Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 162 Your Majesty, the officials in Jiangnan have a big problem!

Chapter 162 Your Majesty, the officials in Jiangnan have a big problem!

The atmosphere in the once prosperous Qingjiangpu was extremely tense.

The dock was full of soldiers patrolling with red tassel guns, full of murderous intent.

Merchant ships docked were inspected and extorted, calling them bad luck.

As soon as the Governor of Water Transport, who had fainted, regained consciousness, he struggled to write an apology letter, which was co-signed by Governor Nanhe.

He apologized to the emperor and the court, and at the same time exaggerated the forces that rebelled against Zao Ding.

The methods are extremely cruel, the firearms are extremely powerful, the scale is very large, the actions are very fast, and the leader is very knowledgeable~
A series of adjectives, everyone watching the military plane, their hearts kept sinking.

Qianlong's face was as black as smeared with pot ashes.

Uncharacteristically, he did not lean on or lean on, but sat upright in the chair, leaning his upper body forward.
Looking around at these important officials of this dynasty:

"How many things are you hiding from me?"

"Zhao Ding? Salt Owl? Did you dig the entrance of the Grand Canal?"

"Local officials, do you still want their heads? Kill them all, kill them all for me."

Yu Minzhong knelt down and kept his hands on his hands.

On the paper spread on the ground, the small characters in Guange style seemed to be printed, neatly and uniformly, and the spacing between each character seemed to have been measured with a ruler.

When calligraphers' associations of later generations read it, they will definitely shout: "Fake, fake. Don't believe the rumors. This can't be written by a human."

The magistrate of Yangzhou, who was in prison, executed him.

The county magistrate and county magistrate of Yizheng were beheaded and executed.

Governor Nanhe resigned from office and returned home.

The Governor of Water Transport will be demoted to three levels and Dai Zui will remain in office. If the water transport is delayed, Ning Guta will be exiled and his house will be ransacked.


He Shen suddenly took two steps on his knees, raised his head, and said seriously:
"Your Majesty, I think there are two top priorities. The first is to dredge the Yizheng Canal. The second is to send troops to pursue this giant bandit and catch the mastermind behind it."

"You don't think he's an ordinary bandit?"

"How can he be an ordinary thief with such a strategic vision? The person behind the scenes should be very familiar with our Qing Dynasty. I boldly estimate that this person occupies an unusual position."

The air in the hall dropped several degrees, and everyone began to feel fear.

Sir, your words are too scary.

However, Qianlong thought for a moment and agreed with this inference.

Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary fourth- and fifth-grade court officials may not have this vision.

The 3000-mile Grand Canal was accurately shot at seven inches.

Some people may say that digging the Yellow River embankment would be more effective.How much manpower is needed to dig out the Yellow River?How big a fuss will there be?

The difference between the two is like open surgery and minimally invasive surgery.

"Heshen, continue talking."

"You think there may be problems with rivers, water transportation, and Yangzhou? The people behind the scenes are either currently working (or have worked in) these yamen, or have access to secrets."

He Shen paused and continued:

"This person is extremely dangerous, and there is a high probability that he is paid by officials."


In the palace, the eunuch was frightened and his hand slipped, and the jade Ruyi he was holding fell to the ground and shattered.

There was a clang, and Qianlong and all the ministers were frightened.

"Drag out, die with a stick."

Qianlong was furious, and the current servants were getting more and more confused.

I was so scared that my heart skipped a few beats.

The health benefits accumulated by not reading the brands for half a month were all wasted by the dog slave.

"Where is Qian Feng?"

"Master Qian has left Beijing and will probably arrive in Linqing."

"According to the order, Hai Lancha led 100 guards out of the capital, quickly caught up with him, and waited for dispatch. Tell Qian Feng, doesn't he claim to be the backbone of the Metropolitan Procuratorate? If this case is solved, I will admit to his face that he is. If it is solved, If not, don’t go back to Beijing, go out and be a preacher.”

Yu Minzhong didn't even raise his head, and his writing was moving like a dragon or a snake.

Not a single word of the Emperor's words should be missed.

Qianlong stood up and took two steps, then suddenly turned back and asked:
"The Lianghuai Salt Transport Envoy is outstanding, is there any twist?"

"Back to the emperor, he gave a self-defense statement and strongly denied being involved in illegal salt. At the same time, he suggested that the court severely punish the salt merchants. It was the salt merchants who were too greedy and forced the kitchen servants to rebel."

"Add another secret order to Qian Feng. He can detain You Bashi and conduct a secret investigation. If the charges are proven, he will be sent to Beijing and his house will be ransacked."

"Your Majesty, where is the salt merchant?"

"Just a little punishment."

"Instructions are sent to General Jiangning, General Hangzhou, and Fukang'an to clean up the troops. If there is a change, troops will be sent out that day."

"By the way, wasn't Hu Yushi transferred to Yangzhou magistrate? Has he left the capital?"

"Back to the emperor, the officials are going through the procedures."

"Tell him to hurry up. It's no use just saying nice words. I want to see his ability to do things. Recruit the civilians quickly and restore the smooth flow of the canal."


A full 2 ​​hours of your prelude,

All the ministers felt exhausted, and at the same time they secretly admired Qianlong's energy.

"Your Majesty is wise and far-sighted."

Agui's words came from the bottom of his heart.

During the Battle of Jinchuan, he deeply felt the importance of strategic vision.As a commander, you don't have to worry about the gains and losses of one city or one pond, but should make arrangements in a big way.

Strategic vision is:

No matter how small the enemy's victory is or how many tricks he uses, when I finish the layout and tighten the rope, you will be a dead dog.

The emperor dictated decrees, one after another, closing the loopholes in the Jiangnan chess game from all aspects.

And the initiator, Li Yu, is also thinking about his next move.

The Yizheng Canal has been destroyed, and more than 10 miles of the river are completely soaked in water.The extent of the blockage will only be known after the water is drained, and it is expected to be serious.

If it can be cleared and restored to navigation within one month, it means that the Qing government's machine is running well.

If it is unable to navigate in February, it means that the machine's transmission system is faulty.

In Changxing County, coal and iron ore mines are being dug at full capacity.On Xishan Island, iron smelting and guns are being made at full power.

At the same time, enough cement was finally hoarded.

Li Yu ordered the construction of fortresses in batches.

Xishan Island is naturally the focus.

Concrete block towers and low concrete walls were built around several piers.

Multiple turrets have also been built on the only roads leading into the production area and warehouse area.


In the Dongshan regiment training camp, based on the original fence trench, a low cement wall was added so that the musketeers could squat behind and shoot.

At the same time, a small fort was built in the middle of the camp.

These are relatively hidden and rarely visited by people.

The Xujiang Park is more eye-catching.

After careful consideration, we simply announced that we were building a warehouse.

A three-story building was built with blue bricks and cement. The walls were astonishingly thick, half a foot thick.

The surrounding foundations have been raised, and flood control is something Li Yu never dares to forget.

Only 50 meters away from the Grand Canal, the artillery can cover the entire river.

There is only one iron door, which opens from the outside.

On the first floor, the windows are small but densely packed.It is claimed to the outside world that it is for ventilation.

Outside, there is a gentle slope.

On the second floor, the windows are large and small, but they are still densely packed.

On the third floor, the windows are huge.Every window is a gun emplacement.

The stairs are spiral.

For the convenience of transportation, a simple pulley crane is also set up to pull artillery supplies from the first floor to the third floor.

The joint between the slope roof and the wall is hollowed out to facilitate smoke exhaust and air circulation.

With this fortress, the Grand Canal can be blocked, and the Xujiang Park can be protected with the help of infantry.

The entire warehouse is circular.

The merchant ships were amazed when they saw it.

The terminal responded unanimously, and it will be used to store valuable and fragile goods in the future.


Master Hu's reply arrived, and I was very happy.

This also confirmed Li Yu's suspicion that this guy had long seen through his imminent rebellion.

Yang Yunjiao was also very happy and began to prepare for the wedding.

This is a big deal and everyone is paying attention.

A few days later, Li Yu felt uneasy and told her to focus on the work of the Internal Affairs Department and not to be distracted by this matter.

Leave professional matters to professional people, such as Po Wang, the gold medal matchmaker in Fucheng.

After the mother-in-law was summoned, Li Yu saw five changes in expressions.

The reason why Mrs. Wang can eat this bowl of rice in Suzhou Mansion is because of her strength.

"Don't worry, senior official. If there is any flaw, I don't need to scold you. I will jump into Yangcheng Lake to feed the crabs first."

"Excuse me."

Li Yu left a stack of banknotes and a few helpers.

You don't have to worry about the rest.

Just wait until the auspicious day and become the groom's official.

For a moment, the word love suddenly occurred to him.

Then he burst out laughing. If he didn't have something before time travel, why should he expect it after time travel?


A few days later,
The imperial envoy team arrived, very majestic.

At the front were guards riding tall horses and wearing yellow jackets to clear the way.

Behind them are ceremonial guards, swords, guns, axes and axes, and flags flying.

Qian Feng is a civil servant and is not good at riding horses.However, in order to rush on the road and relieve the court from worries as soon as possible, he resolutely abandoned the sedan chair and chose to ride a horse.

It was rubbed all the way down, dripping with blood.

"Master Qian, can you find a doctor?"

"It's okay, thank you Hai Dutong."

"Until the imperial envoy returns to Beijing, I will be considered your deputy. Mr. Qian, you don't have to be polite if you have an errand."


Qian Feng was very pleased. He did not expect Hailancha, the Mongolian commander of the Zhenghong Banner, to be so humble.

It is different from those unruly Eight Banners generals in my impression.

In fact, Hailancha was loyal to Qianlong.

Qianlong asked him to assist Qian Feng, and he would fully assist Qian Feng.

Sauron's wild man's thinking is so simple.


In Qingjiangpu, officials gathered.The two governors, the prefect of Huai'an, the local gentry, and the salt transport envoy to the Huaihe River, You Bashi, also came.

He looked at the imperial envoy with the nickname "Second Censor" uneasily.

A whole set of complicated etiquette is completed,

Qian Feng read out the imperial edict without saying a word.

Governor Nanhe's face was ashen. After taking off his hat to express gratitude, he retired sadly.

The Governor of Water Transport had beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and kowtowed desperately. He was even a little envious of Governor Nanhe who had just left.

You Bashi was the most astonished, looking at the two royal blue feather guards who were watching him on the left and right.

"The lower official is unjust."

"Sir You, I, Qian Feng, have always kept my eyes open. Once I investigate, I will either clear your name or escort you to Beijing. If there is no problem with you, I will treat you as a holiday these days. You will have wine and food. Read a book."

You Bashi forced himself to calm down and said with a smile:

"It's so good, I can only ask for it."

After that, he walked away with a decent little square step.

Qian Feng stared at his back for a long time.


More than 1000 Zao Dings landed in Jiangyin County after crossing the Yangtze River.

The local flood soldiers pretended to fire a few firecrackers and then ran away to ask for help from the Jiangyin camp.

As a result, some boats on the riverside became the spoils of war for the cooks.

Li Dahu asked most of Caoding to leave by boat first, while the rest continued to sail down the river, and landed again in Taicang Zhili Prefecture half a day later.

At this time, the general of Jiangyin camp rushed to the river with all his soldiers and horses, and returned in despair.

Guazhou Camp also experienced the same experience.

The transportation and communication in this era are very bad.

Therefore, the Zaomen were wreaking havoc along the way and were not blocked by a large number of green camps just because they did not waste time.

The process from receiving an emergency report or an order from a superior officer to sending troops to their destination is a long one.

Wang Liu was in pain all the way. He felt that he had deceived these cooks.

Looking at those trusting eyes, he felt even more uncomfortable.

He knew very well that he needed Li Yu's support to achieve his career.

Although they both have the same views on some things.

But ultimately, the two have different ideals~
"What's the next step for our lonely army?"

"Non-stop, attacking all the way, making the south of the Yangtze River jittery and suspicious."

"With more than 1000 Zao Dings, lack of adequate military training and loose discipline, can they do it?"

"Sixth brother, you don't have to worry too much, the master has his own arrangements."

Wang Liu said no more, he heard it, and Li Yu privately gave the military orders to the Li Dahu brothers.


The landing place is called Luhe Town.

Some people were left to guard the ships. The march route of the main force after landing was a circle, and they would eventually return here.

This design was to confuse the Qing court.

Wang Liu spoke to all the cooks to boost their morale.

In short, everyone has no way out.If you don’t kill, you will be killed.

More than 1000 people dragged two 6-pound cannons into the town.

In the town, people were on their backs and crying was everywhere.

Li Ergou smiled happily, went to the door of a big house, and caught a fat foreigner.

"We are rebels, do you understand the rules?"

"I understand, don't worry, young master."

They had hot meals, plenty to eat and drink, and they also took away a cart of lard pancakes. They only took a little money and didn't seem to care much.

The fat officer thought about it all night, and there seemed to be something wrong with the quality of this group of rebels.

Although it caused him to bleed, he did not rob money, nor rob women, nor burn down the house.

This is not in line with common sense!
However, it is a good thing for my family after all!

Li Ergou was sitting on a donkey cart, throwing silver ingots to play, and said with a smile:

"My foster father said, don't be greedy for gold and silver. If you have a gun in your hand, you can have as much gold and silver as you want."

Li Dahu unfolded a hand-drawn map and frowned to find the marching route.

Wang Liu glanced at the side and said,
I was surprised that the green camp garrisons in Suzhou Prefecture, Songjiang Prefecture, and Taicang Prefecture could all be marked.

There are numbers next to it indicating the specific size of the force.


"Dahu, are there any Qing soldiers in front?"

"Yes, one or two floods."

"I'm illiterate. Just tell me how many people there are?"

"Support 40 people to death."

Li Ergou couldn't help but curled his lips and patted the flintlock gun:
"Who's going?"

"Guess the punch."

As a result, Li Dahu, who won, gained the command of this battle.

"Brothers Zao Ding, don't be shy if you are waiting for me."

"The guys in your hands can kill an ox."

"The officers and soldiers are cowards and their weapons are bad. Listen to my orders later and then fire."

"Remember, muskets have to be fired together to be powerful."

At the bend of the river, a group of flood soldiers looked at the sudden appearance of the cooks in shock.

"Boss, you thief!"

"Where did the thieves come from? Why didn't the higher ups notify us?"

"They still have firearms, let's run quickly?"

The general of the flood army hesitated for a while and decided to take a gamble.

He has been working as a green camp in Jiangnan for 6 years and has never seen a bandit.He didn't even believe in the so-called firearm, maybe it was a fire stick.

It's so evil these days, the big girls in the brothels might be boys.

The wise person thinks he has seen through the true meaning of the world:

"Brothers, steal the guys and fight with them. Military merit is the most important thing in our Qing Dynasty, and even the heads of the top brass can be exchanged for silver."

"I admit that I have some gambling elements, but we are in the green camp and have a low life. If we want to get promoted and make a fortune, we have to gamble. If you win, you will be rich and drink hot food. If you lose, I will accompany you to see the King of Hell."

A group of soldiers were infected by his excitement and picked up swords, guns, bows and arrows, and several shotguns.


The cooks stopped and formed a team under Li Dahu's order.

It is not easy for an army that is neglected to train just to line up.

Fortunately, they are novices pecking each other, which is worse!

Everyone began to knock the flints, and cleverly lit the fire ropes, and lit the match ropes for their companions one by one.

Then be careful and wait for the shooting order.

The distance between the two sides was gradually shortening, and the flood soldiers beat the gongs and advanced.

This noisy slow marching method is a characteristic of the Qing army.

He still had some military literacy and placed the soldiers holding shields at the front.

The spear is at the end and the archer is in the middle.

As for the soldiers with shotguns, they were at the front together with the shield soldiers.

Bang bang, light smoke emitted from the shotgun.

The cooks were startled and looked at each other to see if any of their companions had been shot.

Li Dahu shouted loudly:
"Don't look around, don't talk. Keep an eye on the enemy and listen to my orders."

Fortunately, the cooks didn't fire their guns randomly, so they barely passed the test.

The distance was already close to 80 meters, and Li Dahu opened his flintlock hammer.

He had already set his sights on the target, the dancing commander of the Qing army wearing a red tassel hat and holding a big blade.


After walking another 10 steps, Li Dahu didn't dare to wait any longer.

From the corner of his eye, he had already caught a glimpse of some cooks starting to tremble nervously, ready to pull the trigger at all times.

He lengthened his voice and gave orders:

"First row, squat down, raise your gun."

"Second row, stand, guns raised."

"Aim and release."

The flood soldiers fell down, and they were seriously injured at least if they were shot.

There was severe pain, and then he fell to the ground limply. A mini bullet shattered his right shoulder, causing a horrific wound.

His last consciousness was one of relief and liberation.

I'm just willing to admit defeat, that's all.

This world is too bad, we men won’t come here anymore.

Li Dahu ordered while loading:
"Third row, step forward and take 5 steps."

"Stop, raise the gun, let go."

"Everyone reload quickly and fire freely."

In this battle, 36 flood soldiers were killed or wounded, and only 3 escaped.

Li Dahu remembered his adoptive father's repeated warnings before leaving.

Time, time, or time!

As long as you don't stop, you won't be surrounded by the Qing army.

Of course, once Fukang'an begins its deployment, it is only a matter of time before it is strategically surrounded.

A few days ago, Liu Wu set out with two warships.

Ji Kang No. 1 and Ji Kang No. 8 took the risk of night sailing, sailed into the Yangtze River and anchored in the reed swamps.

The gun emplacements were all covered with cloth, including the deck.He lied that lime was afraid of the tide.

There is no need to worry about Xushuguan anymore, the green light is given all the way and you can be released at any time without inspection.

There is no tax on the banknotes opened by my family.


During the march, Li Ergou was no longer so excited and became a little uneasy.

Fighting from the north of the Yangtze River to the south of the Yangtze River, he traveled all the way and never fought a bad battle.

All they encountered were small groups of green soldiers, posing no threat.

After going around Taicang Prefecture, he easily defeated enemies wherever he went.

"Dahu, where do you think all the officers and soldiers have gone?"

"My foster father said that the Green Camp's mechanism is very rigid and slow to respond. Maybe it's true!"

"But I always feel that this trip was too smooth, and I feel uneasy."

(End of this chapter)

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