Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 177 The gap between the Qing army in the border areas and the Qing army in the heartland pro

Chapter 177 The gap between the Qing army in the border areas and the Qing army in the heartland provinces is even greater than that between humans and dogs!
War horses are no ordinary horses.

The bloodline must be pure, and the horse farm must be lush with water and grass.

They have gone through multiple rounds of strict elimination during their growth process, and can adapt to the sounds of guns, gongs and drums on the battlefield.

If it were a folk draft horse or mule, he would immediately run wildly and kick his feet in fear.

The livestock shed on Xishan Island has a bunch of firecrackers in the morning and a bunch of firecrackers in the afternoon.

Before feeding fodder, drums and gongs are beaten.

It is to increase the "stress resistance" of large animals.

If it can't make a war horse, it can at least serve as a baggage horse.

The price is that the musketeers have donkey meat, mule meat, and horse meat in their rice bowls every day.

So many people are privately discussing whether the people who raise livestock may have some indescribable hobbies.


In short, the preparation of the cavalry made Li Yu, who was not wealthy, even worse.

Li's finances are now gradually transferred to Hu Ling'er.

As the daughter of a Shaoxing master, her dowry included an exquisite gold abacus!
Li Yu selected four adopted daughters from the boy camp to help her.

A special room was also set aside for accounting, and the cabinets around the walls were filled with thick account books.

Hu Ling'er, conscious of the heavy burden on her shoulders, fought hard for 10 days before she basically clarified the current situation.

Under the premise of maintaining the status quo, Li's monthly fixed expenditure is 20 taels, and non-fixed expenditures range from 3 to 6 taels.

That's a scary number.

The monthly income fluctuates between 4 taels and 7 taels.

Hu Ling'er, with two dark circles under her eyes, told Li Yu haggardly:
"Husband, you have a big problem with your financial balance. Once the war starts, you will be in a huge crisis."

"Dad said that the healthy operation of any group is based on sufficient financial resources. What we fight in wars are not good generals and strong soldiers, but a steady stream of money and food!"

Li Yu nodded. He admired Lao Taishan's vision.

"So, we need some new growth points so that we can collect taxes stably in the long term."

“Coal, terminals, and industrial parks are all good businesses, but there are too many people sharing the profits.”

"There is nothing we can do about it. As long as we don't break up with the Qing court, we have to pay the money on time. Use money to exchange for time, and use time to exchange for space."


Hu Ling'er thought for a while, raised her head and said:

"I suggest you start with the salt tax."

Li Yu nodded approvingly: "Madam, please elaborate."

"Jiangsu is bounded by the Yangtze River. The north of the Yangtze River is the Lianghuai Salt District, and the south of the Yangtze River is the Liangzhe Salt District. Now that the Lianghuai Salt Transport Envoy You Bashi has collapsed, and Jiangbei's private salt has disappeared, why don't we take the opportunity to capture Su, Song, and Chang Sanfu’s salt?”

"How to cut in? Official salt or private salt?"

"My suggestion is to use official salt. We control the Liangpu salt field in Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture. We produce and sell it ourselves, and we eat it all from the upstream to the downstream."

"How to deal with the salt transportation envoys from Zhejiang and Zhejiang?"

"Let the two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang impeach and criticize each other. Once the official relations are bad, we can do whatever we can. In our salt fields in Jiangsu, the people of Jiangsu have the final say. What does it matter to the people of Zhejiang?"

Li Yu smiled and said jokingly:

"I remember, madam, are you from Shaoxing Prefecture, Zhejiang Province?"

"I am originally from Huizhou, Anhui."

Hu Ling'er talks nonsense in a serious manner, quite like his father.

Li Yu could swear on Luo Shui that he didn't teach him this.

I can only say that we are not a family, we do not enter the same house, we speak as needed, we can make a 180-degree turn at any time, we are very flexible.

"This issue of place of origin is too complicated. Let's put aside the dispute, right? Let's talk about serious matters, such as how to win the Liangpu Saltworks, and how to make the official relationship between Jiangsu and Zhejiang incompatible."

"Husband, aren't you already doing it?"

"No, I want to hear what you have to say."

"The bandits from Zhejiang came to Jiangsu. Did they do it spontaneously or were they maliciously driven by the officers and soldiers? In this case, I feel that the governor of Zhejiang cannot explain it."

Hahaha, Li Yu smiled happily.

Immediately write a handwritten copy and give it to the newly appointed Suzhou Weaving, good brother Fucheng.

"Tell him, don't forget that weaving's duty is to monitor Jiangnan for the emperor."

"As ordered."

Fucheng naturally had no problem with it. Could his brother harm him?The Sword-inserting Sect was not popular in the Qing Dynasty.

So, a secret copy was quickly sent to the Forbidden City.



100 miles away, Wujiang County.

It was the sound of killing that shook the sky and the firing of guns and cannons.

Miao Youlin stood under a big flag and stood upright with his sword in hand.

At this moment, he thought of the saying "A real man should hold a three-foot sword and conquer the world."

This feeling of having military power in hand and controlling all living beings is great.

A man cannot be without power for a day!
The joy of power, even when 100 Xi Tzus come, is eclipsed.

The brothers under his command held up their shields and shouted as if they were attacking the city.

As soon as the officers and soldiers show their heads, the musketeers squatting will shoot them in time.

Those 100 brothers played a big role.

They are all old bandits who have fought thousands of miles and fought many battles with officers and soldiers from all walks of life.

The hand is steady and the gun is accurate.

Apart from being bulky, the matchlock guns provided by Li Yu had no faults, and their power and accuracy were ideal.

In the city, there is the county government office.

The magistrate knelt in front of the Buddha statue and prayed wildly with his eyes closed.

The price of making a wish has risen from 100 taels of incense to building a golden body for all the Bodhisattvas in the temple.

The sound of gunfire outside is more lively than the firecrackers on New Year's Eve.

Suddenly it became sparse, and then there was cheering like a mountain roaring and a tsunami!

The magistrate suddenly opened his eyes and trembled all over, could it be~
"My lord, my lord~"

A close confidant ran over and crawled over. Because he was in a hurry, he didn't say anything for a long time.

The magistrate screamed strangely, swallowed the arsenic that had been prepared, and couldn't stop crying.

The henchman was stunned, grabbed him, and shook him:
"Sir, reinforcements have arrived. Are you going to spit it out?"

Vomiting, the magistrate vomited like crazy.However, he felt that he still had a little arsenic in his stomach.

This is really an injustice.

At the critical moment, his wife came out of the back house.

There was also a rope in his hand. He was originally planning to hang himself, but now he didn't need it.

A roar of a Hedong lion:
"Go to the hut and get a spoonful."


The magistrate was forced to drink a spoonful of yellow soup, and he vomited crazily.

Fortunately, my life was saved.

With no time to change his clothes, he rushed to the city wall.

The scene outside made all the bones in his body feel lighter.

A green battalion of soldiers, flying the imperial flag, lined up neatly to kill the bandits.

A brave general went into battle shirtless, holding a big blade high, followed by dozens of soldiers who followed suit and rushed to the front of the entire formation.

The bandit was so shocked by his bravery that he didn't dare to fight and ran away like crazy.

The distance between the two sides became wider and wider, gradually turning from half a mile to three miles.

In the end, the officers and soldiers gave up the pursuit and retreated their troops, while the bandits disappeared into the horizon.

The magistrate looked a little regretful, but still happily ordered:

"Open the city gate and reward the reinforcements."

All the gentry in the city gathered together and lined up at the city gate to welcome him.

Hu Zhihuang wears official robes sideways, rides a war horse, and carries a broadsword. He is full of heroism.

The soldiers behind them were lined up neatly, with muskets on their shoulders.

Behind them, there was actually a large number of cavalry!
Only then did the gentry become excited. There were few cavalrymen in the south, but those who had them were elite.

As a result, Hu Zhihuang received extremely warm hospitality.

Reserve the table at the most upscale restaurant in the city.

I don’t know what night it is when I drink, but it’s very enjoyable.

When she woke up, she was still hugging a pair of sisters, who looked lovely.

Hu guerrillas refused to reject anyone who came, and mingled with the Wujiang gentry, and soon became familiar with them.

Many gentry also signed a letter to the prefect, requesting to keep this majestic guerrilla general who could kill enemies and drink wine.


Miao Youlin and Hu Zhihuang acted in a play.

After breaking away from contact, Miao Youlin's troops continued to move eastward, killing several flood soldiers at just the right time along the way.

He killed several gentry and confiscated their property.

The admiral of Jiangnan was killed in battle, Tibiao's entire army was wiped out, and the Qing court's military presence in Jiangnan was reduced to a minimum.

Liu Shihao, the commander-in-chief of Susong Town, defended Chongming and stopped attacking.

The reason is also very good. The navy under his command suffered a lot. It only had ships but no cannons.

All the artillery was lost on the bank of the Huangpu River!

Therefore, he was unable to eliminate them any more.The Governor of Liangjiang and General Jiangning also realized the military emptiness in Jiangnan, so they could only order Suzhou to delay taking up this responsibility.

However, the combat effectiveness of Suzhou Mancheng was ranked lower than the dozens of Mancheng in the Qing Dynasty.

The 20 most capable adult men of Sauron died on the banks of the Huangpu River.

The remaining women, children, and young people cannot bear the heavy burden.

As for the theoretically more than 500 adult bannermen, half of them are Beijing bannermen!

They are not good at fighting and can only fight together.

The garrison Eight Banners that came from other places were relatively better, especially those from Jingzhou and Qingzhou.

They are at least qualified cavalry, and they still retain some of the pride of their ancestors.

In Suzhou City, regular patrols are carried out.

Use force to deter potential hostile elements.


After the city guard camp left, things began to feel uneasy outside Suzhou.

Shantang Street is outside the city and is not subject to the restrictions of closing the city gates. It is relatively free, so it is open until late at night.

Restaurants, brothels, and theaters were very lively. After midnight, the guests began to leave one after another.

But recently, the guests have become anxious.

A group calling itself the "Stick Club" often follows these high-rollers.

Beating sap in a secluded and uninhabited place and looting property.

Occasionally, people were beaten seriously and thrown into the river.

The merchants banded together and invited government officials to patrol, but they were also dealt with by the arrogant "stick club" members.

After several confrontations, the government officials killed 3 people and injured 5 people. They gave up this job of making extra money in embarrassment!

The bustling Shantang Street became deserted.

That's not all. A bank was robbed in broad daylight.

A group of masked men, armed with sticks and sharp knives, robbed thousands of taels of silver. The bank's guardian was no match at all.

Many people witnessed all this and had the thought in their hearts that "the world is not stable anymore."

They submitted a complaint to the government office, but to no avail.

The government can only promise to send a flood force to temporarily station when the city garrison returns.

The wages are raised by the merchants themselves.

If you are still not satisfied, you can ask flag soldiers to come to calm things down!

This idea of ​​luring a wolf into the house is impossible for the merchants to accept. It is better to let the stick club rob the house if they ask the flag soldiers to move in.

The helpless merchants suddenly came up with a bold idea.

A few miles south is Xujiang Park.

Why not invite Li Daguan's Dongshan regiment to escort them.

It is said that the Dongshan regiment is very good at fighting and is stronger than the average Green Camp soldier.


So the merchants pooled together a sum of money and approached Zhao Erhu at Xujiang Wharf.

After some twists and turns, I finally got the answer.

Residency, three meals, and salary (2 taels per person) are provided.

The contract starts for half a year, and when it expires, both parties will consider whether to renew the contract.

The merchants on Shantang Street felt that this condition was not too harsh and readily agreed.

As a result, 30 people from Dongshan Tuanlian moved in immediately.

In just 5 days, he fought many times with various thieves and captured more than 10 heads, which were hung at the entrance of the street.

The business on Shantang Street is booming visibly.

When guests see Dongshan Tuanlian patrolling at fixed times, they no longer worry about safety.

Soon, merchants from other regions followed suit.

Li Yu took the initiative to pay the fee and asked to be stationed in Dongshan regiment training, and Li Yu agreed one by one.

In group training, we should protect the environment and the people, and maintain the tranquility of the countryside!
Businessmen are most afraid of losing order.

And he is the only one who can provide order.

Today, there are as many as 21 groups of robbers around the capital city of Suzhou.

Seven of them are inextricably linked to Li Yu, while the rest were formed spontaneously.

Su Shiba was embarrassed because the Stick Club was his ally.

He was so anxious that he almost packed his bags and wanted to run away.

But he was stopped by Fan Jing and had a long chat with him.

"A friendly fire, this is definitely a friendly fire."

"Lord Fan, I was ordered by my lord to contact some of my colleagues in the martial arts world to fight and kill outside the city. You said, this and this~"

"They are just some thieves, they don't care about death. Do you really regard them as brothers?"

Fan Jing was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to reveal the things about the lord's love for Su Qinglian.

"My lord, do you really love your adopted sister so much?"

"Ahem, my lord praised me in public. The snow is white but not greasy, and the powder is greasy but not shiny! Brother is more valuable than sister. In the future, we may have to rely on you for support, brother."

After saying that, Fan Jing felt himself blushing.

Looking at Su Shiba secretly, he felt a little embarrassed. This is some kind of tauren plot.


"My lord has also prepared some swords and shotguns for you privately. With weapons, you can naturally become the big brother. Also, those bannermen are very useless. Find an opportunity to tie up some meat tickets. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Fan."

Seeing Fan Jing's back strutting away, Su Shiba's expression became a little distorted.

He cursed bitterly: "Smelly cousin."

He decided to integrate a group of Jianghu forces as soon as possible to make it bigger and stronger.

Taking advantage of Li Yu's momentum, he developed his own team and went out independently to avoid being interviewed in person again.

People in Jiangnan are so perverted!

In Dongshan, a complex of buildings that looks like a "temple" rises from the ground, with 300 young bald students inside.

There was no sign, but everyone in the Li family knew that this was the "Infantry Sergeant School" appointed by his lord, and the students were the elites selected from each musketeer battalion.

The first lesson after they arrived was to shave their heads and change their clothes.

Dressed in gray shorts and with a shiny bald head, he really looks like a monk at first glance.

As for the lack of fragrant scars, externally it can be interpreted as that one has just become a monk and is not yet qualified to be ordained.

In the second class, Li Yu taught in person, first teaching all students the command sword.

"From today on, you must all change your identities and take on the role of commander."

"What I ask of you is to train the most cost-effective musketry infantry in the shortest time and at the smallest cost."

As he spoke, he picked up a charcoal pen and wrote three words on the board: cost-effectiveness.

And explained what is cost-effectiveness.

“Not the most elite, not the most expensive, but the most balanced in all aspects, with the smallest cost of time and money.”

300 students are all quite stupid.

However, out of reverence for their lord, they still listened to every word carefully.

"How to train a group of young men with no battlefield experience into capable musketeers?"

"You only need to achieve three points. The first point is to pay enough wages in a timely manner. The second point is military discipline and corporal punishment. The third point is desensitization on the battlefield."

Brush, Li Yu suddenly drew his sword and said loudly in an excited tone:

"Everyone, please follow me and become famous all over the world!"

Suddenly, the swords were like a forest.

"Long live, long live!"


There was an uprising in Jiangbei, and enemies were killed in the Huangpu River. In the end, there were only ten battle cases, and some battlefield conclusions were drawn.

First, artillery is very important. Its quantity and caliber have the advantage, and it can determine the outcome with one strike!
Second, musketeers can be used quickly to fight defensive battles in fortification trenches, but they cannot be used in field battles!
Third, it is feasible to rely on water transportation to carry out offensive warfare, contain the peripheral Qing forces, and reduce the pressure on the main force!

Fourth, the instant musketeers can fight against more than 2 times the green battalion soldiers (provided that the distance is kept and the artillery does not fall behind)!

Finally, there is one more thing,
The Qing army in the border areas and the Qing army in the heartland provinces may not be the same creature.

The difference is even greater than that between humans and dogs!
Many Zaoding who participated in the war mentioned one thing, and that was the terror of Sauron's cavalry and the governor's soldiers.

During the melee between the two sides, these people rained down arrows and struck with precision.

In a short period of time, an arrow pot was used up.

Those who were hit by arrows had horrific wounds and most died on the spot.

Then from the opened gap, he rushed into his own position and divided his own side into two sections.

If reinforcements had not appeared in time, the entire army would have been wiped out within half an hour!
Wu Simai was also a witness. He was almost killed by a plum blossom arrow.

I am still recovering from my injuries and feel depressed.

Because he boasts that he is skilled in bow and horse, good at riding and shooting, and is a warrior on the grassland!
As a result, Sauron's soldiers shot him down with an arrow.

This is still the result of wearing cotton armor. If there was no armor, I would probably have gone to see the Immortal Heaven by now!

Xishan Island,
When people familiar with him saw him wrapped in gauze, they would jokingly ask: "It seems that the Meng Eight Banners are not as good as the Man Eight Banners!"

He felt that this comment was a great shame and humiliation.

He swore to Taihu Lake that he would wash away his shame with the blood of the Eight Banners.


(End of this chapter)

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