Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 169: The sound of cannons is booming by the Huangpu River, Fukangan is in trouble!

Chapter 169: The sound of cannons is booming by the Huangpu River, Fukangan is in trouble!

The Qing army cavalry on both wings were also dispatched. They were a great threat.

"Uncle Liu, stop hiding. Pull out all the artillery and blast us. There are too many officers and soldiers. They want to take us away in one wave."

Liu Wu also realized that with this wave of attacks, the Qing army was overwhelmed!
Except for Fukang'an who had some guards around him, almost all the rest of the troops came in.

He vaguely regretted that he shouldn't have scolded him so harshly. He would have known better if he had scolded Fukangan. The consequences of scolding Qianlong would have been too terrible.

The sight of Wuyangyang's officers and soldiers made people's scalp numb.

24 artillery pieces bombarded continuously, and the sound of cannons was endless, which inspired the cooks to be courageous.

Fukangan's face turned dark when he heard this. He found that this kind of thieves were really not simple.

According to the consistent understanding of the Qing court, those who have cannons are gangsters, those who have many cannons are separatist warlords, and those who know how to use cannons scientifically have risen to the status of a serious enemy.

In an instant, Fukang'an raised the bandits in the market town to a level second only to Junggar, Burmese soldiers, and Jinchuan.

"Nanjunmen, wipe out this enemy group. I grant you 1 deputy general, 3 staff generals, 5 guerrillas, and 10 thousand generals to make up for the total vacancy."

Nan Yunsheng's gray beard trembled, and then his eyes gleamed:

"The last general asked for orders to go out and supervise the battle."



Nan Yunsheng was old and had fought on the battlefield all his life. The admiral of a province had already reached the ceiling of Han military positions and had no aspirations for an official career.

But he had nephews and cronies to make arrangements for.

In the Qing Dynasty, everyone wanted to pave a smooth road for future generations.

Fukangan's promise spoke to his heart.

The forward movement of the "South" flag boosted the morale of the attacking Qing army.

Without him, all the officials would risk their lives with him, so there would be no reason to retreat.

If you retreat, your whole family will definitely die.

Come on, let's bet our lives together. The life of the admiral, deputy general, and general is more valuable than your own.

The Green Battalion soldiers braved lead bullets and cannon fire and charged with determination.

Rows of people were killed in the trenches, which were almost filled up.

Liu Wu was sweating a little. He felt that his lord might have underestimated the Green Camp soldiers.

"Push the 6-pounder forward and shoot the shotgun."

"The 12-pounder gun stayed put and blasted the official."

"Where is the official? Can't you see him?"

"Wherever there is a flag, there is an official. If you see it, shoot the big flag with the word "Nan" embroidered on it."

Several gunners gritted their teeth and adjusted the gun carriage.

After loading, I briefly estimated for a while and lit the fuse, and boom.

The gun carriage jerked back and returned to its original position.

Long gentle slopes were dug into the ground to serve as buffers.

Liu Wu thought to himself that when this battle is over, he must sum up. The person who invented this artillery position is really a genius.

Due to the terrain and friendly forces in the front, the 12-pounder gun at the back had no chance of direct aim.

The muzzle angle is very high, and the trajectory of the projectile is ejection.

After several consecutive shots, although they did not hit the big banner, they were getting closer and closer.

"It's 200 meters behind the target. Continue to adjust."

"No, the muzzle can't be raised any higher."


The boy on the roof put down his telescope and cursed:

"It's too rigid. Try filling it with [-]% less gunpowder."

"Chen Zize, you are a fucking talent."

The gunners pulled out their daggers, pierced the powder bag, poured out some gunpowder and stuffed it into the gun barrel.

Boom, an iron ball passed through the two fighting armies,
It landed 30 meters in front of the Admiral's banner, bouncing around and taking away several lives.

The flag officer was frightened and fled, and Dazhao fell to the ground.

Nan Yunsheng was furious, slashed the flag officer to death, and then ordered his son to continue carrying the banner.

However, he is not stupid.

He immediately moved a hundred meters to one side to avoid the threat of artillery.

The Qing army's archers, shotgunners, and arquebusiers all crowded in front of the trench.

This distance is within reach of both sides, less than 50 meters.

Crazy shooting, competition of firepower and courage.

Casualties are rising horrifyingly.

There are too many archers among the officers and soldiers. A qualified archer can shoot 1 arrows in 8 minute, and then he needs to be repaired, and his arms cannot use their strength.

The kitchen workers could not bear the arrows falling like locusts from the sky, and suffered heavy casualties.

A few people fled backwards, while many others huddled behind low walls and did not dare to shoot.

Li Ergou fired a shot and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Uncle Liu, where is your shotgun?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Liu Wu climb to the roof, brandishing a knife and shouting:

"Everyone retreats to the second line of defense."


The so-called second line of defense actually uses buildings to dig out areas suitable for shooting in windows and walls.

The streets were blocked with barriers and used as barricades.

Artillery, just behind the barricade.

"Add 2% more gunpowder, don't be afraid of exploding the barrel."

Liu Wu was very confident in the quality of his own artillery, so he dared to bet like this.

The Qing army cheered, destroyed obstacles and filled in trenches.

Howling, he rushed to the entrance of the town and instantly received the greatest malice.

More than a dozen artillery pieces sprayed out shotgun shells, and dozens of rifles filled the gap in firepower.Countless pieces of lead fly around, harvesting human lives.

At that moment, even a cruel guy like Li Ergou couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach.

The Qing soldiers who rushed to the front were happy to be dead, and those who were not dead were rolling and twisting on the ground with their faces covered.

The severe pain makes one twist like a towel, then snap back.

"Musket, release."

After two consecutive volleys, the Qing army was defeated.

Everyone ran away frantically, not caring about any reward or punishment.

Nan Yunsheng's face turned pale, and he tried in vain to stop him.

But the defeated soldiers fled around his banner, their faces frightened and their morale gone.

In the market town, artillery is still bombarding, expanding the results.

Fukang'an shook his riding crop hard and returned to camp. He knew that he could not continue the attack in this situation.

Clean up military discipline, kill people, wait for the artillery to be in position, and fight again tomorrow.

On this day, the Qing army suffered more than 1400 casualties in battle.

The defensive side also suffered more than 300 casualties.

Although they won, everyone's expressions were not very good.

Silently around the fire, eating!

Rice, braised pork, and some rice wine, the food is good.

Songjiang Prefecture is prosperous, and this market town is the only place to go to the market nearby.

Most of the people living here are shopkeepers and skilled craftsmen, who belong to the well-off class of the Qing Dynasty.

They were miserable. They lost their houses, possessions and everything in an instant, and were forced to work.


The Qing army separated a battalion to guard the riverside. The process of unloading the artillery was complicated and long.

They lit hundreds of torches and worked through the night.

Artillery pieces were pushed to the entrance of the camp.

Fukangan slept soundly in the tent. On the battlefield, sleep was especially important.

All veterans and generals will seize every opportunity to catch up on sleep and replenish their physical strength.

Nan Yunsheng did not fall asleep, feeling heartbroken.

The middle battalion under his command suffered more than half of the casualties when raising the bid, the left battalion was crippled, and the right battalion was also severely damaged.

A nephew also died, so it was really a loss-making business.

"Don't worry, father. With the help of artillery tomorrow, we will be able to successfully annihilate this group of thieves."

"Zhen'er, tomorrow you will carry our military orders and go with the Susong Town warship to transport food."

"Father, why is this?"

"I have been fighting for my father all my life, and my courage is getting weaker and weaker. I am removing you just in case, so that the Nan family will not be cut off."

Nan Hanzhen lowered his voice and said:
"Father, are you too pessimistic?"

"I don't think our army will be defeated tomorrow, but I have been fighting for a lifetime and know how dangerous the battlefield is. It is common for ships to capsize in ditches. Well, your eldest brother and your cousins ​​are all in the army. They will fight tomorrow. That’s enough, the Nan family is worthy of the imperial court, and no one will make irresponsible remarks.”

"The child obeys."

"It's late at night, go to sleep. Tomorrow we will go with the Susong Town warship to Jiading County to escort grain, grass and gunpowder, so we must be more careful."

Nan Yunsheng shook his head and wiped his saber.

As a person gets older, he becomes less sleepy, especially on the eve of the decisive battle, when he is very worried.


What Nan Yunsheng said to his youngest son just now was a lie.

There is a vague guess in my heart that the enemy in front of me is not a bandit or a lone army!
A group of people with excellent guns and artillery skills, good at making use of terrain, good at psychological warfare, and good at interrupting water transportation, could they be thieves on the run?
Among other things, gunpowder and lead consume a lot of money.

So, where are their logistics channels?Where is the hidden base?Where is the source of the intelligence?
His eyes were black and he didn't even know it!
Nan Yunsheng boldly deduced that behind the scenes was either a feudal official from Jiangsu and Zhejiang or the prince of the Eight Banners.

It is even possible that foreigners colluded, with foreigners providing money and guns, and anti-Qing secret organizations providing personnel.

No matter which one it is, it means that you are facing huge unknown risks.He walked out of the big tent, and the field was dark, as if a ferocious beast was squatting.

This night, the market town was not idle either.

Liu Wu divided everyone into two waves, one to dig embankments and the other to rest.

Rotate every 2 hours to ensure physical strength.

As for food, it is open to eating.

Everyone’s bowls were filled with meat, but there wasn’t enough.

The cooks also know that they may not be able to see the sun tomorrow, so they have to eat quickly.

There is also a bowl of amber warm rice wine for each person.

Under the influence of alcohol, someone shouted from time to time: "Kill all the officers and soldiers!"

"Distribute all the gunpowder and lead."

"In a last-ditch battle, either the officers and soldiers die or we live."

At this moment, Wang Liu suddenly realized why he chose to defend in this deadly place.

Just to dispel all the thoughts of the kitchen men, they can only fight to the end.

But where are the reinforcements he promised?

Liu Wu just smiled at this question and did not reply directly.

The two young men surnamed Li looked arrogant. They patted their chests and expressed that their adoptive father would never give up on them.


Early in the morning, the Susong Town warship turned north.

All their artillery was dismounted, and there was no point in remaining on the battlefield.

It is better to transport grain, grass and gunpowder to prevent the enemy from being able to eat for a while, so he can surround and attack slowly.

After drinking and eating, the Qing troops lined up collectively.

Nan Yunsheng walked to a high place with his sword in hand and glanced around at the soldiers with dull eyes.

He yelled: "Bring me up."

More than 50 Green Camp soldiers were tied up and led to the front of the formation.

They cried bitterly, kowtowed and begged for mercy.However, how is it possible to be forgiven.

The Qing army has a long-standing tradition of killing people in front of the battle line to establish prestige.

There was a burst of sword light, and the head of Gululu fell to the ground.

"These are the consequences of deserters."

"Come on, bring up the silver box."

Twenty large wooden boxes were thrown in front of the formation, filled with ingots of official silver.

"The head of a stray thief, level 5, 100 taels. Kill the general and capture the flag, reward 200 taels. Climb first, reward [-] taels of silver."

"Punch it in, it's all yours."

Nan Yunsheng roared at the top of his lungs, which greatly improved his morale.

He immediately ordered:

"The infantrymen sit down and wait for orders."

"Artillery team, come on."


The artillerymen were shirtless and began to push the cannon as if they had been given blood.

Each of them received a reward of 5 taels of silver, and there was also a heavy reward after the war.

This kind of reward is enough to make them work hard.

Nan Yunsheng's request for them was to not evade or give way, and to engage in an open artillery battle with the rogue thieves.

As the artillery slowly pushed to 3 miles, the artillery battle between the two sides began.

An iron ball bounced into the ranks of the Qing artillery.

A large cart was smashed, sawdust flew everywhere, and the two gunners held their faces and fell to the ground screaming.

"Quick, quick, push hard, get into position to counterattack."

A member of the navy guerrillas, brandishing his sword and shouting.

The bandits' cannons hit too far, but their cannons still had to advance half a mile to reach them.

This half mile has to be piled up with human lives!

Finally, the Qing army launched a counterattack.Shells began to fall into the town, smashing down houses.

Artillery battles are brutal and test courage.

Once hit, there are no casualties, not all of them.

In the town, a 12-pounder gun was hit by a shell. The gun bounced on the spot and the gunner was broken into two pieces.

The artillery that landed hit the two people again and exploded instantly.

Liu Wu asked loudly:

"Can the cannon still be used?"


"Brother gunners, fire at full speed. Find some people to water the cannon and cool it down."

Next to the well, the cook went back and forth, pouring buckets of water on the cannon barrel.

He even wrapped the soaked quilt directly on the barrel.

The Qing army had close to 200 large and small artillery pieces, which was simply overwhelming in numbers.

A single volley of fire made the town a living hell.

Walls fall and houses collapse, like a passing hurricane.

Everyone, regardless of the situation, tried their best to hide behind the wall and huddle up.

The embankment served some purpose, but as it was damaged in many places, it slowly became a decoration.


Li Ergou huddled behind the sandbag and kept digging on the ground with a short knife.

Looking from a distance, it seems like a prairie dog is moving.

A shallow pit slowly appeared on the ground.

He huddled inside, finally found a sense of security, and began to curse.

Fukang'an was also quite cautious and hid five miles away to observe the battlefield.

"My officer seems to have returned to Jinchuan. I never expected that such a large-scale artillery battle would occur in Jiangnan."

"Master Futai, will General Hangzhou and General Jiangning lead their troops to support?" Nan Yunsheng couldn't help but ask.

"Unless there is an order from the court, I have no right to command them."

"The officer understands."

The two of them looked towards the town, feeling very relieved.

As far as the eye can see, there are ruins and collapsed buildings, with smoke and dust billowing from them.None of the stray thieves could be seen, and they were probably trembling.

After the artillery battle that lasted for half an hour, something unexpected happened.

The Qing army's artillery positions began to explode one after another.

At first it was a few small cannons, but later it grew to a 1000-pound cannon that also exploded.

Exploding the barrel is an artilleryman’s nightmare.All the people around him suffered and died miserably.

The frequency of firing suddenly slowed down.

The guerrilla general supervising the battle yelled: "Don't stop, keep bombarding."

"Sir, the barrel of the cannon is about to explode. We can't fire any more."

"Coward, let it go." The angry guerrilla general poured gunpowder into a cannon himself.

Boom, explode.

His face was confused, and he was rolling on the ground screaming.


One of the gunners looked anxious, picked up the injured guerrilla and ran back.

"Doctor, come and save our general."

The supervising team was in a daze and ran to the rear before they had even thought about it.

The clever gunner legally left the battlefield, evaded military law and dodged the shells.

Fortunately for him, the gun he and his companions were responsible for finally exploded, killing and wounding 6 people.

In the town, Ergou poked his head out:

"Why did Gou Yue's officers and soldiers stop?"

Sparsely, a few shots fell in the town, which was incomparable to the previous formation.

There were hundreds of iron balls falling, and the ground was shaking.

"Hahaha, their cannons exploded, the temperature was too high and they couldn't be fired." Chen Zize laughed.

"You guys, why don't you seize this opportunity to rush out and kill these bastards?" Li Ergou shouted and raised his saber.

In the town, the cooks who had recovered their senses rushed out.

Take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the enemy's artillery, and everyone will have a way to survive.

Everyone grabbed their weapons, howled and rushed out of the town, out of their bunkers, and charged towards the Qing artillery positions.

When the Qing artillerymen saw it, Sayazi fled back.

The Green Camp soldiers sitting and waiting in the back also received military orders.

"The whole army goes out to kill the bandits."

"Don't let a stray thief escape back to town."

The 300 cavalrymen in the Qing army also mobilized their horses, made a circle from the flanks, and blocked the retreat.

Afterwards, more than a dozen Sauron soldiers on horseback, armed with 100-stone hard bows, charged at both sides and fired arrows continuously.

The arrows rarely missed, and the kitchen servants screamed again and again.

Li Dahu saw it and shouted: "Everyone form a formation, form a formation! Those with swords and shields are in front."

Melee combat is more cruel than defensive battles.

Rather than looking at martial arts, it’s better to look at courage and whether fate is tough!

(End of this chapter)

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