Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 175: When I kill people, I never look at the rank or the noble or the lowly. I will kill eve

Chapter 175: When I kill people, I never look at the rank or the noble or the lowly. I kill them all.

Compared with Suzhou Prefecture, which is tight inside and loose outside, small groups of cockroaches and thieves occasionally cause trouble.

Huzhou Prefecture in the south is a different scene.

The "Jiangnan Salt Army" led by Lin Huaisheng bypassed the city and easily pulled out the green camp flood soldiers.

This method of fighting with the strong against the weak is like hunting.

The flood soldiers always received a flintlock blow from a long distance away, collapsed, and ran for their lives howling.

The officers and soldiers of Huzhou Prefecture also took the initiative to intercept once.

In the wilderness 10 miles outside the city, the two armies engaged in a decisive battle, firing five rounds of long-distance flintlock muskets.

There was not even a decent hand-to-hand combat, and the officers and soldiers were defeated.

The outcome is set.

The prefect of Huzhou was lucky enough to survive. More than 10 people from his subordinate officials were killed in the battle, and more than 300 people from the green camp were killed in the battle. They huddled in the city and never came out.

And Lin Huaisheng never thought,
The ordinary green camp soldiers were so sparse that they were defeated in one battle.

If it weren't for the lord's strict order, he could now loot the entire Huzhou Mansion calmly.

It is difficult to attack the city, but the wealth outside the city is easily accessible.

According to the regulations of the Qing court, those who lost their land were killed.

From the governor down to the flood soldiers, no mercy was shown.

Therefore, either die in the hands of the enemy or die in the hands of the superior officer.

In this regard, Qianlong was really fair:
"When I kill, I never look at the rank, the noble or the lowly. I kill them all."


Twenty miles outside Huzhou City, a local silk merchant was captured.

He kowtows like pounding garlic, hoping to exchange his family wealth for his life.

Even his newly married concubine can be offered as an offering.

Lin Huaisheng interrupted him and said directly:

"We are not bandits, we are rebels who follow the rules, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand. I'll pay for it."

"You know what, we don't want any money. Just listen to me, take this letter and go to Fucheng~"

Thus, a negotiation with different motives began.

Lin Huaisheng's conditions were that he would not attack the city, not harm the countryside, not recruit troops, and not openly display banners.

Huzhou Prefecture turned a blind eye and acquiesced in the rebels' crossing.

This choice is in the best interest of the officials and gentry.

If the suppression continues and our green camp cannot defeat them, we must ask the Eight Banners from Hangzhou to move in to assist in the suppression.

The gentry would have to bear the cruelty of the visiting soldiers.

Moreover, Lin Huaisheng's letter made it very clear that when everyone is destroyed, he will follow the example of "Huang Chao" and slaughter all the gentry and merchants in Huzhou first, which is nothing more than "burning and killing".

Intimidation works!
Both sides sent plainclothes envoys to conduct informal negotiations outside the city.

No records, no signatures, no paperwork left.

It's just a verbal agreement, a gentleman's agreement.

The "Jiangnan Salt Army" quietly left the city and entered Changxing County, where they lived in the mountainous area in the northwest of the county and continued to sell illegal salt.

We promise not to actively attack officers and soldiers, not to raise flags of rebellion openly, and not to recruit troops on a large scale.

Huzhou Prefecture announced a great victory.

The main force of the "Jiangbei Liuzao Ding" with a bad record was defeated, hundreds of people were beheaded, and the rest fled to Jiangsu and Anhui (Changxing County is at the junction of the three provinces).

It was inconvenient for the officers and soldiers of Huzhou Prefecture to cross the provincial border to suppress bandits, so they had no choice but to ask their colleagues from neighboring provinces to do the hard work.

The report of victory is very rich and detailed.

They did not even shy away from their own heavy casualties. Tong Juan died in battle, Tong Zhi fell from his horse and died of fright and illness. In addition, 1200 people from the Green Camp died in the battle, and more than 500 people from Minzhuang died in the battle.

Countless ordnances were lost, many villages and towns were burned, and countless civilians were killed by thieves.

In short, thousands of words can be condensed into one sentence: Huzhou Prefecture’s suppression of bandits was a tragic victory!

After the prefect signed it, 39 well-known gentry in the prefecture also signed it.

Everyone is tied together, everyone is prosperous and everyone suffers.

In this way, there will be no 25 boys.

Although the people below and the Green Camp soldiers knew the truth, it didn't matter, they couldn't make a sound.

Since ancient times, imperial power did not go to the countryside, and officials and gentry could speak on their behalf.


The next day, Hangzhou Prefecture received a report of military victory.

The next day, the governor of Jiangning and Liangjiang also received it and was greatly surprised.

Eight days later, the Forbidden City also received it.

Everyone in the military aircraft department was overjoyed and immediately went to kneel down to ask for the reward.

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there was complete silence.

A thin piece of paper with more than 2000 words, Qianlong read it three times.

He even looked carefully at the gentry who signed their names.

It seems that there is no problem?
But why is it so easy?

In fact, everyone in the military aircraft department felt a little strange, but they didn't dare to say anything nonsense.

What does the old emperor want to hear?Let's just say whatever.

They were all watching the words and sniffing the air. Was the emperor inclined to believe or doubt?
"From Yangzhou Prefecture, they ran all the way and dug canals to block water transportation. Thousands of elites from the Green Camp in the south of the Yangtze River were not able to stop me. I even lost my beloved general. Just ended up in Huzhou Prefecture like this? Is it destiny?"

"Emperor Shengming."

As the only courtier in front of the imperial court (Hu Yushi was expelled from the capital and served as the prefect of Yangzhou), Heshen immediately knelt down, took two steps, and said happily:

"I feel that the bandits have been fighting all the way, and the divisions are tired and the soldiers are old, and they are probably at the end of the war. In addition, the local officers and soldiers in Huzhou Prefecture dared to fight and worked together as one, so they achieved a great victory."

"Well, what you said makes some sense."

This time the direction of the wind became clear, and everyone followed suit.

Rushing forward on the right, risk-free road, composing a hymn of loyalty.

In the Yangxin Hall, the monarch and his ministers were in harmony.

Qianlong was finally relieved, but he still issued an order that Changzhou Prefecture in Jiangsu Province and Guangzhou Prefecture in Anhui Province should cooperate to eliminate the remaining bandits.

These two places are bordered by Huzhou Prefecture.

According to the Huzhou magistrate, although the main force of the bandits was wiped out, the remaining forces fled in all directions or fled to the mountainous areas of these two prefectures.

This one word or word condenses a lot of wisdom.


Following the order, General Hangzhou sent personnel to inspect the results of the battle.

There are more than 500 heads, stained with blood, which look fresh at first glance.

After checking the faces, we found that most of them were strong-willed and fierce-looking people, and they did not look like good people.

On the battlefield outside Huzhou City, blood soaked into the soil.

After digging out the soil, it was found that in a few areas the blood was even 1 foot deep underground.

Broken swords, traces of gunpowder, broken flags, and some small parts belonging to humans.

All proved that a tragic battle did take place here.

Therefore, General Hangzhou delivered the secret document, which confirmed the authenticity of this battle from the side.

The prefect of Huzhou breathed a sigh of relief. He really had no choice!

Just one year after taking office, Beijing’s debt has just been paid off.

The hope of the whole clan lies in him. If he is convicted and dismissed from office and returns to his hometown, he may have to live in poverty.

I don’t even have the nerve to pay homage to my ancestors in the ancestral hall.

The middle-aged man didn't dare to fall down. When he opened his eyes, he stretched out his hand.

Therefore, he assessed the situation, weighed the pros and cons, and made this unpalatable deal with the bandit.

Fortunately, God favors me.


Lin Huaisheng's troops quietly marched into Changxing County without any support or drums.

Another sharp sword was hung on the already fragile county defense.

Fang Zhixian thought about his superiors' intentions and complied with his inferiors, and decided to be blind and deaf.

This group of "private salt dealers" was allowed to enter the northwest mountainous area and open a camp in the dense forest.

In the mountains, timber resources are abundant.

The rest of the supplies needed were transported by water.Cement, coal, firearms, clothing, salt and grease, pots and pans.

Within a month, a fortress was erected.

There is a lot to do from here.

To the northwest, you can attack Changzhou Prefecture in Jiangsu Province.

To the southwest, you can enter Guangzhou, Anhui.

To the northeast, you can enter the vast Taihu Lake.

Before the lord issued specific military orders, everyone first did private salt business.

Firstly, to make money, and secondly, to appease the hearts of Huzhou officials and gentry.


I saw these people selling private salt aggressively, and it was cheap in large quantities.

The prefect of Huzhou finally breathed a sigh of relief, and dozens of gentry also breathed a sigh of relief.

It is a good thing to have pursuits, and it is a good thing to want to make money.

What's the point of rebellion? It's better to be a private salt dealer.

At least, Huzhou officials have reached a consensus that illegal salt inspections, fines, and arrests are not allowed.

It is necessary to encourage the "motivation" of private salt dealers.

Even the three largest salt merchants in this province were dragged into private chats by the prefect to understand the general situation and consider the overall situation.

Mrs. Zhen was the first to respond to Fu Zun's call and took the initiative to sacrifice her own salt.

The other two families, although reluctant, reluctantly agreed.

Li Yu was also surprised when he heard about it.This was a more perfect ending than he expected.

The prefect of Huzhou should be remembered for his first contribution!
They also transported 500 troops and 80 artillery pieces via Taihu Lake to supplement Lin Huaisheng.

He was told to seize this window of time.

Create a support point as soon as possible. Changxing County is the origin of our own raw materials and cannot be lost.

...In the conference room of Xishan Island, a map of Jiangnan hangs on the wall.

Li Yu marked a red star on it and was satisfied.

"The Li Jiajun cannot lose Changxing, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem."

"Send my military order and ask Miao Youlin from Qingfeng Village to come see me."

"As ordered."

The moment he received the order, Miao Youlin panicked.

He even held the hilt of his knife in fear, looking for a sense of security.

"I dare to ask this brother, how come Mr. Li thought of meeting a small character like me in his busy schedule?"

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"So, is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Miao Youlin said and stuffed a piece of silver into his hand.

As a result, the messenger's tone became much gentler and he revealed a little more:
"It's not a bad thing, it's probably because I have some mission. As you know, it's not peaceful recently, everything is in chaos."

Phew, Miao Youlin breathed a sigh of relief.

He has been busy expanding recently, thinking that it has aroused Li Yu's fear, fearing that it is the Hongmen Banquet.

That night, he told Changjin about the matter.

Changjin is both the second in charge and his woman.

The rift that arose due to Su Daji at the beginning has been almost eliminated during this period.

The two husband and wife work together, and Qingfeng Village develops rapidly.

"Master Li is upright and will not imitate Xiang Yu's banquet at Hongmen."

"Yeah, I'm just a king of the mountain, and I don't want to be Liu Bang."

Holding Changjin in his arms, Miao Youlin fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, he met the third boss again, and his attitude was very enthusiastic:

"Brother Wei Jun, I am going to Suzhou Mansion to meet Master Li. Do you want to help you carry something to your sister?"

As he spoke, he kept paying attention to the changes in Wei Jun's expression.

If Li Yu wanted to get rid of him, he would definitely use Wei Jun.

Surprise is not like pretending.

It shows that he really didn't know beforehand, and the danger can be completely eliminated.


Two days later, Miao Youlin officially set off.

I got on the cargo ship arranged by Du Ren and crossed Taihu Lake.

He brought a box of jewelry and a sword from the Southern Song Dynasty as a meeting gift.

Along the way, he was relaxed.

Enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains, eat and drink.

The moment he arrived at Xishan Pier, he was still lost.

Moored next to him was a huge battleship with densely packed cannons on its sides.

On the deck, dozens of craftsmen were busy.

Next to it, a patrol boat left the dock. The people on it were all wearing green camp uniforms and flying government flags.

Everyone turned a blind eye, as if this was a common thing.

"Master Li, he is a true god."

Miao Youlin adjusted his clothes and hat, and jumped off the side of the boat before it stopped.

Bang, a loud noise fell on the wooden stack.


In a secluded house in the valley, Li Yu summoned him here.

There were more than a dozen armed guards standing on both sides, standing with their swords drawn.

Miao Youlin immediately threw down the gift, took two steps forward, and knelt down:
"Miao Youlin, a man in the green forest, pays homage to the lord. I am willing to be a lackey under the lord's command and be loyal to him."

Li Yu didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly.

Time passed by minute by second, and the invisible pressure made him fearful.

Finally, I heard a voice:
"Master Miao, get up."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Qingfeng Village collectively breaks up camp and leaves Changxing. There is a new mission for you. Are you willing?"

"My subordinates are willing."

"Okay, let's go back and make preparations. We will break camp collectively within 10 days, cross Taihu Lake, land in Wujiang County, and then head east."

"May I ask, my lord, what is the goal of the battle?"

"You are not allowed to attack county towns or prefecture towns along the way. You will only kill or injure the green battalion flood soldiers, patrolmen, and gentry servants guarding the courtyard. Finally, you will gain a foothold in the Jinshan Guards of Songjiang Prefecture. I will support you with the necessary firearms and swords."

"As ordered."


"Liu Wu, what do you think?"

"Miao Youlin is very respectful. When he heard the order to break camp, he didn't hesitate at all. He acted decisively and was a smart man."

"You personally take charge of their relocation across the lake and show a moderate show of force."

"As ordered."

For unruly heroes, Li Yu also has to use it.It is impossible for everyone to be loyal.

Just let Miao Youlin be in awe, fear, and not dare to disobey him.

Five days later, everyone in Qingfeng Village broke camp and abandoned the village.

They drove to the shore of Taihu Lake and attacked everywhere asking for money and food.

This made everyone avoid it, and there was no one inhabiting it within ten miles.

Subsequently, a large number of watercraft arrived.

Under the escort of 5 warships, 600 green forest heroes from Qingfeng Village boarded the ship.

Amidst the exclamations of "My mother, my God", I started crossing Taihu Lake.

Liu Wu was very satisfied with this reaction.
Ordered to sail into the traditional route of merchant ships, not surprisingly, they encountered two merchant ships that were "navigating without authorization."

"Intercept them and sink them."

Ten days ago, the Taihu Department officially issued a notice banning navigation on Taihu Lake!

Of course no one will comply with this crazy behavior.

Along the Taihu Lake area, there are Suzhou Prefecture, Changzhou Prefecture, Jiading Prefecture, and Huzhou Prefecture, all areas with highly developed commerce.

Most goods come and go via waterways.

The so-called official document from the Taihu Department requiring application for a navigation certificate was tacitly ignored by everyone.

The merchant ships have wisely avoided the routes around Xishan Island, but they just can't afford to offend Li Daguan.

Now, it is actually said that the entire Taihu Lake is subject to charges.

In the small Taihu Hall, Tongzhi, who is as big as sesame, wants to occupy Taihu Lake?


The merchant ship had too much cargo. Suddenly seeing a huge fleet, I knew the situation was not good.

He quickly turned the boat around and tried to escape.

The two lightly loaded warships caught up with them in just a cup of tea.

Approach from the side, when the two boats are level with each other.

Artillery volleys were fired, the lake surged, and merchant ships caught fire!

Miao Youlin stared blankly, dumbfounded.

After the warship turned around gracefully, another salvo fired from the other side.

The merchant ship's mast broke, its hull shattered, and it slowly sank into the water.

He murmured to himself: "The era of bows, arrows, swords and spears has passed. Today I know that there is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Qingfeng Village, which I am proud of, is a joke in the eyes of others."

Chang Jin, the second head of the family, silently grabbed his hand and comforted:
"You don't have to belittle yourself if you are in charge. Even though a tiger is brave, it can't defeat a field mouse."


Forbidden City,
Qianlong supported the Queen Mother for a walk in the Imperial Garden.

The sun is bright today and the wind is weak. It is a rare good weather in Beijing in early spring.

This mother and son have one thing in common: longevity!
Niu Hulu, now over eighty years old, is still in good spirits.

Chatting with her son, who is over sixty years old, about the trivial matters in the palace.

"Mother, my son wants you to move to the Old Summer Palace."

"Okay, the palace is crowded, and there are cold rooms everywhere. The Ai family is tired of living there."

There are many pavilions in the Royal Garden, so you can rest at any time.

Niu Hulu asked as if he suddenly remembered something:

"The Ai family heard that Fukangan is gone?"

Qianlong's face darkened and he nodded in acquiescence.

"The Fucha family is full of loyal people. The great scholar Fu Heng died of the miasma in the Qing Dynasty's expedition to Burma. Emperor, you must reward the Fucha family well."

"My son understands that he has asked the Ministry of Rites to draft a decree to posthumously confer Fu Kang'an as the county king. His younger brother Fu Chang'an, the Ministry of Personnel plans to appoint him as the prefect of Jiangning and the deputy commander of the Xiangbai Banner to assist in the administration of the Jiangning flag."

Niu Hulu's face suddenly became a little strange, and he hesitated to speak.

Even Qianlong noticed it, offered him tea and said with a smile:

"Empress Huang, just say whatever you want."

Niu Hulu sighed, he knew this son.

He seems to be lenient, but he is actually very vigilant.

No one is allowed to interfere with the imperial power, not even the Queen Mother herself!

Over the years, she has focused on enjoying herself.

He never cares about world affairs or court affairs, just because he doesn't want to create any rift between mother and son.

In the pavilion, Qianlong was also a little embarrassed.

Looking at my old mother with cloudy eyes, my heart softened.

He held the bark-like hands, patted them gently and said:

"Empress Huang, please speak, son, listen."

(End of this chapter)

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