Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 141 Ben Fantai thinks Li Yu is an honest person

Chapter 141 Ben Fantai thinks Li Yu is an honest person
Ah Fen is one of the local women sent by the Grand Duke of Chaozhou Prefecture.

Of average appearance, quiet and reserved.

She is not tall, but fits the simple aesthetics of childbirth.

Zhao Erhu was stunned.

He just looked at Ah Fen in such a embarrassed manner, not knowing what to say.

Li Yu waved his hand and motioned for her to leave first.

"Look forward and live a good life. They will feel at ease underground. During the holidays, they should remember to burn more gold foil paper."

"Master Li!" Erhu whimpered.

"If you treat me as your eldest brother, then listen to my arrangements."


Zhao Erhu left the chair,

He knelt on his knees and kowtowed twice.

"Erhu will be your person in life and your ghost in death."

Li Yu quickly stood up and helped him up.

For a time, the brotherhood was deep and very harmonious.

Of course,
With Li Yu's current status, it is impossible for him to become a formal sworn sworn official.

It's just a verbal courtesy,

It is equivalent to the immediate superior and subordinates calling each other brothers at the wine table.

Subordinates should express their gratitude in a timely manner,

But you can't really think of yourself as your boss's brother.

Not to mention showing off status in front of subordinates who are recognized as "grandsons and lackeys" to their bosses.

Because from a blood perspective, grandchildren and pets are all family members.

It is much closer than outsiders like brothers.

Zhao Erhu would not have thought of the above, so he avoided a lot of troubles.


It is self-evident what the Dockers Mutual Aid Association means.

This organization must be in the hands of its own people.

Zhao Erhu left, took a tanker, and returned to Changxing.

The cabin was filled with soot.

"Do you transport coal every day?"

"One trip every day. The boat is sinking under the pressure."

"Do you, the Cao Gang, also listen to Master Li?"

"No, take Master Li's salary and listen to Master Li."

The boss of the boat is a middle-aged man and very talkative.

He paid attention to the direction of the wind and said:
"This month, I have received five taels of salary. It is much more comfortable than transporting grain for the imperial court."

Several sailors nearby also nodded.

It seems that

They are very satisfied with their current living conditions.

Zhao Erhu was very happy and felt that Mr. Li was a very capable person.

You're right to follow him.

As for the leader of the Xinsu Gang, Tan Muguang has a far-reaching view.

His feeling towards Li Yu was one of awe!

Working for relief immediately won the hearts of countless people.

The Caodings were not convinced at first.
After receiving salary for a month, his tone changed.

Many people think that having more than one person in charge is not a bad idea.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I have a lot more to do.

Soju, roasted chicken, and new clothes are all expected.


Moreover, Tan Muguang's "request to recruit people" was also met.

Asking for help originally has the meaning of "testing" in it.

Probably, both of them knew it in their hearts.

The benefactor's son committed a serious crime of affray and murder.

He actually walked out of the prison like this,

Moreover, it was delivered personally by the officer of Wu County.

Such absurd results illustrate a problem.

Li Yu, he really got through the yamen of Suzhou Prefecture.

This man has great plans.

With Tan Muguang's mind, he could see that Li Yu would not settle down and become a local powerful.

At least, he wanted to imitate the separatist chieftain.

He meditated for many days,
If they refuse to cooperate, the Xinsu gang will be uprooted and eradicated.

Go to the government to report, not to mention that you are sorry for the loyalty of the world.I am afraid that the government will not believe me and will inform Li Yu instead.The result is still the same.

Then there is only one way to choose,

Follow Li Yu loyally, and go all the way to the dark side.

at dusk,

Tan Muguang walked down the river and looked at the thin ice on the river.

Stepped on it gently,
He looked at the dark sky and muttered silently:
"My whole life, I've been walking on thin ice."

"If God has a spirit, please help me reach the other side of the river."

"If the ice breaks midway, it will be my life."

The ice layer makes a crunching sound, which is heartbreaking.


A man who was collecting nets by the river saw him and exclaimed:

"Dangerous, it was only frozen in the morning."

However, Tan Muguang still walked to the other side step by step.

Then he shouted loudly:
"It's okay, I know. Go back."

He took the fire certificate with him, walked to the River God Temple, and lit the candle devoutly.

I knelt down and worshiped for a long time,
The statue of Luo Qing, the god of the Luo religion and founder of the former Ming Dynasty, stared at this young man quietly.

I don’t know if I gave him any advice.


Tan Muguang was completely determined to respect Li Yu.

Regardless of whether the old men within Caogang approve it or not,

The Soviet Gang must only follow Li Yu's lead.

The next day,

He took the initiative to meet Li Yu and presented him with a roster, records of grain shipments over the years, and logs of voyages along the way.

At the same time, it was pointed out that the Soviet gang was in internal chaos and the ships were obsolete.

Requesting Lijiabao to dispatch capable personnel,

Help repair and add new ships.

Li Yu agreed to all of this and introduced Tan to the new major grain collectors under his command.

Next year’s food,

How to conquer, how to luck,
We need to talk carefully and come up with a plan.


Entering the twelfth lunar month, it is snowing heavily and the weather is freezing.

All projects have been stopped.

The coolies hid in the warehouse where they had a temporary rest at Xujiang Wharf, drinking water and chatting.

in the stove,
The burning briquettes emit heat.

"Open, open."

One person removed the boiling pig iron kettle and poured it into the ocean bowl.

The small amount of tea leaves at the bottom of the bowl suddenly spread out,


The coolies picked up the bowls one after another, held them in their hands, felt the heat, and drank in small sips.

It was freezing outside the window, but inside the house it was very pleasant.

One person opened the curtain and walked into the house.
"Master Hu, come here."

"Yeah, it's really cold today."

"It's such a cold day that not a single merchant ship can come to the dock for several days. Where are you going?"

"Store some coal, rice, noodles and meat for your home."

"Master Tiger really knows how to care for people."

Everyone laughed. Ten days ago, Zhao Erhu, the vice president of the Xujiang Dock Workers Mutual Aid Association, got married.

The coolies sent representatives to have a wedding banquet.

Li Yu did not participate due to some considerations.
But he did not let the key members of his command participate, but privately prepared a dowry for the woman, Ah Fen.

The dowry is very important.

It was enough for Zhao Erhu and Zhao Erhu to live a comfortable life for three years.

Three houses with one tile to the ceiling made the coolies greedy.

Behind the scenes, everyone said that Mr. Tiger was very lucky to have married a rich girl.

Moreover, this woman has no parents, is affectionate and has a generous dowry.

It is simply a unicorn in the marriage and love market.


The coolies attributed this year's good luck to the association and Mr. Li's generosity.


Wang Liu and Zhao Erhu paid homage to Mr. Li who came for inspection in front of everyone.

He made a request to borrow an empty warehouse to give the people who were working hard a rest and keep out the cold.

The coolies were very worried and felt that this request was too much.

Li Yuque waved his hand,
Temporarily lend the canteen and warehouse to the coolies Maodong.

There is only one condition, before leaving every evening,
Must be cleaned.

The coolies cherish this treatment very much and spontaneously clean up every day.

The floors and walls are shockingly clean.

All I had to do was lift the roof off and clean out the dust.

Chief envoy Zhu Gui, Magistrate Huang, and a group of subordinates braved the wind and snow to inspect some of the completed projects along the canal.

Full of praise,

They all agreed that Li Yu was really interested.

The 4 river sections, 3 revetments, and the royal road that were randomly inspected all passed the inspection.

"Master Zhu, what do you think?"

"Very good. Is Xujiang Pier in front?"

Zhu Gui stood in the cabin of the official ship and pointed to the shore.


"Master Huang, let's go and have a look too?"

"it is good."

A group of people had just arrived at Xujiang Pier.

I saw hundreds of coolies rushing out of the warehouse and kneeling in the snow.


"This, this is?"

The clerk at the dock quickly explained:

"There is little work in the cold winter, so the coolies hide in warehouses to warm themselves by the fire and drink tea."

"I heard that the adults were coming, so I was really scared."

Zhu Gui, a man who knew the sufferings of the people, asked:

"Is their day's wages enough for tea?"

The clerk whispered:

"It's Mr. Li who is kind-hearted and sees how pitiful these people are, so he temporarily lent Maodong to them for free."

Zhu Gui was shocked.

Waving to everyone to move out of the way, he walked in front.

I was shocked when I saw the bowls of tea and burning coal cakes.

I couldn't help but go to the coolie canteen where it was listed.
As it happens, it's lunch time.

He was very satisfied with the one-cent package.

And took out 2 copper coins from the sleeve:
"Give me and Mr. Huang a piece each."

"Master Huang, would you like to give me a favor?"...

Huang Wenyun laughed loudly and dusted off the snowflakes on his robe.

He took a pair of chopsticks and said loudly:
"Mr. Zhu may not know that when he was young, Huang could not even dream of eating such a meal."

After all,

He took a large bowl of stale rice and poked two steamed buns with his chopsticks.

First, I took a big sip of the cabbage oil residue soup.

"Master Huang, how does it taste?"

"There is oil and salt in the soup, what more can I ask for?"

Zhu Gui couldn't help laughing, rolled up his sleeves, and started eating in a rather graceless manner.

Huang Wenyun was in his prime and was eating cleanly.

As for Zhu Gui, he was old after all, so he apologetically put the two steamed buns into his sleeves:
"It's hard work every step of the way. I'll save it for breakfast tomorrow."

He was really full,
Because I was embarrassed about the leftovers, I finished the big bowl of rice and my throat was clogged.

After standing there for a while, he sighed:

"Li Yu is an honest person."

"He listened to all my teachings."

As a relatively honest, cautious and loyal person, Zhu Gui knew what the Qing Dynasty was like.

On the contrary, he must satisfy all Qianlong's requirements to the letter.
By the way, he knew that the people were already suffering a lot, and he didn't want to add any more burden to the people besides the burden of imperial power.

As a result,
He is a combination of contradictions.

As long as a colleague is willing to do things and is not too greedy, he can be like the light.

In this kind of mentality,

He has a very good impression of Li Yu, which is easy to understand.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

The curtain of the cafeteria opened and Li Yu came in.

With a cold air and wind and snow.

He took off his leather hat, cupped his hands and said:

"My lords, it's too late to come down."


Zhu Gui is a kind man,
When the second batch of money was escorted to Beijing, a secret letter from him also came to Beijing with it.

All the emperors of the Qing Dynasty loved to use the secret folding system.
This was even more true during Qianlong's reign. Not only the garrison generals of the Eight Banners, but also the governors and governors, and the three major weaving companies had the power to go to the secret fold.

Even many of the chief envoys and supervisory envoys have secret powers.

On the surface, it is an honor for the ministers.

In fact, it is distrust of the local government that takes containment to the extreme.

Imperial power is supreme.

Through secret information, you can learn about local affairs that may not be mentioned in official documents, or even deliberately concealed.

This secret seal from Zhu Gui,
It describes the recent major events in Suzhou Prefecture very objectively.

At the end, the conversation changed and he praised the projects along the canal and mentioned Li Yu's name just once.

He is said to be a local citizen and a diligent person.

The court deserves to be rewarded.

At the same time,
Fukang'an and his party also left the capital.

He took more than 20 guards with him and rode all the way south.

As an official at the governor level,

He could have taken the official ship all the way from Tongzhou to Suzhou.

This is the most comfortable way to travel long distances.

However, he was too slow to give up.

Winter, dry season,

The huge official ship took at least 25 days on the road from Tongzhou to Suzhou.

The horseback riding only took 11 days.


Even when the officials of Suzhou Prefecture received news of the fast horse coming from the post station, the new governor left the capital.

2 days later,

I received another urgent e-mail,
The governor has passed Yangzhou Prefecture and boarded the ship at Yizhen Port.

Huang Wenyun suddenly jumped up and shouted without grace:

"Quick, quick, all the reception work must be accelerated."

"Master Futai will arrive in two days at the latest."

this day,
Officials from one government and three counties were all busy on the ground.

The workload is too much,

A scouting horse should be sent out to find out the specific arrival time and location of the governor.

Prepare the welcome drums, ceremonial guards, and red carpet.

The officials and gentry of the government should be present to welcome him.

The roads you pass must be swept, the streets must be clean, and you must be vigilant.

It is necessary to arrange a reception banquet and a place to stay.

Also prepare souvenirs.

After all this was over, as usual, the governor would summon many people individually.

The rules of the Qing Dynasty are so complicated.

Huang Wenyun finished a busy day,
He leaned back in his chair and complained to his wife:

"People don't know that the first priority for an official is to have good physical strength."

"Otherwise, even if you are a Wenqu star and have great connections, you won't be able to handle the tedious process of welcoming people and sending them off."

Mrs. Huang smiled and said:
"Fortunately, you experienced hardship when you were young and have a solid foundation."


"The slave family heard that Mr. Zhu is already lying down from exhaustion, probably due to the cold wind."

Huang Wenyun sighed:

"The cold wind blew down this day, and I felt like I had a splitting headache. Not to mention Mr. Zhu's age."



Suddenly the housekeeper was outside the window and whispered:

"Sir, Hu Zhihuang, a guerrilla from the city guard camp, wants to see you."

"What is he here for?" Mrs. Huang asked doubtfully.

"Madam, please stay away for now. This person must be seen."

As Li Yu's confidant, Lao Hu, who controls the troops of the 2nd Battalion, still has some weight.

As soon as he entered,

Just kneel down on one knee:
"Greetings to Mr. Fu Zun."

"Come late at night, what's the matter?"

"Lao Hu is a rough man. I just want to ask, now that the governor is here, who will control the city after the garrison?"

This issue is very sensitive,
Huang Wenyun also lost his smile and said nothing.

He looked at this rough man quietly, guessing that there must be something behind his words.

Sure enough, Lao Hu cupped his fists and said:

"The city is guarding the camp, and I would like to look down upon you with your Majesty's head."

"Okay, okay. I got the right person."

Huang Wenyun comforted him with gentle words for a while, and then personally sent Lao Hu to the door.

This is already an exceptional courtesy.

Green camp generals are worthless. In the eyes of civilian officials, only a general soldier is worth looking up at.

"Husband, this man does have a conscience."

"Well, I'm afraid it's because of that guy Li Yu's guidance."

Huang Wenyun is indeed shrewd and can read people very clearly.

Mrs. Huang was stunned for a moment, then said:

"The slave family thinks that Brother Li is a good and righteous person. There are not many people like him in this world."

"Yes, I feel the same way."


Huang Wenyun was lying down, still thinking about it in his mind.
Li Yu worked so hard to weave a network of connections, and he was always looking for something.

But it would be a good thing for Zhu Gui to recommend him a decent background.

When people have pursuits, it is not easy to do inappropriate things.


this morning,

The entrance to the government office is as lively as a vegetable market.

Huang Wenyun continued to dictate orders, sending groups of people to where they should appear.

Horse exploration report,

Lord Fukang'an will arrive at Changmen in 2 hours.

Before that, everything needs to be arranged.

Thousands of soldiers and officers cleared the streets.

5 miles outside Changmen,
Zhu Gui, led by Huang Wenyun,

Two hundred prominent figures were waiting in the cold wind.

Snowflake also started to join in the fun.

Zhu Gui coughed twice from time to time, obviously he was really sick.

"Sir, can you go over there and warm yourself up for a while?"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm okay."

Huang Wenyun sighed in his heart,
Zhu Gui is a good boss. He is not ruthless or greedy. He works peacefully and out of a public spirit.

The gentleman mentioned in the sage books is probably like this.

No wonder the emperor valued him.


Li Yu was also present,
As a powerful person in this house, he is indispensable for such occasions as today.

Wearing a fox fur cloak and thick-soled boots,

Standing in the crowd, he didn't feel cold.

The few nearby scholars were already turning blue from the cold.

He and the acquaintance beside him, Mr. Pan, smiled and said:

"If it's not noon yet, Governor, we will have to carry a few people away today."

Master Pan smiled and said,

An exquisite copper heater is exposed in the sleeve:
"When I was young, I traveled around the Great Wall and knew how to keep out the cold."

"My uncle is a real hero."

"A mere businessman cannot be considered an outstanding person."

"Uncle, does he know that the imperial court wants to establish a Mancheng in Fucheng?"

"I and all my friends think it must be a rumor."


"If the world is at peace and a city is suddenly built, how many merchants and people will lose their fortunes."

Obviously, Mr. Pan knows,

How did each place in Mancheng come about when I entered the customs?

Enclosing land and enclosing cities are actually the same.

The general of the Eight Banners waved his whip:
"From here to there, it's all ours."

"Inform those who live here to leave before sunset."

"Forget it, just don't notify me. Just stay and be my dressing."


These coatings will make my life quite moist in the future.

Li Yu turned his head and stared at Mr. Pan seriously.

After a long while, he said softly:

"Not a rumor."

Brush, Master Pan's ruddy face suddenly turned pale.

He even started to tremble slightly,

The heater in my sleeve cannot resist the attack of fear.

Because, the Pingjiang Road area where Pan Mansion is located,
It is very likely that it will be turned into a full city.


(End of this chapter)

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