Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 187 Qianlong was shocked: There are experts in the White Lotus Sect.

Chapter 187 Qianlong was shocked: There are experts in the White Lotus Sect.
At the corner of the street, Akqi felt relieved and turned around to leave.

He and his companions explained:
"We who work as hawks and dogs, we have to look at the details."

"Beggars lack food and clothing. If they can lie down, they should try not to sit. They should bask in the sun as much as possible. They will never run around. That will only make them die faster."

"They have long been accustomed to the warmth and coldness of the human world, so their emotions are stable and numb."

"When the little beggar was eating steamed buns, he put his left hand in front of the moon to catch the fallen food crumbs."

"When people are so hungry, they don't even need to chew the food. As soon as it's put into their mouths, it rolls into their stomachs."

"To sum up, this is a pure little beggar, and there is no suspicion of wearing makeup to spy."

The companion thought about it for a moment and said sincerely:

"The way an adult sees people is extraordinary."


Li Ergou turned into a ruined temple and finally saw his own people.

He threw the broken bowl and cursed angrily:
"Cao, daddy was scared to death. I met a monster today while riding a horse."

"What kind of monster? Let's go and fuck him." Several teenagers took out daggers and fire guns from under the straw.

Li Ergou waved his hand:

"Forget it, this monster is smarter than a dog's nose. I just glanced at him from a distance and almost got exposed."

"Let's go back and report to my adoptive father."

Several teenagers are still aggrieved. Since they bid farewell to the Beggar Clan and joined Master Li, their tempers have become increasingly sharp.

Today's grievance is really intolerable.

After Li Yu heard about it, his eyes lit up.

He realized that this was a tough encounter, it was interesting, and the target was directed at him.

The city guard camp is about to be replaced.

Hu Zhihuang was promoted to deputy general by the Ministry of War, and was ready to take over the newly formed Jiangnan Bidding Chinese Army.

None of the soldiers guarding the city moved.

This is Zhu Gui's handwriting, and its meaning is self-evident.

Old man Zhu had doubts and was wary of himself and Huang Wenyun.

The chief officer of the city guard camp was replaced by Wang Lian, a Guizhou Green Camp guerrilla who could not be beaten with eight poles.

Wang Lian was originally a small Guizhou Green Camp soldier.

In the battle to conquer Burma, he was the first to enter the Burmese Laoguan village as a rattan soldier.

His bravery left a deep impression on everyone.

Qianlong was so pleased that he promoted him to the third rank of guerrilla general, creating the myth of the green camp soldier's promotion.


When Zhu Gui wanted someone, the Ministry of War did not stop him and directly followed the procedure and issued an inter-provincial transfer order.

Because the Minister of War also vaguely realized that there was a problem in Jiangnan, and the Heilongjiang cavalry entered the customs to prepare for Jiangnan.

The 2000 Heilongjiang horse team entered the country after a long journey.

In Tongzhou, he accepted the emperor's reward and rested for three days before continuing south.

No one dared to ask unless the emperor said anything.

But even if it is a secret transfer, food and grass cannot be kept secret.

The order received by the Ministry of War was to work with Xuzhou Prefecture to prepare 2000 pounds of white rice, 100 pigs, 8000 pounds of fodder, 800 pounds of black beans, 200 pounds of refined salt, and 500 pounds of eggs.

Obviously, this is prepared for the Heilongjiang Horse Team.

Therefore, secret mobilization is only relative, and many people still know the movements of the army.

He Shen, the rising star of the empire and the popular figure in front of the emperor, felt confused.

Because he was afraid that he would be implicated, he sent a secret message to Wang Shenxian in Jiangnan.

Remind him to pay attention to timely cutting and not to be dragged into the water.

Once there is trouble in the south of the Yangtze River, many officials, gentry and subordinates will be punished regardless of whether the war is won or lost.

Wang Shenxian put on gloves to clean the table for himself in Jiangnan, so he was easily involved.

It doesn't matter if you kill the Immortal Wang. It would be bad if someone makes a fuss about this and attacks you.

You have to guard against those routines in official circles!

These grandsons from the Metropolitan Procuratorate either discuss trivial matters every day, or they just stab people in the waist.

On this day, Qianlong was shocked!Li Yu was shocked!
Qianlong was shocked because after receiving the 800-mile expedited order, Hubei Bailian rebelled!
They robbed the province's grain supply and captured Yunyang Mansion.

The slogan is even more shocking: Enter the white lotus, eat white rice, worship Maitreya, and sit in the world.

In just 12 words, it is easy to understand, directly touching people's hearts, and very tempting.

Agui, the Minister of Military Aircraft Department, only took one look and concluded that this was a serious problem.

There are experts in the White Lotus Sect.

The border between Hubei, Henan, and Shaanxi provinces was already suffering from disasters, with refugees everywhere.

The white lotus raised its pole and waved its arms, and an unknown number of people gathered there.

The military aircraft took response measures after an hour.

In 2000, the Heilongjiang cavalry broke out of camp and turned southwest, destined for Xiangyang Prefecture, preparing to suppress the White Lotus cult bandits.

800 Sauron soldiers were resting and waiting in Xuzhou Mansion.


Li Yu was shocked because Wang Shenxian suddenly came to his door and quietly told him about the Heilongjiang cavalry going south.

"real or fake?"

"Your Majesty and I sent someone to send a letter to remind me. Can it be false?"

"What about the letter?"

"Burn after reading."

Li Yu nodded, basically convinced.

Qianlong, an old scumbag with deep thoughts, actually played this trick.

If He Shen hadn't leaked the news, and the Jingxiang White Lotus Sect had launched an uprising in time.

He wouldn't even know it before the Heilongjiang cavalry crossed the river.

"Official, this is a top secret of the imperial court. I only told you one person, you can't tell anyone else."

"Don't worry, I know the rules best."

Wang Shenxian smiled, Li Yu's reputation in this regard was indeed good.

"By the way, how is the jade business going?"

"What a coincidence, the jade from Lao Mian has just arrived. I'll show you."

In an open space in Lijiabao, uncut jade stones are piled high.

Wang Shenxian knelt down and picked up a piece:
"That's it? It just looks like a rock."

"Hey, if you cut it open, it's jade."


Li Yu waved, and a guard took away a few pieces of jade and went to cut them.

"I've been a little busy lately. This jade business is very important. After deducting the operating costs, let's do it [-]-[-]. How about it?"

"That's good. But I'm afraid those grandsons won't be fooled."

"It's impossible, just don't worry."

"Since the official said this, I must rest assured. I will have someone send me a banknote tomorrow."


While talking, the guard came over holding the cut stone.

Wang Shenxian looked at the cut surface and frowned:

"Master, this piece is emerald and green in section, very good, high-quality jadeite. This piece is white, so it's not bad. But this piece is just a broken stone."

Li Yu smiled and led him into a room.

Open the box and you will find all the cut Burmese jade.

"Burmese jade, the best one is jadeite. The second one is water foam jade, which is subdivided into waxy, ice, and glass types with different transparency. Tree-turned jade is also good, and it looks like jadeite at first glance."

"Let's spread the goods first, stir up the market, and heat it up. Then we can get rid of the pile of stones in the yard."

"How to set the price?"

"It's naturally more expensive. It's twice the price in the capital. Let's sell it first."

"Will there be someone who is taken advantage of?"

"Don't slander your customers like this. You are taking advantage of them. They are obviously smart investors."

Li Yu couldn't help but laugh, mainly because he couldn't help it.

When I thought about being able to trick the wealthy businessmen and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, I couldn't help laughing.

He will not come forward in this business.

Wang Shenxian came forward, and his divine power was just right.

He has connections, connections, credibility, and is simply the perfect agent.

"Brother Wang, these are the land deeds for 6 stores. If you encounter any trouble, please feel free to ask me."

"Okay, but I still have a doubt."


"The quantity of goods in the yard and house is limited. What should I do if they are sold out?"

“Circular economy, have you heard of it?”


"If you listen, this is the most popular business model in Europe now. It is very advanced and scientific."

After muttering for a long time, Wang Shenxian couldn't help but nodded.

The corners of his mouth were grinning to his ears, and his eyes were shining.

"I understand, sir, don't worry."

Wang Shenxian left happily, and he took out most of his net worth, 5 taels.

Li Yu invested 5 taels of shares in the shop based on his goods foundation.

To explain it in layman's terms, Li Yu only contributes capital. As a shareholder, he gets dividends and does not interfere in the operation.

Wang Shenxian is the general manager and shareholder.

For Li Yu, this is the best option. He only takes money and does not distract his energy.


Although silver is fragrant, it is not worth mentioning in the face of the great cause of rebellion.

All energy must be devoted to dealing with the current chaos.

The plan is rigorous and has too many variables, so it is often a matter of trial and error and cannot be rigid.

"Father, the carrier pigeon has sent a message back again."

This is the latest situation of the third carrier pigeon sent by Liu Qian and sent back to Hubei.

After the White Lotus Sect occupied Yunyang Fucheng, they sent troops to capture the three counties of Yunxi, Zhushan and Baokang.

But he suffered a bloody blow in Zhuxi County.The magistrate of Zhuxi County was a ruthless man. He integrated the gentry and common people in the county and conducted a well-organized defensive battle.

The White Lotus Rebel Army, which lacked the combat experience of the regular army, attacked three times and could only return in despair.

Retreat 10 miles to camp and wait for further instructions from the leader.

After Hong Dachang heard the news, he did not have any fluctuations. He was waiting for the grain from Hanyang Mansion.

Along the way, take the Han River.

The journey is not short, more than 500 miles of twists and turns.

Moreover, it is going up the river at a slow speed.

This batch of grain is crucial. He will not take any action until the grain arrives at Yunyang Mansion.

The city of Wuchang and the whole city of Jingzhou were all built on this batch of grain.

If the plan to seize food fails, he will immediately lead the core believers to destroy the Yunyang Mansion.

Then he got into Shennongjia and remained anonymous for 50 years.

Just like the previous leaders of Bailian, most of them are unknown and have lived their entire lives as obedient people.

Just do one thing, accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity.

When the dynasty is on the rise, never cause trouble.

At the end of the dynasty, go down the mountain and cause trouble!

Probably Maitreya Buddha really appeared.

Hundreds of canal boats stretching for more than ten miles from end to end, with no end visible at a glance, passed Xiangyang Prefecture safely and soundly.

For some unknown reason, the prefect of Xiangyang did not send anyone to intercept him.

In fact, the Xiangyang Navy's combat effectiveness is not bad.

As long as warships are dispatched to intercept the grain fleet on the Han River, the harvest will be considerable.

At least half of the food can be intercepted or burned.

The White Lotus cultists who escorted the food were extremely nervous and even prepared to desperately hold back the Qing army.

They knew very well the importance of this trip of food.

Even if everyone dies, as long as they keep this batch of food, it is a victory.

The towering and solid Xiangyang City Wall is lined with Qing soldiers.

The cannons didn't even fire a few times, and they just watched the fleet leave.

The prefect of Xiangyang even said shamelessly:

"The White Lotus cultists are like ants crossing the border, more than a hundred thousand of them. They have food to eat, so they won't fight tooth and nail. If the food is bombarded, they have no choice but to attack the city with all their strength, because there is food in the city."

"It won't be too late to wait for the imperial army to arrive and then proceed to suppress them in a serious manner."


When Chen Huizu, the governor of Huguang, heard about it, he was furious.

Without even asking the court for instructions, he ordered the prefect of Xiangyang to be beheaded on the spot as a warning to others.

A full 50 shi of grain was transported to Yunyang Mansion with almost no loss.

"Master, there is food."

A believer rushed into the house with tears streaming down his face.

Hong Dachang let go of Yunyang Ermei in his hand and coughed:
"But the brothers who robbed Hanyang Mansion of grain are back?"

"Yes, the fleet is as far as the eye can see. The brothers have gone out of the city to help."

People outside the city cheered, one wave after another.

Hong Dachang stood up slowly:
"It's all in my plan. Let's go out of the city and have a look."

Fucheng is adjacent to the Han River, and countless people are cheering crazily, with tears in their eyes.

Only those who have experienced famine can understand this joy from the heart.

Seeing the arrival of the leader wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and a golden crown, the cheers became even more enthusiastic.

Hong Dachang waved his hands frequently and nodded.

This is how the human heart comes to be.

"Heaven is unfair, Maitreya came to the world. I, the leader, shoulder the destiny, and all the brothers will help me to overthrow the evil Qing court and establish the Holy Kingdom. From now on, everyone will have fields to farm and food to eat. Are you willing?"

"Yes, yes."

Under the guidance of caring people, calls for long live soon emerged.

The sporadic cheers of long live soon became one.

By the Han River, tens of thousands of people roared crazily: "Long live, long live, long live!"


Master Hong ushered in the most glorious moment of his forty years of life.

After the crowd calmed down again, he waved his hand:
"Tonight, we will reward the three armies with wine, meat and rice."

Hundreds of bonfires were lit outside the city, and all the cauldrons in the city were gathered here.

Kill pigs and sheep, and cook white rice.

The fragrant white rice is like a delicacy in the world to the people who are suffering from hunger.

One bowl for young adults and half a bowl for old, weak, women and children.

Anyone who eats White Lotus food is considered to have joined the White Lotus Sect.

A temporary camp was organized, with 50 people per tent (actually multiple tents put together).

Appoint an old believer to manage it, and the official position is the account keeper.

New believers need to be familiar with the White Lotus teachings, understand the brilliance of the White Lotus, and worship from the bottom of their hearts the sage, wise, mighty and omniscient Hong Cult Master.

You can't pass the test by perfunctory, there are assessments every day.

The keeper of the account asked questions, and the new believers recited them aloud.

If you can't recite it, you will have to stop having dinner once. If you can't recite it three times, you will be expelled from the sect.

There is no food outside, and eviction means death.

Therefore, everyone cherishes the opportunity.


Ten days later, these people were sent to the mountains to cut wood and cut spear shafts.

There will be iron spearheads issued on it, which are slender and sharp.

If you can, get some red tassel by yourself, if not, just keep it as it is.

The account holders are all generalists and understand both cultural education and military education.

Military training is to stand in three rows in one tent and then move forward.

When marching, the spear was carried on the shoulder.

When you hear the command "Leave the spears flat", do so. The first row of spearheads is at an angle of 10 degrees.

The second row is slightly taller and the third row is even taller.

In the abandoned wasteland outside the city, the sound of killings is loud every day.

The most commonly heard words are “forward” and “stop”.

Hong Dachang stood under the city gate building and watched the training progress carefully.

The captured telescope is said to be the only one in Yunyang Mansion.

He held up the telescope and kept chanting:

"Blue flag, the group on the left, penalty."

"Purple flag, reward for the group heading east."

The believer next to him quickly took note of it, and then went to the side to make a semaphore.

Standing at the crenel, holding a small flag high.

The supervising team under the city saw it and immediately rode on horseback to carry out the leader's will.

As a reward, the tent owner gets a meal of wine and meat, and the rest of the believers share a large bowl of meat and vegetables.

As a punishment, everyone should stop eating.

If you are punished multiple times, you should be careful about your life.

A new group of people are trained outside the city every day for the leader to review.

Rewards and punishments are clear and simple, suitable for illiterate people.

The speed at which the army formed was surprisingly high.



An orange cat raised its little head.

In its mouth, there was a piece of meat, roasted pork.

"Xiaoju, where did you steal the meat?"

Naturally, the cat called Xiaotanger couldn't answer.

He put down the meat in his mouth and pushed it forward with his paws.

The young man picked up the meat and swallowed it in two mouthfuls.

The strong feeling of happiness made him cry.

The orange cat jumped into his arms gently and closed his eyes comfortably.

This young man's name is Chun Shou.

The family lives outside the city of Yunyang, and her sister Chuntao works as a maid in the house of a rice shop owner in Fucheng, taking care of her pregnant concubine.

After Bai Lian's uprising, the village completely lost order.

My father and mother were killed one after another. I don’t know whether the murderer was a deserter or a bandit. It doesn’t matter anymore.

He narrowly escaped with his life, and the only valuable thing he had was a short knife given to him by his sister.

A child sneaked into Fucheng without attracting any attention.

He wanted to find his sister, but what he saw was a corpse.

And this cat, while he was crying, walked out from the ruins and rubbed against him.

Just like the fate of the previous life, one person and one cat depended on each other.

Chun Shou suspected that the cat might have been raised by his sister or the owner of her house.

In short, one person and one cat are very close.

Xiao Ju goes out to hunt for food every day and brings back some food, sometimes mice, sometimes sparrows, and occasionally does something disgraceful.

But who cares?

Can the orange cat be called stealing?
Chunshou miraculously managed to survive relying on the cat. He didn't starve to death or get cooked by passers-by.

At night, there was deathly silence outside the dilapidated house.

Xiao Ju in his arms suddenly opened his eyes.

He purred and growled, and when he saw his master sleeping deeply, he bit his finger.


(End of this chapter)

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