Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 144 There is nothing wrong with seeing the Song Dynasty with the values ​​of the Qing Dynast

Chapter 144 There is nothing wrong with seeing the Song Dynasty with the values ​​of the Qing Dynasty.
According to Li Yu’s arrangement,
Lin Huaisheng will clarify the command structure of the Musketeers as soon as possible.

Captain, chess player, drummer,

And once someone dies in battle, the order of substitutes within the team must be determined.

December 20,

Deyuelou was booked.

Xishan Coal Mine should actually be called the first year-end shareholder dividend meeting of Changxing Coal Mine.
held here.

The wind was howling outside and the snow was thick on my boots.

It's warm as spring inside, and the aroma of wine and food is fragrant.

Li Yu didn't come, Fan Jing was in charge.

In the hall on the first floor, he covered the silver mountain with red silk.

The moment everyone came in, they were all stunned.


This thinnest red silk can't cover anything.

Even the dim-sighted Magistrate of Zhenze County could see that there was money underneath.

Four guards with swords,

Stand around the silver to prevent anyone from going crazy.

Before the banquet,
Fan Jing decided to divide the money first, otherwise the wine would be tasteless.

"You gentlemen are all my old friends at Weig Hall."

"God is not beautiful. Taihu Lake is freezing. Master Li is sealed in the Western Mountains and cannot come. So today, I took over."


The group of people laughed happily and felt particularly pleasing to the eye when they saw Fan Jing wearing official robes.

own people.


Fan Jing pulled the red silk hard.
Everyone exclaimed in unison, their eyes rounding.

The silver light is shining, the most beautiful scenery in the world.

One of the accountants began to read aloud:

"Household in Wu County, Mr. Wang, 800 taels."

"Yuanhe Juren, Mr. Zhang, 500 taels."

When you think of one, go up and collect the money.

And sign on the shareholder dividend booklet!

Of course, the silver is so heavy that men who don’t do farming will definitely not be able to carry it.

Someone helped me pack the box and lock it.
After the banquet, find a carriage to transport them home.

Naturally, I keep the key.

At last,
Fan Jing also said meaningfully:

"The county lord, the mansion lord, and other distinguished gentlemen came to our door privately. I hope you will forgive me."

"We understand very well that for the sake of your venerable status, we cannot bear to be contaminated by the smell of copper." A subordinate official shouted with a red face.


"Drink, for friendship."

"For better cooperation."

"For Mr. Li."

A group of gentry and subordinate officials raised their glasses and shouted excitedly.


Li Yu is really a good person and generous.

This dividend is very generous.

The clerk of the household house king in Wu County,
He whispered to the person next to him:

"I was born as a bookkeeper. After counting all day yesterday, Mr. Li really didn't make much."


"Master Li himself took at most 1%. The rest of the profits were shared."

Several people holding wine glasses were stunned.

The sentence "Is he stupid?" almost blurted out.

"Master Li, you are a kind man."

"Your Majesty has a long life, and Mr. Li is in good health every day."

Everyone sighed, clinking glasses and drinking.

Fan Jing has a wine pot in his left hand and a silver cup in his right hand, and is toasting from the table next to him.

wherever you go,
The flattering words of the gentry and subordinates are like a spring breeze blowing on their faces.

The person who blew it felt dizzy, it felt so good.

"Mr. Fan, will this dividend be available in the future?"

"Yes, there must be, every year."

Fan Jing waved his hand proudly,

At this time, he finally understood the true meaning of Quan is the best.

look around,

said aloud:
"Master Li said that as long as he is here, all my friends will get together here every year."


At the next table,
He suddenly said to one of the fat men:
"Zhao Dianshi, your men are not kind."

"Brother Fan, what's wrong?"

"Four days ago, your men stopped my Weigtang's motorcade at the gate of the city, saying that Master Futai had strictly ordered that all carriages and horses entering the city must be strictly inspected to prevent anyone from causing trouble. What? Do you think I, Weigtang, am the White Lotus Sect?" "

The atmosphere in the room,
It suddenly became a few degrees colder, and everyone looked at the chubby Zhao Dianshi.

He is the canon historian of Yuanhe County.

"Brother Fan, these ignorant bastards, I will punish them when we get back."

"What's up?"

Fan Jing, under the influence of alcohol, stared at Zhao Dianshi like a wolf.

Zhao Dianshi was heartbroken and said:

"I'll destroy their jobs."

"Okay, enough bro."

Fan Jing slapped the table,
He picked up the wine glass and drank it all with a tilt of his neck.

And turned it upside down to show sincerity.

Zhao Dianshi also became energetic.

I poured three glasses in one go and drank them all one after another.

The crowd cheered wildly.


The atmosphere is warm, the peak moment,
Fan Jing suddenly pulled open his official robe and said loudly:
"It would be nice for us people to make money together and face difficulties together."

"As long as everyone here works together, no one in Suzhou Prefecture can do anything to us."

"Master Fan said it well."

"But now there are still people spreading gossip in private, saying that Mr. Li has rebellious intentions? Want to rebel?"

"On the surface, this is to attack Mr. Li, but in fact, it is to ruin the good life of all of us here."

As soon as Fan Jing said these words,

The whole city was stunned for an instant. Everyone stopped talking and looked over blankly.

I thought,

Lao Fan, you really drank too much, how dare you say this in public?
However, Fan Jing waved his hand:

"Old Wang, on such a good day, if it were you, would you rebel?"

Secretary Wang shook his head and said with a smile:
"Master Li has tens of thousands of money to spend, lives in a big house, and gives face to both black and white. In a day like this, what kind of rebellion can you do?"

"Master Wang said that those who have rebelled since ancient times are poor devils." A gentleman couldn't help but said something fair.

It was immediately recognized by everyone.

One Juren said:
"The Water Margin makes it very clear, why did you go to Liangshan? Is it to recruit an official? Song Jiang despised the fact that he was too young and wanted to be a magistrate, so he was willing to go to Liangshan?"

Everyone echoed incessantly,

There is nothing wrong with viewing the Song Dynasty with the values ​​of the Qing Dynasty.

Those present today are all smart people and know that changing dynasties is just changing dynasties.

2 hour later,

They were so drunk that few people were standing.

De Yue Lou shopkeeper,

He quickly called the boy:

"Hire all the horse and carriage shops in the nearby streets."



Send the drunken person away with the cash box.

Fan Jing drank two bowls of hangover soup before he finally came back to his senses.

He and Li Dahu beside him complained:

"I just learned today that the most important knowledge in officialdom is drinking."

Li Dahu is Li Yu’s adopted son.
The boy who planted a straw marker for his father's burial on the roadside moved his parents' graves years ago.

They moved to Fangfang Mountain and erected a serious stone monument.

I bought a good coffin and asked a monk to perform rituals.

He is by Fan Jing's side, responsible for protecting him.

Li Yu said that the situation has become increasingly tense recently, and Fan Jing is an important figure and cannot make any mistakes.

Four additional guards were assigned to him, appearing as servants of his parents' family.

"Why drink?"

"When a Shangguan takes office, he drinks the wine to welcome him. When a Shangguan is promoted, he drinks the farewell wine. When a Shangguan marries a concubine, he drinks the wedding wine. When Shangguan's father dies, he drinks the funeral wine."

Li Dahu suddenly asked:
"Then what if Shangguan is dismissed?"

Fan Jing chuckled:
"I threw wine in his face."

Li Dahu smiled happily, but based on his experience, he still couldn't understand the meaning.

Fan Jing washed his face,

Start the review, write the process in detail in a letter, and send it to Xishan Island.

Those words he said,

It was intentional, the purpose was to dispel the suspicions that had arisen in these people's minds.

Even if you are dubious, you can buy some more time.

Li Yu, at the meeting of key members,
Emphasized three times, time!time!It's still time!

One more month means more chance of winning.

Li Jiajun,
Lacking a strong fortress, he could not wait to start building the city when spring came.


As for,
How to build a city with such arrogance under the eyes of the government.

36 strategies to hide the truth from the sky!

That's another story.

Fukang'an, Zhu Gui, and Huang Wenyun jointly wrote a pamphlet to report the civil unrest in the twelfth lunar month of Qianlong.

This time,
There aren't many differences, they all think it's better to keep the big issues down.

At this time, it is not a good minister to cause trouble to the emperor.

Spring and Autumn style of writing means happy funerals.

The suppression of civil unrest was written as during the relocation process of the city, some unscrupulous people took advantage of the chaos to cause trouble, leading to brief chaos.

The people who voluntarily moved out spontaneously accused these unscrupulous people of not having a sense of the overall situation.Don't understand the court.

Later, officers and soldiers intervened and affirmed the people's actions.

All in all, the relocation process went smoothly.

The people all spent a peaceful and peaceful New Year's Eve.

Holding the money from the imperial court in his hands and eating pork issued by the government in his mouth, he felt that he had met a good emperor.

Zhu Gui blushed slightly, but still asked:

"Master Futai, is it settled like this? People who celebrate the New Year value peace."

Fukangan couldn't even nod his head.

There was only a commotion outside.

A Gesheha rushed in angrily:

"Sir, there is a fire in the northeast of the city."


Northeastern area of ​​Fucheng,

Black smoke suddenly billowed out of a house, and the fire spread quickly.The gongs of the fire brigade rang loudly.

The house where the fire broke out was in the lamp oil business.

There are only a few days left until the deadline.

In desperation, he took the most extreme step and burned years of hard work.

Standing on the roof,

He looked at the crowd running to put out the fire and shouted crazily:

"Even if it's burned, I won't leave it to those damn bannermen."

"The Manchu family going to ride horses."

After all,

He cut off his braid and threw it into the crowd.

Then, he jumped and the phoenix was reborn.

in the house,
The lamp oil barrel began to explode, and the fire suddenly became more intense.

The fire brigade people also noticed it.

There is no way to save it, the only way is to clear the fire zone around it.


It knocked down several surrounding walls and houses,
Thousands of people just watched the fire until a large number of soldiers arrived at the scene.

Fukangan was riding on the horse, his eyes full of disgust,
He had already learned from the officer that this was a man-made fire.


Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by the team fighting the fire.

Pointing his riding whip, he asked:

"Which yamen are they from?"

Huang Wenyun immediately replied:
"They do not belong to any yamen, they are the voluntary fire brigade of Fucheng."

“Who paid for it, who organized it?”

"The government supervises it, and Weigtang pays for it."

Fukangan suddenly sneered,
He saw the abrupt firefighting tower a mile away.


"Is that also from the fire brigade?"


"With immediate effect, the fire brigade will be disbanded."

Huang Wenyun was stunned and asked in shock:
"What if there is a fire in the future?"

Fukangan avoided the question, but leaned over and whispered:

"Prefect Huang, you are a civil servant and don't understand military matters. I don't blame you."

"This fire brigade has crossed the line."

Huang Wenyun couldn't help but said:

"But there are similar fire-fighting organizations in the capital."

"The fire-fighting organizations in the capital are all soldiers sent by the infantry commander's office. How dare you leave this kind of thing to outsiders? If something goes wrong, do you still need your head?"

Huang Wenyun apologized,
As a senior official, everything you say is right.

No one is safe, only you, Baqi, are the safest.


Fukang'an rode on horseback and patrolled for a while.
Directly order:

"Everyone must leave before sunset, and they are only allowed to carry their luggage. Otherwise, they will be charged with arson."

Captain Goshiha clasped his fists and accepted the order.
Shouting to Fubiao camp, prepare to execute military orders.

Although General Fubiao Zuoying was shocked, he faithfully carried out the order.

Although Huang Wenyun wanted to dissuade him, he still held back.

Zhu Gui, who arrived later,
He didn't take any action, he just told Huang Wenyun to be careful and respond accordingly.

A large number of Fubiao camp soldiers rushed from the camp area.

Start executing this cruel military order.

Using swords and guns, everyone was forced to move.

Cries, curses, all kinds of chaos.

Many families only had time to carry a few bags before leaving home.

A small family,
The woman went crazy and smashed all the pots and pans in the house.

"You can't give them a discount, you can't give them a discount."

The soldiers in Fubiao Camp were furious and wanted to arrest him.

The commander who led the team stopped him with his eyes and just kept silent surveillance in the courtyard.

"Sir, why don't you arrest this cunning woman?"

The boss lowered his voice and said:

"When a family is broken and people are destroyed, you have to let people vent their grievances with a few curse words."

"Thank God if there is no bloody disaster this Spring Festival."

"Little one understands."

"Remember, don't rush to the front at any time. If something goes wrong and the court investigates it afterwards, you and I will still be the scapegoats."

Think about it,
Fortunately, there are not many people in Fucheng who are barefoot.

same thing,

You can try it in the southwest village. If you don't kill the corpses everywhere, no one will pay attention to you.

The soldier broke out in a cold sweat,
Holding the spear in his hand, he stood at the door of the yard.

The room was smashed and cursed, but he pretended not to hear it.

As long as he doesn't set fire to it, he doesn't care.


Given his position as a Green Camp soldier, this general manager was right.

Don't put yourself into the perspective of the military;

It is about bringing in the perspective of maintaining the stability of the Qing Dynasty.

New Year's Eve,

Is there anything more unreasonable in the world than driving people away from the house where their ancestors lived?

Many people in Fubiao Camp feel that,

If it were him, he wouldn't be able to resist the urge to set fire to it.

The winter sun sets very early.

Thousands of people left the city under the supervision of the Green Camp soldiers.

The city guard camp was also dispatched.
Monitor along the way and escort these people out of the city.

Hu Zhihuang, Li Yu's sworn brother and a guerrilla general in the city guard camp.

Wearing cotton armor, his face is expressionless.

Watching these people disappear at the city gate.

"Boss, what you did was a bit immoral and inhumane."

"Brother Li is right. Only when you have the handle of a knife can you speak toughly."

Today's city guard camp,

Many of them are from Lijiapu.

Especially low-ranking military attachés such as Commander-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief, one-third of them are their own.

The training is very diligent, even exceeding the standard.

However, conflicts gradually emerged over the ownership of the city guard camp.

Qianlong assigned the city garrison to Huang Wenyun on a temporary basis.


Governor Fukang'an has arrived, so it stands to reason that it should be handed over.

But Lao Huang really didn't want to, and had been deliberately avoiding it.

And Fukangan is not polite either.

Seize this opportunity and give the order directly,
The city guard camp allocated 100 people to fill the gap in the fire brigade.

Huang Wenyun felt sour in his heart.

During the period when he was guarding the camp in Temperance City, he understood what it means to have soldiers in hand and speak toughly.

Arresting anti-Qing elements and ransacking homes,
Go directly to the green camp soldiers, very easy to use.

It is much easier than the officers who can only shout and shake the king's magic to scare the people.



It spread continuously to Xishan Island.

Li Yu remained silent and continued to study the map.

Canceling the fire brigade seemed like killing one of their own pawns.

But in fact, what was replaced was his own chess piece.

"Master, it was a good move to lay out the city defense camp."

"Well, Lao Hu's concubine is about to give birth, right?"


"prepare in advance."

"Don't worry, sir. The slave family has invited two stable women, and everything that may be needed is prepared."

Yang Yunjiao works,
It's still so stable and reassuring.

Li Yu hugged her and looked at the snowflakes outside the window.

suddenly asked:

"Have you received any letters from Wei Jun recently?"

"No, the Nu family has asked Wei Xiu."

"I always feel that forces from all sides are beginning to erode us, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be careful to guard against espionage."

"The Nu family knows that they have secretly arrested two people recently. One is Bai Lian, and the other is a member of the Lianghuai Salt Transport Envoy. They are both newly recruited.

"Interrogate as soon as possible, and then cause an accidental death. I don't want to break face just yet."


silent for a while,
Yang Yunjiao suddenly said:
"Master, it's time for you to get married."



"Yes. People who do great things are always unstable without heirs."

Li Yu didn't say anything. Of course he understood this.


Marrying a wife is a big deal and requires consideration of all aspects.

The family background must be clean and virtuous.

Be generous, supportive, and understanding of your special interests as an art student.

Above all, support the rebellion.

When you think about it, it’s difficult.

"Come on, come with me to see the gun factory."

Blacksmith shop, lathe workshop, supporting wood processing workshop, leather processing workshop, paint workshop,
A few days ago, it merged into Xishan Gun Factory.

Blacksmith Lao Zhang is the director of the factory.

Blacksmith Xiao Zhang is the deputy director.

We have a team of 200 craftsmen at our disposal to assist in completing the entire process.

"Dad Zhang, how much was produced last month?"

"2000 flintlock guns, a total of 3 guns from 12-pounders to 150-pounders. All are sealed in the warehouse."

"What do you think is the biggest difficulty now?"

"The biggest difficulty is not in the gun factory, but in Lao Chen's iron factory." Father Zhang replied seriously.


Industrialization is a chain of links.

The normal operation of the iron plant is inseparable from the coking coal plant, transport fleet, Changxing coal mine, Lijiaxiang iron mine, and lime mine.

Smelt high-quality steel.

Only when they are supplied to gun factories can the entire industrial chain operate normally.

As soon as Li Yu walked outside the door of the iron factory, he suddenly felt warm as spring.

The 10 blast furnaces are all operating at full capacity.

No one wore a cotton-padded jacket, only a single coat.

"Turn on the stove!" shouted a stove.

(End of this chapter)

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