Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 173 The loyalty of the Qing Dynasty can be seen from the sun and the moon, and its iron bone

Chapter 173 The loyalty of the Qing Dynasty can be seen from the sun and the moon, and its iron bones are unyielding. If you don’t believe it, you can report me!

Wang Liu took away 50 heavily armed Zaoding soldiers and left Suzhou Prefecture in three ships.

During the Jiangbei uprising, there were more than 3000 people fighting at the beginning, but only 200 people were left in the end, and they defected to Li Yu's command.

The elimination rate is as high as more than 9%, which is cruel.

Their blood allowed Li Yu to verify a key conjecture.

By randomly recruiting a group of poor people and equipping them with qualified officers, you can quickly build a firearms army.

Under the same force size,
Fighting against ordinary green soldiers (flood soldiers, camp soldiers) has a great chance of winning.

Fighting in the wild with the elite green battalion soldiers (raising bids and supervising bids) has little chance of winning.

It can also play the role of city defense and security warfare.

This means that once a large-scale business is started in the future and a city is conquered, the elite Li family army does not need to be dispersed and can concentrate on playing the role of a field army.

According to military historical experience, once a field army assumes the role of a security force, its combat effectiveness will decline rapidly.

Li Yu did not want the army to lose its vigor before the Forbidden City bell rang.

When there are repeated tug-of-war battles, the army of instant firearms can be used to push forward and fight a war of attrition with the Qing army.

As long as the logistics are strong, a lost batch can be replaced by another batch.

The attempt in the infantry military field has gradually closed the loop!

While he was contemplating other issues, Lin Huaisheng came.

He brought a summary of his experience in this battle. Of course, he did not write it himself. It was dictated and written by someone else.

Although he received some literacy education on the island and knew hundreds of Chinese characters, he could not write them.

It can be regarded as meeting Li Yu's minimum requirements.

When commanding troops to fight outside, they should at least understand military reports.

"Huaisheng, can I find you a woman who is literate? It will be convenient for you to write reports in the future."

"My subordinates listen to my lord."

"This is a major event in your life. If you have any ideas, please feel free to mention it."

"This subordinate is a rough man. I only know that what my master has arranged for me will be right."

Li Yu smiled and asked Hu Ling'er to pay attention to this matter in two days.

If possible, choose one of your adopted daughters.

Age is not a problem, successful men never mind the age gap.

Lin Huaisheng's position is very critical, and Li Yu is ready to hand over most of his land armed forces to his command.

Only the Guards Corps must be led by oneself.


"Huai Sheng, I'm going to open an infantry sergeant school. You select 300 people as the first batch of students. The requirements are that they have fought in battles, seen blood, and are calm."

"Don't worry, my lord."

After sending Lin Huaisheng away, Li Yu walked freely on Xishan Island.

Taihu Lake is vast, and if the weather is clear, you can see more than ten miles away if you climb the mountain peak.

A small cruise ship with white sails cruising around the island.

"Telescope." He stretched out his hand and said.

The personal guard hurriedly offered it, then took a step back and remained silent.

In the lens, there are still occasional traces of merchant ships in the distance.

This made Li Yu frown, feeling unhappy that "I can't allow others to snore on the side of the bed."

"Prepare the boat and go to the magistrate's office."

An hour later, we arrived at Fucheng Panmen.

After revealing his identity, the city gate official immediately opened the water gate and knelt down to welcome him.

That's why Li Daguan's cards are so big.

Panmen is special. It is a water and land gate, and ships can sail directly in.

The door of the government office is always open to Li Yu.

Huang Wenyun is in a good mood recently. Although Jiangbei is in chaos, it's none of my business.

The governor is dead, but it's not my fault.

According to the principle of territoriality, the most serious thing would be to chop off the heads of the prefects of Yangzhou and Songjiang.

"Brother Li Xian, have you been too happy to miss Shu lately?"

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Fu, but I have been really lazy recently and unwilling to take charge of the board of directors."

"Young people should still put their career first and exercise moderation."

"I will follow my uncle's teachings."


Li Yu once again practiced the principle of local specialties. Huang Wenyun extended his hand and smiled, repeating "I won't do it next time."

No one thought this scene was funny, only that it was ordinary.

"By the way, why are you here?"

"I want to ban fishing in Taihu Lake."


Huang Wenyun almost lost his mind, but soon realized the mystery behind it.

“You want to impose taxes, right?”

"The governor is wise. If you cannot be the governor, there will be no justice in the Qing Dynasty."

"Hey, I've overstated my words and overstepped my bounds. Let's get down to business. A ban on fishing is roughly equivalent to a ban on boats. Is that the logic?"

"Yes, fishing boats and merchant ships are not allowed to launch boats unless they pay the tax."

Huang Wenyun smiled, stretched out his hand and spread his fingers: "Fifty-five?"

"To share the worries of the imperial court, half of the silver will be sent to the capital."

"Yes, now that water transportation is blocked, the capital may be short of food and silver."

"The grain is large, but the silver is small. You don't have to wait until the water transportation is smooth. In this way, you will definitely get the Sacred Heart!"

"Wonderful, wonderful. Will your luck start tomorrow?"

"Master is wise."

The two of them were chatting and laughing, and for some reason they came up with the strange story of Taihu Xie's poisoning.

Huang Wenyun is from Jiujiang, which is adjacent to the Yangtze River.

He revealed the truth as soon as he changed the topic: "I found the case file a few days ago, carefully considered it, and guessed that it may have been poisoned by puffer fish."

Li Yu pretended to be surprised, with a shocked face:

"Is there such a rare poison in the world?"

"Everyone who makes a living on the river knows this, but others may not."

Speaking of this, Huang Wenyun suddenly stared at Li Yu:

"Brother Li Xian, what do you think of the chaos in our province today?"

"If you are not in your position, you will not do what you want. If you are fighting and killing, as long as you can't reach me, I won't watch."

Hahahaha, Huang Wenyun looked up to the sky and laughed.

"That's good. If you pursue an official career, your future is limitless."

"Master Zhu said that he would recommend me to become an official, and that he would skip the waiting list and directly fill the vacancy. I'm not afraid of your ridicule, I'll be waiting for you."


"It's a good thing to want to make progress, why are you mocking me? I still hope that the emperor will reward him with the title of chief envoy."

"If nothing unexpected happens, you will be able to be ranked among the frontiers in three to five years."

Facing Li Yu's compliment, Huang Wenyun waved his hand and asked in a low voice:
"There are some rumors in the market. Have you heard about it? What do you think?"

"It's a matter of central importance, and I don't dare to discuss it arbitrarily."

"No, you know what I know about today's chat. I really want to discuss it with you."

Li Yu put away his smile and sat up straight:

"The world is unstable and there are signs of looming chaos."

"Where? Who?"

"Jiangnan, Jingxiang, Guangdong and Guangxi are all on the verge of collapse. The Qing Dynasty seems to be monolithic, but in fact there are hidden worries everywhere."

"Where did the news come from?"

"There are rumors in the rivers, lakes and temples."

Huang Wenyun couldn't help but laugh. He thought this was a bit funny and asked: "Since it is a rumor, do you still believe it?"

"Have you ever heard that rumors are distant prophecies?"


Huang Wenyun was speechless, and after a while he slowly spoke:

"I don't know why, but I feel that your sophistry is not completely absurd. There seems to be some truth to it."

Li Yu sighed:

"The so-called rumors all have their origins. A certain force throws them out first, casts stones to ask for directions, and then decides what to do next depending on the reactions of all parties. As the saying goes, if you are undecided in times of trouble, follow rumors, the cost is low, the benefits are quick, and progress can be executed with thunder. Retreating can be in line with public opinion, but isn’t it a mature strategy for the country?”

Bang, Huang Wenyun slapped the armrest and stood up excitedly.

"My dear brother, your words are so inspiring that I have awakened myself. It's so similar."

Li Yu smiled and picked up the tea bowl proudly.

I thought, you have fallen into a trap again.

Sure enough, there is no need to push yourself for the next steps.

He took the initiative to ask:

"Brother Xian, what should we do?"

"I would like to suggest that we should make preparations in advance whether it is a long-lasting state or a separatist regime in the late Tang Dynasty. Of course, our loyalty to the court can be learned from the sun and the moon. But the sage also said that if a person does not serve himself, the heaven will destroy him. Therefore, be loyal and prepared!”

Huang Wenyun’s eyes were bright and he stared:

"How to prepare?"

"Prepare food, prepare troops, and prepare silver. According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, losing a city official is a capital crime. You are a shepherd guard and have no way to retreat. If the chaos is like dewdrops in the morning and disappears in an instant, hand it over to the court and make a name for yourself. Sir, if it gets worse and worse and Xiaoxiao becomes rampant, then the peaceful place will become an integral part of its own and the court will rely on it more. My lord, what do you think?"

In the secret room, the silence was so heart-stopping.

Huang Wenyun finally spoke, his voice a little hoarse:
"You are right." "Sir, let me light the first fire. Just acquiesce."

"You speak."

"The Dongshan team training needs to be expanded! The Suzhou city defense needs to be replaced by our people."

"Li Yu, you swear to God, were you prepared?"

Facing Huang Wenyun, who was a little excited and out of control, Li Yu stood up and cupped his hands and said:
"The loyalty of the Qing Dynasty can be seen from the sun and the moon, and its iron bones are unyielding. If uncle doesn't believe it, you can tell me!"

"Hey, don't be so excited. Sit down and let's talk."

Two hours later, Li Yucai quietly left the government office.

Huang Wenyun sent him to the door, patted his hand and said:
"You just go ahead and do it, be more courageous, and take bigger steps. There are people making noises down there, and I will help you."

Li Xiaowu was taking off the reins from the hitching post.

I happened to hear these words, and my hands were shaking because I was trying not to laugh.

He thought to himself that if he was braver, Suzhou would be changed into Lizhou.

Maybe, the people in Diaozhou next door will also change their surname.


The whole of Jiangsu fell into a state of confusion.

In Jiangbei, the six-character motto has spread to Jiangning Mansion and even to Huai'an Mansion.

Qian Feng cried bitterly, kowtowed to the north, wrote an apology letter, and issued a military order.

In another month, if the water transport is not restored, he will not return to Beijing and jump to the Yangtze River!
Also, if the mastermind behind the scenes cannot be found out,
He pierced his eyes and became blind, and lived as a beggar in Yangzhou City for the rest of his life.

Such a heroic oath made everyone in Yangzhou Mansion tremble.

From Magistrate Hu down to ordinary government officials, everyone went crazy and ran around in the streets.

Crazy levyers gathered for food and clues.

Salt merchant Huang Desheng has really gained half a catty since his last meal at Mr. Mi’s merchant banquet.

This surprised him, who was suffering from weight loss.

After scolding his own chef, they all rushed to the kitchen of Mr. Mi's residence to learn advanced cooking concepts.

Rich and talented!
"Old Huang, are all the government officials in Yangzhou City possessed by evil spirits recently? When have they ever been so active in running errands? They always walk at a trot."

"Omi, you don't understand this. Isn't it because the Imperial Envoy issued a military order?"

"You're saying that these bastards feel sorry for the imperial envoy Qian, and are afraid that he won't be able to complete the task and will invest in the Yangtze River?"

"Naive, so naive." Huang Desheng said with hatred, "Before the imperial envoy throws himself into the Yangtze River, he will first throw the prefect Hu into a nest, so the prefect will have to throw the subordinate officials into the river first. To make a nest in the Yangtze River, what should the officials do? First, throw the government officials and secretaries into the Yangtze River to make a nest. This pressure is being passed on layer by layer, and he is risking his own life to make a nest. Do you understand?"

"got it."

General Shang Mi suddenly realized, the imperial envoy is so tall, the principle of making a nest!


The Fucha family's mansion was filled with tears.

The whole house is in plain clothes, and people are coming and going in the mourning hall.

Officials at all levels came to commemorate this brave general who "died young".

Yu Minzhong also came, and everyone got out of the way.

The veteran of the Military Aircraft Department lamented in the mourning hall: "Fucha family, full of loyal souls."

After seeing the ceremony, he left with the help of his servant.

After a while, I heard a shout at the door: "The Emperor has arrived."

Everyone in the house immediately knelt down and cried even more sadly.

Qianlong got off the carriage and looked up at the familiar door couplets.

"I came here once five years ago because my brother-in-law Fu Heng died. Why are you here again now?"

He Shen said carefully:
"Master Fu's posthumous title is Wenzhong, and he was given to the Grand Tutor and enshrined in the Xianliang Temple. I think he was smiling even under the Nine Springs."

"Hey, Heshen, can you understand how I feel now?"

"My slave advises my master to take care of his dragon body." Heshen's tears instantly fell down.


"Wipe it off, don't make people laugh, and come in with me."

At this moment, Qianlong restored his image of a strong emperor.

He had seen enough death in his life.

A subject's, an enemy's, a son's~
He was the only one who lived long enough to dominate the world.

When he walked to the mourning hall, he personally offered incense, which was already a great privilege for a minister.

"Everyone, get up, my condolences."

"Fucha family will always be my loyal minister."

These words established the status of the entire Fucha clan as a living person.

In addition to Aixinjueluo, the Fucha family is still the second family in the capital's ecological circle.

Qianlong just stared at the portrait of Fukang'an in the middle of the mourning hall in a daze, his thoughts racing.

This painting was painted by a court painter after returning from the victory in Jinchuan last year.

Lifelike, handsome and mighty.

He Shen noticed that the emperor was absent-minded.

He quickly whispered: "Everyone, please go out and let the emperor be quiet."

As a result, the mourning hall quickly became empty.

Only Qianlong was left, looking at the portrait dreamily.

He murmured to himself: "As a general, I don't know how to protect myself. I'm sorry for the overall situation. I'm sorry for leaving at such a young age. I'm sorry for your father. If you die, the young people in Jiangnan will become even more rampant. I can still do it in my life." Are you going to tour Jiangnan again?”

His eyes were slightly red, and suddenly he looked angry, and he roared in a low voice:
"Fukangan, I call your mother."


The monk closest to the mourning hall vaguely heard it.

Trembling with fright, he quickly calmed down and knocked on the wooden fish with his eyes closed to save the souls of the dead.

As a monk who often visited the mansions of powerful people, he knew how to advance and retreat.

After a while, Qianlong came out.

His expression was as usual, still majestic and inscrutable.

He walked up to a young man, leaned over and asked:

"Are you Fu Chang'an? Are you 17?"

"Go back to the emperor, yes."

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a job in a few days."

As he spoke, Qianlong took off a jade pendant from his waist and stuffed it into his hand.

"All the men of the Fucha family are upright, take it, I will reward you."

This scene will soon spread throughout the capital before dinner.

Never underestimate the sense of smell of Beijing officials. Their brains are pre-installed with the most sophisticated human emotion sensors in the world.

The fourth son of the great scholar Fu Heng, the younger brother of Fu Kang'an, and the nephew of Empress Xiaoxian Chun - Fu Chang'an is rising.

He is the leader of the new generation of Fucha clan.

Some people are envious and some are worried.

Fu Changan's mother was so worried that she couldn't sleep.

Because the old housekeeper who came back from Suzhou to hold the coffin said the truth with worry:
The men of the Fucha family are all exhausted.

Is the favor of the Qing Emperor really so pleasant?

You have to pay with your life!

Every gift in life has a price clearly marked on it.

The old housekeeper looked at the energetic Fu Chang'an, shook his head and lamented: "It would be better if you were a lame."


3000 miles away, Xishan Island, Suzhou Prefecture, art gallery
Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief and resumed his art, stealing half a day's leisure.

He is painting a "picture of the rising red sun."

As a lover of calligraphy and painting, Jia Xiaozhen stood on one side and admired it.

From time to time, he issued just the right admiration:
"It is majestic and can swallow thousands of miles like a tiger. If Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty saw this painting and said that he would not abdicate the throne to his lord, Wang Youjun would probably break his pen and become a disciple."

The pony shoot was very good, and the intensity was very appropriate, as you can tell by looking at Li Yu's expression.

Bang, he threw the brush away and the masterpiece was completed.

The guards looked intently, stood in a circle, and were only responsible for security work.

All the subordinates crowded forward to look at the painting, and they all probably didn't realize how serious it was.

Listening to Jia Xiaozhen's explanation of the composition, color, and concept of this painting, all using professional vocabulary, the speaker was stunned for a moment.

A beautiful scenery suddenly appeared in the corner of Li Yu's eyes.

Su Qinglian, wearing a fox fur cloak, came like a blooming white lotus.

Every sway, every smile is just right.

"Qing Lian pays homage to the master."

Li Yu saw that her white fox fur cloak was too clean.

I couldn't help but grab the corner of my clothes and wipe the paint on my hands.


Su Qinglian's instant expression changes can win 3 Best Actors.

At such a young age, he became an old actor, how much he must have suffered!

"Evacuate, emergency evacuation. The Lord has urgent military affairs to deal with!"

"Work on site, draw the curtain."

When Jia Xiaozhen shouted, everyone suddenly realized and dispersed like birds and beasts.

The guards quickly fetched the sails that were drying nearby, and after surrounding them in a circle, they quickly retreated 50 steps away and turned their backs.

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(End of this chapter)

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