Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 121 Before returning to China, I still have some bold and immature ideas.

Chapter 121 Before returning to China, I still have some bold and immature ideas.
The library officials' faces turned green.

Several times I wanted to say:
"Beast, this is the only copy, put down your dirty paws."

However, he didn't dare to speak.

Smith grinned widely and laughed.

Carrying a linen bag, he followed.

When it’s full, tie it tightly.

Then change pockets and continue loading.

Ji Xiaolan, the bachelor who is responsible for the compilation of Sikuquanshu, also came.

Just as he was about to curse, he was pulled aside and told what the emperor meant.


He quickly calmed down,
He also walked over and proactively asked:
"What kind of books does your country need? I am familiar with this library and can help with guidance."


The mission became more efficient, and even 10 sacks could not fit in it.

Huang Dasheng's sharp eyes caught a map of the Qing Dynasty.

"No, no, the map is a military and state secret and must not be shared." A clerk quickly stopped him.

"I don't understand, I don't understand." Smith snatched it away.

The act of banditry left everyone present stunned.

Ji Xiaolan quietly exited the library and asked in a low voice:
"Do you feel there's something evil about it?"


People who can be the Minister of Rites naturally have a far-reaching vision.

Lord Shangshu,

He smiled and found four carriages to help carry the sacks.


After the envoy and his entourage left,

The person in charge of the library, a foreign minister, cried and said:
"Master Shangshu, these books are priceless treasures of our Qing Dynasty. They cannot be taken away by barbarians."

Shangshu sneered:
"You are the only one who knows so much? Are you the only one who feels distressed?"

"What kind of class do you have, and what qualifications do you have to feel sorry for the imperial court?"

"The imperial court's money does not belong to your family."


This farce is insignificant.

All in all, the emperor was very happy and felt great satisfaction.

It can even be compared to previous martial arts.

Therefore, the ministers must be aware of their interests and not get into trouble.

Back to the post house,

After closing the door, Smith and Huang Dasheng hugged each other excitedly.

Sometimes I laugh, and sometimes I cry.

Although no one understands what the other person says, it does not affect communication.

It's nothing more than getting rich, making money, and being awesome.

That night,

It was another day of acting, and everyone in the delegation had a book.

From time to time he would say:
“The Qing culture is broad and profound.”

"I love the Qing Dynasty."

The servants recorded it and reported it to each level.

Qianlong also saw it and was very pleased.

Said to the personal eunuch:

"These barbarians are quite progressive and are really studying our culture."

"But I'm worried. With their cultural level, can they understand it? I heard that they can't even recognize all the Chinese characters."


Naturally, they are the most talkative people in this land.

He said with a flattering smile:

"Long live peace of mind, the ancients said, live and learn. After decades of studying, they will always have some understanding."

"Makes sense."


The next day,

Huang Dasheng approached the officials of the Ministry of Rites and talked about returning to the country.

As he spoke, he shed tears of reluctance.

"We like the Qing Dynasty so much, but when we think of the king's ardent expectations and the hungry countrymen, we can't wait to fly back."


"Before returning home, we still have some immature and bold ideas."

The officials of the Ministry of Rites, who were usually calm and relaxed, became vigilant upon hearing this.

Immature, bold, these adjectives sound bad when you hear them!
"What do you think, your envoy?"

"His Majesty the Emperor has given too many rewards, and our ship cannot accommodate them."

Shameless, shameless.

All the officials present cursed in their hearts.

"Your Majesty would like to add a ship?"



"We want to trade the old for the new, the small for the big. Hey hey hey."

Shangshu suppressed the depression in his heart and nodded.

After hearing this, everyone in the Military Aircraft Department reluctantly agreed.

It's like when you go to a temple to pray to God, you pray 99 times, and you don't miss the last shiver.

In addition to changing the ship, those royal tributes were too large.

Most of the silk, cloth and other items are also discounted.

Of course, the actual person handling it is down to 1%.

This is already a huge favor, for the sake of the emperor.


The day to leave the capital is approaching,

Smith got into trouble again and ran outside the palace and cried loudly, crying and beating the ground.

The official from the Ministry of Rites asked him what happened.
Huang Dasheng translated that he was so grateful for the benevolence of the Qing emperor that he couldn't bear to leave.

I want to beg for an object used by the emperor.

Clothes, the Four Treasures of the Study, and accessories are all fine.

When he misses the emperor, he can see things and think about people.

When Qianlong heard this,
It was of great use, so he was rewarded with a jade pendant with dragon pattern, a handkerchief, and a bright yellow coat.

Smith carefully put it away, wiped his tears and left.

Start your victory escape.


The first stop is Tongzhou. As agreed in advance, you can trade in the old boat for a new one and choose a boat freely.

On the dock, there is a large ship with a cost of 1000 materials, 8% new.

It appears to be a merchant ship being unloaded.

Smith nodded.

From a sailor's point of view, the ship is in good condition and is suitable for inland waterway shipping.

Huang Dasheng understood immediately and told the accompanying Eight Banners military attache:
"Is this the one?"

"it is good."

This majestic Eight Banners man wearing cotton armor waved his hand.

The next procedures were completed by the soldiers of the imperial court.

Just capture the captain and beat him up.

Tell him that this ship belongs to Siris' friends.

And he was going to Jinmen Port, where there was a broken ship that belonged to him.


When returning,
It starts from Tongzhou, takes the Grand Canal southward, and finally enters the Yangtze River.

The imperial court sent four warships to escort him along the way.

The requirement is to send it out of the Yangtze River Estuary, which means the mission is completed.

this way,
There are warships clearing the way and trackers pulling the boats.

The people in the mission looked at the scenery every day, looking relaxed on the surface, but actually nervous.

Before leaving,
Li Yu assigned a task to record all the conditions of the Grand Canal (section from Tongzhou to Yangzhou).

The more detailed the better!
Including but not limited to:
The width, depth, flow speed of the river, the towns, docks, fortress garrisons along the way, the number of ships, the direction of the river, the sluice gates, and the people along the coast.

Every time he went to a town, Huang Dasheng asked the accompanying officials.

You always get the most detailed introductions and bragging.

He looked like he had never seen the world, which won him great favor.

He was surprised to find that Li Yu was absolutely right.

The upright officials have no sense of confidentiality and dare to say anything.

A small drink,
He even pointed to the checkpoint on the shore and said how many soldiers there were.

From north to south, the checkpoints include Jinmen, Linqing, Huai'an, Yangzhou, Xushuguan (Suzhou), and Beixin (Hangzhou).

Officials were stationed in every place, and soldiers in green camps were stationed.

Ships coming and going were inspected and taxes paid.


The flow direction of each section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is not the same.

Some flow south and some flow north.

There are also some levels with different water levels.

The ship needs to enter the lock and be lifted manually.

along the way,

He used fishing as an excuse to quietly measure part of the water depth.

What's hanging on the fishing line is not bait, but iron ingots.

Depth ranges from 3 meters to 7 meters.

The width depends on visual inspection, the average is 30 meters.


Smith didn't dare to say much along the way.

Just looking at the ships going back and forth, I lamented the prosperity of the East.

According to Li Yu’s request,
They chose an hour each in Linqing, Huai'an, and Yangzhou to count the number and types of passing ships.

We came up with a surprising number,

Within an hour, as many as 120 ships passed through the Huai'an section.

Among them, warships and fishing boats account for a small proportion.

Merchant ships make up the largest number, followed by passenger ships.

If it is during the water transport season, it will be even busier.

The ships cost from 200 to 1000, and most of them are three-masted flat-bottomed boats.

There is another phenomenon,
There are many trackers along the piers.

Just find a leader, negotiate a price, pay 1 cents per person for 2 mile, and pull the boat forward.

Especially when the current is not smooth and there is no wind.

Chinese hard sails are difficult to use against headwinds and crosswinds.

Huang Dasheng made a rough calculation,
There are no less than 4 trackers and lifu along the river.

When passing by Yangzhou Prefecture,
The delegation also went ashore to visit Slender West Lake, a prosperous city.

Smith was still shocked and amazed,
He also received several thousand taels of gifts from salt merchants, probably for the sake of the emperor.

You are so rich!
For a moment, he was reluctant to leave.

What kind of caravan can make such a profit?

A man from Yunnan who wanted to make money through hard work was led astray by Li Yu.


18 days later, entering the Yangtze River,
It's just another scene, a vast mist.

Smith was still shocked and praised,
He learned to give a thumbs up, open his eyes and say:
"So beautiful."

The waists of the accompanying officials all straightened up a bit.

Happy time is always short,
After arriving at Chongming, the ship was replenished with fresh water and provisions, and it was time to part ways.

Smith cried loudly,
The officials from the Ministry of Etiquette hugged him off and talked a lot.

Translated, it’s roughly:
I can't bear to leave the Qing Dynasty, I can't bear to leave the emperor, I can't bear to leave. This place is simply a paradise for barbarians.If possible, I would rather live here for the rest of my life
I wish to be a minister of the Qing Dynasty in life and a ghost of the Qing Dynasty in death.

The officials of the Ministry of Rites nodded frequently and said they would report to His Majesty the Emperor.

I thought it was over,

Smith held out several more boxes of jewelry.

The highest official present asked with some suspicion:

"You are this?"

Huang Dasheng translated:

"Please don't refuse, it's just a little thought from us."

Everyone looked at each other and decided to accept it.

Watching Envoy Siris' ship disappear from sight.

An official from the Ministry of Rites lamented:

"I didn't expect that the barbarians would grasp the essence of our Qing culture so quickly."

"Ruzi can be taught."

"Yes, but the price is a bit high. It is said that the emperor's reward is equivalent to more than one million taels of silver?"

"Cough cough."

"Don't make arrogant opinions. This matter cannot be settled as an economic account. You have to settle a big account."

"Yeah yeah."


after nightfall,
The Siris Mission finally returned to its original appearance.

Lower the lion flag and change out of your fancy clothes.

Dressed like a merchant ship, it returns in black.

They sailed into the Yangtze River again and entered the Grand Canal early the next morning. Their destination was Xishan Island in Taihu Lake.

Smith never dared to show his face again;

Hiding in the cabin, lying on the jewelry.

He could never dream of sleeping with gold and silver on his pillow and a silk cover.

I grin every day, and my dreams are all golden.

He was dressed luxuriously and sprayed perfume,
Running on the grass of Ireland with a large group of maids.

Behind him is his castle.

Everyone who met him respectfully called him Sir Smith!

Note, not sir, but lord.

At lunch time,

He has wine in his left hand and a potato with caviar in his right hand.

Drink one, pour one, eat one, throw one away.

Known as the nobleman who enjoys life the most in Ireland.


In front of Xushuguan,
They met someone from Lijiabao who came to meet them.

Du Ren came in person, carrying several official documents in his arms.

The tax collectors collected 100 taels;
He was let go, which was considered a great favor.

in the evening,
Finally arrived at Taihu Lake and Xishan Island.

Huang Dasheng knelt on the deck, tears streaming down his face.

Finally came back alive.

Smith also giggled, holding gold in his pocket.

There are 4 gold necklaces hanging around his neck!
Li Yu is dressed in white.
Stand at the dock to welcome them.

"Put out drinks and celebrate."

"If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home."

Xishan Island is the territory of Li Jiajun.

Here, there is no need to worry about safety.

at the banquet,
Huang Dasheng spoke in an extremely excited tone about his experiences along the way.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, as if it was a fantasy.

It turns out that money is so easy to cheat?


Everyone became more confident in the cause of rebellion.

Lao Hu couldn't help himself after hearing this and chewed up the chicken bones.

Fan Jing sneered contemptuously while drinking.

Liu Wu's face was full of excitement and he was looking for someone to toast him everywhere.

Father Zhang shook his head and put his elbow in his grandson's bowl.

"Grandpa, I'm full."

"If the dog eats more, he can become a high official when he grows up."

Zhang Manku looked at his father in confusion and asked:
"What kind of official do you want to be?"

"When Mr. Li becomes emperor, the dog can become a high official."

"But it's still the Qing Dynasty."

"You know what, the emperor sitting in the Jinluan Palace is a fool, and he will change his surname sooner or later."


"Did you see the mountains of gold and silver on the pier?"

"I saw it. It's scary. I heard that the warehouse can't keep it full."

"You're not a fool, how can you get so much money by defrauding him?"

Zhang Manku was stunned, it seemed that this was the truth.

"Dad has lived for decades and has seen through it a long time ago. The ancestral graves of our old Zhang family are probably emitting black smoke. Dog, if you become a high official in the future, you must tell grandpa before the grave."

"Grandpa, I will burn gold foil paper for you, put two fat pig heads on it, and a jar of old wine."


Zhang Manku could not help scolding his son:

"Unlucky, stupid or not."

But his father stopped him dissatisfiedly:

"I have lived for 50 years, and I am still not satisfied with another ten years?"

"What a nice thing our dear grandson said. Gold foil paper and pig head. Has anyone in our family tree ever enjoyed this kind of treatment?"

Zhang Manku was speechless as he exerted force on a piece of fat chicken.

Father Zhang, picked up a glass of aged wine,
First he took a greedy sip, then drank it and pushed the cup away.

"Good wine, good wine."

"Dad, if you like, drink more. There are more than a dozen jars over there."

"You can't drink anymore, we are craftsmen."


"A craftsman relies on his steady hands and bright eyes. If he drinks too much, his hands will shake and his eyes will become blurred."

"I listen to dad."

Li Yu didn’t drink.
Instead, they were talking with Smith, Zhang Xiaomei, and Huang Dasheng in the study.

"150 million taels? That's a lot."


"Okay, okay, you did a great job."

"Can I go back to Ireland?" Smith asked through Zhang Xiaomei.


Li Yu nodded,
tell him:
"I will give you [-]% as promised."

"Thank you, sir, thank you."

Smith fell to his knees and kowtowed.

The cultural influence of the Qing Dynasty is indeed powerful.

Li Yu smiled and did not help him.

Huang Dasheng was very nervous. He was not as optimistic as Smith. He was worried about being silenced.


Just fall out now and kill two people.

This 30 taels will be saved.

Smith is too naive, but he, who has traveled all over the world, dare not be naive.

Even the woman Zhang Xiaomei,
There was something wrong with his face, and he moved to Li Yu's side.

Probably because they were afraid of being chopped off by the axe-hand, they were chopped together.

Li Yu sat on the chair,
He looked like he was nothing, chatting and laughing happily.

Of course he guessed the psychology of the two people, but he didn't reveal it.


He wanted to see what the two of them would do next.

in case,

This time there was a chance to leave midway, but Huang Dasheng left early.

But the sailors on the ship are all Li Yu's people.

In Huang Dasheng’s heart,

The fear of Li Yu reached the extreme, and he said:

"Ten percent is too much. I only want 5 taels, but 2 taels is also fine."


Li Yu did not express his position. After a while, he finally said:
"I am a man of my word when it comes to my friends."

"In two days, you can leave with the money."


"Thank you. I will build a shrine for you when I go back and burn incense every day."

Huang Dasheng also went crazy under the great joy.

Li Yu then signaled,

Continue to listen to him:
"Smith, if you want to return home, you need to hire a boat."

"Are you afraid that along the way, you will be raped and thrown into the sea? Your gold will be divided."

After Zhang Xiaomei translated, Smith's face turned pale.

Yes, this possibility is too great.

Those sailors who go crazy when they see gold can definitely do it.

He would never survive Malacca.

Li Yu seemed to understand clearly and began to follow the instructions:
"So, you need to be a truly reputable captain and have a group of loyal sailors before you can officially return."

"I suggest you take part of the money to Nanyang or Haojiang (Macau/Macau). Show up as a rich man, recruit sailors, buy ships and goods. Do some maritime trade and train your team."

Smith nodded like garlic, fully approving of this plan.

"I will give you another piece of writing that you can hang in the captain's cabin in the future. This is the lifelong motto of an emperor, worthy of you."

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it!
It's in regular script and easy to understand.

It's just not auspicious.


Smith thinks it makes sense.

I agreed immediately.

With 1 taels on my waist, I could sail to Nanyang, which was enough money.

As a wealthy businessman, recruit exiled villains, unemployed sailors, and tavern waiters.

As long as there are gold coins, those guys will crawl under their boots.

With a beautiful voice like a choir, call yourself "captain, boss, sweety".

Oh my God.

This feeling of being respected is fascinating to think about.

Smith straightened his back and began to assume his identity.

It fell into Li Yu's heart, and he secretly praised it.

Hong Mao, you read too little, believe me you are right!


Huang Mao, ah no.

Curly, you're next.

Huang Dasheng's curly hair is still so elegant.

The cook is pretty good at it. I'll give Yang Yunjiao a perm some other time to add some freshness.

Li Yu smiled slightly:
"Juan Sheng, what are your plans for the future?"

"Be bold and say it."

(End of this chapter)

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