Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 157: High-end network, this kind of thing is social etiquette, if you don’t do it, it’s rude

Chapter 157: High-end network, this kind of thing is social etiquette, if you don’t do it, it’s rude.

in previous years,
After two months of hauling the grain that could not be harvested, it was completed in more than half a month this year.

Zhu Gui breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he had made the right bet.

So he arranged for manpower and rushed it to the capital.

At the same time, he began to think about whether to give Li Yu greater power to take over the entire government's money and food, and even the entire province.

Taking advantage of this east wind, the submitted list of meritorious officials for promotion was passed quickly.

With the joint recommendation from the prefect and the chief envoy, and the third-party evidence from the governor, the officials were not in trouble.

Many of them are Li Yu's allies.

For example, Li Daoguang, the nephew of Li Yuanwu, the magistrate of Yuanhe County, was arrested on Huang Si.

The status of a yamen servant is low, and it is difficult to directly transfer to a civil service.

In the end, Huang Si was promoted to the garrison of Pingwang Camp because of his merits in collecting grain.

Becoming a Green Camp Military Attaché means your rank is higher and it sounds more formal, but there is less oil and water.

Li Daoguang was promoted to the eighth rank of Ambassador of the Chief Envoy Yamenku.

The official position is not big, but it is a real job!

Li Yu always kills two birds with one stone, or even three birds with one stone.

The so-called two sets of food collection teams are all from Weigtang.

Without comparison, there is no sense of happiness.

Without harm, there is no happiness.

Zhao Laosi's family was sacrificed in exchange for Wu County's efficient grain collection.

There are many benefits,

With the possession of a copy of the Fish Scale Book, Weigetang initially established a reputation among the people for being "fastidious in doing things" and also got involved in the grain industry.

As for the large households and gentry who originally collected grain from each town and village,

2% of them have been arrested and killed on charges of opposing the Qing Dynasty, having their property confiscated and people being exiled.

The wealth obtained is still divided equally among the three parties.

One share for the officials of the government, one share for the imperial court, and one share for Li Yu and the person in charge.

The remaining people, in front of the butcher's knife,

He obediently gave up his right to collect grain and did not dare to interfere with it.

The grain and water transportation that Li Yu had been thinking about finally opened the door to him.

Pan Saiyun also found an opportunity and came to the door secretly.

Uncle Pan died, and now he has a maid, who is probably also a White Lotus cultist.

"Master Li is well. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much."

"Miss Pan, what are you doing for me?"

"We really can't meet the conditions you mentioned last time."

"It seems like your White Lotus Sect's strength is average. At least in Jiangsu, you are too weak."

Pan Saiyun was not angry, but the maid standing behind her was a little angry.

Li Yu pretended not to see it and continued:

"I originally wanted to find a strong ally to join forces to fight against the Qing Dynasty~ It doesn't matter, I will contact the Tiandi Club, the Red Spear Club, and the Stick Club."

The maid behind Pan Saiyun blurted out:

"With a single order from the leader, one hundred thousand holy soldiers can go down the river and attack Jiangning."

Pan Saiyun shouted angrily: "Shut up."


Li Yu smiled and looked at this helpless maid.

"Girl, I believe what you say. But in Jiangsu, you really can't help me."


Bang, Pan Saiyun turned around and slapped the maid hard.

"Get out of here, you disrespectful slave girl."

The maid glared angrily, covered her face and ran out.

Li Yu picked up the tea and watched this scene with interest.

"Master Li, this servant is ignorant and makes you laugh."

"It doesn't matter, I'm a very generous person."

"The slave family should also open the skylight and speak frankly. The assassination of Fukang'an is too big and will only lead to a crazy counterattack by the Qing court. Why don't you, Master Li, change the terms?"

"That maid just now seemed okay. Can you give it to me?"

Pan Saiyun held back his anger and said awkwardly:
"She has a raw hoof. What does Master Li want her to do? Can the slave family recommend pillows/mats? Or let's be more honest. Master Li actually wants to know the power of our sect in Jiangnan, right?"

Li Yu remained silent, acquiescing.

Pan Saiyun said softly:
"Last year, Liu Lan'er recklessly rose up and assassinated the imperial envoy. As a result, the backbone of the sect in Suzhou was wiped out. Currently, there is only one remaining strength. There is nothing else to do except dormant."

"However, our sect is developing well in Jiangbei, whether it's inquiring for information or armed attacks. Master Li, just ask, I think they can do something for you."


Li Yu stared at this woman and said:
"Miss Pan, I thank you for your sincerity. Let's get along like this from now on, and don't plot everything. After all, we are all children of the world with the same goal. There is no need to kill each other. How about that?"

"Master Li is still on guard against the Nu family. Can this be considered sincere?"

"So, please be sincere and be honest with me, right?"

"The slave family also has this intention."

After some good things, the cooperation between the two parties reached a new height.

In the high-end network, this kind of thing is a social etiquette, and it would be rude not to do it.

As the saying goes, vulgarity means elegance.

"Miss Pan, there's no problem with the muskets. But you have to pay for the money."

"Don't worry, Master Li. Talking about money doesn't hurt your feelings."

"Also, I would like to ask, are there any of you in the Yangzhou Salt Merchant's Mansion?"

Pan Saiyun was touching up her makeup in front of the mirror.

While saying:
"Yes. The four major merchants' mansions all have our spies."

"Are you so awesome?"

"The sect has a history of thousands of years, so it naturally has a philosophy of survival. It is said that in the prosperous years, it does not take off, but in troubled times, the wind rises. The dormant period does not mean that there is no effort. If there was no money and no news network, the sect would have been uprooted long ago."

"Miss Pan is a frank person. Can you help me with something in Yangzhou Mansion?"

"The slave family is very willing."


Pan Saiyun walked out of the house with a smile as bright as a flower.
Seeing the maid waiting under the eaves with a livid face, she walked over and slapped her again.

"Miss Bai, don't think that just because you were sent by the main altar, you can violate the religious rules. Next time, I will send your body back to the main altar."

The woman called Miss Bai,
Finally he lowered his head and knelt down in submission.

She was just an unqualified product from Master Hong's "assembly line". She was sent to Suzhou to serve only as a liaison between Pan Saiyun and the action team.

Back to Wangting Town,
Mr. Qian asked with a gloomy face: "Where did you go wild?"

Pan Saiyun smiled and saluted: "Go to Fucheng and buy some tonics for the master."


"Master, it's not convenient for me today, can you let your maid do the work for me?"

"Okay, I'll spare you for now."

Mr. Qian waved his hand boldly and ordered the kitchen to add more dishes. He wanted to drink some deer antler wine tonight.

"Master, go slowly."

After seeing no one in sight, Pan Saiyun lazily took off his cloak and said to himself:
"Old Qian, cherish your last moments."


In the north of the Yangtze River, there is the Yamen of the Lianghuai Salt Transportation Department of Yangzhou Prefecture.

Yuba Shi was like an angry lion, smashing things in the study.

All the confidants dared to wait outside the door with their heads lowered, their hearts beating with fear.

"What happened to the Fucha family? What happened to the son of a great scholar? How dare you stab me?"

"Don't worry, Dong Weng, there might be a misunderstanding."

"It's a misunderstanding. Without Fukangan's nod, the soldiers of Suzhou Prefecture would dare to steal my salt?"

Master Gui stopped talking and began to ponder the mystery behind this.As a confidant of You Bashi, he always felt that this matter was strange.

Fukang'an became famous at a young age and is arrogant, but he should not be ignorant of the importance.

It is impossible for the children of the Fucha family to understand the Qing Dynasty.

Salt work, water transportation, rivers, the water here is deep enough to bury a Forbidden City.


"Go, send more people across the river to investigate, and bring enough banknotes."

"I'll go there myself."

You Bashi waved his hand, and your master respectfully exited the door.

"Come in."

"See Mr. You."

"In this troubled time, you all have some snacks. Stoker in the salt field in the east, take care of yourself and don't cause trouble. The four major businessmen are keeping an eye on anyone who dares to jump out. Also, the relationship between Beijing and Li must be smoothed out again. It's time to Flowers of flowers, especially the adults in the Military Aircraft Department.”

"As ordered."

You Bashi has regained his composure, playing with a jade Buddha and constantly giving orders to his subordinates.

His official rank is from the third rank.

Fukang'an is the capital of Manchuria, from the first rank.

After pondering for a while, he sharpened the ink himself and began to write notes.If Fukangan really wants to attack him, this discount will be his shield.After drying the ink, he summoned a nurse who was once a green forest hero:

"You deliver it to the capital in person, changing horses but not people on the way."

"Yes, sir."

"It's been a hard journey, and I'll give you the spring fragrance when I get back."

The nurse suddenly panicked and spoke incoherently.
Youba Shi stopped his defense and said with a smile:

"A beauty matches a hero. I know you have liked that maid for a long time. You are still from the same hometown, right?"

"My only advantage is that I treat my subordinates generously."


The guardian kowtowed solemnly and then ran to the stable.There are more than a dozen fine horses purchased with a lot of money.


A pair of horses roared out of the city.When these two horses run to death, they can find another horse at the inn.

In the end, You Bashi arrived at the Forbidden City one day ahead of schedule.

But Fukang'an's announcement was one day late.

This one-day gap allowed Qianlong and everyone in the Military Aircraft Department to form a preconceived impression.

In fact, You Bashi's confession was not clever, it was just a sincere apology.

There were some officials in the salt transport yamen who colluded with outsiders to smuggle salt.

He was guilty of negligence. He wanted to get both the person and the stolen goods, but accidentally missed it.

Ask the emperor to send an imperial envoy to assist in the investigation.

As for Fukang'an's excerpt, there is a story.

Qianlong couldn't make up his mind for a while.It seems that both people are very open and it is difficult to judge.

In the court, the ministers had huge differences. Many were in favor of happiness and well-being, and even more were in favor of being extraordinary.

Moreover, most of the Han ministers were very happy and prosperous, while most of them were Manchu ministers who were very outstanding.

The differences between Manchu and Han are no match for the power of money.


Qianlong sat on the dragon chair and watched coldly as these courtiers quarreled.

After going to court, he asked Heshen: "How is the performance of the Lianghuai Salt Industry?"

"Back to the emperor, Lianghuai Salt Industry paid 180 million taels of tax last year, and the salt merchants repaid 220 million taels."

Qianlong nodded. This number was quite satisfactory. It was so-so and loyal.

"Heshen, who has the bigger problem in a lawsuit between these two people?"

"The slave said it's not good."

"But it doesn't matter if you say it, the person who speaks is not guilty."

"Then the slave told a little bit of the truth?"

"Of course you have to tell the truth. I am not a fool, and I cannot stop others from telling the truth."

"I feel that there is nothing wrong with Master You and Master Fu. They are both loyal and good ministers of the country."

He Shen took a careful look and saw that Qianlong's expression was as usual.
And continued:
"Master Fu's loyalty can be seen from the sun and the moon, there is no need to doubt it. Master You has clarified the salt affairs of the Huaihe River and offended many people. He is guarding the money bag for the emperor."

"However, the salt service is our top priority in the Qing Dynasty. Mr. You may be powerless and cannot control his subordinates in every aspect."

Qianlong nodded with satisfaction and asked:
"Then what do you think should be done?"

"Master You will fine him half a year's salary and ask him to thoroughly investigate the rats in the yamen, behead them, and confiscate their homes."

"Okay, let the Military Aircraft Department take care of it."


An exciting scene of Mars hitting the moon seemed to be frozen in place.

However, Li Yu refused. It would be a pity for 30 years not to take advantage of such a good opportunity.

As soon as Li Ergou returned from Huizhou Mansion, he shouldered the burden again and sneaked into Yangzhou Mansion to assassinate Fukangan.

The governor's yamen keeps no secrets from himself.

As the governor of a province, Fukang'an will inspect Yangzhou Prefecture and the money and grain treasury affairs in the near future.

Due to repeated military disasters in history, the local government of Yangzhou expanded a new city with a larger area in the east of the city.

This creates a peculiar situation with the old city to the west and the new city to the east.

Inside Guangde Gate, opposite the Yanyunsi Yamen, is where Fukang'an stayed.

He deliberately chose to be here to show his status, warning You Bashi to be careful.

What happened last time, although it was caused by that reckless Buletai, was not his original intention.

But now that something has happened, we can't back down.

This is what officialdom is like. Only a strong chief official can attract more people to join him.Doing things will lead to success.


Fukang'an's old housekeeper still loyally took care of the security work.

Outside the house,

He was a Qian general from the Yangzhou camp, leading 100 soldiers from the green camp, as well as officers from Jiangdu County.

Inside the house,

They were 20 Sauron cavalry brought from Mancheng, Suzhou, and 30 people stationed at the Eight Banners.

In the innermost part are the guards brought by Fukang'an from the capital, the elites who followed him around.

During the day, he inspected three treasuries and took off several black gauze hats.

We also inspected the canals entering the river and found serious siltation.

Therefore, he reprimanded the Yamen of the Salt Transportation Department for being negligent and wrote to the Governor of Nanhe in Huai'an Prefecture.

It is required to quickly recruit civilians and dredge the canal. Otherwise, if the transportation of grain and salt is delayed, the relevant people will be severely impeached.

Governor of Nanhe, stationed in Qingjiangpu, Huai'an.

The river governor in the early Qing Dynasty had great power and ranked high among the governors.

Later, it was split into the Governor of the South River, the Governor of the East River, and the Governor of the North River, each responsible for a section of the canal.

Therefore, although the governor of Nanhe, who is in charge of the Jiangsu section of the canal, seems to be of high rank and noble.

In fact, it is far inferior to the governor of a province.

It is even worse than the governor Fukang'an who also serves as the commander-in-chief of Manchuria's Xianghuang Banner.


Although Fukang'an is young, he is very sophisticated. This move not only demonstrates his authority, but also lays landmines for these people.

If you don't obey, you can detonate it at any time.

There is a good reason. I have already warned you about the risks and arranged the work, but you turned a deaf ear and failed to do a good job.

There are archived documents as physical evidence, and other officials on the scene as witnesses, it is certain that the skin will be peeled off even if he is not dead.

This is roughly what it means to kill someone at the first level of officialdom.

You Bashi had insomnia. He had been thinking about Fukangan's deep meaning to him.

When fighting a lawsuit in front of the emperor, the matter of exchanging notes was a serious problem.

But in order to protect myself, I had no other choice.

Your master has been around Suzhou Mansion and spent a lot of money, but the news he got was pitiful.

It is still not clear whether Buletai's bombardment of the salt ship was secretly instructed by Fukang'an.

Moreover, Weigetang Li Yu also rejected your master’s visit, leaving him to say:

"From now on, we are clean."

"Master Futai strictly ordered that the salt from the Lianghuai River is not allowed to cross the Yangtze River again."

According to the regulations of the Qing court, the sales area of ​​Lianghuai salt included many provinces, but in Jiangsu, it was limited to the area north of the Yangtze River.

To the south of the Yangtze River is the salt production area of ​​the Liangzhe Salt Fields.

It’s okay if you don’t cooperate.
Li Yu said that the salt from the previous month fell into Taihu Lake due to the tight pursuit of the officers and soldiers, so the account was not settled.

"You little bastard, you're not afraid of killing yourself."

You Bashi was ready to spare his time and shoot Li Yu to death after finishing the urgent matter at hand.


"Sir, the gift has been returned."


The steward led the two thin Yangzhou horses and quietly retreated.

I thought that Futai was young and should use a beauty trap.

As a result, Fukang'an actually acted uprightly and publicly reprimanded this attempt to corrupt the important officials of the imperial court.

All this falls into the eyes of those who care.

More than 300 meters away from the governor's headquarters, Li Ergou was waiting quietly on a pagoda.

He had been observing with his telescope for a long time, and even saw Fukangan receiving visitors and driving away the two skinny horses with his own eyes.

"Head, this distance is beyond the reach of the musket."

"Hehe, so the master asked us to bring cannons."

Li Yu specially prepared two bronze cannons for this assassination operation and spent a lot of money.

The cannon wall is unusually thin and the barrel is slightly longer.

Bronze cannons are light and soft, so the probability of the chamber exploding is smaller than iron cannons. That's it, three iron hoops are added in the middle.

The gun body is also marked with a string of English: Kolkata Arsenal.

"Hurry up and install it."


Several men, carrying cannon barrels, started working on the top floor of the pagoda.


Li Ergou picked up a cannonball and weighed it:
"How many pounds of gun is this?"

"Less than 2 pounds."

"Oh, this power is too small."

"There is no other way. Can we bring heavy artillery into Yangzhou City?"

Several people chatted while busy.

"Are you sure about this distance?"

"We can definitely hit that room, but who knows where Fukangan is in the room? It's difficult!"

"It's okay, Mr. Li said, do everything according to God's will."

After the gun position was fixed, a person suddenly asked:
"After the artillery fire, I'm afraid there will be a city-wide manhunt, right? Can we escape?"

Li Ergou is bold, keen on adventure, and full of expectations.

He explained:

"I have already made arrangements. I will fire when I see a fire in the city. By then the whole city will be in chaos, and no one will bother to arrest us."

"Boss, you are still wise."

"What's the matter? When I was visiting the City God's Temple, Lao Zhanzi made some noise nearby, so we quickly started stealing dogs, and we were sure to steal them every time."

In the dusk of the night, Ergou's cold heart felt soft for a rare moment.

In the telescope, he saw an old beggar and a young beggar sleeping under the eaves of the mansion with a dog-beating stick in their arms.

Then I remembered what my adoptive father said:

There is something wrong with this world!
So we have to rebel and change the world.It's still not perfect, but at least it's better than it is now.


(End of this chapter)

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