Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 26 The Law of Scumbags

Chapter 26 The Law of Scumbags
"Ayu, I can see that you have no respect for this imperial court. Join us and do a great cause."

"I trust you very much and have been observing you for a long time. You are the first person in Cunju Hall to be actively recruited by me."

Li Yu's back felt chilly and his mouth felt bitter.

My sister-in-law, who was usually a virtuous and virtuous person, was now enveloped in a crazy aura.

Boss Lei didn't know until his death that the person sleeping next to him was actually a devout White Lotus cultist.

"The silt comes from the chaos, and the white lotus appears in the world."

"Ayu, have you heard of the White Lotus Sect?"


Li Yu nodded and decided to be a scumbag for once.

Neither refuse nor agree.

Because he was afraid that if he refused, an ambush would come out and cut him into pieces.

Then he was accused of molesting the widow and occupying his sister-in-law.

He was very afraid of the White Lotus Sect.

A mysterious organization that started forming associations in the Song Dynasty and has always been on the road to rebellion. It will rebel against whoever sits on the throne.

The key is that this thing is so tenacious that it has survived into the 20th century.

The Shandong Qingshui Sect uprising that was suppressed last year was one of the many branches of the White Lotus Sect.

"Sister-in-law, why are you lurking next to Boss Lei?"

"This was an accident. Let's not talk about it now. I'll ask you, are you willing to join?" Raven took another step closer, and her breath almost hit her face.

"What are you doing here?" A suspicious voice sounded.

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the crow for showing up in time.

"We were discussing farming. It's a pity that such fertile land around us has always been left uncultivated."

"Farming? What kind of bird land are you planting? Military advisor, my eldest brother's body is still cold. You can't let him go."

The crow squinted his eyes with distrust on his face.


Li Yu retreated completely and retreated into his room.

The situation is getting more and more chaotic, and there is actually a White Lotus cultist hiding next to him.

Judging from the tone of his words, his level is not low!

Although everyone is rebelling, they have different ways and do not conspire against each other.

One hundred people are unwilling to join the White Lotus Sect's ignorant people's rebellion line. The sect is a double-edged sword. It may be useful in the early stage, but it will cause endless troubles in the mid-term.

What's more, Li Yu didn't want to be controlled by a bunch of guys who were pretending to be gods.

That night, he suffered from insomnia.

Under the pillow was the flint-haired short-handed gun given by Fucheng, which was also specially loaded with gunpowder bullets.

Danger is everywhere, and one wrong step can lead to disaster.

At dawn, he finally made up his mind.

In the early morning, he quietly left the hall with Lin Huaisheng and Fan Jing.

He went straight to the Yuanhe County Government Office.

Some time ago, he heard Fucheng mention it accidentally.

The position of Ding You, the magistrate of Yuanhe County, was vacant, and the court had not appointed a new magistrate for a long time.

The second-in-command and the third-in-command of the county government were fighting fiercely.

"Li Yu of Cunju Hall, please see Mr. Zhang, the county magistrate." As he spoke, he put a small ingot of silver into Menzi's hand.

Menzi, who had a frosty look on his face just now, immediately became filled with spring breeze.

After a while, Li Yu was taken into the back hall of Yuanhe County Government.


A middle-aged man in casual clothes sat on a chair with an expressionless face.

"Cunjutang, I have heard of it. In the past few months, there has been quite a lot of excitement in Fucheng. What do you want from me?"

"Xiaosheng heard from Master Hu that Mr. Zhang has been in some trouble recently and came here to offer advice."

"I can eat and sleep, so why bother?"

"All the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. Mr. Zhang, don't you want to be a Bailihou? Are you willing to be the second brother for the rest of your life?"

Zhang Xian Cheng put away his arrogance and said seriously:

"Tea is served, Mr. Li, please take a seat."

"I am a man of great loyalty. If you can really help me go further..."

Having said this, there is no need to hide it anymore.Li Yu immediately took out his plan:
"There is a group of bandits on the banks of Yangcheng Lake. They kidnapped the son of Vice-Capital Jiangning."

"What did you say?" Zhang Xiancheng was so shocked that he spilled his tea.

"If Mr. Zhang can decisively send troops to kill these bandits and find out the whereabouts of that noble young master."

Zhang Xiancheng waved his hand, signaling for him to calm down.

There was an excited look on his face, and his walking was no longer as calm as before.

If these kidnappers are successfully killed and the nobles are rescued, the rank of seventh-rank county magistrate may be lowered.

A promising career~
"How did you know about it? Why didn't you take the credit yourself instead of giving it to me?"

As expected of an official, his mind quickly calmed down.


Li Yu slowly picked up the tea bowl and took a sip:
"People in the Jianghu naturally have some hidden channels. That group of thieves just committed a murder in Fucheng two days ago, and four people in Cunju Hall were killed."

"As for the credit, I can't take the credit alone. That group of people are very skilled in martial arts and they need the help of officers and soldiers to defeat the law."

Hiss, Zhang Xian Cheng sat down slowly.

"Then why don't you just go and tell the deputy commander and ask him to send troops? As long as your information is accurate, he will praise you, right?"

"I am a figure in the world, and I am an important official of the imperial court. I am afraid that I will give away just a few dozen taels of silver. Besides, the generals of the Eight Banners kill without blinking an eye. If there is any mistake, will they kill me with a knife?"

Li Yu saw that he was already a little moved, and continued to add fuel to the fire:

"My lord, it's different for you. You are an official. First, kill the thief, rescue your young master, and then retaliate to the top."

Hiss, Zhang Xian Cheng took a deep breath.

"Then Mr. Futai also knows about this credit, and the imperial court may also know about it."

"Master is wise."

Li Yu said no more and just sat and sipped tea slowly.

The bait has been thrown out, it depends on whether Zhang Xiancheng can bite the hook.


"I will transfer the third team of yamen officers to go with you to get people."

"Wait a minute."

"what happened again?"

"There are more than 20 thieves, and each of them has a knife, a gun, and even a firecracker. I'm afraid that just three squads of government officials won't be able to catch such a ruthless bandit."

"Then what do you say?"

"Isn't there a group of green soldiers stationed by the Jinji Lake ten miles east of the city? Please ask them to help."

"The green battalion soldiers are not under the jurisdiction of the county government. I can't command those Qiu Ba gang." Zhang Xian Cheng's nose was crooked in anger.

"Half of the credit will be shared with them." Li Yu threw out his final trump card.

"I have finally surrendered today. Mr. Li is working in the business. He really shows his talent."

"I ask the county magistrate to give you more praise in the future."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

The Prime Minister of Zhang County smiled happily and was in a very beautiful mood.

He is from Tongren Prefecture in Guizhou Province, and was born in the top three in the imperial examination. From Gansu to Anhui, and then to Jiangsu, he served as county magistrate for three times, and finally got through it.

People who are not in the officialdom cannot understand the obsession with being the leader.

The chief official, commonly known as the top leader, has absolute power over personnel and finance.

If a deputy does not get the support of the top leader, he is just a clay statue of a Bodhisattva with no authority at all.

"We had tea instead of wine and we were done."

Zhang Xiancheng was very interested and immediately started shaking people.

He sent a close family member to send an invitation to the commander-in-chief of the Flood Green Battalion stationed by the lake in the east of the city, inviting him to come to the city for a drink tonight.

He also sent people to various villages to gather strong archers from the people.

In the name of assisting in suppressing bandits, inviting Green Camp soldiers to assist in suppressing bandits is a reasonable and legal procedure.


Li Yu's advice cannot be said to be flawless.

Of course Zhang Xiancheng, who has been in high and low officialdom for more than ten years, can see it.

However, he knows better that if you become an official step by step, you will never be able to become a county magistrate.

This risk is worth taking.

Even if he fails, it's no big deal, he will still be the county magistrate.

(End of this chapter)

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