Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 126: What do the anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements mentioned by Mr. Fu Zun generally look l

Chapter 126 What do the anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements in the mouth of Fu Zun generally look like?
There were only ten gentry and merchants left.

Li Yu discussed the compensation method with them one by one, whether it was money, a shop, or shares.

Among them was Pan Wu.

He and Li Yu are old acquaintances, so they are very considerate.

The Pan family is not short of money, but they are also short of backers.

Before coming,
Mr. Pan set the tone.

As long as Li Yu appreciates it, he will give it to him no matter how he compensates.

This made Li Yu very happy,
He didn't want to do anything to his former acquaintances.

So domineering, monopolizing the terminal industry.

There are two purposes,

The first is to eat alone, build Xujiang Pier into a giant, absorb various investments and industries, and at the same time integrate the trackers and laborers to swallow up Caobang in the coming year.

The second is purification.

Li Yu has been working as a purifier since the Qing Dynasty.

It has been purified several times internally, and the quality is fine for the time being.

Now, it’s time to refine Suzhou Prefecture.

Below the county magistrate,

He dared to purify anyone who was hostile to him.

Ordinary businessmen and petty officials do not even need to care about means.

When Huang Wenyun returns, the gentry with some status and high-level officials will be detained and purged of anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements.

Family wealth?
One-third went to the Qing court,

One-third was divided among Suzhou government officials.

The other third is used to benefit the local area and carry out infrastructure construction, which is contracted by Weige Hall.


Asking himself, Li Yu felt that he still had a conscience.

Just kill some unscrupulous gentry, "

Give one third of your family wealth,

It is used to strengthen the dams of the province, dredge rivers, build bridges and roads, and benefit the people.

As for myself,
It's just that as the general contractor of the project, I conveniently find some jobs for the unemployed and trackers.

Benefit the country and the people, benefit yourself!
For a time,

Li Yu felt that even if Maitreya Buddha descended to earth,
It's just that.

Thousands of miles away, in Yunyang Mansion, Hubei Province,

Hong Dachang, the leader of the White Lotus Church who was offering incense to Maitreya Buddha, sneezed.

It seems that someone is talking bad about me.

It seems that the supervision of local branches needs to be strengthened.

"For the great cause of our sect, we are looking for dozens of women. We will cultivate them carefully."

"Follow the Lord's law."

"Do you think that this leader is obsessed with women?"

"My subordinates dare not."

"Although White Lotus has been passed down for thousands of years, it is large but not strong. Leaders from various places and different sects all do their own thing. This leader is just to consolidate resources and compete with the Qing court."

Looking at his silent subordinates, Hong Dachang felt the need to explain more carefully.

The people in the province cannot understand his good intentions.

"Every woman who leaves this leader alive has an absolutely loyal heart."

"I sent them to various places to gather power."

"When the time is right, assassinate and replace those who have different ambitions."

"This leader mainly teaches charm, psychology, poison, pua, and He Zong Lian Heng."

"You don't have to go to war, just a few women, wouldn't it be great?"


The leaders of the White Lotus Sect were dumbfounded.

Good guy, it turns out that the leader is playing a big game of chess.

Moreover, it was Han Gaozu who followed suit.

"The leader is wise."

"Long live the leader."

Hong Dachang looked at these subordinates with satisfaction and motioned for them all to get up.

When I take over the world, you will all be richly rewarded.

I will consecrate the girl as a saint, and then reward you with foot-washing water.

"Yunyang Magistrate, Green Camp Guerrilla, I sent girls to their mansions, and they are quite favored."

"So, if there is any movement from the government, we will know it in advance."

"You guys should pay more attention to making weapons."

"Yes, Master."

In the mountains to the west, the White Lotus Sect is mining.

It's an iron mine with good taste.

The refugees there have all entered the White Lotus.

"How many people have you developed this month?"


"It's too little. We need to increase our publicity efforts."

"Master, some people don't believe it."

"Then you go find someone stupid and change your words to be more attractive, the better. For example, Xin Bailian will go to a small paradise after death and be reincarnated as a rich man in the next life."

The subordinates were stunned,
No, although no one believes in the doctrine, as the leader of the church, you just openly tell the truth, isn't it?
As if he could see through the minds of these people,
Hong Dachang sighed:

"Almost all smart people are officials in the Qing court."

"The people we can absorb and fight for are either pure careerists or brainless fools."

"After reading thousands of books, I realized a truth."

"Telling the truth won't accomplish anything great."

The subordinates were silent, digesting the leader's words, which seemed to be right.

"You are all smart people, so there is no need to hide anything from you. Work hard, and you will surely have your glory and wealth in the future."

"Qianlong was a powerful man, but the mess he left behind was too big for the next emperor to solve."

"He is over 60, and I am only 30. In terms of longevity, I have the advantage."

"While we are attracting believers, we are amassing money and building weapons. When he dies, or is too old and too stupid to do anything, that will be the day when Maitreya comes to earth."

"When the time comes, the leader of this religion will raise his arms and give a shout, and millions of believers will rush out of the Yunyang Mountain and go down the river. The tribes from all over the country will respond one after another, and the Qing Dynasty will be in danger."

"The leader is wise."

This time, everyone admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

It turns out that the leader's play with women was not just for pleasure.

Instead, it has risen to a strategic level.

From the perspective of the cost of rebellion, Leader Hong was more successful than Li Yu.

Li Yu's shots are all silver bullets, real money.

Master Hong, all he shoots are human bombs, which is very cost-effective.Apart from costing myself, there is nothing wrong with it.


Huang Wenyun is back.

Along the Grand Canal, we returned to Suzhou from the capital.

Full of ambition and ready to do something big.

After attending the reception dinner, he didn't even have time to talk to his wife.

So I found Li Yu.

We met in the back hall and study room of the government office.

This kind of treatment also shows Li Yu's status.

"Congratulations to Mr. Huang, Jane is in the emperor's heart, and the border is just around the corner."

"Hehe, it's over."

Huang Wenyun's mouth was modest, but the corners of his mouth were grinning to the sky.

Li Yu thought to himself,

It seems that this trip has been fruitful.

"Master Huang, has the Emperor approved it?"


The two looked at each other and understood what the other meant.

"It is necessary to severely crack down on the anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements in our government."

"Good regards, my lord."

"Starting tomorrow, I will summon all my colleagues above grade 9 to announce this decision."

"Master is wise."

"You are not an official, but I have to consider your opinions. Just stay behind the scenes and let Fan Dianshi come forward to do things."

"Your Majesty, please give me love."


Before leaving,
Huang Wenyun was still worried and asked:
"Brother Xian, what do you think the emperor wants to see?"

"Many heads, a lot of money, sent to the Forbidden City."

"Well, I agree. Guess who I met this time?"

"With your lord?"

"Yes, but he seems lukewarm and unpredictable."

"Master Huang, do you want to hear the truth?"

"Even when the governor comes to Beijing, he is so lukewarm with you. To avoid suspicion."

"oh oh."

Huang Wenyun was a little embarrassed.
Looking at Li Yu's leaving figure, he sighed.

He understood the hidden meaning.

A mere magistrate, and the adults look down upon him.

Even an ordinary governor is mediocre.

He is truly worthy of being the most popular person in the imperial court in the past two years.

People are more mad than people.

That's all, it's more important to get down to business.

The next day,

All officials appointed by the imperial court from Wu County, Changzhou County, Yuanhe County, Kunshan County, Xinyang County, Changshu County, Zhaowen County, Wujiang County, Zhenze County, as well as Taihu Hall were present.

In addition, the people in the government office are overwhelmingly black.


above the lobby,

Two people are sitting there, on the left is Zhu Gui, the governor of Jiangsu, and on the right is the prefect Huang Wenyun.

"Greetings to Mr. Zhu and Mr. Huang."

Huang Wenyun glanced at Zhu Gui and said with a smile:

"Sir, would you like to say a few words first?"

"Okay." Zhu Gui is not a simple person. He made his position clear in just a few sentences. "Before I took office, the emperor once told me that Jiangsu cannot be in chaos, the Qing Dynasty cannot be without Jiangsu for a day, and Jiangsu cannot be without Suzhou for a day. . This vassal has issued a military order, and the money and food for next year can only be exceeded and cannot be owed. When the time comes, do you still hope for your sincere cooperation? "

Huang Wenyun immediately smoothed things over and took over the conversation:
"This government fully supports this."

"I respectfully obey the orders of Lord Zhu and Lord Huang."

Huang Wenyun put away his smile and said coldly:

"Starting from today, the Suzhou government's top priority is to severely crack down on anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements. Anyone who has colluded with gangs or has liaison with bandits will be arrested regardless of their identity."

Zhang Youdao, the magistrate of Yuanhe County, took a step forward, raised his hands and asked:

"If you are a distinguished gentry, do you need to report to the government office?"

"I would like to emphasize it again. I am acting according to the emperor's holy will, not on a whim."

"The subordinate obeys the order."

"The scale needs to be large, the speed needs to be fast, and the Qing Dynasty will have a bright and prosperous Jiangnan."

Huang Wenyun stood up.

Pointing his finger outside, he said loudly:
"Comrades, please go on your errands quickly."

"I am waiting for your good news."


The dark crowd of officials left the government office on horseback and in sedan chairs.

Well-informed people in Fucheng quickly smelled it.

The rain is coming from the wind!
He was so smart that he sent someone to give him a generous gift.

His mind was not clear and he was still watching stupidly.

Fu Ya Nei,
Zhu Gui also left in a sedan chair with a smile.

Before leaving, he expressed his attitude.

"As long as it doesn't cause trouble and doesn't affect the collection of money and food, Mr. Huang can go ahead and do it. Your Majesty is wise, and I and my ministers should share your worries for your father."

"With Mr. Zhu's words, I can rest assured." The shabby two-person sedan looking at Zhu Gui disappeared from sight.

Huang Wenyun sneered.
He knew what the new chief envoy was like.

He came from a wealthy and scholarly family. He was a Jinshi in the 12th year of Qianlong's reign. He was proficient in Confucianism but not pedantic. He was an honest and capable official, and was regarded as a lonely gentleman in the court.

Although he doesn't have rocket speed or great power, he is an evergreen tumbler in the officialdom.

In one word, scheming.

This kind of boss doesn't have to be too close, nor can he be an enemy.

He is an outlier in the officialdom and has no basis for impeachment.

For a time,

Huang Wenyun thought of the silver winter melon in the cellar.

It's also like this, steady, cold, and invulnerable.


Zhenze County Government,

The chief clerk asked cautiously:
"What do the anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements described by Mr. Fu Zun generally look like?"

The magistrate wandered around in all directions and responded randomly:

"It's probably just a person who doesn't do anything serious every day, always makes arrogant comments about the government's affairs, and is full of complaints."

"The county honors wise men."


Those who have a little money at home, have read books, and like to talk loudly in teahouses and restaurants have become a high-risk group.

The government officials immediately changed into casual clothes.
Squatting down every day, suddenly rushing out when the talk is in full swing.

Smiling ferociously, he looked for the most handsome guy in the crowd.

Putting on Wang Fa, he shouted loudly:
"So-and-so, something happened to you."

"Every tea guest, please put your fingerprints on the paper as a personal testimony."

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he trembled.
But he had no choice but to curse in his heart.

in a few days,

18 anti-Qing elements were successfully arrested, and the evidence chain was perfect.

"Caught on the spot, and there is evidence from others. Well done, well done." The magistrate praised repeatedly.

Changshu County, Yuanhe County, Zhaowen County,
Relevant officials were sent to learn from advanced experience.

And they can't wait to promote it and arrest the current anti-Qing elements.


However, the good times did not last long,


The teahouses and restaurants were all in complete silence.

Before I went in, I thought there would be no one there, so I didn't take a seat.

When you walk in, you will see that it is full of guests, staring at you with big eyes, holding tea bowls, and smiling silently.

Can scare people out of their wits.

The shopkeeper was behind the counter and pointed to the wall apologetically.

Four big characters, written vigorously.


The tea guest understood instantly and stopped talking.

Instead, he cupped his fists and bowed, then pointed at the tea list.

Join a silent group, drink tea and chat with your eyes.

The eyebrows are dancing with joy, the eyebrows are raised, and the eyebrows are winking,

Occasionally accompanied by body movements.


Very funny.

Overnight, everyone in Suzhou Prefecture mastered telepathy.

Slowly, the tea was finished and the exchange of "things" was finished.

The servant hiding behind,
Unable to bear this huge mental pressure, several people have collapsed.

Auditory hallucinations, hallucinations.

As soon as the doctor made a diagnosis,

It’s all because of the heavy mental burden and my nerves!

Take the medicine according to the prescription and drink it for ten days and half a month.

It's this medicine introduction that's a bit difficult to do.

The mute cicada, 3 pieces.


Li Yu has always been calm and didn't make too many moves.

Fan Jing often came to ask for instructions, and each time he had to talk secretly for a long time.

Anyone who knows him well knows that

This is planning a big move.

"Military advisor, is there too many lists?"

There are dozens of people there, including gentry, businessmen, and subordinate officials.

All of them are hopeful people in the government who are unwilling to fulfill the sole position of Xujiang Pier.

"Not much. I want everyone in Suzhou to know the consequences of going against me, Mr. Li. Kill the monkey and show the chicken."

The cause of rebellion has entered deep waters;
The Dongshan regiment trains and patrols every day.

Warships flying the flags of the Shihu Inspection Department and the Xukou Inspection Department train every day in Taihu Lake.

On Xishan Island, the black smoke from the iron factory blooms from morning to night.

Fire brigade, county government layout, coal, wharf,

A thoughtful person can figure it out with just a little observation and inquiry.

Something is wrong with Mr. Li!

Li Yu reported these matters at the meeting of key members.

And it was supported by everyone.

If you want to keep it secret, you have to block the mouth of Suzhou Mansion.

How to block?
I'm afraid I can't hold back the money.

Only through killing and fear can people shut up.

This time, Li Yu couldn't wait to use Qianlong's power and Huang Zhifu's sword to frighten Suzhou Prefecture.

We must make these people realize clearly,

If you keep silent and be an outsider, you won't touch them.

If he wanted to inform someone higher up, he would kill his whole family first before the court confirmed it.

Don't engage in intrigues or set fire to the house in the middle of the night.

Use the sword of the Qing Dynasty to kill the loyal dog of the Qing Dynasty.

As much as possible, give yourself enough time to develop.

Li Yu said at the meeting:
"For every additional month we strive for, there will be thousands more artillery and muskets in the inventory."

"The people under my command will take a step closer to being elite."

"The odds of winning in rebellion are higher."


The meeting lasted for 2 hours. There was no nonsense and everything was practical.


Recruiting more men and when.

The necessity and time limit of building a city, hoarding grain, and hoarding various materials were all discussed.

Li Yu was embarrassed to find that he had also become the most annoying person in his life.

Want it, want it, and want it.

Not only do we need a large number of guns and cannons, but we also need to train troops and build forts, and we also need everyone not to doubt ourselves.

This is not bullshit.

For a moment, I couldn't help but laugh.

This period was too stressful and my hands were rusty.

Shibu's heirloom skills must be picked up again.

Xishan Island is picturesque, with Piaomiao Peak at an altitude of more than 300 meters, shrouded in clouds and mist all year round.

Build a thatched hut on a flat spot on the mountainside.

As a sketching base.

I am in a good mood today and I am taking Yang Yunjiao, Wei Xiu, Zhang Xiaomei and Lan Yingying with me.

The more people there are, the more unethical it becomes!

The feeling of being free from moral constraints is always fascinating.

There are clouds and mist under my feet,
The top of my head is filled with golden light,
There is a swing behind the house and strange rocks in front of the house.
The air is very fresh and the view is very wide.

The mountain road is guarded by loyal guards.

No one else will show up to disturb Yaxing.

This opportunity to get close to nature and return to primitive people is precious!

In addition,

Behind the thatched house, there is a clear spring.

If the water temperature hadn't been too low, I wouldn't have gone down to learn swimming and water fighting today.



A guard rang the gong,

Li Yu walked out of the forest unhappily and put on a brocade robe.

"Master, please report urgently."

"Letter from Lijiabao, Wei Jun is back!"

Li Yu lost consciousness and looked into the distance.

The patriarch of Qingyue Village, Wei Jun, who had avoided his hometown because of a lawsuit and was used as a pawn by himself to join the Huizhou gang, was back.

The letter didn't say why.

It was just a subtle hint that Wei Jun came calmly and did not seem to be fleeing for safety.


Li Yu smiled and dismissed the guard with a wave of his hand.

Returning to the woods,

He said to Wei Xiu, who was laughing and washing his feet:
"Your brother is back."

Wei Xiu was so excited that his feet slipped.
With a splash, the person fell into the pond.

Water splashed all over Li Yu's face.

It is your own fault and cannot be tolerated.

Yang Yunjiao held back her laughter and handed over the towel.

Li Yu wiped it randomly:
"Clean up and follow me down the mountain."


The temperature is getting lower day by day,

Late autumn is just around the corner, and the next time I come here to play, I'm afraid it won't be until spring next year when the flowers bloom.

When walking down the mountain road,

Li Yu couldn't help but look back,
Once he meets the imperial soldiers, he may never have the time to come to this camping sketch again.

Take a boat from Xishan Pier,
It was already an hour after arriving at Lijiabao.

This new ship relies on human power to drive the paddle wheels on both sides.

The ride is comfortable and not afraid of wind and rain.

Because the top of the head is closed.

The portholes are large, a typical passenger ship design, and are reserved for VIPs only.

Li Yu only brought one daughter, Wei Xiu.

along the way,

He was still thinking about the purpose of Wei Jun's return.

nothing more than:
The bandits' nest was destroyed and they came to seek refuge.

If you are doing well, come and attract angel investment.

When encountering difficulties, use your own connections to smooth things over.

Reminiscing about old times, this possibility is too low.

As an adult, you should have this awareness.

An old friend whom I haven't seen for many years appears suddenly, most likely because he wants to ask for something.

If you have emergency rescue capabilities and the other party does not regard you as a villain.

Looking at the great years of the past, I can support one or two within my ability.


(End of this chapter)

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