Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 16 Quarrel with sister-in-law

Chapter 16 Quarrel with sister-in-law

Li Yu knew that from this moment on, there were a few more passengers on his rebel chariot.

The government's large-scale manhunt lasted for two days, but nothing was found.

Several thieves were caught, as well as a member of the Tiandihui.

Magistrate Zhao didn't bother to care about these little fish and shrimps. He just wanted to close the pigtail cutting case quickly.

Seeing that these government officials were exhausted and listless, they began to fish in half-hearted ways.

He used his trump card again:

"Fang arrests the head for slacking off on official duties and will be punished with a cane of 20. If the culprit is not caught after three days, the whole family will be exiled to Ning Guta."

Fang Baotou, who was beaten until his chrysanthemum was broken, also understood that a disaster was about to happen.

The prefect is worried that his reputation will not be saved, so he will take it out on himself first.

He could only go crazy once, in order not to go to the legendary Ninggu Pagoda where tigers and leopards were everywhere.

On that day, the limping Fang Captou gathered hundreds of people, all of them green-skinned idlers in the city.

"Brothers, someone on our side has encountered difficulties."

"I'm leaving my words here. If anyone has a clue, I will make him an official Yamen servant."

"This is some of the family property I have accumulated in my daily life. They are all here. Please take 1 tael each first, please."

After that, he handed it over to the end.

Everyone present was astonished. The sun came out in the west.

Fang Captou, a man of great authority in the world of martial arts, gave him money, bowed to him, and promised him a job.

"Brother Fang, don't worry, we are the most loyal people."


Hundreds of people poured down like mercury on the ground, scattered inside and outside the city.

Each one is like a hunting dog, looking for clues.

Mobilizing the masses is a very powerful method.

Soon, some smart people found the right way, starting with tools.

I searched all the blacksmith shops inside and outside the city.

There were also gangs of beggars and homeless people. They were all picked out and searched.

The Dong family's blacksmith shop is more than ten miles outside the city.

After discovering the theft, the shopkeeper jumped on his feet and cursed for a long time.

This situation was heard by a lucky Qingpi.

This person immediately ran to the yamen and reported to Mr. Fang.

Fang Captou is like a drowning man, he must grab a straw as soon as he sees it.

He immediately ordered a group of Zhuangban troops and rushed out of the city.

An hour later, the Dong family's blacksmith shop was surrounded.

"Tell me, what did you lose?"

A steel knife pressed against the shopkeeper's neck, frightening him out of his wits.

"Scissors, scissors."

"How many? What kind?"

"Six, that's it."

Fang Captou was already in a state of madness and waved his hand.

"Bring them all back to prison and interrogate them slowly."


The Dong family was shot in the back for no reason, but they didn't think it was a big deal.

Mr. Dong felt that it was simply lawless that they were caught by the Yamen even though they were victims.

So he asked the housekeeper to go to the city and inquire about the news.

By the way, I went to the Yamen and shook the tiger skin of my nephew, who was a member of the Jiangnan Qing Dynasty Department of the Ministry of Finance.

In Cunju Hall.

Raven saw some clues, but couldn't ask.

She could tell something was wrong with the crow.

People who usually walk with arms swaying are a bit shrinking and wilted today.

But Li Yu still locked himself in the room.


He has been very busy recently, drawing drawings for muskets and building houses.

As a former art student, what he is best at is actually not human body painting.

Rather, the rigorous lines of architecture and machinery are full of artistic beauty.

Once the new entrance to Shihu Lake is built, he can unfold the set of machine tools awarded by the system.

Imitation muskets and artillery!
He had already seen the Qing army's standard matchlock gun, which had many shortcomings.

Some pots are designed, and some are poorly made.

In short, he wanted to improve and design a more reasonable gun based on the original one.For example, the cane-like gun butt is very anti-human.

The stability of the aim is a joke while holding the trembling hand.

To convert to a modern stock, it can be placed on the shoulder.

And the barrel of the gun is often bent.

The binding method of the barrel and gun body is even worse, and some are even fixed with hemp rope.


"Beauty is combat effectiveness."

"A good weapon must have outstanding appearance and be hard to put down."

Li Yu was talking to himself and didn't notice anyone coming in.

Raven stood quietly behind him and saw the drawings.

Ahem, she couldn't help but remind her.

"Ayu, when did you learn to draw?"

"It seems to me that what you drew is a firearm?"

Li Yu didn't panic, put away the drawings, and began to make up nonsense:
"Drawing is my hobby. I do a few graffiti in my spare time. I am currently designing a fireworks launcher."

Raven rolled the whites of her eyes, looking playful.

She didn't believe a word of what the military advisor said.

"The government outside is searching for important criminals throughout the city. Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

"Sister-in-law, don't be joking. Although we are in the fighting business, we are not the White Lotus Sect's Heaven and Earth Society."

Of course Li Yu would not admit it, but he found that his sister-in-law's expression was a little strange.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

"It's nothing. Do you also know the White Lotus Heaven and Earth Society?"

"Vacuum hometown, lifeless mother."

Li Yu's nonsense was a slogan he learned from watching movies before traveling through time.

However, Ravenshi jumped up in shock, and the tea bowl fell to the ground on the table.


"Ah, ah, Ayu, where did you hear this?"

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you? It's not like you're outside, so you won't cause trouble."

Raven's eyes widened, undulating violently somewhere, and she pressed her hand on the table:

"What else do you know?"

"The earthquake-prone high hill has a beautiful Western Mountain that lasts forever; the door faces the sea, and the three rivers merge and flow for thousands of years."

Raven's expression changed several times, and she collapsed and said:

"Isn't this the secret code of the Tiandihui?"

"Ayu, what on earth do you want to do?"

In the excitement, the voice was a bit loud.

Duang, the door was pushed open by someone.

The crow jumped out like a ghost.

Looking at the two people in the room and the broken tea bowls and porcelain pieces on the ground, I didn't know how to continue.

"Crow, what do you want to do?" Li Yu slapped the table, pointed and yelled.

"I, I, I just heard the noise and was afraid something might happen." Crow's eyes wandered from side to side, feeling that he was careless.

"It's okay, you can go out." Raven's face was calm.

"Is everything okay? Well, then I'm leaving." Crow Wu walked out the door, but was stopped by Li Yu again.

"Fix the door for me tomorrow. If it can't be repaired, breakfast will be waived."


Li Yu and Lei Wenshi, no one spoke for a long time.

A strange feeling enveloped the two of them.

It seems that the front is full of fog, but the true face of Mount Lushan cannot be seen clearly.

"Sister-in-law, I was just about to ask you, how did you know so many government connections when my eldest brother was in jail last time?"

"As a family member of a prisoner, wouldn't it be reasonable for me to know more about jail time?" Raven returned to her usual calmness and pushed her hair back.

"It seems right." For a moment, Li Yu couldn't give a reason to refute it.

"By the way, let me make a suggestion by the way. Let's spend some money to hire the great lawyer Du Rendu as a regular lawyer in the hall?"

"Sister-in-law is wise."

Raven's walked away with a joy of victory and light steps.

Li Yu was left lying on the hard bed, thinking hard, this woman is not simple.

However, the suggestion she made was indeed good.

(End of this chapter)

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