Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 28 Sir, I’ll keep it a secret for you

Chapter 28 Sir, I’ll keep it a secret for you
After all, the civil servants of the county government were not soldiers of the government, and they stood in a crooked formation.

It took a full hour to arrive at the pre-arranged location.

Mr. Hu Ba had already arrived with his brothers.

The two armies join forces victoriously!

Zhang Xiancheng dismounted excitedly and flirted with Lao Hu.

Li Yu was riding on a horse, and he despised it a hundred times in his heart. The novices were pecking each other!
However, he suddenly remembered that Cunjutang couldn't beat such a novice.

We need to work harder on the road to rebellion.

Although the Golden Rooster Flood Soldiers were only one-third as many as the county government officials, their momentum was clearly overwhelming.

Uniform military uniforms, a water goose feather sword, and a matchlock gun on the shoulder.

Zhang Xian Cheng was so excited that he finally understood how wise Li Yu's suggestion was.

What a qualified cannon fodder!


In today's battle to seize credit and suppress bandits, if these teammates didn't rush in front to take the damage, I'm afraid it would be a mess.

"Two adults, soldiers are valuable and quick, let's march quickly." Li Yu couldn't help but urge.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Xiancheng also responded. The night was long and the dream was heavy.

It took another hour, and I also ate something to fill my stomach on the way.

Finally arrived at the destination, the south bank of Yangcheng Lake.

It was less than two miles away from the house where everyone in Aoki Hall was hiding.

Zhang Xian Cheng was a little nervous and his hands were shaking, so he hid them in his sleeves and tried to calm down.

He sat upright on the horse and glanced at Mr. Hu from the corner of his eye.

Lao Hu looked calm, coiled his braid around his neck, and tucked the hem of his official robe into his belt.

He slowly took out the bow string, pressed the tip of the bow and bent it, then it was ready.

Hiss, he is indeed a veteran who has participated in the Pingxia Jinchuan. He is different after seeing blood.

Look at the armed force you brought.

Some of the people's faces turned pale, some had sweat on their foreheads, and a few always looked back.

Li Yu suddenly whispered:

"My lords, I have a plan."


After a stick of incense.

The formation was finally set up, and it took a lot of effort from Mr. Hu.

At the front is a row of seven musketeers, all green soldiers, and there is a gun in Lao Hu's hand.

Followed by more than 20 archers, mainly civilians, commanded by a green camp veteran.

Finally, there were the officers holding spears, swords and shields, arranged in two rows.

Li Yu's strategy is to maintain the formation and advance slowly.

No matter how the enemy attacks us, we will remain unchanged in response to all changes.

Mr. Hu Bao strongly agreed. Judging from his military experience, it was very consistent with the military conditions of the Qing Dynasty.

Zhang Xiancheng had doubts at first, but swallowed it down.

He just promised that those who participated in the battle today would be rewarded with one tael, and if they beheaded their first level, they would be rewarded with another [-] taels of silver.

The formation slowly moved forward.

Fortunately, the ground here is flat, otherwise it would be difficult to just maintain the formation and walk two miles.

No one said anything along the way, otherwise not only would they not get any money when they got back, but they would also be hit with 20 blows.

600 meters, 500 meters, 300 meters.

Finally, the silence was broken.

A thug from Aokido who was accustomed to squatting and eating came out to find the ground with a bowl in hand. He noticed the dark crowd approaching.

Cang, the bowl of the sea falls to the ground.

"The officers and soldiers are here, copycats."

After the tables and chairs fell to the ground in the hut, his accomplices came out with swords and guns.


Mr. Hu Ba walked between the first and second rows, also holding a matchlock gun.

He could tell from the reaction speed of this group of people that they were former soldiers.

But now that things have come to an end, I don’t care about where they came from, so I will destroy them first.

Anyone without official clothes is a thief!

"Brothers, hold still. Keep moving forward."

The seven musketeers in the first row slowly moved forward with their loaded matchlocks.

The match rope was burning, glowing with a faint red light.

The enemy on the opposite side actually knew how to bend down and approach.

Several people returned to the hut, took out the pot lids, and held their bamboo hats in front of them.

This approach made Mr. Hu even more convinced that this group of thieves came from the military and were elite.

His judgment was correct. The Shaanxi-Gansu Green Camp was not only good at cavalry, but was also familiar with firearms. "Stop, listen to my order and then shoot."

Boss Hu shouted loudly to prevent his men from firing blindly.

The matchlock gun only has one chance to fire at close range, and then it is a matter of throwing the gun and drawing a knife.

This is how the Qing army fought.


The archers in the second row performed much worse.

The bows and arrows were set in a mess, and two people's arrows even fell to the ground.

Li Yu was still riding on the horse, nervously watching the movement in front of the formation.

He was very pleased and asked the officers and soldiers to pull out the donkey's prong.

What is even more gratifying is that there are always rare things to live in!
He has fought in the war, has a low official position, is simple-minded, and is poor!
"Raise it high and shoot the arrow." A green camp soldier yelled.

Scattered, more than 20 feather arrows soared into the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Projectile, kill by probability.

This is helpless, because the level of these archers can only go so far.

Shooting the bow and arrow straight and killing the enemy accurately at close range is something only elites can do.

Without good physical fitness and more than five years of archery training, such elite archers cannot be cultivated.

Only one enemy fell.

The feather arrow was stuck in his shoulder, temporarily losing his fighting ability.

"Quickly, release it again. Don't stop."

Some 20 archers began to shoot arrows freely.

Ignoring him, he took out a reed feather arrow from the quiver, put it on the bowstring at an angle of 27 degrees, and shot it toward the sky.

Believe in archery!
If the black uncles saw it, they would definitely paw in praise.


However, being able to kill the opponent is a good way to fight.

Although the people of Aoki Hall are tough, they do not have long-range weapons.

Their boss took two people to borrow muskets, but they haven't returned yet.

The remaining people all had melee weapons such as swords, spears and whips, and the only short crossbow they had was taken away by the boss.

Several rounds of chaotic arrow rain, nearly a hundred arrows were shot.

Achieved a good result of five people hitting the arrow!
Zhang Xian Cheng's face turned from white to red, and he was filled with pride:

"The sword on his waist still smells like it, killing millions of soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River."

Li Yu heard it on the side and felt the need to pinch him, so he whispered:

"Sir, this is an anti-poetry from the previous dynasty."

"Don't worry, sir, I'll keep it a secret for you."

Zhang Xiancheng was stunned for a moment, and then he looked around with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, no one heard him.

"Ahem, I got carried away. In the future..."

Bang, bang, a dull volley of musketry interrupted the conversation.

The performance of the Seven Musketeers was quite satisfactory, although they only achieved three hits.

"Brothers, draw your sword and get in."

The green camp soldiers held up their wild goose feather knives and rushed forward with shouts.

Zhang Xian Cheng also seized the opportunity and strictly ordered the spearmen and sword and shield men in the third row to come forward.

There is no sense of beauty at all, they just chop each other with ferocious expressions.

Screaming blood, screaming, howling.


Li Yu also saw the cruelty of cold weapon warfare.

It all depends on the soldier's courage and personal martial arts.

The formation was long gone, and there was a melee of nearly a hundred people.

And he was surprised to find that Mr. Hu was also an old man.

He held an unfired matchlock gun and stood watching indifferently.

Until a guy with a face full of blood rushed over, shouting "Guan Guan, I'm your ancestor".

He fired a shot without haste.

The guy who was shot instantly flew backwards and lay flat.

Mr. Hu Bao then threw away his matchlock gun, drew his sword and joined in the melee.

Li Yu said:
"Congratulations, sir, for deploying troops with thunderous force to suppress the bandits. Because the thieves were so fierce, we also invited Jinshan Xun to help in the battle, and finally annihilated this group of bandits in one fell swoop."

"One cleared the place, and the other accidentally rescued the kidnapped Meat Piao, the son of Jiang Ning's deputy governor."

After hearing these words, Zhang Xiancheng burst out laughing:
"It's a pity that my daughter got married last year. Otherwise, I really wanted to recruit your son as my son-in-law and make a great success in the officialdom."

Li Yu felt no gratitude in his heart. He had reason to suspect that Zhang Xiancheng was cheating on himself because he read the anti-poetry.

(End of this chapter)

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