground in Suzhou.

From top to bottom, they are all his allies and friends.

This is a window period for development.

I regretted missing it, so Lijiabao sent people everywhere and spent money everywhere.

A large number of kiln-burning craftsmen were hired locally to bake bricks and tiles.

A large number of carpenters were hired to initially process the wood.

It also took in many young and strong refugees from other places to open up wasteland.

Huang Wenyun also knows a little bit,
He didn't have any doubts and just assumed that he really wanted to build a big house.

After all, he is also planning to build his ancestral home in his hometown in Jiujiang.

This is the inheritance of our Qing Dynasty. If we don’t return wealth and honor to our hometown, there must be something wrong!

Li Yu selected some smart and strong people as apprentices among those who had followed him for a long time.

Learn to smelt and forge iron.

Cultivating one's own products and introducing them from outside can go hand in hand.

The fire in Xishan Iron Works is strong every day.

So much so that whenever I walk nearby, I feel the temperature is a few degrees higher.

In order to speed up efficiency, Director Chen added 6 blast furnaces in one go.

The masters and their apprentices are each responsible for one furnace.

With positivity in mind,
Another rule was formulated, 40 furnaces per month, and those exceeding the limit will receive half an incentive bonus of two cents per furnace.


The masters worked hard and circled the stove.

In this process, the apprentice learns quickly.

Watch every day, get started and help, practice makes perfect.

However, the supply of coal and iron ore cannot keep up.

Changxing Coal Mine has always provided stable supply and reliable quality.

There was a slight problem recently. The tunnel collapsed and dozens of people were buried.

The mine owner is only willing to compensate 2 taels.
This time, the rabbit died and the fox was sad, and the miners started to make trouble.

When Li Yu heard the news, he had no choice but to order people to go to Huizhou Prefecture to purchase.

The inferior coal from Xishan Coal Mine is really not dared to be used for iron smelting.

The quality of coal is related to the quality of molten iron.

This gave him the idea of ​​seizing the Changxing Coal Mine.

Across Taihu Lake, there are hundreds of miles of waterways that can be occupied geographically.

However, there must be an elite naval force.

Only then can he scare the local snake mine owners into obediently transferring the coal mines to him.


in the library,
"Huang Sheng? I heard that you want to do business with me?"

"Yes, I am familiar with the caravan routes in Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan. I have also run in Burma and Siam, and I know the locals."

"Have you done sea trade?"


Huang Sheng's face suddenly turned green, and his stomach was a little sour.

"Are your ancestors Han Chinese?"


"Looking at you, you look a bit like you are of Southeast Asian descent."

"The skin of a caravan man becomes wheat-colored when exposed to wind and sun."

Li Yu felt,

He didn't use his business for a while, so he said perfunctorily:

"You stay in the castle for the time being and rest for a few days."

Then, meet the next wave of guests.

Smith, and that Zhang Xiaomei.

With messy red hair, rude manners, greedy and guilty conscience, and a prudent smile to please, this is a typical Irish poor man.

She is small and exquisite, but has outstanding features and complex eyes. She is not like the restrained women of the Qing Dynasty. This is a woman who has gone through vicissitudes of life and has seen through the world.

The two of them lowered their heads in front of Li Yu's scrutinizing eyes.

for a long time,

Then he spoke: "You two, take a seat."

"I am a generous gentleman with many estates here. If you are leading the charge, I can be considered a knight, right?"

Zhang Xiaomei helped translate, but her accent was a bit strange.

But Li Yu was very pleased to have found a talent.

Having carried foreign guns, eaten foreign bread, and drank foreign milk, the experience was a bit dirty.

But well,
Washing can also be used.

Through her, you can learn about the customs and customs of Nanyang and act as a translator.


Smith got out of his seat and knelt down on one knee.

"Sir Lee, I am willing to serve you."

"Work hard, I will make you a knight in the future, and take the gold back to your hometown." Li Yu looked at Zhang Xiaomei and motioned to help translate.

Smith was excited and rubbed his hands together.

"Tell him that the monthly salary is 2 taels, and there will be no arrears. All food and lodging will be included."

After learning more about their experience in Guangdong Customs, the armament of the merchant ships, and the condition of the cargo, it was over.

Mainly because this guy's level is too low.

He was just a third-class sailor, and he didn't know anything about more advanced information.

Li Yu sent him away, but kept Zhang Xiaomei.

"Do you have anything to say?"


Zhang Xiaomei obviously knew how to seize the opportunity and answered on her knees.

The distribution of power in Nanyang in recent years has been contradictory between the British and the Dutch.

Types of trade, customs and climate, wars in recent years.

Li Yu was very satisfied, finally having a small understanding of Nanyang in this era.

The businessman Zhang Xiaomei married was a low-level employee of the Dutch East India Company.

"How is Smith?"

"He, he is just a rude sailor with no brains, greedy for money and lust, and likes to drink."

Obviously, she misunderstood.

But it also reminded Li Yu that he had to give this guy some power.

"Little five."

"Arrange an opportunity for Smith to experience the ten tortures."

"Torture him?"

"No, when you torture other criminals, let them watch. Give him a little Eastern shock."

Zhang Xiaomei trembled in fright and lowered her head.

This was also told to her.

If it is betrayal, the price will be high.


That night,

Li Yu had a bizarre dream. After waking up, he was stunned for a long time.

Suddenly, he burst into laughter.

He rushed out of the bedroom without even wearing any shoes.

Yang Yunjiao was holding a basin of wash water when he bumped into her.

He spilled it all over his body and immediately became angry.


She chased after her with her shoes, and everyone in the castle was dumbfounded.

What is going on? Master Li is suffering from hysteria?

Li Xiaowu also woke up quietly and rushed out quickly.

He still held a short sword in his hand.

"Sister Yunjiao, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, you can go back."

"Has the foster father been stimulated by something?"

"No, I think it's a great event."

Yang Yunjiao teased and said no more.

Based on her understanding of Li Yu, she must have thought of some good idea.

Fan Jing, Du Ren, Liu Wu, and Liu Qian were recalled one after another for meetings!
1 hours,
Discussion behind closed doors.

Yang Yunjiao was naturally involved, and her loyalty could stand the test.


However, everyone was shocked by Li Yu's huge plan.

For several minutes, no one spoke.

It was Yang Yunjiao who spoke first:

"The slave family thinks it is theoretically feasible, and the benefits will be huge, at least a hundred times."

“But where to find the right person?”

Li Yu chuckled,
He took out a stack of manuscript paper and pushed it to the table.

Everyone looked through it suspiciously, and their brows gradually relaxed.

"Smith, and that Huang Dasheng, can serve as the envoys of the mission."

"Huang Dasheng is not a foreigner either."

"It doesn't matter, we can package it."

Li Yu spent another cup of tea explaining the mystery of packaging.

First, perm your hair and make big curls.

Add a pair of earrings to add an exotic touch.

Wear the attire of a London East End gentleman!
Spray more perfume.

The most difficult thing is the language, but it’s not difficult to figure it out.

Li Yu is the best at being flexible!

"Use a flat tone and be stiff. When I speak like this, does it sound like a foreigner speaking Chinese?"

"Don't you look at me like this?"

(Imagine it on your own, movies and TV shows like Jin Kaila. Long live His Majesty the Qing Emperor. Is there anyone who volunteers to dub this sentence?)

Hahahahaha, Yang Yunjiao broke through the defense first.

Then everyone followed suit, slapping the table and laughing so hard that tears came out of their eyes.

Li Yu looked helplessly at these "idiots", waiting for them to laugh enough.

Then he asked slowly:

"Suggest any loopholes in my plan to me."

"Today, we will come up with a detailed action plan."


Smith is pleased with the environment.

The room is nice, 10 times more comfortable than the hammock on the Irish Hound.

The food is also great, 100 times better than sawdust bread and 50 times better than potatoes back home.

That woman Zhang Xiaomei actually ignored me.

I wanted to contribute 2 taels of silver (issued in advance) to her.


She actually proudly told herself,

"From now on, she will be Lord Li's maid."

A noble's maid is naturally untouchable by a knight.

This made him a little frustrated, of course, just frustrated.

Liu Wu took him to a good place.

The girls are good at dancing and hospitable, but their families are poor and cannot afford to patch their clothes.

If you have enough drinks, you can drink whatever you want.

Smith's rant was heaven on earth.

However, that day,
He was taken to another eerie place.

Liu Wu also thoughtfully put on a hat and robe for him.

"Keep quiet, otherwise you will die." Zhang Xiaomei quietly translated and told him.

He saw an unforgettable scene in his life,
Inside the Mucha Prison,
Two prisoners were tied to wooden stakes.

A group of sturdy men, wearing official uniforms, red tasseled hats and official boots.

Under the command of Chunky Song Yasi,

External force is being applied with soldering irons, sticks, knives, and hammers.

"They are smugglers who have violated the court's laws and are being punished."

Zhang Xiaomei couldn't stand still and could only translate with difficulty.

"There were 10 kinds of torture in the Qing Dynasty, and what you see now is the first one, which is piercing the ears with two swords and vomiting."


Smith was supported by Liu Wu and returned to the fort.

he swore
The hell described by the priest is not as scary as this place.

He couldn't understand why there were so many imaginative tortures.

In his poor imagination, hanging and burning were the most terrible punishments.

The brutal scene made him seriously ill.

After burning for 2 days, I almost went to see God.

Li Yu was worried for a while, he was the key to the plan.

If he were scared to death by himself, wouldn't it be a huge loss?


Smith, who was in critical condition, recovered four days later.

When Yang Yunjiao came to report, Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank God."

As he spoke, he made a cross on the palm of her hand.

Whichever god in the sky can work, I will trust him.

Flexible, dynamic, on-demand, revocable,
Before today, I, Li Yu, only believed in God.


(End of this chapter)

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