Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 179: Bottoming out, landslides and earth shattering, sun and moon stained with blood

Chapter 179: Bottoming out, landslides and earth shattering, sun and moon stained with blood
Officialdom is the most particular about the order of hierarchy.

As the chief officer of this mansion, Magistrate Hu stepped forward quickly and said loudly:
"I donate 2300 taels and advance one year's salary! Colleagues, you must also understand the court's painstaking efforts."

Followed by Tongzhi, he raised four fingers:
"Xia Guan has served in Yangzhou for a long time and has some savings. He donated 4000 taels."

"The lower official has overstepped his bounds. I hope the government will respect Haihan."

Everyone present was in an uproar, knowing that this was a public slap in the Fu Zun's face.

The second brother donated more than the eldest brother!This is not in line with official rules.

However, Qian Feng doesn't care:
"You don't stick to the minutiae of officialdom, but you understand the big picture. That's great."

This sentence is equivalent to characterizing Tongzhi's actions. Not only does he not overstep his bounds, he also has a view of the overall situation.

Magistrate Hu's face suddenly turned dark, and he held a grudge in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the officials of the government donated one by one according to their rank.

Even the squad leader and cell leader have to donate!
Half an hour later, Qian Feng looked at the donation list and said:
"The imperial envoy has prepared dinner for you all. Please stay."

After that, he looked at Hailancha.


Hailancha immediately said loudly:
"If it's more than 1000 taels, go to the east courtyard. If it's less than 1000 taels, go to the west courtyard."

Everyone was stunned, not daring to ask any more questions, and consciously separated.

As soon as I took my seat, I heard the sound of a cannon.

A large group of soldiers rushed in with sharp blades in hand.

Suddenly a bunch of officials were frightened, shocked and angry, it was indeed the Hongmen Banquet!

Hailancha pressed the handle of the knife and said sternly:

"On the orders of the Imperial Envoy, officials who donate less than 1000 taels of silver will be executed immediately!"

The soldiers, who looked like tigers and wolves, immediately captured all the officials in the west courtyard, took off their crowns, and bent their knees with their scabbards.

Then, the steel knife was unsheathed!

Magistrate Hu was frightened and begged on his knees:

"Your Majesty the Imperial Envoy, I would like to ask a favor for them. Make up the difference double and spare their lives."

Everyone also followed suit and kept raising the donation figure.

Qian Feng took off his hat and straightened the red tassel on it.

He sighed and said:
"You all, working as errands in this prosperous Yangzhou Prefecture, have already become rich and fat!"

"Now that the imperial court is in trouble, you are not even willing to pay a mere 1000 taels? Ask yourselves, whose family is really in trouble?"

"If there is, stand up boldly and tell this imperial envoy. After I find out, I will kowtow to apologize to him and give him a promotion."

Silence, crying, pleading,
It’s just that no one dares to say: Qian Feng, I’m teasing your mother, I’m just a poor official, let alone 1000 taels, I can’t even get 100 taels!


Qian Feng sneered, turned and left, and Hai Lancha uttered one word: "Kill."

The steel knife was swung down, the head fell to the ground, and blood spattered on the spot.

The snow-white courtyard wall suddenly turned red.

Magistrate Hu was so frightened that he lost consciousness and was pulled away.

36 heads were chopped off on the spot.

The highest one among them is from the fifth rank.The lowest is the Yamen Secretary's Office, which has no rank.

Immediately, Qian Feng ordered the houses of these people to be ransacked, and the money obtained was used first for water transportation.

The effect is very good and puts an end to the excellent tradition of "drifting".

All the officials in Yangzhou Mansion were frightened and trembled when they heard Qian Feng's name!
In one breath, 230 million taels of cash were copied. Real estate and land were not counted. Even the mere prison boss copied 3 taels.

Qian Feng looked at the details of the confiscation and sneered again.

He was not surprised at all. As a stupid censor, he was straight but not stupid.

He knows the Qing Dynasty better than anyone else and understands the long-standing shortcomings in it.

If given the chance, he would even want to pull down half of the governors, to show the emperor how shameless they were, and to make the rest of the officials restrain themselves a little.

"Hai Dutong, what do you think?"


Hailancha shook his head. He suddenly remembered a tribesman who was over 80 years old and was still serving in front of the Yili Army.

When the Sauron people go on an expedition, their war horses, bows and arrows, and armor must be purchased from the imperial court at the original price.

Or it could be paid on credit first and then deducted from military merit rewards after the war.

The reward given to Sauron by the Ministry of War is 5 taels for one head.

In other words, if all the heads of everyone in Yangzhou City were chopped off and counted as military merit, they would not be able to exchange for the wealth of these 30 people.

Qian Feng sighed and said:
"If the civil servants of the Qing Dynasty did not love money and the military officers were not afraid of death, what kind of prosperity would it be? What kind of civilized and martial arts? The emperors of Qin, Han, Wu, Tang and Song would all be eclipsed in front of Emperor Qianlong."

"It's a pity~"

Hailancha was silent. He instinctively felt that he should not express any opinions on this kind of issue.

The emperor's kindness to me is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea. I don't want to think about anything else in this life, so work hard to pay it back.

Tigers eat wild dogs, and wild dogs eat rabbits. Who can change that?


With enough money, Qian Feng can finally show off his talents.

According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, digging rivers was a form of corvee work and there was no money to be paid.

Today, this rule has changed.

On the Yizheng Canal embankment, rows of silver boxes were opened, and Qian Feng stood at the top like a warrior.

He used his loudest voice for everyone present to hear.

"Fellows, starting from today, you will get 5 copper coins for every basket of earth dug. You can work together as a village or clan unit to dig rivers and receive coins. The settlement will be made on the spot before work every day."

"I know that you are working hard to dig the river, but if the canal is not dredged for a day, water transportation will not be able to pass for a day, the capital will have no food to eat, and the court will have no peace for a day."

"Folks, please!"

Qian Feng unexpectedly knelt down.

Just kneeling upright in the muddy water, it was shocking.

The people also knelt down and choked with sobs.

Immediately, the progress of the project accelerated visibly.

Qian Feng looked at the hot labor scene and was filled with emotion. He understood and sympathized with the people of the Qing Dynasty.

People are actually very easily satisfied!
It's a pity that there are always people who keep pushing their bottom line down. They are not satisfied even when their bottom line is as low as dust, and they continue to suppress them.

Until it bottoms out, mountains collapse and the ground cracks, and the sun and moon are stained with blood.

His greatest hope is that the court can cherish the people's strength and implement more benevolent policies.

Your Majesty, please don't make any more southern tours. One trip will cost tens of millions of taels, which is a waste of money.

Not far away, Mr. Hu stood on the embankment, shaking his head.

He was a little worried that Qian Feng, a fool like him, could really dig the canal.

He said to himself: "Money can make a fool of himself. Once the money is in place, the Yangtze River can even be cut off for you. A good son-in-law, it's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen. This decision depends on God."


In Yangzhou City, Jiang Chun's mansion.

He dismissed all the servants and read the newspaper alone.

Di Bao is not a rare thing.

There were no secrets in the Qing Dynasty, everything could be weighed.

There is a thick stack of newspapers on the table, from Jiangning Prefecture, Yangzhou Prefecture, Suzhou Prefecture, and the Green Camp System.

Within this year, all the Di newspapers about Jiangnan are here.

As time passed by, he kept flipping through it with his left hand and recording important information with his right hand.

Suddenly, he froze.

In disbelief, he read through it again before leaning back in his chair.

He discovered a pattern, everything revolves around a center, Taihu Lake!

"Conspiracy, there is a big conspiracy in this." He murmured to himself.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Master, can the slave family come in?"

He took a book, covered it with paper, and then said, "Come in."

Before anyone arrives, the elegant fragrance arrives first!
The visitor is Yun Niang, the pillar of the opera troupe in the mansion.

"Try the tea you just made, sir."

Jiang Chun took a sip and said with a smile: "It tastes good. What can I do?"

Yun Niang replied: "The slave family wants to find a way to survive for a child from the same village. The family suffered a disaster and wants to find a job in Yangzhou City."

"Go to the garden outside the city and learn some carpentry skills."

"Thank you sir."

Yun Niang stood up and glanced at the paper covered with books on the table.

He smiled and left.


Jiang Chun tapped the table thoughtfully without saying a word.

Collected all the newspapers and put them in the cabinet.

He then moved closer to the candle and destroyed the paper he had written on. In the dancing flames, he seemed to see the endless flames of war.

A poem flashed in my mind: Yuyang's flying dragon came to the ground, shocking the song of colorful clothes and feathers.


"Master, what are your orders?"

"Have there been any new people in the house recently?"

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Except for the guards and bodyguards, all the new servants who have arrived in the past year have been sent to work in the garden outside the city."

"Master, what happened?" "Presumptuous."

Jiang Chun rarely slapped the table and his expression changed drastically.

He growled in a low voice: "This house's surname is Jiang. I don't need to explain to you what I want to do."

The housekeeper was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and slapped his mouth.

Jiang Chun's expression returned to normal and he waved his hand:
"I'm in a bad mood today. It's none of your business. Please step back."

"Thank you sir."

The housekeeper was relieved and hurried away.

"Wait a minute. The young master is going to Jinan Mansion. Please help him prepare."



After leaving the study, the housekeeper wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, but happened to meet Yun Niang holding a flower gun and wearing a costume.

He quickly lowered his head, not one of the beautiful women in the house could be offended.

You never know which day you will become your aunt.

"Hey, Butler Wang, why are you sweating profusely? Did you get scolded by the master?"

The housekeeper hurriedly accompanied him and carefully answered:

"The master was in a bad mood today. He suddenly got angry and asked me to clear out the rest of the house."

"Hey, the slave family can be regarded as just a bunch of idlers."

"Young lady, you are humble. You are a well-known figure in Yangzhou City, a popular person in the eyes of the master."

"Does the housekeeper know why the master is upset?"

"Now, I don't dare to ask."

The two of them had a small talk, the speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional.

Three days later, the young master of Jiang Mansion, who looked unhappy, left Yangzhou City under the escort of a large number of servants.

The public opinion is that they go to Jinan Prefecture to get married.

It is reasonable and reasonable to offer incense to deceased grandpa and grandma.

Although the Qingming Festival has not yet arrived, the Qing Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and it seemed impeccable to do so.

The maternal relatives in Jinan Prefecture will also warmly entertain the young master.

This is the little God of Wealth!
Along the way, the housekeeper also served him carefully and even brought his son with him.

Jiangfu is famous as the most virtuous family in Yangzhou City.

A boss who pays well and treats his subordinates well is simply a "light in the workplace."

Not to mention that the master just scolded him a few times, even if he beat himself up, the housekeeper would not dare to feel resentful.

A salary of 500 taels a year, plus generous extra money that cannot be described in detail.

And everyone in Yangzhou City respectfully calls me "Master" when they see him, full of professional pride, even if he is a magistrate of a poor province!
Just like a certain joke from later generations:
The monthly salary is 1000. Boss, I am your father.

The monthly salary is 8000, and the boss has a mental problem, but I only talk about it behind his back.

The monthly salary is 20000, boss, just do whatever you say. I have no objection and I will do it.

The monthly salary is 50000. Whatever the boss says is right. The company is my family. Our company cannot be famous all over the world. Everyone is responsible.

With a monthly salary of 10, my boss’s success is the direction I strive for.Whoever says something bad about my father (boss), I will definitely hit him with a brick.

As workers, your moral values ​​are very simple!

In Yangzhou City, Jiang Chun has been traveling frequently recently, interacting and chatting with people from all walks of life.

One day, he suddenly remembered something. The 40 taels of silver notes that Wang Shenxian took away all came from the Rishengchang Bank.

So I paid a visit in person.

Shopkeeper Fan received him warmly and stayed to have a meal.During the chat, we talked about the 40 taels.

"According to my impression, someone withdrew 20 taels of cash last month."

"Where's the semicolon?"

"Suzhou Branch." Shopkeeper Fan whispered, "According to the rules of the ticket number, I have violated the rules. It is related to customer privacy and should not be discussed."

"I'm sorry, I'll punish myself with a drink." Jiang Chun responded calmly.

The so-called business rules also depend on the person. When it comes to a God of Wealth like Jiang Chun, he knows how to be flexible.

In the Qing Dynasty, flexible people had opportunities.

After leaving Rishengchang Bank, Jiang Chun sat in the carriage and closed his eyes in deep thought.

Strange things have happened one after another recently. If you look at it from an outsider's perspective, you can indeed find many problems.

The sudden downfall of You Bashi, the Lianghuai salt transport envoy, was very unexpected.

Someone robbed the prison car, which was even more unexpected.

There were a lot of discussions in Yangzhou City. There were rumors that Mr. You secretly kept dead soldiers and fought with trapped beasts, but Jiang Chun didn't believe it at all!
The carriage swayed toward the outside of the city.

For some reason, he suddenly wanted to see the properties outside the city and go to the canal.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped.

"What's going on?" He opened the curtain displeasedly and saw two strong men wearing bamboo hats standing in the middle of the road, saying nothing.

Four guards from the Jiang Mansion immediately drew their swords and stood in front of him.

The coachman also took out a small and exquisite crossbow from the carriage, and expertly cocked it~
A man in a hat slowly took out a waist badge from his arms and threw it over.

Indicate that they are not robbers and have no malicious intent.

"General Merchant Jiang, an old friend from the capital is here to visit."

Jiang Chun took the badge from the guard, and his heart shook violently when he saw it.

Then he put away his badge and said:
"Two friends, please get in the car and talk about old times." "


Hundreds of miles away in Suzhou Mansion, Li Yu had a frosty look on his face.

Wang Shenxian sat in front of him awkwardly: "Master Li, I tried my best. Those Shanxi old men are nothing."

"They explicitly refused to cooperate?"

"Yes, it is said that frying raw silk is too risky. If you are not careful, everything will be lost."

"Really? Why don't I believe it?"

Wang Shenxian persuaded softly:

"Forget it, there are big bosses behind these old scoundrels. It is said that several princes and military ministers in the capital have stakes."

Li Yucha changed the topic and took out a piece of jade.

"do you know it?"

"Jade, the quality is okay, it's from Burma, what's wrong?"

"Is this thing worth anything in the capital?"

"It's valuable. But the market is too small and there are few people who know the goods."

Li Yu smiled and pulled him aside to mutter for a while.

His little eyes were wide open:

"You want to speculate on this? Have you already thought about it?"

"As expected of a god."

After a long while, Wang Shenxian sighed: "Master Li, I have convinced you. Seriously, I will take you to Beijing another day."


"Greetings, Mr. He, find a rock to back you up."

Li Yu said nothing and just smiled.

Since the Shanxi old man in the bank account can't get into the water, he should get into the water first.

When you get high, those old guys will rush to jump into the water.

This dripping ball started spinning, mixing silver and blood together!

A story began to spread in Suzhou City, Jiangning City, Hangzhou City, and Songjiang City.

The Queen Mother's 90th birthday is just a few years away.

The emperor must fulfill his filial piety and is determined to build an emerald jade tower!
What is a jade building? It is naturally a tall building made entirely of jade.

This legend is somewhat absurd because it is unheard of.

However, it is not a secret that Qianlong built Baoyun Pavilion in Wanshou Mountain for his mother.

Baoyun Pavilion is a building made of pure copper!

The Qing Dynasty was short of copper, so this was quite a luxury. How much money was spent is a mystery.

With the Bronze Tower in front, the Jade Tower is less obtrusive.

The public will only marvel at it and envy it endlessly.

In these cities, one or two jade shops have also quietly opened, buying uncarved jade at high prices!

The location of the shop is very good and the price is very attractive.

However, few people have jade.

Moreover, the shop will not accept processed jade.

These are all Li Yu's handiwork, so let's pave the way first.

It wasn't until two months later that Yunnan caravan businessman Huang Sheng returned from the border and brought a large amount of jade that the business was on track.

During this period, two major events occurred in Jiangnan.


The first thing is that the official circles of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces started a war of words and impeached each other!
The official feud between the two provinces began when Qingfeng Village rebelled against the bandits.

Under the leadership of Miao Youlin, Qingfeng Village successively besieged Wujiang County, attacking 3 flood soldiers, 2 patrols, and 4 gentry families, and finally fled to Jinshan County, Songjiang Prefecture.

Officials from Suzhou and Songjiang prefectures defined the troubling bandits as a sign that Zhejiang was begging its neighbors and was not able to suppress the bandits, so they drove the bandits to Jiangsu!

The new governor of Zhejiang, Wang Danwang.

I just arrived in Hangzhou, and before I could taste the purity of the silver here or the silver from Gansu, I encountered such a trouble.

After a few moments of questioning, he decided to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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