Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 181 I have the advantage of wearing a bald military uniform

Chapter 181 I have the advantage of wearing a bald military uniform
Li Yu also heard about this when he was entertaining guests at Deyuelou in Fucheng. He couldn't laugh or cry.

It can only be said that the most absurd literary works cannot reflect the absurdity of real society.

This world may not be real!

However, now that the Manchu-Han relationship in Suzhou City has evolved to version 2.0, some things can change accordingly.

The more courage you have, the more steps you take~
For example, Liangpu Saltworks.

Although it is located in Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture, the jurisdiction belongs to the Liangzhe Salt Transportation Department!

Miao Youlin's subordinates deliberately killed people in the salt field and set fire to the houses in the salt field.

Taking advantage of the mess, Li Yu sent people to occupy it.

Then, continue to boil and dry the salt.

The 200 cooks who survived in Jiangbei have transformed and returned to their old businesses.

They were all experts, and the saltworks resumed production without any delay.

Iron pots, coal, and metal tools have greatly improved production efficiency.

A section of the Li family army, under the banner of the official army and wearing the green camp uniform, stationed at the salt field.

In order to block all interference as much as possible, become an island.

The Li Jiajun left only two roads and dug the rest of the tidal flats where people could walk into salt pans and filled them with seawater.

On both sides of the main road, multiple blockhouses were built and the flags of the Zhejiang and Zhejiang Salt Transportation Departments were planted.

When necessary, the salt field can be defended by force.


The Huating County government office was confused and came to inquire but was rejected.

The reason is very good. The salt farm and the local government are on two separate tracks, and you have no control over us.

Half a month later, a merchant from Hangzhou came to buy finished salt and was shocked when he saw it.

After revealing his identity, he was detained and sent to work as a coolie.

Since then, Liangpu Saltworks has cut off all contact with Hangzhou.

It was not until a month later that the two Zhejiang salt transport envoys, who felt something was wrong, appointed a new salt ambassador and came to take over the salt field with his handwritten letters and official documents from the yamen.

Salt Class Ambassadors, the eighth grade, are located in each salt field.There is only one person in each place, who is in charge of the salt farm's political orders and also controls the salt.

The salt class ambassador also heard about the rampant thieves, so he spent a lot of money to hire a dozen Jianghu bodyguards as his followers.

I was on tenterhooks along the way, fearing that a happy event would turn into a funeral.

The escort had rich experience in rivers and lakes and advised him not to take the high road. He trekked over 10 miles of rugged tidal flats and walked through the salt pans into the hinterland of the salt field.

Everyone was dumbfounded,

A row of oversized iron pots was boiling, with flames blazing below.

Looking around, there are hard-working salt workers in every salt field.

Use a long pole tool to push the crystalline salt grains together and flatten them.

The sunshine has been good recently, and drying salt can save a lot of fuel.

The salt class ambassador was surprised and doubtful:

"I am the new Ambassador of Liangpu Salt Course. Who are you? Who sent you here?"

The saltmen said with a smile in Jiangbei dialect:

"We are members of the imperial court. What kind of bird are you? How dare you scream in front of the master? Oh, I understand, you are here to steal salt!"

"You are in trouble, and you are in big trouble."

As he spoke, he took out a horn from behind and started blowing it.

The salt men and kitchen men scattered around took out their swords from the field ridge and gathered around.

He was still in great shock and was picked up by the alert escorts and ran away.

"I am the salt ambassador appointed by the imperial court. Why should I run away?"

"Sir, don't be stupid. If you don't run away, we will all be buried in the salt fields. Those people are not easy to mess with. Go to Songjiang Mansion and report to the official."

"I am the official!"

"This is the border of Jiangsu. We are the salt officials of Zhejiang. It's hard to talk. A good man won't suffer the immediate loss, so run away."

The escorts travel all year round and have rich experience.

Not daring to leave the original tidal flat, they simply rushed onto the road and fled.

Generally speaking, as a bodyguard profession, you can do anything without using force.

Because there will be casualties when using force, and casualties need to be compensated, which is not cost-effective.Try your best to convince people with your virtue, no, it's to make friends and buy your way.

Relying on their good martial arts skills and having weapons in their hands, they felt that it would be easier to escape by taking the high road.

If we go back to the old path, there will most likely be a firefight.

As an escort, this thinking is correct!


Everyone fled frantically until they saw a strange-looking government office (gun tower). The soldier Ding Yuexun on guard had his uniform written "Soldier" on his front uniform.

The flags of the two Zhejiang Salt Transportation Departments are flying high.

Ambassador Salt Class finally breathed a sigh of relief, officers and soldiers, one of our own!
He walked forward leisurely and took out his badge from his arms:
"I am the newly appointed salt ambassador of the Liangzhe Salt Transportation Department. The Liangpu Salt Field has been occupied by a group of thieves who want to kill me and silence me. It's great to see you. By the way, who is the leader?"

A young commander walked out of the turret, his eyes were complicated, and he asked coldly:
"How do you prove your identity? Do you have an official seal?"

"Yes, yes. Official seals and official documents are guaranteed to be genuine~"

The young general manager took the official seal and documents, took a few steps back, threw them on the ground, and suddenly changed his face:

"Pretending to be an official of the imperial court is very courageous."


From the top of the turret, a row of guns fired.

The bodyguard who was caught off guard suffered many casualties and was stunned. He threw away his sword and knelt down to surrender.

If the people do not fight with the officials, how can the bodyguards dare to use force against them?
However, this group of officers and soldiers were very cruel. They pulled the person to the salt field nearby and ordered him to kneel down.

Shot from behind, they were all killed.

The body was dug in a pit and buried, but in the end it was Yantian that took all the responsibility.

The young general manager looked at the official seal repeatedly. It was exquisitely made and seemed to be genuine.

"Tell the Lord about this thing and what happened here."

"As ordered."


Li Yu feels that the present is a precious window of time.

Jiangnan is a bit chaotic, but not completely chaotic.

Jingxiang is about to be in chaos.

The so-called chaos or not needs to be compared. When compared with the White Lotus Sect, the government will definitely feel that he is a good-looking person with a slight defect in loyalty.

In the Xishan Island conference room, all the backbones gathered together. Even Du Ren and Liu Akun rushed back from Changxing Coal Mine.

Sit on the high-backed chairs on either side of the long table covered with blue silk.

On the left are civil servants, and on the right are military attachés. They look straight and sit upright, all in military uniform.

The grass-roots team finally feels like a regular army!
Li Yu was sitting at the top of the long table, the most "commissioned" seat.

Today is different from usual, he showed up in military uniform.

As a lord, the military uniform should naturally be more luxurious to show the difference.

Gold thread is used in many places, which makes it sparkle.

The material is also made of high-quality wool, which is straight and high-quality. There is also a long sword hanging on the armor belt.

He looked around at these subordinates,
The first one on the left is Du Ren, then Fan Jing, gun factory Lao Zhang and his son, iron factory Lao Chen, shipyard Lao Kuai, Jia Xiaozhen, and Zhao Erhu.

The first one on the right is Lin Huaisheng, followed by Liu Wu, Hu Zhihuang, Liu Qian, Huang Si, Li Xiaowu, Li Dahu, Li Ergou, Wu Simai, and Liu Akun.

There were 8 civil servants, and the ten high-backed chairs were not full.

There were 10 military attachés, so the seats were just full.

Li Yu clapped his hands and said towards the door: "Come in."

Hu Ling'er, Yang Yunjiao, and Wei Xiu filed in, but they didn't sit on the long table.

Instead, three high-backed chairs were placed against the wall to his left.

This arrangement has profound meaning.

The three of them are not only shareholders in the rebel cause, but also their own women.

After careful consideration, we decided to set an example and attend the meeting.

Everyone noticed that Yang Yunjiao and Wei Xiu were also wearing military uniforms, which was very unusual.

Li Yu seemed to have guessed the thoughts of these subordinates, and said with a smile:

"As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken; if you marry a dog, follow the dog. If you marry me, Li, you will naturally rebel together."

Everyone laughed, and then the laughter became louder.

Because, they were shocked to find that the lord had become bald.

They discovered it when Li Yu took off his military cap.


"Everyone, please don't worry. Let's leave this braid for a few days for convenience." "Master, we have nothing to do with father and son. We can shave our heads first." The old man opened his mouth. This old man was very good at talking.

Li Yu nodded, acquiescing.

"Today, it is not easy to gather you all together."

"I want to tell everyone that our career has entered a new stage. Jiangnan is on the verge of collapse. As long as I want, I can win the four prefectures of Su, Song, Chang, and Hu."

"Jiangnan is great, a land of plenty, with plenty of money and food, and a dense population. Jiangnan is not great either. It's flat, and the cavalry can run freely. It can be penetrated in a day and a night. There is no strategic depth, no distinction between the rear and the front. It is a pure place for the four battles." !what to do?"

Du Ren answered: "My subordinates believe that we can rely on the river to artificially build a line of defense to envelop the hinterland."

Li Yu waved his hand: "Aren, your idea is good, but the price is too high. Our cement must be used on the cutting edge."

Lin Huaisheng suddenly spoke: "Then we will take the initiative to attack and defeat the surrounding Qing troops before the Qing government takes action."

Liu Wu nodded: "My subordinates second the proposal. The navy can cooperate with the action."

Li Yu left his chair and walked to the map:

"In the field battle, cripple the Eight Banners stationed in Hangzhou and Jiangning, as well as the Supervisory Green Battalion in the two provinces. Then mobilize the manpower and material resources in Jiangnan to build a defense line."

"Fan Jing and Liu Qian, please work hard and prepare the design drawings of the defense line in advance. The construction will be carried out according to the drawings."

"This line of defense is expensive and takes a long time. It will be repaired slowly in several phases according to its importance."

Fan Jing stood up and asked:

"Is the defense line envisioned by my lord something like the Great Wall?"

"No, no. The defense line I want is three-dimensional and makes clever use of the river terrain. For example, if we cannot capture the city of Hangzhou for a while, then we can choose a place in the Hangzhou-Jiahu Plain to build a defense line based on the Grand Canal and build a low-rise building. The wall blocked the easy-to-travel official road, and the forts and gun towers echoed each other, all built on the path that the Qing army must pass. In addition, a few gunboats cruised on the river."


"You may not know that cement buildings are much stronger than imagined and extremely difficult to chew. I will let the Qing army relive the nightmare of the Battle of Jinchuan."


Xishan Island has undergone many experiments.

Within a distance of 1 mile, if the 12-pounder cannon hits three times directly, the turret will be seriously damaged.

More than 5 times, the turret is likely to collapse.

Trenches were dug around them and horses were built. Two more single turrets were built around the main turret, and traffic trenches were dug between them so that personnel could travel safely.

A low wall was built around the turret.

The defenders squatted behind the low wall with spears in hand to resist the incoming enemy troops and gain reloading space for the muskets in the turret.

Such artillery towers can make the Qing army doubt their lives.

Li Yu turned around and told Lin Huaisheng:
"Have you figured out the Huihang Ancient Road?"

"My subordinates have sent people to explore. As long as there are enough building materials, the ancient road can be blocked at any time."

Huihang Ancient Road, as the name suggests.

It is the only shortcut from Ningguo Prefecture in Anhui Province to Hangzhou Prefecture. It is very important for business travelers.

The ancestors of my father-in-law, Master Hu, followed this path.

According to him, the Huihang Ancient Road can only be walked on the shoulders of people, but pack horses and mules are also feasible.

But big cars can't pass.

Because the road has ups and downs and twists and turns.

In the Hangjiahu Plain, Li Jiajun must capture it.

Once the city of Hangzhou is captured, you have to be careful of the Qing army stabbing you in the waist from the Huihang Ancient Road.

According to Li Yu's estimation, the Qing army had two routes to deal with him.

One is the Huihang Ancient Road, and the other is the Jiangning Prefecture-Jingkou-Changzhou Prefecture-Suzhou Prefecture route.


The second route has no tricks.

It's all plains, it's all roads.

The only thing that can be done is for both sides to set up their formations and fight openly and openly.

Li Yu predicted that this would be the first large-scale war for the Li family army.

After winning the battle, Jiangnan's surname was Li.

If we lose, we can only retreat and defend Suzhou City!

Liu Qian suddenly spoke, interrupting Li Yu's contemplation:
"Lord, the three battalions of the Jingkou Mengba Banner passed through Jiangyin County yesterday, and I am afraid that Changshu County has also passed by this time."

"They are all cavalry. It seems they are marching cautiously."

"Yes, they are obviously confused and fearful. Their destination is Jinshan County, Songjiang Prefecture."

"It doesn't matter, if a battalion can't defend the city, the Eight Banners at Jingkou can't take it down."

Li Yu was ready to let the bullet fly for a while.

Without the smoke of gunfire everywhere, how could we openly expand and train our troops?

Zhu Gui and Huang Wenyun beat themselves from time to time.

It is necessary that the Dongshan group training can maintain local stability, but cannot cross the line.

"Liu Qian, go and mess with Su Shiba, let him play the role of Gansu Swordsman, do justice for heaven, and become bigger and stronger as soon as possible. Jia Xiaozhen, you can also mess with Su Shiba and get rid of the grievances between Su Shiba and Zhejiang Governor Wang Danwang. Everyone knows what’s going on, so it’s just a warning.”

"If we don't cause trouble for these officials, they will come to cause trouble for us. We will make them miserable."


"Director Kuai, you have to be prepared. After the Eight Banners at Jingkou are wiped out by the Jinshan Guards, you will lead people to garrison the seaport and build ships and seagoing ships on the spot."

"Don't worry, my lord."

"Zhao Erhu, select 500 people from the dock coolies and incorporate them into the park security first to conduct queue discipline training."

"As ordered."

"Fan Jing, go find your father-in-law to come forward and purchase large quantities of steel, wood, saltpeter, sulfur, and leather in his name. There is no need to be secretive."

"How much to buy?"

"Li Yu is rebelling. The more the better. Tell him that I still have two empty chairs in this conference room. One is for my father-in-law, and there is another one to see if he wants to sit down."

Fan Jing solemnly held his hands in his hands: "I obey."

He breathed a sigh of relief, it was difficult to be caught in the middle.

This is good, as long as Fan shows enough loyalty, there will be no danger of death or annihilation in the future.

Finally, I have an explanation to my wife.

Li Yu saw it and had already guessed it.

Marriage is like this, no matter how much you guard against each other's schemes, it will break the bones and connect the tendons.

As long as Fan contributes his loyalty, he can be lenient!
Yang Yunjiao, who had been silent in the corner, suddenly stood up, saluted and said:
"I have something to say."


"When will the White Lotus Sect raise its troops?"


Li Yu was stunned and lost his mind.

His expression changed, and when he raised his head, he realized a huge hidden danger.

I am making great progress and acting more and more like a rebel!
Bah, what does it mean to be like, it is a rebel.

All of this was based on a single judgment, and the White Lotus Church came into being and swept across the heart of the empire.

The Qing Dynasty was like a dark room, where any light would arouse vigilance in the darkness.

All kinds of wild beasts will pounce and extinguish the light.

The White Lotus Sect's uprising is as dazzling as a bonfire, covering up the weak light it emits.

If this bonfire is not lit for a long time, everyone will see their own light!
Looking at Yang Yunjiao again, she nodded.

Obviously, she knew the reminder was on point.

Hu Ling'er on the side also frowned. With her intelligence, she was able to figure it out.

Wei Xiu, on the other hand, was still a little confused.

Looking at the crowd, most of them have come to their senses.

Li Yu calmed down and comforted everyone:
"It doesn't matter, no matter how careful the plan is, there will always be flaws. Everyone, let the meeting go and go back and take care of your own affairs."

"As long as a person lives, he must strive for a wife and a son to leave his name in history."

"Long live my lord."

Li Yu watched everyone leave, leaving Liu Qian behind.

He immediately whispered: "Master, let me find out Pan Saiyun's background first? Then I go to Hubei in person."

"No, you take people to Hubei now."

"Please give me specific instructions, my lord."

"If Bai Lian rebels, please notify me as quickly as possible and bring the carrier pigeon with you. If necessary, you can help them."

"As ordered."

Li Yu sat in the conference room and thought for a while, then called Li Xiaowu.

"Take someone to Wangting Town and pick up Pan Saiyun."

"If she dares to shirk the blame, kill her on the spot and then launder the Qian Mansion with blood."

(End of this chapter)

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