Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 119 Qianlong laughed wildly: I am on top, reward you quickly, I will reward you with a golde

Chapter 119 Qianlong laughed wildly: I am on top, reward him quickly, and reward him with a golden mountain!
After the parade,

The mission was temporarily accommodated in Jinmen Posthouse.

A master from the Zhili Governor's Palace came to visit on behalf of the proprietor to inquire about the situation.

Before reporting to the emperor, he needed to understand the purpose of the mission.

Just in case, I'm here to make some trade requirements.

We, the Qing Dynasty, don’t want to see you.

"Sir, where is the country of Siris?"

Smith was dressed in a fashionable military uniform, his red hair was particularly eye-catching, and he was chatting a lot.

Huang Dasheng translated in broken Chinese:

"Serlis is a beautiful country in the middle of America. It is 3 miles away from the Qing Dynasty."

"How far is it from France?"

"One million miles."

The master suddenly realized that it was far enough.

"My Lord Governor would like to ask, besides celebrating your birthday, do you have any other purpose for coming here this time?"

Smith is blah blah blah,
Huang Dasheng shook his head:

"We were entrusted by the king to come here specifically to pay homage and celebrate his birthday. The Seris royal family admires the culture of the Qing Dynasty very much."

"I hope to be summoned by His Majesty the Emperor as soon as possible."



The master left with satisfaction, and the governor was also very satisfied.

He sent people to the Forbidden City as quickly as possible to report the good news to Qianlong.

Forbidden City Imperial Garden,

Qianlong, who was taking a walk with the Queen Mother, heard the eunuch's report.

The first reaction was surprise.

Then, there was a surprise, and a huge sense of satisfaction filled my heart.

However, the surface is still calm and calm.

The Queen Mother, sitting on the soft sedan chair, smiled and said:

"Emperor, people who come from afar are still guests, so don't be indifferent."

"What Huang'e Niang said is that even though her son's 60th birthday has passed long ago, it's too much for them~"

"The Ai family heard that drifting on the sea is difficult and dangerous. Maybe they got up early and rushed to the late market."

When Qianlong heard this,
Keep nodding your head, this is the reason.

I am a filial son, please listen to your advice!

"Pass an order and ask the Ministry of Rites to send a minister to accompany the Minister of Lifan Yuan to Jinmen, and then send 500 cavalry to guard along the way."

"The Military Aircraft Department asked the Emperor for instructions on how to receive the Siris mission."

"Just treat me like a county king."

"According to the order."

The news quickly spread throughout the capital, and the princes, ministers, and idlers of the Eight Banners were all talking about it.


It is a good thing that overseas barbarians take the initiative to come to worship.

It means that our Qing Dynasty will add overseas.

Have face!

The run-down Eight Banners disciples in the capital city lived in Luoma Hutong. Song Erye, whose ancestor had once produced a third-rank official, also felt that his face was bright.

I drank two more bowls of stick noodle porridge in the evening and beat my wife.

Because this bitch is not interested in this kind of news.

He kept talking about the visit of a foreign delegation, which was a matter of concern to the adults in the court.

You have no errands, guarding two shabby houses, can't go out without washing your clothes, and are an idle bannerman who relies on hard-core crops every month. What kind of coaxing do you think you are?
Mr. Song, who was usually a coward but a soft-hearted person, showed a strong attitude today.

Pia, pia, slapped both.

The wife, who was crying and fussing, packed up her parcel and returned to her parents' home the next day.

The indignant Mr. Song,

In the teahouse on Qianmen Street, I complained to the tea drinkers.

"A woman doesn't understand military and national affairs, and her long hair makes her short-sighted. For such a grand event, she actually said that I'm careless and careless. You guys said, this, this~"


The teahouse is full of joyful flavor,
A young idle banner man carrying a birdcage, Doron said:

"Second Master, this is what's wrong with you. What are you talking about at home about the things that the masters care about?"

"That's right, it's better now. The second master can't be a hero on the kang anymore."

Mr. Song shook his head:

"Guys, I heard that the mission will be coming to Beijing in a few days. We should go and see the excitement then."

"That is required."

"There is nothing we can do without in the Forty-Nine City."

The teahouse owner also came over and revealed a secret:
"At noon three days later, the Minister of Rites personally escorted the group of foreigners through Zhengyang Gate and across the street from our door."

All the tea guests were stunned.

The shopkeeper said proudly:
"We have people in the etiquette department, gentlemen, please support us."


The shopkeeper really didn't lie.
Three days later, Shuntian Prefecture police officers were dispatched to drive away the vendors and clean the streets.

We also sprinkled water on the streets and cleaned up some unsightly garbage.

He had driven away hundreds of Beggar Clan disciples with severe beatings, so he could not lose face in front of the barbarians.

Duang Duang,

The officer beat the gong and shouted:

"During the prosperous period of Qianlong, the envoys of the Seris State paid homage to the Qing Dynasty."

"Young and old men, please stay away quietly."

in the teahouse,
A group of bannermen stood on stools with their necks stretched out to watch the excitement.

Outside Zhengyangmen, 2 miles away.

Smith was riding on a horse, and next to him was the equally nervous Huang Dasheng.

On both sides of them were a large number of soldiers.

Ahead, there are flags flying and swords, guns and axes clearing the way.

"Jones, are we here?"

"Yes, this is the capital."

Huang Dasheng, also known as Jones.

He looked up and saw the tall three-story tower of Zhengyang Gate.

The brick city platform was filled with soldiers.

Silently thinking:

"Forbidden City, here I come."


at the same time,

Huang Wenyun, the prefect of Suzhou, also entered Beijing via Tongzhou.

He was walking through Chongwen Gate, but the tax collector stopped the carriage.

Huang Wenyun's butler immediately handed over a small ingot of silver.

He said with a hint of pride:
"My master is the magistrate of Suzhou, and he went to Beijing to meet the Holy Spirit on orders."

The tax collector knocked over the money very rudely and said disdainfully:

"Prefect? ​​From the fourth rank? The tax supervisor of Chongwenmen has an order that all officials and civilians must pay taxes."

"How many?"

"250 taels."

The housekeeper could hardly believe his ears and asked:

"so much?"

"If it's too much, don't go in, get out of here, and don't block the people behind you."

inside the car,
Huang Wenyun had long heard the dispute and gritted his teeth and said:

"give him."

So, the housekeeper was very unhappy and took out 250 taels of cash and threw it in the basket.

Clang, the sound of the silver ingots colliding is very pleasant.

The tax collector raised his hand,
The carriage was able to enter Chongwen Gate.

The tax collectors deliberately shouted sarcastically:

"What kind of official is the prefect? ​​The bastards in Yongding River are all from the fifth rank. The ancestors of the business owners in the eight alleys are all from the eighth rank."

"A handful of soybeans sprinkled at the emperor's feet can smash three servants."

"To show prestige in the Forty-Nine City, a small prefect is not enough."

"You old hat guy."

Huang Wenyun's face turned purple after hearing this.
I almost jumped out of the car and argued with the tax collector.

However, I endured it.

He opened the curtain of the carriage, holding back his anger and said:
"Go to Jiangxi Guild Hall."


Huang Wenyun was stunned and moved into the Jiangxi Guild Hall.

He is from Jiujiang Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, and was warmly received by the leader.

It made him feel a little relieved.

The leader told him with a wry smile that he had to get used to it and endure it.

"Master Huang is new here and doesn't know anything. In the capital, even if you encounter a dog barking at you on the street, you can't just pick up a stone and throw it at it."


"You have to ask first, who is the owner of this dog? If it belongs to a military prince, it will cause big trouble."

Huang Wenyun was a little unhappy and wanted to argue:

"If it's a dog raised by a private citizen, can I spank it?"

"No. You have to find out if this little man's ancestors have ever been in the Ministry of Justice, if any of his relatives are powerful, and if any of his neighbors are in the Ministry of Punishment. Even though they don't usually interact with each other, when something happens, they really take care of it. This Calling me a helper will not help me!"

Huang Wenyun's expression was very exciting, [-]% funny, [-]% angry, and [-]% speechless.

deliberately said:

"What if it's a wild dog?"

"Then you have to ask, maybe the one who rode it last night was the military aircraft prince's pet dog."


Huang Wenyun spurted out a mouthful of tea leaves.

It's so rude to apologize so hastily.

The leader of the meeting was stroking his beard and smiling.

Thirty years ago, he was also a high-spirited scholar, and was constantly complimented by people around him.

He was dubbed the little prodigy of Jiangxi and the star of literary music in Ganzhou.

Later, I went to Beijing to take the exam, failed, failed again, failed again, failed again, and again~
turn back,

Already in his forties, his hair is gray.

So he gave up the idea of ​​a career in the imperial examination and began to wait for the big selection. As a candidate, he was sent to work as a miscellaneous official in the county government.

First wait is 4 years.

He became a descendant of people in his hometown who did not do his job properly and was unfilial.


After their parents died, they could only be buried hastily and without any splendor.

Later, I sought help from many fellow villagers.

It was only by accident that I got a job at this club.

At least you don't have to spend money on food, drink, and accommodation, and you can still earn a few taels of silver.

The people who serve are all accomplished people from the same town, so it is not a shame to be a scholar.

Looking at Huang Wenyun, who is quite official,

He could only sigh secretly in his heart and go make arrangements for the meal.


Compared with Huang Wenyun's embarrassment, Smith's treatment was like cooking oil under a blazing fire and eating a meal with a ringing bell.

Qianlong asked the court painter, a French priest who had been in the Qing Dynasty for 10 years.

The missionary spread his hands and said that America was too big.

There are so many countries, big and small.

The Siris royal family is unnecessary!
Qianlong nodded,
He did know about the war in North America. Louis XVI supported the local militia and was in full swing with the British.

The world is so big that it is normal for several small barbarian countries that I have never heard of to come to worship.

Ministry of Rites Posthouse,

Very grand and luxurious.The Lifanyuan also allocated 20 servants, 10 maids and slaves, and 10 cooks.

5 carts of fresh ingredients and 5 boxes of local specialties.

There are also 100 pieces of silk and satin given by the emperor, 500 taels of gold, 1000 taels of silver, and 10 antique calligraphy and paintings.

These were the emperor's first rewards, hors d'oeuvres.


What Smith was enjoying was the 25-course meal, complete with dancing.

Deputy Jones is an 18-course meal with no dance music, but you can enjoy it.

The rest of the missionary natives all had four dishes and one soup.

Smith, an Irish farmer, could no longer control himself.

Eat a lot, drink a lot, and drink wine from time to time.

The maid waiting next to him has been in his mind for several episodes.

He felt that this was heaven.

The room where I stayed had a wool carpet on the floor.

He hesitated for a long time before he was willing to step on it.

On the wall, there are calligraphy and paintings by famous people, which I am not interested in.

Paperweight on the table,
It turned out to be gold. He couldn't put it down and kept it for himself.

That night,

There was also a slave who offered himself a pillow, so naturally he couldn't refuse.

I am a barbarian, I have not read Confucius and Mencius, and I do not need to be reserved.

While having fun, he also said a lot of crazy things, but luckily no one understood him.

Deputy envoy Huang Dasheng enjoyed similar treatment, but he was relatively cautious.

It’s so hard to endure.

Mainly because I'm afraid that my curly hair will be straightened.

I have to spray some perfume from time to time.
Li Yu said that only in this way can he look like a real American gentleman.


The next day,

The Military Aircraft Department received the mission's performance report.

The so-called servants are all eyeliners.

He Shen looked at the exquisite credentials and felt that there were no flaws.

The rest of the military aircraft department also circulated and read it.

"My lords, can you arrange to meet with Your Majesty?"


Three days later, it will be a good day according to Qin Tian's calculations.

All members of the neatly dressed mission slowly entered the Forbidden City under the guidance of officials from the Ministry of Rites.

We walked through Donghua Gate.

Everything he saw was new to Smith, and he kept praising him all the way.

He learned Chinese temporarily on Xishan Island.

Simple and crude, but very effective.

"It's beautiful, it's wonderful, it's wonderful."

The officials of the Ministry of Rites nodded frequently, feeling that this time the barbarian mission was sensible and on the right track.

Even bowing three times and nine times, I learned very quickly.

The officials of the Ministry of Etiquette who were responsible for teaching the etiquette of visiting people were full of praise.


Hall of Supreme Harmony,
All civil and military officials were present, ready to witness this grand event.

The music is melodious and royal.

Smith kept exclaiming, amazing!It fits the image of a barbarian very well.

This time,
There were 200 people dispatched for the honor guard, wearing brand new costumes.

The palace ladies all moved in unison and looked like the same person.

"Huang, I'm nervous."

"Calm down, you can be careless and leave the rest to me. Remember, my name is Jones."

at last,

Climbing more than 10 steps, we walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

All eyes were directed towards him.

For a moment, I didn’t know who was the tourist and who was the animal.

Smith stared at the aloof Qianlong.

I thought,

This old man's clothes are so beautiful and yellow.


A eunuch reminded him not to look at the emperor like this.

Qianlong was in a good mood and indicated that this was not necessary.

You can be more tolerant towards a barbarian envoy with red hair and blue eyes.


"Envoy from Seris, please pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor." The eunuch shouted in a long voice.

Smith knelt down first and kowtowed.

Very standard, no lag.

Especially the kowtow, with a bang sound, kowtow on the gold brick.

All the civil and military officials were trembling in their hearts and secretly admired him.

A sharp-eyed eunuch whispered to the emperor:
"Long live my lord, the red-haired envoy cracked the gold brick."

"Is there such a thing?"

"My slave, don't dare say nonsense, what you saw just now is true."

Qianlong felt moved in his heart,
I feel that this envoy is a sincere person and he will be rewarded a lot.

After three prostrations and nine bows, we got to the main topic.

Smith stood up and stumbled before regaining his balance.

In Qianlong's eyes, he actually felt a little distressed.

It seemed that the blow just now was too harsh.

Smith started speaking English loudly,

The eyes of all the civil and military officials in the palace were shaking. This is the language of the barbarians. They cannot understand it, not even a word of it.

But so interesting!
Smith spoke very quickly, only two sentences, and he ran out of words.

Then he looked at Huang Dasheng eagerly.

Huang Dasheng began to translate (if you don’t understand, feel free to express yourself):
"His Majesty the Qing Emperor, this is the plenipotentiary envoy of the Seris Kingdom, His Excellency Baron Smith. I am the deputy envoy, Jones.

The Qing Dynasty was rich and powerful, and had a wise, wise, long-lived and benevolent emperor.

Our King admires the Qing Dynasty very much, so he sent us to pay homage.

I hope to have a glimpse of the emperor's style and learn about the excellent culture of the Qing Dynasty.

We spent a year at sea and finally set foot on this beautiful land.


in the corner,
The two ministers were discussing quietly.

One person asked:

"Master Wang, what are you counting with your hands?"

Another person answered:

"Master Zhang, I'm just counting what Sergeant Siris said."

"What's wrong?"

"The envoy said a few words, and the deputy said five long sentences. That's not right."

"Harm, you think too much."


"The chief envoy spoke in classical Chinese, which was concise. The deputy envoy spoke in folk colloquial language, which was long-winded."

"Makes sense."

on the dragon chair,
Qianlong smiled broadly, feeling as if he had eaten 100 candies.

Asked expectantly:
"Do all the monarchs in America know about me?"

Smith: "Very good."

Huang Dasheng: "In America, His Majesty the Emperor has a nickname, which is a bit long."

The ears of the civil and military ministers stood up, and Qianlong couldn't help but lean forward.

This baggage shakes well.

Huang Dasheng, who only listened, said word by word in broken Chinese:

"The emperor who descended from the sky for eternity, the loving father of 3 million people, the patron saint of 8000 miles of mountains and rivers, the greatest military strategist of our time, and a bright light in the West in the 18th century."

This sudden horse trap is so exquisite and magnificent.

Qianlong laughed happily. As an emperor, it was actually very rude.

Smith also received the signal,
Kneel down immediately:

"Hooray, hooray."

This time, it was in Chinese.

The effect was so shocking that all the ministers were stunned and doubted their ears.

Qianlong was also dumbfounded and asked:

"What did you say?"


So Smith reluctantly repeated it twice more, trying to be as precise as possible.

This time,
All civil and military ministers knelt down and shouted long live the mountain.

Qianlong's face turned red with excitement, and he left the throne in a hurry.

After walking back and forth for two steps, he walked down the imperial steps:
"I feel the sincerity of Seris Country."

"The Qing Dynasty was never stingy with its guests. He Shen, reward them."

He Shen immediately jumped out of the queue,

He took out a piece of imperial edict and began to read out the reward:
"His Majesty the Qing Emperor, reward King Seris with

30000 taels of gold, 100000 taels of silver, 3000 pieces of Shu embroidery, 5000 pieces of Suzhou embroidery, 20000 pieces of silk and satin, 5 catties of tea, and 30 boxes of jewelry.

In addition, the official reward was 2000 taels of gold, 3 boxes of jewelry, and 10 boxes of playthings.The deputy envoy has 1000 taels of gold, 2 boxes of jewelry, and 5 boxes of playthings.Everyone in the mission, etc., gets 50 taels of gold. "

He Shen finished reading,

Qianlong added dissatisfiedly:

"Little family."

"I have been floating on the sea for a year, and I still want to reward you for your sincerity."

"I transferred 50000 taels of silver and 2000 pieces of silk from the inner treasury. This is my personal reward to King Seris."

The ministers in the palace were in an uproar, and someone wanted to come out to dissuade him.

This damn reward is too much, not worth it.

Huang Dasheng was smart and immediately shouted:

"Thank you, His Majesty the Qing Emperor, for the reward."

So, there was no need to slow down the matter.

The ministers were chattering, thinking that this barbarian seemed to be quite shrewd.

Qianlong was still immersed in pleasure,

He smiled and ordered a banquet, and all the princes and ministers in Beijing, including those with grades 3 and above, attended.

The grand occasion is unprecedented, and you must share my joy.


For an old man, today is a pleasant day.

Just for this pleasure,

Spend a little money and you can get a rare sense of comfort, it's worth it!
The royal chefs are on full fire.

After using all the skills they are good at, there are more than 1000 workers alone.

There are 100 horse-drawn carriages transporting food.

The palace maids dressed up in costumes were constantly passing by carrying dishes.

Smith was no longer performing, he was shocked from the bottom of his heart:

Constantly marveling,
His eyes were as wide as those of an ox, and when they fell into Qianlong's eyes, he felt extremely satisfied.

An inexplicable sense of superiority,
Filling my heart, it’s great!

I'm on top.


(The author also wrote a lot. This chapter was written after a hangover.)
(Please be careful with your comments, and always keep in mind that this is a serious historical article. If you think it is good, please help promote it through book friends, book lists, groups, and peer comment areas, all for the sake of anti-Qing.)
(End of this chapter)

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