Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 130: People who know too much will become alienated from morality

Chapter 130: People who know too much will become alienated from morality

"First row, let go."

"Second row, let it go."

"The third row, let it go."

"Fourth row, let go."

White smoke filled the air, and all the lead bullets were fired toward the lake.

Li Yu watched quietly,

These young men have a good grasp of the shooting rhythm and are neither hasty nor slow.

5 platoons take turns shooting,
It really made the sound of gunshots continue without any obvious gaps.

And the gun is very stable and flat.

Although they are all illiterate, they are quick to learn how to handle firearms.

It probably comes from men’s deep love for guns.

After the first round of all-person shooting,

He counted silently for 60 seconds.
Heard four rounds of gunfire, which was nice.

"Okay, let's cease fire."

The suona blew twice, and the gunshots suddenly stopped.

As expected, he is a master among musical instruments, and he can perform well as soon as he plays it.

In the brutal war that followed, the Qing soldiers looked forward to hearing the sound of the suona.

Because as soon as the suona sounds, everyone can retreat without anyone dying.

Comparable to fairy music.

"Line up, I want to speak."

Li Yu faced these young soldiers who were beggars not long ago:
"You are the best soldiers. Keep it up and practice your musketry until you are proficient."

"It won't be long before you can wear your most beautiful military uniforms, step into Suzhou City, and kill all the enemies."

"Gun in hand, follow me and break into the Forbidden City."

Ergou suddenly threw off his military cap,

I was so excited that I broke my voice and shouted:

"I want to be a vanguard and break into the Forbidden City, and Mr. Li will be the emperor."


One transport ship, two warships,
Weighed anchor and left Xishan Pier, aiming for Changxing Coal Mine.

Li Yu stood on the deck and looked at the situation of the Ji Kang No. 10 test ship.

It is different from all previous ships, abandoning the hard sail and equipping it with soft sail.

If you are going to sea sooner or later, get used to the soft sail in advance.


It was Liu Wu, the commander of Li's navy.

The bowsprit is the biggest difference between it and a Chinese sailboat.

In addition, there are two square soft sails on the main mast.

It was obvious that the sailors were not skilled in sail control.

There were beads of sweat on the boatswain's forehead.

Staring at the changes in the mast and sails.

"Liu Wu, what do you think?"

"My subordinates think that the soft sail is very wonderful. Although it is difficult to get started, it can be controlled first-class. Especially the small diameter can be turned on the spot, which is very convenient."

Li Yu smiled:

"Liu Wu, have you been thinking a lot these days?"

"Hey, Lao Taishan and I concluded this in private."

"While we're here, no one will bother us, so let's practice more. We don't have much time."

"Subordinates obey."


Changxing County is on the southwest side of Taihu Lake.

A hundred miles of waterway, starting in the morning and arriving in the evening.

When the wind is strong, half a day is enough.

After seeing the land,
The fleet adjusted its formation from horizontal to column.

From the mouth of the river,
Drive upstream into Changxing County.

Li Yu opened the telescope and climbed to the middle height of the mast.

First tie yourself to the mast with a rope to prevent falling.

Then he calmly observed the surrounding situation.

The water network is densely covered, and the flow direction is from west to east.

Most rivers originate in the western mountainous areas and eventually flow eastward into Taihu Lake.

"It's a good place."

The grass ahead,

Suddenly a man stood up, holding a flag and waving it.

"It's Liu Qian's people."

The fleet berthed smoothly under the guidance.

The banks here are strong and steep.

I don’t know which dynasty did the project, but the river banks are all made of stones.

"The pier here can be expanded. It will be very busy in the future."

"Let's go ashore and inspect our new territory."


There are still traces of blood on the coal mine floor.

The bodies were gone, all cleaned up and buried.

Hundreds of miners,
Silently lining up, waiting for the arrival of the new owner.

Li Yu found a big car and stood on it.

Looking down at these people, he was in no hurry to speak.

It's a psychological tactic.

After a moment of silence:

"I am Li Yu, and I have the final say in the future of Changxing Coal Mine."

"Mining is not easy, it involves blood and sweat. I, Mr. Li, still cherish my brothers."

"Just use gunpowder. Just use steel tools. Reinforce the tunnels and follow safety standards. Food, follow my standards."

"In a word, I make a lot of money, and my brothers can also make a small amount of money. I eat meat, and you just drink soup."

The leader of the miners, Wang Liu, stood up:
"Master Li, what should the government do?"

"Yes, if we kill the mine owner and conduct inspections, I'm afraid the county government won't let us go."

Looking at the frightened miners,

Li Yu smiled:

"I am a protective person, so I will negotiate and smooth over these matters."

"He's just a strong man. Killing him is no different from killing a dog."

"Everyone, please remember, I am a person who respects the rules of the world. Those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. The ones I hate the most are traitors."

"Let's have dinner first, and then get back to work."

"I don't understand coal mining. I don't interfere in the specifics. I just want the output!"


Several large pots are lined up.

What was cooked was freshly slaughtered pig, stewed with cabbage and green vegetables.

The bowls that miners eat from are like washbasins.

Everyone sat cross-legged on the spot, eating like a wind and lingering clouds.

Wang Liu sat respectfully opposite Li Yu.

The situation of the coal mine and the social relations of the mine owners were introduced in detail.

He started his business with fists and is also the brother-in-law of the county bookkeeper.

"Is this person's sister the wife of the chief registrar of Changxing County?"

"No, I'm just a concubine."

"Wang Liu, where are you from?"

"I'm from the South."

Li Yu glanced at it suspiciously and asked again:
"Which South?"


"Have you read the book? Is there anyone in my hometown?"

"After two years of studying in a private school, there is no one left in the family. My only brother, Wang Wu, just died at the hands of the mine owner."


Silent and eating.

Li Yu suddenly raised his head and asked:
"What do you think of this world?"

"The world is unfair. Excluding taxes, taxes, and labor, the common people can barely survive. If a natural disaster occurs, their families will be destroyed. They will either starve to death, die of illness, or sell themselves into slavery."


Li Xiaowu didn't hear anything, but Liu Wu was different.

He is a rebellious person and is very sensitive.

After listening to Wang Liu's words, his eyes looked a little playful.

A scholar from Guangxi who traveled so far to work as a miner still has such a clear understanding.


This was the Qing Dynasty with an illiteracy rate of 95%. How could ordinary people understand any big principles?

Those who can summarize and comment on the imperial court are not ordinary people.

Xishan Island,
In addition to literacy classes for children.

There are also advanced classes that are held from time to time, only for key members.

Li Yu is the main lecturer.

The content of the course is very casual, mostly analyzing the Qing Dynasty and the development path of Li Jiajun.

There are some truths, if Li Yu hadn't broken them into pieces and explained them to pieces,

They, the backbone elements, will not be enlightened either.


In ancient times,
Knowledge is a true luxury, beyond the reach of ordinary people.

For the emperor,

It is also necessary to block information and control the disorderly spread of knowledge.

If the people know too much, they will become alienated from morality, which is a loss of the court's assets.

"Master Li, I suggest reopening the pit."

"Give me a reason."

"The coal seams are shallow, deep, thick, and thin. I suggest opening a vertical pit over there. The initial investment will be large, but it should be able to continue mining for a year."

"How big is the investment?"

"If you want to blow up a mountain, the tunnel must be heavily reinforced, otherwise it will continue to collapse."

Li Yu said nothing, and Wang Liu was a little worried.

He added in a low voice:

"The coal seam over there is about 5 feet thick."

"I have been digging shallow coal in the past, and I have to dig a new pit after half a month. In the long run, it is actually not cost-effective."


"You make an order for how much gunpowder, logs, and tools you need. I'll send them all."

"Thank you Mr. Li."

"I don't care about the process, I only care about the results. Do you understand?"

"do not worry."

Li Yu stopped, pointed at the shack and asked:

"This is?"

Wang Liu said awkwardly:

"This is where we live."

"It's too crude. It has no protection from wind or rain. The sanitary conditions are appalling. Find someone to redesign it and buy the necessary materials locally."

"Subordinates obey."

News came out,

The miners were very excited,

I met the conscientious gentleman, and Guan Erye appeared.

While collecting the materials needed for the mine, people from Jiangbei came.

He is the salt transport envoy to the Huaihe River and You Bashi's confidant.

Judging from his clothes and temperament, he is a staff scholar like a master.

"I am the master of the Lianghuai Salt Transport Department, so I don't have a noble surname. Oh, by the way, I can represent Mr. You."

When Li Yu heard this, he was like a wonderful man.

"Your master?"

"It's down."

"Have you been to the Changxing County Government Office?" "Master Li is not simple. You went there yesterday. There is no problem with the magistrate."

Your master, you are very thin.

He looks smart, capable and hard to deceive.

He looked at Li Yu with great interest, thinking that you were flexing your muscles, implying that you had eyes and ears in the county government.

"I have admired Mr. You for a long time."

"Your Excellency, you are also thirsty for talents."


"Master You has a saying, what is most expensive in the Qing Dynasty is talent!"

"But I heard that horses with a thousand li horse often exist, but Bole does not always exist."

"What's the use of just running fast? It has to be loyal and can't run in the wrong direction."

"But isn't the reins that control the direction held in Bole's hands?"

"This horse has to lower his head first before he can put on the bridle, saddle and reins?"


Master Gui, and Li Yu laughed.

After a long while, the temptation ended.

"Master, don't be in a hurry to return to Jiangbei. How about you go riding with me?"

"How does it compare to the horses in Yangzhou Prefecture?"

"It's a different feeling, jump out of the world of mortals."

"I'm quite interested."

Surrounded by the guards, the two went directly to a nearby boat house in Changxing County.

The tall building boat is hung with red lanterns.

The Buddha's name is melodious and the wooden fish is crisp.

Boat girl, girl, these elements are superimposed,

Most exciting.

Very imaginative!

As soon as your master got on the boat, something was wrong.


"Master Li, these, these, these are all nuns?"


"real or fake?"

A sister-in-law came over.

He has a bald head and handsome features. He holds a wooden fish in his left hand and knocks it hard.

"Donor, why do you taint someone's innocence for no reason?"

"In the world, what is true and what is false? From the eyes? Or from the heart?"

Master Gui was shocked.
Fuck, yes.

It's like real life, fun and interesting.

In the top buildings in Yangzhou Prefecture, you have to rely on calligraphy and painting to knock on the door.

Here, isn’t it necessary to debate the scriptures first?

In short, when your master got off the ship.

The sister-in-law who is dressed like Jia Jing in a certain Tang Dynasty film and television drama,

He handed over a package calmly.

"Donor, take it."

After opening,
It turned out to be a Diamond Sutra and a piece of sea cucumber.

Your master is a scholar and understands instantly.

The Diamond Sutra nourishes the soul, and sea cucumber nourishes the body.

All in all, good stuff.

It reflects the compassionate heart of the monks and saves all sentient beings.

He kept thinking about it and looked back again and again.

"After I retire, I must study Buddhism with all my heart. Today I suddenly realized that money and status are fleeting and boring."

Li Yu smiled, but he didn't believe a word.

When dealing with people in the officialdom, most of the language is just smoke and mirrors.

Regardless of whether it is talking about ideals, pitying others, or resonating with life, the ultimate goal is the same:
Let your guard down.

"The county magistrate and Mr. You have a close relationship?"


"Although I am not an official, I still have some connections and a few brothers who are willing to serve. If there is anything inconvenient for you, Sir~"

Master Gui suddenly turned around, his eyes widened, and he stared for a moment before asking:
"Are you serious?"

"Everyone in Suzhou Prefecture knows that I, Li Yu, value loyalty."


Master Gui has obviously let down part of his guard.

We started talking about some of the headaches of the Lianghuai Salt Service.

"The tornado, the seawater intrusion, and the salt merchants are all holding Mr. You back."

"But that Jiang Chun, Mr. Jiang?"

"Hmph, that's right."


"The emperor's old friend, the commoner's family, is not simple."


Master Gui also expressed emotion on his face. In the Yanyin Deficit Case in which his uncle Gao Huan was convicted and died, a mere general merchant was safe and sound.

Speaking of which, there is simply no dignity left.

Jiang Chun was definitely the ceiling for merchants in the Qing Dynasty.

The leader of Yangzhou salt merchants, his family is extremely wealthy.

I have a good relationship with Qianlong, and I can even talk about some life experiences.

Although there is no top hat, it is better than countless top hats.

A case involving a loss of tens of millions of taels of salt,
Jiang Chun actually managed to save a number of Yangzhou salt merchants.

He resisted the Lianghuai salt transport envoy You Bashi who turned over the table.

"Jane is the greatest talisman in the emperor's heart."

"Master Li's words are insightful. But aren't you afraid of stepping on both sides and causing trouble?"

"Master, please clarify."

"You have a backer and don't violate any taboos?"

"I will remain loyal and seek some benefits for my family. That's all. I have no regrets in my heart."

"well said."

Master Gui gave a high-five with a look of appreciation.

For a time, he introduced Li Yu as one of his own.

"Master, please tell Master You when you get back. I am willing to join and complete the missing key link in this chain."

"it is good."


After sending this guy away, Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The olive branch has been thrown out, and it depends on how Yuba Shi will take it.

There was something left unsaid, but he should understand.

cooperate with me,

I can help you make it happen, and the private salt can go straight to Zhejiang without any hindrance.

refuse to cooperate,

You come with a boat, I will destroy a boat.

If you have the ability, don’t take the water route, take a detour to Anhui, and eventually enter Zhejiang.

This journey involves traveling through mountains and rivers, and it’s someone else’s territory.

Not realistic!
Li Yu also sent people,
Money was given to the top four officials in Changxing County Government.

When working in the Qing Dynasty, the rules cannot be broken.

Even if you are a rebel, don't break the rules casually.

For a rebel who knows the rules, many officials will even ignore him if it has nothing to do with him.

A rebel thief who doesn't understand the rules will be besieged from all sides.

Li Yu once discussed this issue at a meeting of key members.

Before the Li family's army could use force to physically remove everyone on the chain,

We all follow bad rules,

Minimize resistance and make enemies.


this time,
In the capital, Fukang'an is furious.

The reason is also bad rules.

The reimbursement of military expenses was actually rejected by the subordinate staff of the Ministry of Revenue.

A few days ago, the army that marched westward to Jinchuan returned.

It brought a perfect end to this war that had lasted for decades.

Agui, the general who conquered the west, received a grand reception in the Jinluan Palace, and his power was unparalleled.

The official title is the foreman and military minister.

Fukangan also received a generous reward.

I encountered difficulties in such a trivial matter as reimbursing military expenses at the Ministry of Household Affairs.

He was so angry that he broke into the household department directly.

Found the specific book office that handles it:

"The Minister of Household Affairs and the Minister of Finance have already approved it with their seals. Why haven't you given me the money yet?"

"Uncle Fu, don't be anxious, let me explain."

The clerk ignored his murderous look and opened the account book:

"Three million taels were sold, including reward silver, pension silver, Ministry of Industry arrow money, prefecture and county grain transfer money, and civilian labor and food money. The amount is huge and the items are numerous, requiring manual review."

"how long?"

"long time."

"Unless, Uncle Fu, you pay a joint fee of 1 taels first. Then the trial can be completed today."

The scribe raised a finger and shook it.

Fukangan drew out his saber with a swipe, carrying the roar of the Battle of Jinchuan.

The scribe trembled, but was not afraid:

"The rules for reimbursement of military expenses by the Ministry of Household Affairs have been in place since the time of Master Shunzhi."

"Whoever takes my position will have to ask you for this money. Even if you kill the Ministry of Household Affairs, the joint fee will still be unavoidable."


"Dog slave, do you know who I am, Fukangan?"

"I know. The son of the great scholar Fu Heng, the nephew of Empress Xiaoxian Chun, and the commander-in-chief of Manchuria under the Zhengbai Banner. Your Majesty treats you like his own son. He has just returned from Jinchuan in triumph."

The scribe came and said,

Fukangan's life experience is no longer one that can be trusted for a while.

This slave is not a dog who looks down on others and does not know the noble status of the person he is trying to make things difficult for.

This made Fukangan feel vaguely uneasy.
The Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Household Affairs are now both co-authors of He Shen.

"Uncle Fu, listen to this slave's advice. The joint fee is for the problem rather than the person."

"These 1 taels are the wealth of the entire Hubu Yamen. Even if the prince comes, he cannot be exempted."

"I have the guts to say something again, this slave. Just for a mere 1 taels, you are going to have trouble with the household department, which will make you unhappy, your colleagues will be unhappy, and your subordinates will be unhappy. It's not worth it!"

"That's all, you slaves~"

Fukangan surrendered.

I paid a joint fee of 1 taels in the morning, and the money was mentioned in the afternoon.

After returning home,
He complained about this to his trusted butler.

"This capital is getting more and more outrageous."

"Sir, actually the capital has always been like this."

"Why have I never encountered this before?"

"When the master was still alive, these things were all done by him."

The old housekeeper thought for a while and decided to say more:
"Sir, in fact, these bad rules of the Ministry of Revenue are nothing compared to those of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."


"Last month, the Queen Mother asked the Hangzhou Weaving Bureau to donate 100 pieces of brocade, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs withheld 20 pieces."


"It's so outrageous. Is it a rumor?"

The old housekeeper hesitated and said:

"Because this is so outrageous, it must be true."

Fukangan opened his mouth, but finally sighed and dismissed the butler with a wave of his hand.

Alas, the Qing Dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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