Chapter 19
[Readers, if you think this book is well written, please read the latest chapter tonight or tomorrow morning and turn to the last page. This is very important for the author's advancement.There will be another chapter posted tonight around 10 o'clock. 】

The person who came was unexpectedly Fang Baotou from the government office, with a gloomy look on his face.

Followed by two close followers, with royal dharma hanging on their waists, making jingling sounds as they walked.

They were not afraid of the tattooed heroes in this courtyard, so they just barged in.

A follower saw the oxtail knife on the gun and stick holder and immediately held it in his hand.

Send it to Fang Captou as if to flatter him.

"It seems that the report is true."

"What do you want to do with Cunjutang buying so many swords?"

"In the "Laws of the Qing Dynasty", which article prohibits civilians from holding swords?" Li Yu separated from the crowd and said with a smile.

"The "Laws and Regulations of the Qing Dynasty, Military Regulations, Private Possession of Military Weapons That Are Prohibited" stipulates that any civilian private owner's vests, side cards, fire tubes, artillery, flags, trumpets and other weapons that should be prohibited, a staff of eighty, each One level will be added to the case; private crime will be added to the level of private crime, and each crime will stop the stick and flow three thousand miles.

If it is not perfect, don't worry about it. You will be ordered to accept the official position.Bows, arrows, spears, knives, crossbows, harpoons, and harpoons are not prohibited. "

Li Yu finished talking about the laws of this dynasty on swords in one breath, and instantly gained the upper hand.

Fang Captou, whose face was gloomy and uncertain, looked at everyone with worried expressions.

"Captain Fang, please come inside for tea!"

This is to give him a step down, just to extort some money.

Any reports from enthusiastic people are all nonsense.


As usual, Fang Captou would definitely borrow the donkey from Poxia.

Have a chat, have a cup of tea, and then get the money and leave.

After all, Cunjutang is not something ordinary people can manipulate at will.

Silver, knives, patrons, and Cunjutang are all available.

However, today's Fang Baotou is different from the past. He is floating.

He actually raised his oxtail knife and pointed it at Li Yu:

"How dare you talk to me about the laws of the Qing Dynasty, you are a bastard who has no reputation as a scholar?"

"Believe it or not, I will lock you up now and take you back to prison."

"Anyone who dares to lock me will be chopped into pieces. If you're a low-ranking government official, I'll kill him. The worst I can do is ask the weaving master from Suzhou to come forward and give you another thousand taels of silver."

In the courtyard, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Some people showed fear on their faces, some people tightened their grip on the guns and sticks in their hands, and some people gathered around them cursing.

Li Yu kept everyone's reactions in mind.

Those who showed fear gradually became marginalized.

Those who are cursing and cursing around Fang Baotou need to be promoted!

"Do you want to rebel? Dare you attack the officials?" The two followers pretended to be powerful.

However, their legs and feet were a little unruly and were shaking violently.

Just kidding, who wouldn't be afraid of being surrounded by a dozen thugs with weapons?

It's still on someone else's territory.


The door slowly closed.

Lin Huaisheng was truly fearless, and he actually closed the door.

They put on a posture of closing the door and killing the dog.

Captain Fang was also anxious and put down the knife in his hand.

"You are also well-known in the industry, why are you so impulsive?"

"It's not easy to make money these days, so you have to cherish your job."

"If you have something to say, why bother using a knife or a gun?"

Now that Capt. Fang has relented, Li Yu will not continue to be aggressive.

Instantly greeted with a smile:

"The weather is too hot and the anger is strong."

"It's Yuelou tonight, I'll be the host. Come on, everyone, don't save me any money."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Fang Captou was still in shock and wanted to leave this ghost place quickly.

Suzhou Prefecture has always had simple folk customs, and the people are gentle and kind, and do not like to fight.

What's going on recently? The world is declining, and people's hearts are not what they used to be.

If Master Hu heard this, he would definitely correct his concept.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was not called Suzhou, but Kuaiji.

The ancestors of Suzhou were examples of bravery, adeptness in fighting, and fearlessness of death.If they don't agree with each other, they will kill the guy and do it to death.

It's like playing a game, not taking life seriously.

Although he was thin in stature, he was a high-quality soldier at that time.

Later, when there was war in the north, people moved southward with their clothes, bringing wealth.

Later, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty opened the Grand Canal, which allowed people to travel from north to south, and life became extremely easy.

As a result, people in Suzhou became more compassionate and reasonable.

Man, you are cruel even when you are barefoot!
Once you get rich and live a good life, you will respect the gentleman who uses his words but not his actions.

This is the unbreakable truth!

Closer to home.

Fang Captou returned home angrily, thinking about revenge.

It had been a long time since he had been humiliated like this in public, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

He had heard a little about the relationship between Cunjutang and the Master of the Weaving Department, and even about the sworn sworn relationship on the spot.

I could only throw a tea bowl in anger.

"Don't let this happen to me."


A small boat carried Li Yu out of Fucheng.

In the cabin, there is a long, tight wooden box.

Lin Huaisheng was paddling, but he remained silent.

It has become his habit to take a few fried peanuts from the bag and stuff them into his mouth.

Li Yu opened the wooden box, his eyes shining.

Two matchlocks and two flintlock muskets, both [-]% new.

Fucheng's way of doing things is really wild.

The steel seal on one of them has been erased, and the source can still be vaguely guessed. It came from the Capital Firearms Camp.

According to my understanding of the Qing court, this should be the most advanced musket of the Qing army.

Fucheng once said that the Eight Banners' firearms were superior to those of the Green Camp.

Among them, the firearms of the Eight Banners in Beijing are superior to those of the Eight Banners garrisoned in various places.

This is a magical chain distributed in steps, pressed layer by layer to ensure stability.

This is a replica of the Zambarak heavy matchlock gun.

During the attack on Junggar, we suffered a loss and captured a lot.

Therefore, the Qing court copied and equipped its own people. Anyway, there was no intellectual property protection in this era.

Half an hour later, the boat arrived at its destination.

Qingyue Village is a fishing village by the lake.

It is only 1 mile away from Xintangkou, where chickens and dogs can hear each other.


The Xiaowu family, whose arm was injured and disabled during the war with Qingmutang, was in Qingyue Village.

Speaking of the name of this village, I feel helpless.

It used to be called Mingyue Village, but later the literary inquisition became increasingly rampant.

The local official was afraid that something would happen, so he took the initiative to change the name to Qingyue Village.

There are dozens of families in the village, all of whom are extremely poor.

Xiaowu's family has two thatched houses. Some families don't even have a place to stay on the shore and can only live on boats. They are called Dan people.

Li Yu remained silent.

He just ordered Xiao Wu to process the meat he brought and cook a pot of fresh fish soup.

Xiaowu's grandma is a hard-working old man. The vicissitudes of life have left indelible wrinkles on her face. Fortunately, she seems to be in good health.

"Old man, how about you help us cook and wash our clothes and give you 1 tael of silver every month?"

"This, this is too much."

The old woman rubbed her hands together nervously, feeling at a loss.

Xintangkou is far away from Fucheng, and three meals a day have to be cooked.

Unlike before in Changmen, I often buy ready-made food or go out to eat.

Business around Changmen is bustling, with everything from shark's fin banquets for a dozen to ten-cent cornbread.


(End of this chapter)

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